
Stacking Library Books Upright

Are there better filing designs for storing library books than the usual? There are small libraries short of space to expand that might exploit new designs to good advantage if they exist. For instance one might stack books upright from floor to ceiling in very close rows if there were such shelving. Yet the inclusion of rft chips in books could make that sort of storage feasible if each book space had an rtf or blue tooth, or some other form of reader that would know what each book is and be able to display its name and number on request.
In fact if individuals looking for particular books were able to ask a given book to light up its title after being discovered in a card catalog digital a book might be very easy to find as neighboring books might be dark.

Perhaps in such a stacked library shelving structure a few hundred percent more books could be kept than in the usual.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

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