
Do all ye Europe and California; Sigh; KOWTOW! (Flake News)

President Trump may be quietly studying Press Secretary Huckabee's possible next in line for the day she finally has had enough of the commercial media feeding frenzy happy meals. Taking a cue from NPR on Do all ye sigh; KowTow subtlety, the new Press Secretary may have a nom de guere such as "I pledge allegiance to Donald Trump and all the goodness he stands for." Before a reporter asks a question he will need to formally ask permission of the Press Secretary.

The approaching New European army of President Macrone will enable swift EC collection of national debts by the invading debt collecting Army. Also, noncompliant member states that won't kowtow to the Chile-Mac axis of Lunch Towering over Europe will be swiftly shown who the alpha males are (Chancellor Merkel). Taking control of the high ground of propaganda is an important step on the road to civictorious victory light at the end of the metaphor.

Nationalism did not cause the first world war-elites did. Nations may be blamed when elites deserve credit for war. Elites want to dominate society and destroy pragmatic egalitarian economics-especially sustainable ecospheric economics, when they have enough time to organize.

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