An opportunity to read a book named ‘The Shape of Inner Space’ the interesting topic of minimal surfaces of aboriginal cosmological structures has presented. For readers who are not mathematicians yet cultivate an interest in philosophy and cosmology (including myself) the book is a worthwhile journey through theoretical mathematical constructions of geometric analytical underpinnings of string and M-Theory dedevelopments of recent years.
As I have progressed through this book co-authored by a winner of the Fields Medal I have annotated my reflections on the primeval universe at Time=0. The annotated ideas are not conformal to the explanatory cosmological ‘metric’ presented in ‘The Shape of Inner Space’ because of my comparatively non-technical thought on the topic of technical shapes of constructions of space-time.
The beginning of the Universe is one of the essential topics of inquiry in which humanity has invested time for speculative philosophical effort. What would humanity be besides inchoate or somnambulant lumps of dough without wonder of the nature of things and from whence they arise?
The religious approach and faith in divine revelation has coincided with that of intuitive judgment and investigation comprised largely of reasoning from analogy of experience of the real world. With such analogy the flow of a river becomes an example of the flow of a universe from a distant, unknown field cycles of biosphere growth become kalpas of a cyclical universe or recurrent strings floating on multi-dimensional space-time membranes.
The headwaters of the Nile were discovered by reports given to Stanley of glaciers on the African equator upon high mountains. A WMAP three degree background temperature survey portrayed the energy distribution of the Universe as it appeared about 300,000 years after T=0.
Speculations regarding the flow of the universe from a big bang or its inflation from a geometric singularity have arisen with increasing technical sophistication construction models based in scientific insights from experience.
Christians and Jews look toward the scientific procedures for cosmology with interest too. The manner in which God issued the Universe from His Word may perhaps be technically represented through physical cosmology. We do not expect science to create a comprehensive model of the beginning of the Universe beyond a certain point because the Universe is a contingent and limited temporal phenomenon-even science has limits to information acquisition theoretically such as is expressed in formula like Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness theorem.
The field of differential geometric analysis has developed mathematical constructions modeling forms and surfaces, minimal surface areas and shapes of topology and relations in curved space. Einstein’s general theory of relativity presented space-time itself as an integral four dimensional surface for gravitational phenomena. Yau’s mathematical work investigation what would be known as Calibi-Yau space built on investigations of the geometry of theoretical forms or constructions in multi-dimensional space. One wonders of the geometry of the Universe as a space-time field originating reasonably enough in a singularity.
Continuing philosophical inquires into the origin of the Universe from the issuance by the word of God we may review the neo-Platonic illustrations by the 2nd century philosopher Plotinus as well as a classical scientific cosmological avenue. The positive mass conjecture states that any isolated physical system must have positive mass or energy. That may seem post hoc obvious; negative energy or negative mass does not exist. A negative Universe could not exist, or could it?
Anti-matter is said to be a reverse mirror image of matter and its spin vector values. If matter is constructed of strings or loops-minor geometric shapes packed into power magnitude protocols at the beginning of the Universe we still would expect anti-matter to be reverse mirror image approximation pairs of mass string, loops or membranes. It is speculated that because of CP invariance at the beginning of the Universe a very slight preponderance of positive mass emerged from the initial issuance of matter and anti-matter simultaneously. Perhaps 99% of the original matter and anti-matter issued recombined destructively emitting the heat energy that today has cooled to being the 3 degree Kelvin background microwave temperature of the Universe. The positive mass of the Universe (it is considered by some as an isolated system) expanded its initial space-time singularity condition from t equals zero to a much larger size in a fraction of second. We wonder if the initial geometry of space-time as a minimal surface area singularity that was hypothetically a balanced neutral field of no space-time extent ever had a potential for negative energy?
From T=0 the singularity given an initial surplus of anti-matter over matter might have created a universe with a different spin vector value or a reverse mirror image yet basically the same as this existing universe perhaps. That universe might have been a convex expansion in the opposite direction than this universe if it is regarded as a bubble that expands. The concept of a concave universe expanding with negative energy from a singularity is more difficult to imagine-possibly that idea isn’t feasible at all, and just an anti-matter universe is possible.
A singularity at T=0 may be a matter of perspective. A singular compact point with all potential matter and anti-matter equally balanced originated somewhere, the question is where?
Filling out the dimensions, mass and energy of this Universe may comprise a limited temporal issue from an omnipotent, non-contingent field we may think of as God.
If the energy of an isolated system tend to reach its lowest level and perhaps remain there unless of course it might act upon space-time itself transforming the context of realty-then we have an additional reason to wonder about the singularity at the beginning of the space-time of the Universe; given an unknown yet we might stipulate an ample period of time wouldn’t it be more probable that a lowest possible energy state rather than that of a highest energy state existed at T=0?
The positive energy conjecture implies that the energy of the Universe is greater than zero without the potential to become less than zero. Physicists seem to regard the space-time of a Universe with energy in the negative realm as unstable. I am not at all certain of what is meant by unstable space-time. Perhaps it means that space-time could wrap up locally to form singularities, although it may be edit something besides black holes or wrapped up regions of space-time reduced to singularities occur within a regime of negative energy.
The initial boundary conditions of the Universe at T=0 on the positive matter based potential side and on an opposite negative-energy based side is difficult to contemplate within the criteria of a minimal surface area. One might regard the necessity that any singularity inevitably issue positive energy as improbable grace. It seems that energy that inevitably emerges preponderantly in the overall Universal system would be very providential.
A minimal surface area of a singularity boundary opposing negative and positive energy might be like the inside and outside of a bubble potentially able to expand equally in either direction. As has been postulated the minimal energy state of a negative universe might comprise the highest potential energy state of a positive energy singularity. It is commonly preferred that the perfectly balanced minimal surface area of a positive matter universe before inflation may coincide with the cycling lowest energy state and maximum expansion of a negative universe. That sort of theorizing may depend upon which of the two sorts of meaning of negative energy one prefers to use.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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