
President Trump and His Challenges from the Broadcast Media

The broadcast media is preponderantly owned by the most rich. It is a tool of plutocracy. President Trump in criticizing them elicited a unified reply by 301 newspapers in plain collusion. The broadcast media worldview is the one that reinforces the concentration of wealth and destruction of democracy. Democracy in the mass media era is evolving into something like a Supreme Soviet legislature that serves elites and are sycophants of the most rich. The Saudis are rich so the elites like them although they are the source for much of the anti-democracy Muslim terrorism in the world. President Trump has first amendment rights too.
Certainly some kind of correction needs to be innovated so government is not of by and for the 1%. The Internet was a glimmer of promise to return to democracy however that hasn’t really evolved. Corporate values purged Alex Jones’ channels from social media recently and after that all of the former Intelligence chiefs crept out of the woodwork to attack President Trump for taking away former CIA Chief Brennan’s security clearance for obvious reasons.
To a certain extent the broadcast media are the Orwellian tool leading the daily hate while protecting their elite special interests. They need to control the masses and make them believe everything is fine while its becoming worse economically, or that the environment would be fixed if only a democrat were elected, although one likely from Harvard, who would conserve a few trees for cut a few taxes someplace, for a limited time only.
There are international ideas about public initiatives, e-government and public budgeting that are interesting and that could be experimented with locally. Finding a way to assure that corporate cannot purge people for using free speech in social media is quite important if any sort of political developments besides those corporate wants is to occur. Democracy is supposed to be responsive and the best ideas are to be found in a marketplace of ideas, yet that just isn’t the way it is in the corporate social media.
There are innumerable alternative ways to reform government, capitalism and economics that would be in conflict with social media special interest desires owned by global corporate powers that should be expressed without concern of being marginalized. President Trump is correct about the mass media being wrong, and they will attack him with partial straw man misdirection arguments until the problem goes away.

Anti-Terror Trilateralism (China,Russia, USA)

The relationship already exists in some respects. China joined Russia to fight against terrorism in Syria providing training and perhaps supplies to Damascus. China and Russia have continental problems with Muslim terrorists while the United States is still importing enough Muslims to build up an infrastructure that could present a long-term terror threat for North America natively. That requisite of building Muslim numbers is necessary if the United States anti-terror agencies are to have sucess defeating Muslim terrorists in North America that aren’t just visiting. The job is incomplete, though Canada is helping a lot.
The Obama administration helped build up the ‘terrorist’ guerilla ad hoc irregulars with weapons and other supplies to attack the Syrian Government as it had before in Libya. Apparently there isn’t invariably trilateral agreement on who the terrorists are.
Somewhat amusingly the US and Russia signed a cyber-security pact in 2013
Apparently there are a number of bi-lateral national anti-terrorism pacts across several fields of concern . Not all of those are reported in the media of the United States. US-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism
Anti-Terrorism Committee comments on cooperation between Russian, US intelligence services Russia say anti-terror cooperation is developing with U.S.A.
I would think the elite ant-terror military branches of each of the major players are able to handle terror challenges in their lawfully owned land and sea areas.


Blitz Chess Can Sharpen the Mind

IMO it depends on who one is and in what circumstance one find’s oneself. Blitz chess requires some fairly quick thinking. Taking more than 3 or 4 seconds to analyze the board and develop a move is mental lethargy. Maybe a formula one driver wouldn’t find the pace quick- I can’t say. It is possible in life to get into some fairly slow, watching the paint dry kind of living that require few intellectual challenges that need to be solved instantly. Blitz and bullet chess in some respects are comparable to juggling. Chess sharpens thought substantially in regard to time and quantity and quality of accurate decision making. Perhaps even more so for older people.

Consider adults sitting much time in a room listening to the clock tick and maybe watching hours of television, possible in the dark. Not a lot of brain activity occurs. T.V. is rather dumbing. To watch late night T.V. or review a few SuperGM games?

A couple of hours of blitz chess would be a substantial upgrade in brain exercise for many average people. Blitz chess might serve the same purpose as reading in keeping brain waves active for the elderly and is therapeutic. Good physicians should prescribe blitz chess at recommended dosages to be conservative about keeping people healthy. Yet one should keep chess benefits in perspective; for there are opportunity costs to playing so many free on-line blitz games at whatever age. One might have been doing something else like sipping lemonade and swatting flies.

The internet affords easy access to a world of useful information good for oneself and for-others. Chess is one simple, intellectual recreation that can help keep one focused yet relaxed when not pursuing other intellectual ventures such as investigating trends in public budgeting globally, reading about advances in quantum theory or comparing the fighting styles of Povetkin, Joshua, Wilder and Fury. Chess is just another intellectual pursuit yet it’s a game and a very fun participatory one at that.

Mark Begitch Probably Will Get Elected Gov of Alaska

Former U.S. Senator Mark Begitch probably will be elected the next Governor of Alaska. The present Governor Walker isn't very popular having cut the permanent fund drastically.The republican candidate (Walker is an Independent) Mike Dunleavy might just give the permanent fund to the most rich (that is a worry of voters), or is at least not trusted to keep it intact. Alternatively former Senator Begitch might restore the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend and find some way to let Government pay for itself without raiding the people's treasury to benefit the most rich. Politicians ought not be or support ecospheric cleptocrats.


The Republicans have zero environmental conservation credibility and so lose support from independents that care about the world remaining a livable safe space (in some respects) for humanity. It is a Charybdis, Scylla-hydra tripartite choice with Democrats being preponderantly morally depraved and ungodly people that  want to turn the U.S.A. over to globalist powers while letting illegal aliens do the heavy lifting. Life is not a box of chocolates.


SCOTUS has continued to remove state political power. Governors haven't so much power to regulate states as formerly. Putin took away the power of Russian governors too in building up federalism. In a way the United States is becoming more like the Soviet Union with the President being the Chairman of the Communist Party-except it's a corporatist party that is sometimes neo-socialist. The Senate is like the Supreme Soviet. Former executive administration insiders keep their security clearances forever like permanent members of the communist party enfeofed as a shadow government. The broadcast media make democracy seem real though it's all about plutocracy and socialist sycophants.

Republicans tend to regard all public property as rightly belonging to the most rich. They also tend to believe environmental reform isn't necessary because they have vague and incorrect Christian apocalyptic reason not to care about the world ecosphere being trashed through over-use. The incorrect theological doctrine of pre-millennialism provides that the apocalypse of the Bible is in the future and those of faith will be raptured out before the final collapse. Actually the Biblical apocalypse happened in the first century a.d. when the apostles were killed and Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans. Jesus said all that would happen within the present generation and it did. Pre-millennialist theologians are simply to daft to comprehend that the Biblical truth is post-millennialism.

One must wonder if Mark Begitch will utilize the somewhat new field of participatory budgeting if elected Governor of Alaska. Numerous Alaskan cities might find the PB procedures useful. 

https://www.oidp.net/docs/repo/doc233.pdf  includes a brief history of initiative budgeting

Swiss Citizenship Wasn't Work a Handshake

Apparently all a Muslim couple lacked to become Swiss citizens was a handshake. The Muslims passed everything else and were about to become citizens of Switzerland but refused to shake hands with the government people in order not to become contaminated by the obviously crass Swiss government workers that permit such intimate, promiscuous, hand to hand contact between people of the opposite sex outside of being in the sack. The Swiss government people saw the refusal as some kind of cultural issue and gave the pair a flunk on the citizenship test.

The EC at least recognizes that the Muslims have an inalienable right to spit in the face of government workers in whatsoever country they deem to take a citizenship in. The EC is a staunch defender of human rights.


Former Intell Critics Seem Like Deep State Roaches Emerging After Jones Purge

Alex Jones' ideas about the deep state people seems to be actualizing in public following the disappearance of Alex Jones from social media. All of the former intelligence officials critical of the President that have emerged from the shadows recently like roaches when the lights are turned off seem as if they are the tip of the iceberg of dark matter swelling up from the deep below the surface realm of collusion between Harvard alumni, the Cintons, Bushes and military industrial complex that never ever want things to change or be economically efficient and downsized.

The calvacade of collusionist clowns in the 1% owned media that are corporatist-socialists and have marginalized any sort of independent President with bad ecological economic ideas perhaps will never stop until all Americans are peons made equally politically irrelevant. Why not take away security clearances from all former government employees with temporary security passes if they are really necessary now and then? The persistence of lackeys of former Presidents interfere too much with the present President. That's the deep state.


Founders Didn't Want an Elite SCOTUS to Rule By Decree

The U.S. Supreme Court is comprised of elites, largely from Harvard, that should just make decisions among more or less settled social issues. The founders never intended the court to have an elite, non-democratic license to rule by decree when the court is packed with an elite cadre of collusionists as it is presently and was in 2015 when it decreed homosexual marriage on the nation in Obergefell v. Hodges. The founders were not pro-queer marriage. To say they were is a very substantial fiction.

The Supreme Court decided for itself to decide in favor of a minority to corrupt one of the world's and nation's oldest and basic social institutions- marriage, without popular support. Technically anyone could bring any sort of silly issue before the court that could decide in its favor and make it the law of the land. The Constitution was formed in a frontier society without content regarding innumerable contemporary issues. Hence the court can choose whatsoever whey it likes to creatively, yet that doesn't mean it must.

SCOTUS should try to remain within the paradigm of democracy and allow the legislature and executive branch to make and execute the laws so far as it can. Where it should be very cautious is in making laws through the court itself that have no precedence in written or customary laws and that are not at all popular. It should allow the states to vote for their own establishments where they will and not compel all Americans to support issues popular in some states and unliked in others where no federal law exists.

A Supreme Court that is clearly inclined to rule by decree and force unpopular laws upon the nation is a court that should be legally hobbled. If the people wanted a dictatorship they could keep electing Democrats,, national socialists and Harvard grads.

Apparently Russia is working on an e-government and open-government to supplement the federal government and to input public ideas and try to be more attentive to public interests. The public initiative is a good idea if the results are public and if only registered voters that are verified sign in to vote on initiative suggested by the public. While they would have no legally binding consequence they would service to advise instead of biases opinion polls from corporations owned by the most wealthy.


Russia Cuts Bureaucracy Better than U.S.A.

It is interesting that Russia has actually cut federal government better than the U.S.A. during a recent period of 2008-2016. After 2009 Russia had a big cutback in the number of federal civil servants. They worked the Reagan ideal of reducing government size that Presidents Bush II and Obama failed at. G.W. Bush increased federal employment 17% and B.H. Obama 10%.


Russian government employs a lot of women now. More than 70% are female. The United States government is purging women with their numbers dropping down to fewer than 37% during the Obama administration. Men are being employed more; probably homosexuals in keeping with the Democrat Party orientation.


In the second stage of the reform of state administration that occurred during 2006-2010 the Putin and Medvedev administrations identified surplus regulatory functions and reduced excessive state regulation of business. That was, in theory, something President Reagan sought to accomplish too. The effort continues in the 3rd reform era 2012-2020.


Apparently Russia is working on an e-government and open-government to supplement the federal government and to input public ideas and try to be more attentive to public interests. The public initiative is a good idea if the results are public and if only registered voters that are verified sign in to vote on initiative suggested by the public. While they would have no legally binding consequence they would service to advise instead of biases opinion polls from corporations owned by the most wealthy.

https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/stocktaking/projects/Project/Details?projectId=1512397515 Russia public initiative description


Dez Bryant and Western Civilization

Dez Bryant could become a percentage player if he signs with the Seahawks for a minimal million and a bonus contingency for reaching the playoffs. Incentive contracts aren't usually good, yet a million here, a couple there in the playoffs and an option to sign for a few dollars more next year might work out for the receiver that could catch passes from Russell Wilson.

Even so the possible star receiver might look to Denver that has a better defense for a similar sort of deal with an outside chance of going farther into the playoffs than the Seahawks that seem to be weaker on defense than Denver.

Mid-Term Policies; Whose Do Voters Hate More?

America's two-party political system gives voters the chance every two years to decide who and what they hate and to vote against the vile party they hate more. In 2016 voters hated Democrat Party policies more than Republican and so President Trump was elected and the Republican majority returned to Congress. Many voters hate Democrats more now than in 2016, and that's a little unusual. Democrats have abandoned a national party agenda for the mid-term as a clever strategy to keep a low target profile for voters to hate. Yet they know and hate those Democrat Party planks anyway.

The U.S.A. is a nation with equal opportunity, non-discriminatory political hate. Democrats hate Donald Trump even more than Republicans hated Barrack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. In America, politically speaking, the nation is living the dream.

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....