
Gender Wage Gap is a Good Democratic Political Trick

President Obama has developed the disparity between average male and female wages to his political advantage. He noted recently that females average only about 70% of male income in the U.S.A. and that change needs to happen. Part of the trouble is in comparing different occupations; should a file clerk get the same pay as a roustabout with 8th grade education, more or less? Is an office worker with a college degree comparable to the hard, dangerous life of the offshore oil patch?

In a perfect world a worker working ten quanta would be paid for ten quanta objectively and impartially. The sex, age, race or perversion of the worker would just not be a factor. Yet U.S. politicians instead develop a zillion laws to make 'corrections' to social inequality that have a cumulative of institutionalizing unfair and irrational economics.

Perhaps the President expects male wages to drop another 30% or females to get 30% raises to create an even field where work contribution is secondary to the personal characteristics of the person's class making a contribution. That is not an ergonomic compensation field.

We know that government work is largely neutered and machines can do the heavy lifting. Everyone has a swell paycheck and benefits in government. With the college degree and the desk, smart phone and tablet government workers twitter equally. Yet government work isn't on a free enterprise foundation and cannot be a model for reform of the private sector through swelling too-big-to-suffer-consequences-for-rash-risk corporations and making them homo-friendly.

President Obama supports legalization of millions of illegal aliens as new cheap American workers. That would help lower male wages to a certain extent following laws of labor supply and demand. Yet wages for men in the non-service worker sector probably won't drop enough to please Mr. Obama and his Harvard economic elite martinets even if new illegal aliens arrive to do the dirty and dangerous or difficult work if the wages drop too low. The primary benefit for the President will be in continuing to drive a wage between female and male Republican voters. More Republicrats may be elected. The nation can go further along its course of decay.

If one writes about economic reform and finds the Republican corporate powers unfair, the Democrats will lend a sympathetic ear. Yet what they mean by reform and what and intelligent soul means are quite different. Democrats mean redistribution of income from Republicans to gender, race and perversion criteria selected constituents while the intelligent soul may mean things like capping the size of government and corporations, transitioning to full-employment and ecological economics, and assuring that even minimum wage provides a descent standard of living. The intelligent soul will be disillusioned.

The gender wage gap exploits male workers as well as females politically. Instead of work being regarded qualitatively and quantitatively objective it's inherently class biased. The U.S. Government, comprised of so many incompetent, and uncreative individuals better-suited to communes or corporations than self-employment pose and posture very well-even with Hollywood Stars and pass laws that are a patchwork of illogic and economic contradictions with unfair compensation to compensate the rich for risk biased toward the poor. How otherwise could Gov. Chris Christie, New Jersey and New York get $60 billion for storm damage and high water? How can the government provide easy sweetheart bailouts to corporations and banks and those that build or buy homes in floodplains? President Obama forced through the Nixon-Romney corporate health care act to create another vast and complex opportunity for pork barrel flummery. Free health care for the poor inn quality expanded V.A. hospitals would have been faster, cheaper and better. That would not have helped the aging immaterial work sector Democrat majority afford $250,000 per year health care to let them live to age two or three hundred if possible. It's questionable that the original intent of F.D.R. was to let workers or foreign workers contribute enough to let the middle class live like the rich in retirement or before.

Effete electron pushing house flippers and the swollen financial service sector making up 30%- of the workforce produce nothing material nor do physical work. The heavy lifting isn't a language activity. The non-dirty, dangerous or heavy lifting workers just want to reallocate a little more profit unto themselves.

Ideally work should be viewed entirely quantified -not considered through the lens of gender, race or perversion paradigmata. If one lifts 100 pounds ten times a day that should pay more than lifting 10 pounds five times a month. In America the threat is development of non-objectivity in work compensation. Equal opportunity to work should be foundational. The quality and quantity of work an individual does should be objectively measured and receive objective pay.

Those inclined to exploit others for profit have forever developed temporary methods for doing so. The Democrat party today is in the line of developing non-objective criteria of compensation and opportunity. Work opportunity should never be closed to an adult American citizen during their life. Work is an inalienable right and piecework for independents is probably the ideal social direction to evolve in.

The move of a majority of Americans into non-production service sector jobs without heavy lifting brings some enmity toward those saturation divers, professional athletes, building tradesmen and industrial workers that receive good compensation largely for males. The elite trend has been toward degrading that work and skimming wages to the immaterial work sector of the majority. President Obama has adroitly exploited the lower average income status of women and omitted mention whatsoever of fairness for all workers that should be on an objective basis.

Writers like to get paid by the word sometimes and get fair pay for their work. Of course it's difficult to assess qualitative values outside the marketplace. One could use MSword's grade level function and pay more for writing at a grade 16+ level than for level 8-. The marketplace has an element of unfair advantage to it as well as supply and demand. Location being everything it's sometimes difficult to get around corrupt government bureaucracies to legislate real change. President Obama should stop playing the gender card politically and instead seek a rectification of fair pay for objective work in the workplace and every worker. In the absence of social justice venality, corruption and the evil of iniquity forces concentration of wealth with decline of ecosphere and economy.

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