
Nothing Surprising About Euro Reaction to President Trump

One would need great expectations to be surprised by the Euro leadership attitude toward President Trump. The world is full of those seeking to dominate and lever against the U.S.A. whatsoever way they can. George Washington in his farewell address notably warned against making permanent foreign alliances. Bill Clinton attended Oxford and has acted like a British tool since. The Brits like their own devices and Donald Trump isn’t one

Europeans expected another Muslim and immigrant promoting neo-leftist to be elected. One in the mold of Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton who would feel like they were detached from nationalism and were world citizens benefiting foreign economies and themselves instead of Americans. Euros were aghast at the election of the movie star of crass capitalism and have hated Donald Trump since.

There isn’t anything surprising about U.S. allies- whoever those are, that diss the President of the United States. Donald Trump seems as patriotic as Theodore Roosevelt and enjoys mixing it up.

Sure it would be good if Donald Trump was well versed in ecological economics and inclined to reform capitalism in such as way that everyone had enough capital to never be stuck in a whirlpool or an undertow of poverty. Realistically world leaders are generally a load of crap (except Vlad Putin does seem to benefit Russia as much as possible) and purely self-seeking. Not all perhaps, yet I have trouble thinking of exceptions myself.

Black NBA Union Hates Pres Trump

The mostly black NBA players unofficial union is hating on the President more in response to the President tweeting about LeBron James who recently said the President is dividing the country over the black knee taking during the national anthem movement. Black players led by SF's Steve Curry just don't like President Trump.


 One notes the coincidence of South African President Ramaphosa choosing to expropriate the land of white farmers without compensation following former President Obama's visit there where he made numerous slights toward President Trump. Black players apparently wanted a black king rather than an elected leader of the executive branch and are restive about a non-black in that office.



South African President Cyril Ramaphosa's Racist Land Expropriation

South Africa's President and the ruling African National Congress have decided to go ahead and expropriate land from white farmers without compensation. The purely racist land redistribution may provide for short term advantages to Zulu and Bantu negroes, yet it may create a Zimbabwefication of the agricultural section of the nation leading to long range economic and political consequences as whites are marginalized and driven out.

One of the reason that South African apartheid was ended was because of general western support for political equality and democracy along non-rational lines. South Africa was something of a test case, with time be given to observe the outcome of the political sea change. President Ramaphosa in a sense is making a significant blunder in forcing a purely racist land redistribution for he confirms the belief of many that there was no reason to trust non-whites to respect abstract political civil rights, when plain racist advantage politics would follow in time.

Democracy is not just about voting. It is about ideas. A marketplace of ideas from which voters select the best to implement at the ballot box.  There were myriad alternative ways of bringing blacks into farming without crass complete expropriation.

One obvious method would have been simply to end land monopoly by one race exclusively; take 50% of land farms owned by whites and give that, with conditions, to black farmers. The farmers would pay fair market price for the land to the original land owners eventually from future crop sales. The original owners would provide assistance in crop productivity and profit until the land is paid off.

Corporatism may regard ideas as nothing more than products and repress rival ideas as if they were rival products from the Internet and other mass communications outlets that are privately owned. 

Purely racial politics essentially pursues the same lines for repression and redistribution. South Africa's land expropriation program is a turn toward the dark side of the force.  



Judge Trumps Trump on DACA

Apparently the Executive branch of government works for the Judicial branch and requires Judicial approval to rescind executive orders, though not to create them, if the Judicial branch likes them. A Federal Judge ordered the President to restore President Obama's D.A.C.A. program because President Trump capriciously rescinded it. In other words the President had no reason or right to monkey with Executive orders made by Democrats.


Constitutional law experts would know where the President stands in regard to capricious judicial legislating from the bench. That is, what remedies the President has, such as hanging the judges or whatever.



Media Think President Should Gag Himself

The media, including Business Insider, evidently believe the President of the United States should gag himself and ignore things happening around him.


Does the media really need to invent charges for the President to worry about a priori and expect him to self-censor executive comments? How can public remarks comprise obstruction of justice theoretically. It is public speech rather than behind the scenes criminal activity?

There seems to be no end of media invention of theoretical charges and theoretical incriminating speech the President may be doing whenever he speaks or tweets about things openly- Apparently the media don't yet choose to call it hate speech. The President is so lucky.

Has Vlad the Elector Filled Brackets for November Madness Yet?

Some people are wondering if  Vlad the Elector has picked his rackets for the Novermber 2018 aka "Mid-term" election brackets yet. The odds against picking a perfect bucket of brackets are five billion Quintillion, however Vlad the Elector is said to pre-determine the outcome rather than just watching it.

Bettors don't know if Vlad selects all the way down to the level of municipal elections. It would not be wise to misunderestimate his capacity to pre-determine US elections; Santa knows whether or not each individual kid and adult has been naughty or nice spanning the globe so it might be simple and require nothing more than a dilitente with a vast center-winged Federal'naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii to pre-determine U.S. elections.

Mueller Probe Could Be Russian Collusion to Hinder President Trump

The Mueller Probe itself could have been designed by Vladimir Putin's special political theorists in order to hinder the U.S. President and hinder his reform of government. As unlikely as it seems it is possible. How many Democrats in Congress have puppet masters in the Kremlin these days?

Russian agents might have stimulated the concept of a special prosecutor for President Trump on Facebook and other social media as well as supporting various divisive political issues and persons along the lines of their program to throw accelerants on U.S. political issues. Americans would never do that to any other country, so they have a hard time figuring out the true dimensions of Russian manipulation of social media for political purposes.

In the midst of their shock over Russian control of the remote control too many have forgotten that there might be another nation besides Russia that has a remote control pointed at U.S. social media.

British collusion with the Clinton campaign and the F.B.I. axis of espionage nominally appears likely. 



Corporate Censorship of Social Media is the Emerging Trend

Corporate censorship of social media is the emergent trend. Corporate social media platforms are entirely subject to corporate policy decisions about what speech is permissible for users. In the past government censorship was the primary opponent of free speech whereas now it is corporatism.

Alex Jones' Infowars is a contemporary presentation running its head into the glass ceiling of free speech in the corporate world.

The rubric for censoring content by removal is hate speech. Hate speech is generally politically incorrect speech, or speech that is offensive to the Democrat Party constituency. One need only use appellations for members of the Democrat Party that they don't like to find oneself targeted as a user of hate speech.

I learned about Mussolini's political philosophy of corporatism in reading of the history of corporatism years ago. The unification of political and corporate leadership can occur intentionally as in Hitler's Nazi Germany or simply through social evolution of power seekers. The ability to suppress dissent of critics may be irresistible to powerful leaders able to fire anyone they want from their own corporations and to set policies about what employees may say or information they may distribute in the workplace. When corporate leaders and policies pervade government naturally corporate censorship expands through various means such as the very useful innovation called hate speech.

I learned about corporate censorship through a personal encounter writing at what was then named Helium.com where my hundreds of peer reviewed articles rated in the top 5%. In writing on the live political issue of homosexual marriage that I opposed,  I used words such as 'queer, faggot, and homo' in fewer than 1% of the words I published; maybe 30,000 words or so. I wrote on a wide range of issues besides the homosexual platform to queer the U.S.A. during the Obama years. The Boston-based company gave a slight warning then locked me out of Helium, kept my writing for some time selling advertising on the articles, censored what they wanted to of my articles and applied censorship in the most egregious, arrogant and cold blooded ways they could.

Helium informed I was banned with an email on Dec. 24th 2010. Because I was earning about $200 a month and sleeping on the ground in Anchorage for the winter, the banning for hate speech seemed especially hateful timing. Even after I was banned Helium continued to sell my articles...I believe that Helium has disappeared from the Internet since.

From: content@helium.com 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 11:41 AM
To: garycgibson@hotmail.com
Subject: You've sold an article on Helium!

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Team Helium"

In my opinion the government should create some sort of anti-censorship Internet base account for every citizen where every citizen can complete copy his posts to social media in order that the writing will continue to exist after the corporate censors inevitably take down was they decide is not profitable to them to leave published for whatever reason including political. That should include video too.

I believe corporate censorship with the tool of hate speech militantly supported by homosexuals is comparable to the Hitler-Rohm S.A. homosexual led storm troopers that helped put the Nazis into power before being purged themselves.

The paradigmata for homosexuals being tools for concentrating power and censorship may repeat over time. Necessarily more gradual in the modern mass audience social environment, corporatism and its communist cohort with sufficient politically conveyed power of censorship may be able to implement various forms of eugenics and democide in the future without public expressions of dissent since all avenues of free expression will already have been coopted or shut down.

image credit: /Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1982-159-21A,_N%C3%BCrnberg,_Reichsparteitag,_Hitler_und_R%C3%B6hm.jpg

  Disappearing social media platforms is a fact of life, because they are corporate owned by private interests. Facebook too could disappear along with all of the content that people have invested there some time. Alternatively hate speech laws or some other political contrivance could be adumbrated to purge accounts.
I migrated much of my lost content to blogger before Helium banned me. Blogger formerly was owned by geocities and geocities was bought by Google. Because Google is large I felt they might be a little more secure from takeover by hostiles with the intent of closing things down with censorship via acquisition. The 5 billion dollar fine Google recently experienced demonstrates that even Google may be subject to some political pressure to censor writers and video producers. That's why the government should create some kind of a backup to mitigate the damage of corporate censorship even if it is blind to the need to reform capitalism that hasn't been upgraded since Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations in 1776.                                          


Mars Under Glass More Efficient Than Terraforming

One shouldn't seek to change a planet such as Mars into a replica of the Earth. It's actually fairly silly since the way things are done on Earth if done on Mars would have a partially green planet soon phasing out most species and green things etc.It would be good enough to just manufacture thick glass lock-blocks on Mars and construct glass domes and other structures inside which plants would be grown.
image credit: N.A.S.A.

Allowing Martian ice and water to escape into the atmosphere is just a big, extravagant, profligate concept. Every day Martian water is being lost to space and there is no reason to expedite that.
When a surfeit of water exists somewhere and time perhaps from comets then actually terraforming some small planet experimentally would be worth the water.

Construction technology easily could learn to build vast solar energy collecting buildings to let human habitation and wildlife in other structures exist safely on Mars. It is just the reasonable way to go if designers want to have their oars in the water on Mars or Saturnian moons.


N.A.S.A.-Cassini Imaging Team

He Shall Have Dominion - a third edition of the best eschatological work of the era

Kenneth Gentry's excellent eschatological work on Christianity and the post-millennial view is presented in He Shall Have Dominion 3rd edition.


It is unfortunate that so many Christian's have missed out the prophecies of Jesus regarding the 1st century apocalypse that were fulfilled, and the continuing era of building the kingdom of God that is present.

On the First Democracy

The first modern Republic occurred in Holland led by the Dewitt brothers who were eventually torn apart by a mob of political opponents in f...