
Relocation of High-tech Aliens to Run U.S. Business a New Trend?

Immigration/relocation to America is sometimes held up as an ideal. When Microsoft named a dual-passport holding (he may have a U.S. passport too) Indian engineer to be its new C.E.O. the idea of bringing 50,000 more high tech aliens to Detroit was exemplified. Standing before a full size video screen a C.E.O. of a large corporation can talk face to face with his minions around the globe. The nation where he is located makes little difference except as the tax policy favors his machinations and power. The workers are outsourced abroad at any rate whenever possible. Corporate profits are sent at the speed of light through a myriad of dark pools to tax havens and can be reinvested in physical plants of the second and third world without environmental or labor laws of hindrance.

The Peace Corp ads that ask the question 'would you travel 5000 miles to... should be better said 'would you fly coach with only Skype and a drink in a can for a few hours? Some ideas never change about travel. Perhaps 50,000 more Indian and Chinese engineers and scientists of various skills could run America’s corporations better than Americans whom are increasingly so inept as to need low-tech Mexicans to do yard work and other menial jobs for them too. Is it right though to call high-tech aliens immigrants as if they spent months at sea in cold leaky sailing ships to reach the U.S.A. instead of a few hours coach class with Skype ever present to consult face-to-face with home? Wouldn’t the term relocated better describe the high tech alien peregrinations around the globe landing in the U.S.A?

The mayor of Detroit failed to realize that high tech aliens don’t need to relocate to Detroit to perform menial jobs that can’t be outsourced. High-tech jobs can be outsourced via Skype from Detroit, all one needs is capital to afford to hire Indian or Chinese engineers who will perform the work for the capitalist in Detroit or Gstaad at a fraction of the wage as in America. If aliens with high-tech savy relocate to Detroit from abroad all they need to do is study U.S. markets to better coordinate sales from the homeland to the new land of hapless proto-globalists run by a congress and executive that believes one needs to pass legislation to find out what’s in it. The prime directive of competent legislation in a democracy is that which is transparent, well founded and with a high likelihood of working a priori. Obamacare failed that standard miserably.

If America is to be less like the British run era of opium intoxication of China recolonized by aliens relocating simply to annex U.S. political policy to that of Satan in a Babylon the Great paradigm and somewhat more like the American ideal of George Washington it ought to secure its borders, halt the relocation of aliens to the U.S.A. and downsize the corporate agenda while raising taxes on the rich, eliminating the public debt and finding ways through zoning and private incentives to hire people to restore the environment in the way that F.D.R. put Americans to work planting trees around the U.S.A. Even making a wetland out of a parking lot can be labor intensive.

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