
Bloggers Ought to Be Free of Police & Mob Intimidation

Internet blogging is a pure vehicle for free expression; a necessary element for competition of ideas. In many nations known as banana republics, authoritarian, narco-states, corporatist, oligarchic, monarchical etc free internet blogging is not permitted without retribution. Mob rule by those not well endowed intellectually requires mob and/or police repression of free speech, free thought and uncoerced Internet blogging. Often the broadcast media is an accessory in trimming individuals expressing antipathetic to corrupt establishment or start-up mobs.

Internet blogging is less than two decades old. In world political history that’s something like the wink of an eye. Many bloggers with an excess of brevity in their wit have found Facebook to be their corporate controlled political weapon of choice yet where else can the world’s writers and political activist yearning to write free without follow up trim by police and mob thugs or terrorists with a microphone owned by the rich or a communist party place their work without fear of it being censored to deleted?

Democracy is in effect the better political form for the competition of ideas. In the marketplace of ideas publicly spirited citizens can read and select the best ideas for infrastructure development-not just the least objectionable slop foisted by a corrupt ruling class such as start the U.S. economy with fossil fuel energy development (boom and bust, globalism, greenhouse gassing, ancient technology, foreign advantage in auto production etc).

Though many nations from Red neo-Corporatist China to North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, and in some ways the U.S.A. (corporations have fine print in their blog sites that let them delete accounts for objectionable to them language without notice) are not completely tolerant of free expression for bloggers it seems like some nation ought to be. A nation that guaranteed blogging Internet posts with cloud storage forever and free would not only get a copy of all of the best ideas posted on Earth (and from the space nation and elsewhere eventually) it would support the liberation of the global body politic from the snares of mobocracy, erosion of their national sovereignty where democracy by and for the people exists or may develop and be a generally respectable item. Even the largest Internet corporations are corporations subject to numerous forms of political and economic leverage. Internet posts simply aren’t secure if posted solely at those sites, and in some Muslim nations one’s liberty may be in jeopardy for posting dissentient ideas.

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