
No One Believes Congress is Smart or Sharp

No one believes the U.S. congress is smart or sharp any more. President Trump offered a perfectly fine four point plan to settle the border issue that has become a lever for the Democrat Party to close down the government at a cost of 2 billion a day lost when it does shut down. The Congress should just pass the plan and move on as if it had something else to do.

Were there more than four good Presidents in the 20th and 21st centuries too, so far? My list has Calvin Coolidge, F.D.R., Eisenhower and just Ronald Reagan (because of the grace of ending the cold war). The rest were tryme and President Trump's time doesn't count as it hasn't finished and he mighht somehow get a tax rate of 90% on the most rich, transition to an ecologically sustainable economy, reform capitalism so those out of work longest are hired first (with tax incentives), patent exclusivity is reduced to three years with just 10% royalties to inventors after that, etc. Really, the Democrat party is intellectually dead. President Trump may need to sell them some ideas if no collusion was going on amongst those seeking his removal from office.

U.S.A. Doesn't Need to Support N.A.T.O. Members that Attack Russia

The N.A.T.O. treaty the US is signed into should not obligate the. U.S.A. to join into wars and military conflicts started by N.A.T.O. membe...