
Nation's Unemployment Rate Is Of Secondary Importance to U.S. Politicians and Corporatists

Federal economic policy presently is to serve the corporate world and concentration of wealth. Both major political parties have signed off on tax cut extensions for the wealthy. Each party supports free trade agreements that allows global corporations to export their products here freely. The corporate world and its profits are of primary concern to the wealthy and for their sycophantic employees. Corporate relocates labor globally in contracts and sub-contractual relationships. Neither the federal government and nits Harvard elites nor the Corporate elites are much concerned about keeping full employment in the United States nor driving up the value of labor in the United States.

So the nation's unemployed are in effect 'Waiting for Godot' like Samuel Beckett's character's Vladimir and Estragon for jobs that just might not appear. There is a surplus of unskilled labor in the world today and nationalism is not on the Congressional agenda. Employers are still outsourcing and consolidating increasing productivity and profits but no employment. There are lots of Japanese and multi-national factories in Mexico near the border taking advantage of NAFTA. To really increase employment in the U.S.A. economic reform to support national interest would need to occur and that isn't likely soon.

The Mexican border allows millions of illegal cheap workers to undermine the value of unskilled labor in the U.S.A. and in the construction industry, and Americans are becoming corporate sycophants rather than supporters of Democracy. The Obama-Falin-Romney style candidates are just yes-persons for global corporatism. That is not good for the world environment, for the prospects of unskilled and unemployed Americans.or much else for those on the wrong side of the great corporate divide in the U.S.A.

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