
Campfire Embers and Ecospheric Management Failure

California's Democrat Party seems to take no responsibility for the devastating wildfires of November 2018 that took so many lives. Ecospheric management is a human responsibility in an age of mass human population growth encompassing the entire Earth. To fail to take responsibility for directing ecospheric health isn't acceptable. It is not enough merely to wish to sign agreements with French and Chinese about global warming over pastries and coffee.

In the Anthropocene Age of Mass Extinction people are generally aware that as the extinction of the ecosphere species proceeds eventually the human number will arrive too. Many put blinders on and still pretend there is an unlimited supply of non-renewable resources and that other resources can be found or invented to replace those consumed in thermodynamic processes of entropy that transform complex biological life into ash and simple waste products.

California needs to find ways to apply principles of Ecological Economics to large scale state structures comprising forest aspects of the ecosphere. It is challenging intellectually, for most haven't a clue about the relationships of sustainability to economics and how to get more bang for the buck out of real existent ecospheric resources such as forests and waterways with symbiosis and synergistic innovations.

One approach might be to design homes within zoning ordinances that do require a given amount of green space around every property and home built on it to continue ecospheric health for wildlife. Yet with climate change and the human disruption of natural evolutionary responses artificial manufactured processes must be applied to substitute for natural evolution. Armies of feral goats may be supported to eat down wild underbrush, homes should be given tax breaks for being made of concrete and flame resistant. Cities should have panic rooms for the populace in case of wildfire as a civil defense requirement, Feral goats could be given tracking tracking technology so they might be easily harvested for food for the homeless and for sale as barbecued burgers with fries.

Desalinating reservoirs might be built at high locations with canals running down from them that could serve as fire breaks in case of emergency. Solar power could be exploited to pump saltwater high up in the mountains where the salt would be evaporated away through condensation and recollection. There are innumerable ways to synthetically combine existing technologies with large scale ecospheric management that would contain wildfires and simultaneously conserve wild habitat for endangered species. Humans need only have intelligent political leadership enlightened enough to support the development of effect mass projects such as those of the 1950s that employed so many people building new infrastructure.

U.S. political leadership except for President Trump is fairly poor these days. It is dull and unimaginative and incapable of getting anything done. It repeats old errors and restarts cold wars when it cannot make new ones. It spends trillions to continue centuries old technologies such as highways and fossil fuel engines, bridges and public schools.

Semi-wild sectors of rural California public lands might be re-envisioned as vast natural orchards with hedgerows maintained with wildlife that produce more product for the market. Pre-existing wildlife need be encapsulated within the parameters of the new forest design to continue or increase their health.

Maybe the nation should have a better ground up social foundation where ecospheric engineering and sustainable energy research, development and application are routinely the subject of public interest. Instead of creating a new political party it might be more practical to create a national ecosphere club equivalent to the Rotary, Moose Lodge, Elks Club, veterans of foreign Wars and so on. Such a club might form in numerous towns and offer a food bar, coffee, occasional dinners and all the information one could ask for about ecospheric enterprise, management, alternative energy and methods and projects for applying materials to local structures and infrastructure.

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