
Mandarin Duck Congress Readies to Kiss Butt and Expire (Sine Die) with Corporate Globalist Tax Cuts

Extended tax cuts and another year and a month for unemployment insurance (not much confidence in job creation there) and put it on the Chinese charge card of public debt. Besides being controled by foreign governbments increasingly the congress also has set the economy to be controlled by the Saudis (the major funding of terrorism according to State Department cables); anytime the Saudis like they can let terrorists destroy an oil infrastructure, cut off oil suppling and triple the price of oil allowing the U.S. economy to collapse while Saudis earn more for less production.

http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/12/07/tax.deal/?hpt=C1 The President defends the tax cut extensions. He seems not to realize that tax rebates for the middle class are possible next session nor that Republicans could not oppose middle class tax rebates.

Illegal aliens are another national job feedback control mechanism. As soon as the unemployment rate drop millions of illegal aliens surge in decreasing wages and driving up the unemployment rate. President Obama and other government lawyers with economic sludge for brains throw the nation's sovereignty under the bus as Republican adults become stern with them. Democrats apparently have no confidence in their own economic ideas for reform.

President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are lobbying Congress to lay down and give tax cuts to billionaires and millionaires. These people earn more in a day than the poor earn in a lifetime. Their effect on destroying democracy and replacing it with global corporatism is nearly complete. Poor Americans have a future as lint since millionaires replacing economic activism with homosexual agitation ruled the Democrat party.

A democratic party President is urging the Democratic Majority in the House and Senate to sign off on a two year extension of the Bush tax cuts as its final substantive legislative act before scurrying back to their holes as a defeated lame duck gaggle of underachievers. Democratic Party repudiation of their major two planks-ending the war in Afghanistan and the Bush era tax cuts is a legacy likely to doom their credibility for some time; even with a complete majority government Democratic party political ineptitude would reduce their effectiveness to bent efforts to gay the military and graft a corporatist health care monstrosity unto the global corporate beast.

One may better ponder the evolving role of morality and philosophical-neurological researches at Harvard and Stanford with PFC-pre frontal cortex abstract reasoning of moral dilemmas than the national political false consciousness of economic policy that has become the perennial Lucy-Charlie Brown conundrum of failing to kick the football of balanced budget through the uprights.

Emotion occupies a priority spot in select contemporary research into morality. As the brain recognizes immediate threats, or good or bad things to eat, emotions such as fear or disgust appear before abstract cogitation and neural processing.

Emotion may recognize immediate threats before reasoning. Yet emotion like reasoning can be mistaken about the nature of phenomenal appearances; reasoning may make more complex moral evaluations than emotions. In political economic processing concerns of immediate continuity of wealth and power may override rational engineering allocations of national resources.

Emotion at a political-social level may make it all right for a political party to veto good sense. The consequence of failing to think with the PFC rather than emotion can be hazardous to long-range national prosperity.

The Democratic majority is set to sign off on pervasive low taxes for two years although U.S. history shows that such low taxes last led to the 1929-30 stock market crash. When tax rates were higher than today the nation generally was more prosperous and the standard o living of the poor and middle lass increased while the rich-the rich are always with us, had less distance between themselves and the majority. The Eisenhower years were good years.

The political false consciousness of procrastination on budget balancing and ecological economic reform will probably lead to the end of the government of the U.S.A. eventually. As in the end of the Roman republic and empire the rich became to global, greedy and universal providing unemployment (bread and circuses) to the masses while investing in foreign lands. They also flooded their military with foreign ‘guest soldiers’.

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