
Lt. Cork and the Natural Language Drone (fiction)

In the silent sky just after 2 pm. when the only sound was that of minimalist hum from the approaching city and  barely discernible whoosh of the stealth drone's passage through nimbus clouds Lt. Cork went over a checklist in his mind of tasks to be executed in the nearing future. The lights of Yongbyong would be a change of the darkness of the tight cabin's dim green status display. Lt. Cork hadn't given any natural language pilot instruction to the drone's artificial intelligence persona since ordering it to circle around from a programmed flight path to ground zero to check out a light upon the darkened China Sea.

The stealth drone was a smart combat infiltrator fighter craft with easy ejection for a rider that could also pilot the drone with simple natural language orders to the A.I. The A.I. understood ordinary ideas about flying that any human might give it very well, and would execute the orders safely-within combat margins of safety presently- with self-determination and creativity allowances ample to prevent it from crashing into the earth.

Lt. Cork thought about the possibility of discovery by North Korean air defense radar and the inevitable MIG that would fly out to intercept it, or even a surface to air missile. He was confident enough in the drones capacity to win a dogfight or spoof a missile that he was able to concentrate again on execution of mission parameters COMPAQ thought necessary for East Asian security.

The drone would pop Cork out at very low altitude and egress to a wait on station location hovering a couple of miles away. It would return when Cork signaled for the exfiltration phase of the planning sequence.


Rafael Cruz and the Oswald Connection

The National Enquirer reports they have identified an unidentified man with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 as Ted Cruz's father Rafael. Neither of Cruz's parents or himself were born in the U.S.A., and Rafael initially supported Communist dictator Fidel Castro before turning his coat over to a new leaf of anti-Castroism.


In the intrigue of espionage of the height of the cold war years many interesting stories were never told. Its sad that Ludlum is gone.


This issue reminds me of the theories about G.H.W. (aka '41') Bush and the oil industry connections to the grassy noll. 41 was eventually C.I.A. chief and previously owned the Zapata offshore oil corporation. The relationshiup of L.B.J. to Kellog, Brown & Root, as well as that of Cheney and RUmsfeld to that corporation and the early Vietnam War defense contracts that continued through the oil axis of no-competition contracts to their successor and parent corporation Halliburton and the Gulf Wars of 43's G.W. Bush (II) period.

J.F.K. needed to be put down for the oil services and construction contracting businesses of the insiders through the Vietnam war to roll. Ted Cruz's father might have been part of the Cuban ex-pat shadow world the C.I.A. used, and of course the Bay of Pigs fiasco brought a lot of antipathy toward the Kennedy administration that pulled out support at the last minute letting the Cuban ex-pats take the fall. Ted Cruz's might have met Lee Harvey Oswald who was the nominal shooter though there are theories about that too.

It is known that Ted Cruz was financed by the present insider New World Order corporatist players 'Goldman Sachs' in his U.S. Senate campaign, and his wife is employed there. It is difficult to say how deep the New World Order Bush I people run through the U.S.  Government and top of the Wall Street food chain. Plainly electing a Canadian born subject to frag and put down the last of U.S. Presidential qualifications requiring citizenship rather than being President of the World Bank would be trifling for them.

Evolving a Dictatorship of the Proletariat in the N.W.O.

In the political system known as corporatism the government and top corporate leaders are in effect a tight kickback and support unit steering profit, power, and control unto an elite that owns the corporations. It is sometimes challenging to discern the nature of the beast dominating the global financial and power networks when it is above so many billions of comparatively unempowered people.

When the cold war ended former Soviet leaders Yuri Andropov’s political protégé Mikhail Gorbachev was left without a political portfolio to manage. Lenin’s dream of an ideal dictatorship of the proletariat seemed to collapse with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from East Germany in December 1988. The International monetary fund that met in Berlin that year would not recognize the financial policies of the west in the Obama years as credible. With vast issuance of free loans to big banks and financial bailouts of failed financial and even automotive firms inflation has still been held down. How was that possible?

It seems as if the comparatively low unemployment rate in the U.S.A. of 4.9% reached during the Obama administration following the 2008 financial collapse and its following high unemployment rate has been accomplished through stopping the increase of the workforce overall and retiring or putting on government programs surplus labor for who no jobs in the private sector are available. Direct federal state and local government employment and other government offices along with the nearly 50% of Americans (I believe that’s the number) on some sort of means-tested government program and/or social security is possible and even temporally sustainable if p0eople are willing to work on an annual basis for about half the minimum wage averaged over the theoretical ordinary 2000 hour work year.

Corporatism silences political speech of its executives and employees. So does government for all practical purposes. How many government employees can loudly ask for cutting the size of government? What corporate execs can agitate for higher corporate taxes? How many oil industry workers can demand transition to purely electric cars to curt down global warming caused in part from automobile exhaust?

A dictatorship of the proletariat wherein each receives according to his need-and you just might find that if you try some time you can get what you need even if it isn’t what you want- and produces according to his ability, and wherein the majority are uncreative consumers concerned most about being well-adjusted lizards in a herd of lizards slithering about in a cluster f ck without moral concerns-just might be the actualized ideal dictatorship of the proletariat under supervision of the 1%.

That was the point of this essay-to ask if the evolving New World Order isn’t headed towards an unAmerican society without a regard for individualism and independence, creativity or invention, moving instead toward actualizing the corporate-communist synthesis of a controlling dictatorship of the proletariat as the global shop foreman.

Old categories of political economy from the cold war era are misleading tools for accurate analysis of current political morphophology. Computer networked communications have transformed the ownership and location phenomena of ownership and management as wealth as production and consumption classes. Preferred network insider locations snare wealth through every franchise outlet.

The dictatorship of the proletariat should be attractive political direction for the masses of former affirmative action classes to be drawn towards perhaps mislabeled as a new democratic majority. It is remarkable that each major American party may support the trend as it reinforces corporate profits with a majority of consumers vaguely contented.


Tom Cruse Could Play Ronald Reagan

Actor Tom Cruse might be the right guy to play Ronald Reagan in a semi-biographical film if not Will Ferrell. Cruse has the right kind of optimistic outlook on life shared with Reagan. Ferrell on the other hand, from Irvine California has a comedic, cynical worldly disposition that seems a little obtuse.

In an election year Ferrell's interest in producing the film seems antipathetic to Hollywood as a propaganda industry. The Guardian of England wrote that America is to shame for 'elevating Reagan'  rather than Ferrell being to blame for exploiting Alzheimer's, yet they were wrong.



Reagan's affinity for 'supply side' economics has been taken as the role model for irresponsible politicians since that have made Keynesian pump priming with government debt and free loans for big bangs, government bail outs for large corporations and flim flam derivatives schemes the rule since.

If the joke is on the American public it is for reliance on globalism instead of American invention and production, on British financial flummery with Wall Street and Footsie quantitative dark pool high speed trading rather than on secure borders, and sovereign economic resolution.

Ronald Reagan as President brought an amazing grace to the office that no one can duplicate. Instead they take the wrong lessons from the financial side and disregard the grace of ending the cold war that was not done in any sort of conventional way.

Some believe that the vast second and third world market consumer desires means that inflation cannot happen with a lot of currency and bad debt issued. There is also the factor of mechanical production that make's workers wage demands less critical. Those factors may be so, yet reality still has a way of intruding an upsetting the designs even of the 1% concentrating planetary wealth.

Donald Trump seems to have the kind of charisma without the Alzheimer's that Reagan brought to the job. It is hard to imagine what he or anyone can do with an economy that is so f'd up and ill founded. It needs to change toward lowest entropy ecological economics, pure-electric vehicles and a new building structure grid and zoning model updated from that used in 1776.  That is very obsolete in regard to environmental habitat loss and evolution of human structure design materials now available and underutilized.


Burger King Should Take Up a Chess King Theme

To get with the World Championship theme for November 2016 in New York Burger King should take up a chess king theme and rerun blitz games on from the recent Kasparov-Caruana, Nakamura-So thriller in St. Louis. Chess is a good game and the U.S. Chess federation has some fine young players now.

Garry Kasparov vs Beliavsky in 1988...one of the best games of chess last century, though there are more best games of chess than versions of the all-time N.B.A. all-star team.



Clinton, Hastert, Fiorina Cruz and the Illinois Fudge Factor

The Illinois fudge factor helped elect John F. Kennedy and a line reaching to the Vietnam conflict.  Recently convicted former House Speaker and child molester from Illinois is the latest of a long line of Illinois politicians notable for corruption. Everyone suspects Hillary Clinton of Illinois of profuse, habitual lying though clever enough to put it over helped by the female fudge factor. 

Ted Cruz who recently selected former candidate Carli Fiorina as his mate in the campaign before the Republican convention may be seeking to exploit the in-the-name-of-radical-feminism Fiorina to grease movement of delegates elected for Trump to defect to his corporatist-globalist effort to steal the Republican 2016 Presidential nomination from Trump whom has an overwhelming number of popular votes. 


Trump, if concerned merely about persuading delegates to defect from the Cruz camp may seek his own before-the-convention selection of a running mate who would incite delegates to defect from Cruz. I would think that would be Ben Carson, conservative-at-large.


Tornado safety Ideas

Two thoughts about tornado safety. First is the ancient idea of a magnetically attached, padded security blanket for cars to de frappe large damaging hailstones. The cover should run from the front of the hood to the back of the car yet exclude the sides. It of course should be waterproof-maybe inflatable and an inch or two thick.

The second is the emergency, low cost tornado shelter. It could be made of aluminum, dome shaped with an attached floor and have large screw-in earth anchor bolts and appropriate vents. It ought to be low cost too-like the car defense item.


Spatial Expansion of Universe-Is that Entropy?

This is just a note. I wonder how the expansion of space-time relates to the principle of entropy-something to think about.

If there were dark energy pushing mass or space apart it can't violate the conservation of energy laws. It should be finite unless its a reciprocal of gravity and finite in that respect extrapolating from a finite mass at t=0 singularity.

There is a derivative line of inquiry about conservation of energy in regarding to the existence and quantity of dimensions; would they have any sort of conservation of dimensions criteria?

Obama Raises Direct Syrian Hostile Takeover Force to 300

After six years of waging a war upon the lawful Syrian government through proxies that stimulated a flood of Syrian refugees and terrorists to leave for Europe, President Obama has increased the direct U.S. military presence in Syria to 300 specs. The ostensible rationale is to attack ISIS yet the collateral mission is to occupy and enhance the global corporate hostile takeover coalition of the paid for and jihadists attacking Syria.


It would be wrong to think that the historical American tendency to push in to second and third world nations militarily is preponderantly beneficial to U.S> national interests. The Kurds are probably the sole non-Israeli political element besides the Syrian government with any reasonable claim to eastern Syria. Yet everyone knows the U.S. won't support an independent Kurdish state in eastern Syria. Instead the effort in rolling back an ISIS terror force largely enabled by Obama and Bush II policy is designed to annex another state to the corporatist global evil empire. N that effort abortion, homosexuality and cocaine may be forced upon the terror and takeover loving Arab peoples of the Middle East.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...