
(Gov.) Parnell's Effort to Break Up Alaska's Public Education Monopoly

Alaska’s public education is in a race to the bottom along with that of the rest of the U.S.A. Recent news reports show that China and Asia student achievement is three grades above that of their Alaska and American age peers. Children of Chinese street sweepers score higher than America’s most privileged. This is a logical result of monopolistic education with that of the most spoilt nation faring worse.

If American public education is going to the dogs because of monopoly in a spoilt cultural milieu indoctrinating youth with the political correctness of the day instead of allowing diversity of quality education with school vouchers the consequences are well deserved. America was built up with entrepreneurial and revolutionary innovators rather than kow-towing followers. National Socialism in Hitler’s Germany was a sick substitute for the defunct royal class across Europe. Jews were blamed for being democratic revolutionaries (somewhat rightly) and perceived as reinforcing the rise of democracy over the natural superiority of the rigorous moral and ethical values of the best. Americans too naturally descend into a natural socialism with elites concentrating wealth and authoritarian government and corporate educational venues indoctrinating the intellectually weak. School vouchers for private educational diversity is perhaps the best available way to break up the disastrous drift toward the class indoctrination of thugocrats working for idiotic, deluded elites.

Governor Parnell’s effort to introduce diversity and competition into Alaska’s public education race to the bottom of world achievement standings is a good idea worth support. 

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