
Tax Cuts for the New World Order

Economist Larry Summers-President Obama's double dip adviser (he advised the other lawyer-President Bill Clinton too), has enfiladed himself as a puppeteer of the President by suggesting that a double dip recession will follow failure to give tax cut extensions to the rich. President Obama may be more concerned about getting tax cuts for Oprah,or he could be like the corrupt steward that gave price breaks on everything debtors owed to his master (the people in our case) because he knew he was being fired (not re-elected) and wanted friends with money for when he would be out of office.

chart credit-U.S. Treasury

Malenkovitch cycles or Kondratieff waves make little difference to those of us that are not economists; we must follow common historical precedence to discern that the rich already paying historically low taxes are building up capital and network infrastructure for their enfeofment as royals in a new world order. We look at the history of the United States and believe that a failure to raise taxes during a recession and protracted war will create an economic crash ahead rather than economic growth.

The United States is a kind of wild child that is a little bit nationally obsessive-compulsive in its political attention. Without some foe to be 'them' the nation and market investors tend to spin off into the wild and crazy schemes leading to crashes such as in 1929-30.

Following the first world war the nations grew and entered the roaring 20's-akin to the 90's following the end of the cold war. Flimsy investment schemes and swingy raving arrogant ignorance abounded, then came 9-11 and a protracted 'new cold war' to replace the other one than ended in 1989.

Except for the 1930s the United States was in a protracted war until 1990. With peace the unyoked nation immediately dove into the construction of a new world order and existential financial growth globally that under the Clinton construction advice of Larry Summers outsourced industry and investments abroad, flooded the U.S.A. with illegal alien construction workers and doomed the U.S.A. to a future economic crash. Larry Summers is back double dipping with President Obama pulling his chain to enrich the Harvard crowd that created the President in an affirmative action yes-man cloning tank.

Until 1981 the lowest tax rate the rich had was 70% during the 20th century. The nation never had much public debt and the standard of living continuously improved. Though the Regan tax cuts as a one-time phenomena were able to help lift the U.S.A. past Soviet economic competition with good timing as the Soviet Army was mired with Afghanistan issues, it was a non-sustainable economic policy except as it would concentrate wealth and create vast U.S. public debt reversing the rational long term national economic progress.


There comes a time when brainwashing and inertia make political changes seem unthinkable or even treason. Such thought has grown around low taxes for the rich. Even the middle class in former generations has shouldered the nation's economic burden with tax increases to keep the ship of state afloat. Aristotle wrote that democracy collapses into tyranny because the people do not care enough to keep it alive, and such a circumstance seems to have befallen the Congress. Just letting the tax cuts expire would be the right thing to do though the economic leverage of the rich might raise unemployment and require a showdown between them and us. A quick draw is better than a late, half-hearted minimal compliance on self-defense issues.

The interest on the national public debt is nearly as large a portion of the federal budget as the inflated military budget. For Congress to extend unusually low tax cuts not only allows the top 1% to control most of the nation's economy and directly own about 15 or 20%, it also immediately deepens the U.S. debt that was already scheduled to be 19.6 trillion dollars in four more years.

The effects of the crisis level public debt will be to cut social service spending. Welfare spending is presently just 15% of the federal budget. The Democratic Party by keeping the tax on the rich low will sign away the nation's future to rule by the rich with fewer democratic investments in the majority.

In an ideal corporatist state democracy is effectively dead. Tax rates for the rich are low and the rich control virtually all business through networks and inter-corporation shareholding; no independent business efforts are allowed and society stagnates.

The working class will effectively become disempowered and the broadcast media will be owned by the rich to propagandize and intimidate dissident opinion. Politicians will have little option to raise taxes on the rich as they will be entirely controlled by the corporatist state. Individual opinion will be stifled when the corporatist state control the opportunity to work. Illegal alien workers will be imported to keep down the value of all non-corporate controlled improvisational independent work opportunities

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