
Gun-Asteroid Ban

Potential Legal Ban on Asteroids and Guns
With another school shooting Democrats have renewed calls for banning guns and gun sales in various forms. Filtering guns from school entry with imaging technology and validating student photo ID for entry were regarded as crazy. Expelled senior year students may or may not be given alternative pathways to graduation counseling on exit. That should have been of media interest. As the fired may need alternative pathways to reemployment the expelled may require help in not feeling discarded onto a life low-caste pathway to poverty. The hope of a good job through good education replaced with a bridge to nowhere could expedite desperate alienation. It could be that the U.S. is too much of a disposable society for people as well as products. Perhaps searching for the Lord in a godless generation is tough when people normally look to discover or create vulnerabilities for exploitation socially and when a popular moral role model is Frederick Nietzsche and ethos; Charles Darwin's evolution.

Savants might think that jobs would be created after 300% more policemen required to provide home and business security in a gun free society were hired and Democrats would be happy to force that sort of police state. It is Congressperson-of-interest Stiree Canard of the District of Duplicity with the best idea; ban asteroids from the solar system and Oort Cloud as a security paradigm for school safety.

Asteroids present a clear and present danger to all life on Earth. Just 65 million years ago a vast right-winging asteroid aggressively struck the defenseless Gulf of Mexico wiping out potential Democrat party voter dinosaur life on Earth. Illegal dinosaurs presented no threat to the wages and wage security of terror'dpods. Mass disaster to Democrat Party voting rolls could happen again if asteroids, meteors and comets throughout the Universe are not banned. The Democrat Party welcomes illegal aliens, yet they must leave their asteroids at home.

Republicans were skeptical about an asteroid ban since the asteroid lobby contributes glaringly to their campaign war chests. Even so, one Republican Representative Hiram Winkle-Snicker said to a new-normal-propaganda broadcast reporter that it would be cheaper to filter asteroids from striking Earth with a tracking and defense wall than to ban and remove all of the asteroids between Earth and the putter edge of the Oort Cloud...go figure.

The same congressman wanted to install face recognition tech for staff and students to get into a school. Yet Winkle-snicker turned out to have been a major stockholder in a mobile school point of entry student I.D. and hidden gun screening company and was known to have ties to airport and federal building security contractors with glaring collusions and conflicts of interest with various Russian dancers and foreign advertising corporations buying advertising space illegally on Fishbook. Democrats demanded a special prosecutor look into the case and begin a process to legalize aliens and cull asteroids from voting rolls without the hassle of photo voter I.D. Banning all asteroids from the solar system that present a clear, comprehensive danger to empowerment and enrichment of an elite group of Democrats will make American schools great and secure again.

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