
India and Evolution of Farmers to Cities

Perhaps one may anticipate that India's farmers estimated to be between 100 million and 600 million comprising as much as 50% of the popolation will eventually move into cities along with other rural residents as the economy of India modernizes. Perhaps India shall also have fewer than 1% of the national population involved in agricultural work as the acelleration of A.I. guidance control, mechanization and drones for at least seeding increase efficiency. If some mass social movement of Indian rural residents to cities occurs that will create numerous challenges for urban development includig transportation and sanitation.

Evolution in several respect comprises plans and accidens in a pbenomenal integration from large to small scale. Plans for some cohere within accidental social circumstances in a pre-determined Universe that allows the appearance of free will.  People can always resist plans for social determinism or being regarded as human bio-mass by elites and innovate newr infrastructure criteria.

Microwave toilets that are powered electrically are waterless. Yet it is the need to develop free mass transportation infrastructure that would alloow India to decentralize some of te overcrowding in cities. Mass people movers probably will be electric mag-lift platforms that also require low to zero maintenance normally, and that cross the nation with various forms for low, moderate and high speed.

India's population is more than 1.3 billion people and increaasing. A relatiely swift transition for the majority to high tech fields with better mass eeducation exploiting low cost technology could be develeloped simultaneously with urban and suburban design paradigms innovated to value food production and wildlife on exteriors of building surface wherever possible or practical. Food, transportation and technological synergy should be a good prospect for India if the social leadership is not lacking as is so common in the story of human political history. Maybe they coul;d show the way for modern economies to phase in ecological economics.

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