
Corporate Censorship of Social Media is the Emerging Trend

Corporate censorship of social media is the emergent trend. Corporate social media platforms are entirely subject to corporate policy decisions about what speech is permissible for users. In the past government censorship was the primary opponent of free speech whereas now it is corporatism.

Alex Jones' Infowars is a contemporary presentation running its head into the glass ceiling of free speech in the corporate world.

The rubric for censoring content by removal is hate speech. Hate speech is generally politically incorrect speech, or speech that is offensive to the Democrat Party constituency. One need only use appellations for members of the Democrat Party that they don't like to find oneself targeted as a user of hate speech.

I learned about Mussolini's political philosophy of corporatism in reading of the history of corporatism years ago. The unification of political and corporate leadership can occur intentionally as in Hitler's Nazi Germany or simply through social evolution of power seekers. The ability to suppress dissent of critics may be irresistible to powerful leaders able to fire anyone they want from their own corporations and to set policies about what employees may say or information they may distribute in the workplace. When corporate leaders and policies pervade government naturally corporate censorship expands through various means such as the very useful innovation called hate speech.

I learned about corporate censorship through a personal encounter writing at what was then named Helium.com where my hundreds of peer reviewed articles rated in the top 5%. In writing on the live political issue of homosexual marriage that I opposed,  I used words such as 'queer, faggot, and homo' in fewer than 1% of the words I published; maybe 30,000 words or so. I wrote on a wide range of issues besides the homosexual platform to queer the U.S.A. during the Obama years. The Boston-based company gave a slight warning then locked me out of Helium, kept my writing for some time selling advertising on the articles, censored what they wanted to of my articles and applied censorship in the most egregious, arrogant and cold blooded ways they could.

Helium informed I was banned with an email on Dec. 24th 2010. Because I was earning about $200 a month and sleeping on the ground in Anchorage for the winter, the banning for hate speech seemed especially hateful timing. Even after I was banned Helium continued to sell my articles...I believe that Helium has disappeared from the Internet since.

From: content@helium.com 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 11:41 AM
To: garycgibson@hotmail.com
Subject: You've sold an article on Helium!

"Dear Gary C. Gibson:

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You will see a credit for this purchase within 10 business days. To view the credit detail, from your My Helium page click on Earnings & Payments then click on 'Adjustments'. This page displays all credits and payment requests on your account.

Per the publisher terms, they are only licensing nonexclusive rights. So don't worry, the copyright to the article still remains with you. And, because the article remains on Helium, you will continue to earn from this article on Helium as well!

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Team Helium"

In my opinion the government should create some sort of anti-censorship Internet base account for every citizen where every citizen can complete copy his posts to social media in order that the writing will continue to exist after the corporate censors inevitably take down was they decide is not profitable to them to leave published for whatever reason including political. That should include video too.

I believe corporate censorship with the tool of hate speech militantly supported by homosexuals is comparable to the Hitler-Rohm S.A. homosexual led storm troopers that helped put the Nazis into power before being purged themselves.

The paradigmata for homosexuals being tools for concentrating power and censorship may repeat over time. Necessarily more gradual in the modern mass audience social environment, corporatism and its communist cohort with sufficient politically conveyed power of censorship may be able to implement various forms of eugenics and democide in the future without public expressions of dissent since all avenues of free expression will already have been coopted or shut down.

image credit: /Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1982-159-21A,_N%C3%BCrnberg,_Reichsparteitag,_Hitler_und_R%C3%B6hm.jpg

  Disappearing social media platforms is a fact of life, because they are corporate owned by private interests. Facebook too could disappear along with all of the content that people have invested there some time. Alternatively hate speech laws or some other political contrivance could be adumbrated to purge accounts.
I migrated much of my lost content to blogger before Helium banned me. Blogger formerly was owned by geocities and geocities was bought by Google. Because Google is large I felt they might be a little more secure from takeover by hostiles with the intent of closing things down with censorship via acquisition. The 5 billion dollar fine Google recently experienced demonstrates that even Google may be subject to some political pressure to censor writers and video producers. That's why the government should create some kind of a backup to mitigate the damage of corporate censorship even if it is blind to the need to reform capitalism that hasn't been upgraded since Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations in 1776.                                          

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