
Post Game Analysis; Square Payton Manning Loses Doper Bowl

I will stipulate that I didn't see the Super Doper Bowl between Seattle and Denver last Sunday, the entertainment industry's W.W.A. cavalcade of winners isn't to interesting especially when the sewing economic disorder broadcast media reports the event. Washington State and Colorado are the two states that legalized dope sales so how could they not be the favorites to win in the second term of the Obama administration. Washington State legalized homosexual marriage besides so that state had to beat the legal dope only with a square old-style quarterback that reminds some of Johny Unitas-another notorious square that didn't find playing with the dopey San Diego Chargers keen.

News reports of the other championship bowl games of Iraq and Afghanistan report that they are becoming losses through the reverse causality of the administration though they did have help with their foundations. New ways of producing another Vietnam are being delivered yet the financial costs of entering dubiously necessary contests without a syllogistically sound exit strategy will keep on compiling especially with Obamacare, post-traumatic stress injured vets for the next several decades along with their stressed families.

Bread and circuses were too popular with the plebians of Rome while the Empire developed its royal classes without a clear line of succession. It's lucky that Brit's royals have so many princes so they can become kings of the political economy for the next hundred years as the United States dissipates its notions of national independence. 

Seventeen trillion dollars is a lot of public debt, the broadcast media is a force of moral and economic disorder and Microsoft has named someone named Satya (n?) as it's full disclosure CEO at last and St. Ignatius was fed to wild beast in the Coloseum by the order of Emperor Trajan in 107 A.D. At least the fans of  doper bowls are satisfied with the way things are.

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