
Fake Conservatives Seek Amnesty for Illegal Aliens- They Won't Fix the Border Problem Though

Republicrat Senators seeking a sweet deal for illegal aliens foist a pseudo-conservative theme (they may believe it's easy to fool the conservative crowd ) of immigration reform. The plain facts are in contradistinction to the false-conservative claims.

Illegal aliens would certainly get their neo-amnesty. That's just a paper deal that corrupt politicians believe would get them votes from Hispanics (whom may not all be racists against full employment for present U.S. citizens). The part about a border being made secure is pie-in-the-sky though. Maybe that would be funded, maybe it would be effective, maybe. What is certain is that cheap labor numbers will swell in the U.S.A. 

Rational and honest politicians would secure the border first. Not simultaneously, not later-before any consideration is developed about anything concerning a change in the illegal status of illegal alien immigrants. If the issue of securing the Mexican border was easy to resolve its hard to believe that Republicrats wouldn't have gone ahead and done that already. Why didn't they? Was it too difficult? Were they too aloof and corrupt to be concerned about the flood of cheap foreign labor that cut down the real wages of lower class American citizens?

Fake conservative ads warn of the danger of an unsecured Mexican border and prescribe the remedy of legalizing millions of illegal aliens followed by the green-cheese-of-the-moon-will-fall-to-the Earth-thus feeding-us-all assurance that later on the border will be secure. Anyone knows that the premise is no more than b.s. At least a half million will still be able to wander over any time they feel like it. 

The fake conservative policy is like making concessions to terrorists in order to secure the well-being of the nation. Sure thing Einsteins.

If  Republicrat and Democrat Senators ever took substantial action that would reduce illegal alien numbers through illegal border crossing to fewer than 10,000 souls per year sober deliberation upon the number of illegal aliens that should be normalized-perhaps through military service or some other form of social restitution that wouldn't affect the unemployment rate might be considered. Needless to say, if the national unemployment rate is higher than 3% it is unconscionable to even consider welcoming millions of illegal job takers.

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