
Central America Needs Universal Well Organized Militias

Central America needs well organized civil defense militias. The United States should form a new training organization that is para-military and like the Peace Corps designed to better civil society. In this case the betterment would be local armed self-defense training for citizens of central American nations as well as construction of neighborhood militia infrastructure.

Each central American should get free basic rifle and pistol marksmanship training at an early age- maybe age ten. Local neighborhood militias allied with a national militia would be structured and guided by U.S. trainers. The people would learn about identification and defense against gangsters too. Facebook could be used for mug shots and suspect inventories to help identify perpetrators of crime against Central Americans as well as tracking of wanted criminals.

The United State should provide free weapons to citizens now and then to enable realistic defense leagues to function. Neighborhoods should collectively be able to bring out the firepower to stop gang attacks on neighbors. Solar panels also should be brought into the civil defense upgrade program in order to charge 12 volt batteries and the Universe of 12 volt devices that already exist and are quite affordable on-line.

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