
Alaska News of HAARP, Weather/ Mind Control, Boundary Petitions & U.S. Senate Campaign

The U.S. Senate seat up for grabs in the 2016 Alaska election currently held by Mark Begich-a Democrat, got a new candidate today-Alaska's Republican Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell. Treadwell will join another candidate-Joe Miller (who ran unsuccessfully against party-line-jumping Republican-to-Independent-to-Republican Lisa Murkowsky losing the close election with cross-over Democrats voting for Murkowsky in 2010) in the run against the son of former U.S. Representative Nick Begich who was killed in the K.A.L. 007 shoot-down by a Soviet fighter-jet decades ago over Sakhalin Island.

Begich has a somewhat aloof webpage making it more difficult to send him emails than the Republican congressional delegation. Sen. Begich heated many Anchorage sidewalks when Mayor to melt ice. He also appeared with George Norrie on Coast-to Coast AM to discuss HAARP several times. What the government's hidden program of ethereal transitions was about was the concern. As Senator he hasn't told us if those evil machinations are still sending out possibly bad waves or if tin foil hats are a good enough defense. Maybe HAARP helped spy satellites listen to conversations of extra-terrestrials on Chinese mountaintops. Yek the dreaded possibility remains that Mark sold out to exobiological martinets pulling strings of U.S. political economy from the deep lab at Area 51 and won't disclose the facts he has learned.

http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2005/10/23 HAARP, Weather and Mind Control

The Treadwell vs. Miller Republican primary should be a good one with the incumbent Begich watching from the sidelines (Begich beat the late Sen. Ted Stevens after he was convicted of seven felonies that were eventually thrown out on appeal) will have to guess if the scion of the Treadwell gold mine family or the Yale Law, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks M.A. in Economics, Bronze Star winning man-of-the-people will be his opponent in 2016.

The Treadwell Mine in Juneau was a fascinating turn-of-the-century development that was state-of-the-art in its day with some facilities for workers and their health. Lt. Governor Treadwell still prefers natural resource development, though it's no longer the turn of the 20th century. There will be 11-12 billion people on Earth by 2100 and global warming controls and mass species extermination reversals are not developing at an adequate pace to work. Politicians should be leaders instead of throwers of accelerants on global eco-flames.

Anchorage Mayor Dan 'Body Count' Sullivan has thrown his hat into the race for Lt Governor. Sullivan's record of making life difficult for the poor of Anchorage let residents watch the annual winter body count of homeless people dying of hypothermia increase to as many as 11. Anchorage is a city were realistic effective policy can be far more important to life than traditional and hardened insider political postures.

The Alaska State Supreme Court threw out the political reapportionment process last month directing it be restarted. We will probably all get new voter's I.D. cards if the cookie cutters can decide how to best gerrymander the districts to let foreign corporations scarf down anything valuable

The Juneau-Petersburg borough boundary issue was decided in favor of Petersburg. The natural boundary would have given Petersburg as far north as Kupreanov Island's north end to Cape Fanshaw. Petersburg instead got the equivalent of a position on Juneau's 30-yard line at Holkam Bay.

One wonders if environmental concerns were the reason why? With a far smaller number of people living in Petersburg maybe development of natural resources would be slower than if Juneau got an equal portion of wilderness. Yet the reasoning might be the opposite; Juneau might have more environmentalists than Petersburg making getting easy approvals from the Petersburg borough assembly more attractive to  disposable-ecosphere developers.

Juneau has a highly visible drive-up glacier, the Mendenhall Glacier, that is in fast melting recession because of global warming. The Mendenhall Valley auto culture is a local focal point pollution source for northern greenhouse gas  emission where one can see the direct damage perhaps working against Juneau's credibility as  conservator of vestigial wilderness in S.E.

Mendenhall Glacier

Road building mania drives many including the Governor and Lt. Governor to seek roads to Haines and adverse impact on whale lifestyles not too numerous wolves, marmots and indirectly human life on Earth. The cheap and easy cookie jar of wild environment drives plundering instead of creative economic invention and renewal of habit on Earth. One would hope these geniuses would develop a green ethic for transplanting to make lifeless exo-planets green and Lush before desertification of Earth kills us all.

Image credit State of Alaska

The city-borough of Juneau is correct in appealing the decision to give the area in red to Petersburg. Petersburg's natural range of influence should end at Cape Fanshaw. The area in red should be set aside for non-development so whales and voyageurs might have relief from the maddening crowd in the few decades of eco-health remaining ahead.

Whale jumps at Faragut Bay April 2013

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