Is Mitt Romney the exo-political choice by Kolobians for leader of the United States? If extra-terrestrials visit Earth from Kolob when they say 'take us to your leader' will they be asking for one of their own?
The pervasive power of the broadcast media has trained Americans to vote against their interests. The FCC at least ignores public opinion if it goes against giving the right of trans-nationals legal access to buying broadcast networks and newspapers. Coherence of Christian voting majorities, heterosexual majorities, border security, a non-outsourced economic infrastructure, a fair labor market without illegal aliens of millions of dumped Mexican immigrants let in to gut wages for citizen workers are all now considered 'unAmerican' by media advocates of globalism. The founders are suppose to have been symps of transnationals, fagots for cloning, abortion, trans-humanism, a global village, national health care, interminable foreign wars, reliance on foreign fuel for transportation, world-record setting federal debt, incredible trade deficits, a pervasive, omnipresent ethereal broadcast propaganda power owned by trans-national corporations if not oligarchs and so forth. Homos with technology become butch homo political advocates forcing their way upon society-technology is powerful.
It is believed that the United States is an obsolete political concept as an independent nation and that permanent foreign alliances and globalist business hegemony over U.S. politics is natural. National interests and national federal debt elimination are unimportant in comparison to trans-national corporate interests, majority interests are only in supporting existing corporate expansion policies without regard to national democratic interests-voting for the M.B.A. Wall Street consultant extra-terrestrial believing Mormon is possible-as is voting for the other bad candidates besides Edwards, Hunter and Huckabee.
Mormons believe that God lives on the planet 'Kolob' Mormon astronomers at B.Y.U. believed in 1999 that they located Kolob Mormon prophets on the inferiority/badness of the negro. There are no Mormon Temples in Africa it is written. Brigham Young said "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so." Negroes are thought to be the descendants of Cain (that means smoth etymologically).
Some humorists might discern that the ruling class from the Planet Coal-lob would toss those black lumps into the fire where they can do some good warming the room for those with more-mons (many wives) for-themselves. Area 51 is located with Kol-lobing distance from Salt Lake City and greater mormonville and that could be the explanation for the disappearance of the billionaire pilot a few months ago. Ia area 51 the landing strip for extra-terretrials from Kolob?
-a quote from Nowscape on Mormon opinion about Mary and Moses "Mormon holy texts reveal - as far as they were translated correctly - that our universe is inhabited by many alien space civilizations, each of which is governed by a resurrected Mormon male who has proven himself worthy of being a God for one or more planets."-
Clarence Page wrote a piece about Mitt Romney and Mormonism and why the Iowa Huckabee surge in the polls may be in part a result of 'anti-Mormon bias'. Mr. Page points out maladroitly that the founders were for religious toleration and that for voters to not vote for candidates with religious practices anti-pathetic to their own is a form of intolerance and bias or even prejudice.
Clarence Page, a usually good writer on political affairs has blundered in this instance into the snare of political correctness that all religious practices and beliefs are without substance and equivalent in the algebra of politics-they are not. Mr. Page has accepted the wrong political belief that a Christian should vote for a Satanist because it would not has as much meaning as advocating that an American that would not have voted for a communist candidate in the 1950's was biased against communism and that the founders would not have intolerance for people because of their personal social or economic beliefs. There are real and substantial differences in religion, economics and social beliefs that affect what a candidate would do if he were in political office-to say that a candidate sets his religion and social beliefs aside upon taking office and just does the political engineering is b.s.
The founders were for religious tolerance and for keeping the church out of state to the extent that no theocracy would form, yet they did not prefer to be ruled by extremists of any sort and preferred a majority reflecting candidate generally. In the first 184 years of the nations existence no one besides a nominal protestant at least ever got the job of Presidency. It wasn't that the founders just didn't care-they did and so did every generation of American voters since.
Mr. Romney is a hardened trans-nationalist that will continue to support the erosion of in the interests of the people of the United States if elected President. Mr. Romney's extra-terrestrial universal religious beliefs are very unChristian and for Christians would represent the first rule by a non-Christian in the nation's history. For Christians of many sorts that coincides with a period of a decline in the nation's relationship with God, and that could indicate more troubles ahead of Biblical scale.
If elected President Mr. Romney would undoubtedly contribute to the strength of Mormon evangelistic efforts and Mormon wealth in America and abroad, at a time of global questions about religion and society the minority Mormonist practices and beliefs would not help clarify the basic issues to the world. Mr. Romney is the wrong foot to put forward with the indefensible polytheistic character of the cult in the context of global Mohammedanism and its belief in one God. For Mr. Page and many new agers the religious issues is a detached from reality abstract question of no consequence. Mr. Page even compared it to the Shi's-Sunni differences as something to avoid. He believes in error perhaps that there is no social historical basis for that particular animosity and that it is an abstract theologically based argument instead-in error. Dividing American leadership up into a myriad faithless, abominable modes is the wrong way for the nation to go in 2008. A simple faith in God, reflecting a Christian majority with secular work for a humanitarian and intellectually free and progressive populace with secure borders, a balanced budget, optimism about the future, space colonization and personal and public religious tolerance is the way to go. It will take tough love and patience presenting a rational and right Christian ethic for America to move forward with assurance through the world's troubles ahead. The rosy utopia of a global economic false democracy or in fact corporatism will not mature for a number of reasons into a democratic fact that would do anything but repress the U.S.A. and create tyranny abroad.
The code words of political correctness often run rough-shod over meaningfully accurate history of causes and reasons why people have made political choices. The reason why Americans never elected a Catholic President before John F. Kennedy are a case in point of over-simplifying history in order to support a political cause.
The founders of the United States were revolutionaries against big government, over-centralized authority and foreign rule. Not only were they against King George they were to a substantial measure dissidents from the Church of England. They would not support Catholic rule either, for Catholicism had historical roots of association with Imperial rule in Europe that continued in Mexico, Latin America and other colonial areas of the world. Nor until the Mexican revolution did Hapsburg power become finally disassociated from our neighbor to the south. Concerns about a Catholic President's historical association with imperial rule and even the inquisition would not have faded away quickly from the political concerns of enlightened American voters.
The Index was a corollary of the Inquisition that listed people the Catholic Church considered it's enemies. The Index had many of the enlightenment, reformation and renaissances greatest intellectuals and leaders upon it-and the Index was officially in existence until John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960 at which time it was retired quietly centuries after the inquisition ended.
Catholics in then United States had a different role today as Christians and Americans that may merge into even the White House if they can support U.S. democracy and nationalism rather than trans-nationalism that is pervasively corrupting the security of the United States. Only through majority mergers politically speaking with nationally minded protestants and priesthood of believers independent Christians will the United States survive the expanding polytheism and anti-Christian real-politik of much of the globes commercial and communist elites.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Justice Department Illegal Procedures for Bush's Late Term?
Democracy must be innovative and open, efficient and just, guiding by intelligent and concerned citizens with the gentleness of doves and worldly wisdom of the serpent (e.g. politicians) with their innate, eloquent forked or double-tongued fanciness.
Corporatism has hijacked the American democracy since the end of the cold war against Communism. Corporate M.B.A.'s and Chicago lawyers are taking over the Presidency with the erroneous notion that the big monopolistic 'corporation' of communism that all feudalist empire for themselves trans-national corporations hate is the only alternative to their own corporatist takeover of the world. If one isn't a corporatist then one has to be a communist the wrong-logic goes. Secrecy to actualize hidden corporate agendas for the next years control of world economics is necessary for them, yet a true democracy would thrive on open and honest governing with a broadcast media given over to individual citizen.
I will write a little on the Bush administration below to highlight some of the actual concerns of the criterion of the erosion and repression of democracy in the U.S.A. while the government floods the nation with illegal aliens from Mexico through its corrupt, incompetent border control flooziness.
Corporatists would consider some bio-tech developments such as cloning of animals that glow in the dark from a profit and political point of view rather than as an ethical issues. Corporatist invariably regard all social concerns from a material rather than ethical point of view first. That cloning is wicked and that cloning technologies applied to make people that glow in the dark would not be on the radar screen of concern for corporatists. Corporatists would seek applications for the glow in the dark technology such as injecting terrorists with it (they should include themselves in that list as terrorists upon ethics, democracy, human justice and genome).
One must wonder if President Bush is setting his global agenda through the Justice Department to corrupt and subvert U.S. energy independence, border security and political independence, and if the President seeks to reduce the quality of U.S. education and health, privacy and start up new business innovations, environmental health and legal justice equally applied for all citizens? As the President's opportunity to corrupt the progress and security of the nation dwindles toward the 2008 general election one hopes that the Congress will have some backbone and not let an 'October surprise' Putinize the Presidency.
The Presidents preference for international business commodification of people and ideas, politics and power over democrat tends to shape the way of political administrative goals towards training Americans to be the most simplistic consumer-purchasers of products made cheapest overseas for the highest corporate profits. The public sector is most heavily indebted to pay for corporate purchases of military and natural resources extraction business ventures, jail sentences are extended for U.S. blacks and quality education neglected. Marginal rates of return of public corrections investment are accepted because with private prisons profits involved as well as private contractor prison supply and construction contracts as well as public power supply instead of alternate energy supply it themselves infrastructure through wind, solar and hydrogen fuel cell their is much profit to be made for the trans-national corporations. The administration's idea of alternative energy is to make gas with beans and blame noxious emissions on diet.
Besides supplying heavy cash exports to trans-national corporations for gasoline purchases/oil purchases the nation has been trained to remain personally in debt while polluting or destroying the health of the environment. The Bush administration has let it's interrogation records of suspects for terrorism be destroyed with the knowledge of the C.I.A. Chief Hayden and pervasively surveilled without legal authority for a time U.S. national phone calls out of the nation...the administration has a record of reinforcing corporate and trans-national conquest and hegemony over the U.S. democracy with deleterious consequences.
Authoritarianism is difficult to exorcise from a large modern government and equally troublesome t purge from corporatist broadcast media terror upon citizens ad hoc opportunities for propaganda and hate directed civil rights violations-in the maelstrom of frequencies and the absence of presiding legal authority even the government radio people know they can just get away with an infinity of petty crimes as if they were a colonial power of an us group versus 'them'. The Congress will need more than just become more conservative and indebting the public treasury, the Congress will need to do meaningfully innovative systems analysis about its public spending and investments of available resources and become more effective and including all citizens in education and training for productive and independent lives. Corporations become pervasive, repressive agents of political subversion against free expression and personal independence that isn't structured to kick back everything to corporate profit structures. That repressive and even terroristic trend needs to be reversed and politically combated as much as defenses against Al Qa'eda and various other Muslim terror organizations seeking the destruction of the United States.
Corporatism has hijacked the American democracy since the end of the cold war against Communism. Corporate M.B.A.'s and Chicago lawyers are taking over the Presidency with the erroneous notion that the big monopolistic 'corporation' of communism that all feudalist empire for themselves trans-national corporations hate is the only alternative to their own corporatist takeover of the world. If one isn't a corporatist then one has to be a communist the wrong-logic goes. Secrecy to actualize hidden corporate agendas for the next years control of world economics is necessary for them, yet a true democracy would thrive on open and honest governing with a broadcast media given over to individual citizen.
I will write a little on the Bush administration below to highlight some of the actual concerns of the criterion of the erosion and repression of democracy in the U.S.A. while the government floods the nation with illegal aliens from Mexico through its corrupt, incompetent border control flooziness.
Corporatists would consider some bio-tech developments such as cloning of animals that glow in the dark from a profit and political point of view rather than as an ethical issues. Corporatist invariably regard all social concerns from a material rather than ethical point of view first. That cloning is wicked and that cloning technologies applied to make people that glow in the dark would not be on the radar screen of concern for corporatists. Corporatists would seek applications for the glow in the dark technology such as injecting terrorists with it (they should include themselves in that list as terrorists upon ethics, democracy, human justice and genome).
One must wonder if President Bush is setting his global agenda through the Justice Department to corrupt and subvert U.S. energy independence, border security and political independence, and if the President seeks to reduce the quality of U.S. education and health, privacy and start up new business innovations, environmental health and legal justice equally applied for all citizens? As the President's opportunity to corrupt the progress and security of the nation dwindles toward the 2008 general election one hopes that the Congress will have some backbone and not let an 'October surprise' Putinize the Presidency.
The Presidents preference for international business commodification of people and ideas, politics and power over democrat tends to shape the way of political administrative goals towards training Americans to be the most simplistic consumer-purchasers of products made cheapest overseas for the highest corporate profits. The public sector is most heavily indebted to pay for corporate purchases of military and natural resources extraction business ventures, jail sentences are extended for U.S. blacks and quality education neglected. Marginal rates of return of public corrections investment are accepted because with private prisons profits involved as well as private contractor prison supply and construction contracts as well as public power supply instead of alternate energy supply it themselves infrastructure through wind, solar and hydrogen fuel cell their is much profit to be made for the trans-national corporations. The administration's idea of alternative energy is to make gas with beans and blame noxious emissions on diet.
Besides supplying heavy cash exports to trans-national corporations for gasoline purchases/oil purchases the nation has been trained to remain personally in debt while polluting or destroying the health of the environment. The Bush administration has let it's interrogation records of suspects for terrorism be destroyed with the knowledge of the C.I.A. Chief Hayden and pervasively surveilled without legal authority for a time U.S. national phone calls out of the nation...the administration has a record of reinforcing corporate and trans-national conquest and hegemony over the U.S. democracy with deleterious consequences.
Authoritarianism is difficult to exorcise from a large modern government and equally troublesome t purge from corporatist broadcast media terror upon citizens ad hoc opportunities for propaganda and hate directed civil rights violations-in the maelstrom of frequencies and the absence of presiding legal authority even the government radio people know they can just get away with an infinity of petty crimes as if they were a colonial power of an us group versus 'them'. The Congress will need more than just become more conservative and indebting the public treasury, the Congress will need to do meaningfully innovative systems analysis about its public spending and investments of available resources and become more effective and including all citizens in education and training for productive and independent lives. Corporations become pervasive, repressive agents of political subversion against free expression and personal independence that isn't structured to kick back everything to corporate profit structures. That repressive and even terroristic trend needs to be reversed and politically combated as much as defenses against Al Qa'eda and various other Muslim terror organizations seeking the destruction of the United States.
Ophrah's Testemonial to Obama's Tongue Dippin Truth-Edwards Climbs Kilimanjaro
Nothing funny is needed everyday when there is politics available. Ophrah Winfree acting as a front man for Barrack Obama at a campaign rally pumped up the crowd with a rousing speech about Obama includin the gem 'he has an ear for eloquence and a tongue dipped in things without varnish and that are truthful'. That makes me wonder what other things he has dipped his tongue in on the campaign trail and if truth is unquestionable if used for dippin? What have the other candidates dipped their tongues in and did they get chips with it?
The campaign trail for the Iowa primary leading to the 2008 Presidential election should have a universal tongue dipping truth test set up to discover which candidate really has the most truthfully dipping tongue and ear that has listened to the Oprah Show. What candidate juggles the best anyway?
On a campaign platform at the bus station in Des Moines could be placed several bowls full of everything from horseradish to cherry pudding. Candidates would need to dip their tongue into each bowl and then choose from a multiple choice menu of what was what. The candidate answering with the most right answers identifying what was in each bowl truthfully could then be said to have 'dipped his tongue in a bowl of truth without varnish.' Varnish incidentally was something Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer painted a fence with long ago in Hannibal Missouri; or on second thought wasn't it whitewash?
If a politician or political supporter claims to speak truth for content turn on the b.s. detector immediately! Each politician can only state meaningful political goals and methods-the claims about linguistics might work for Chomsky but not for politicians generally. Not even Bill Clinton could claim that tongue dippin exclusively of truth characteristic.
The trouble with celebrity product endorsements (politicians as products) is that political candidates with enhanced ratings from celebrity testimonials tend to become products desired by M.B.A.'s and C.E.O.'s of trans-national corporations seeking to undermine national sovereignty.
The Democratic Party has one candidate-John Edwards has a net worth of 9 to 45 million dollars according to some sources made litigating against trans-national corporations starting in life from scratch as a poor Carolina guy from a small town. As President Edwards would not be intimidated by the trans-national corporations that need to be reigned in a bit for the survival of a national democracy. John Edwards climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2003.
Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are trans-nationally safe and the preferred choices of the globalists. In the Republican Party Ron Paul is the spoiler from Texas set up to drain off any non-trans-national supportvotes in a swale to nowhere. For Republicans Huckabee seems to be the only candidate besides Hunter that might be nationalist and populist a little.
The campaign trail for the Iowa primary leading to the 2008 Presidential election should have a universal tongue dipping truth test set up to discover which candidate really has the most truthfully dipping tongue and ear that has listened to the Oprah Show. What candidate juggles the best anyway?
On a campaign platform at the bus station in Des Moines could be placed several bowls full of everything from horseradish to cherry pudding. Candidates would need to dip their tongue into each bowl and then choose from a multiple choice menu of what was what. The candidate answering with the most right answers identifying what was in each bowl truthfully could then be said to have 'dipped his tongue in a bowl of truth without varnish.' Varnish incidentally was something Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer painted a fence with long ago in Hannibal Missouri; or on second thought wasn't it whitewash?
If a politician or political supporter claims to speak truth for content turn on the b.s. detector immediately! Each politician can only state meaningful political goals and methods-the claims about linguistics might work for Chomsky but not for politicians generally. Not even Bill Clinton could claim that tongue dippin exclusively of truth characteristic.
The trouble with celebrity product endorsements (politicians as products) is that political candidates with enhanced ratings from celebrity testimonials tend to become products desired by M.B.A.'s and C.E.O.'s of trans-national corporations seeking to undermine national sovereignty.
The Democratic Party has one candidate-John Edwards has a net worth of 9 to 45 million dollars according to some sources made litigating against trans-national corporations starting in life from scratch as a poor Carolina guy from a small town. As President Edwards would not be intimidated by the trans-national corporations that need to be reigned in a bit for the survival of a national democracy. John Edwards climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2003.
Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are trans-nationally safe and the preferred choices of the globalists. In the Republican Party Ron Paul is the spoiler from Texas set up to drain off any non-trans-national supportvotes in a swale to nowhere. For Republicans Huckabee seems to be the only candidate besides Hunter that might be nationalist and populist a little.
Epistemological Cosmology
Philosophical researches in determinism for me at least lead empirically into support for faith in God and His pre-determinism of the Universe.
C.S. Pierce's trialectical pragmaticism was an interesting hypothetical model for the nominative invention of concepts, yet subjective epistemology isnt simply trialectical in space-time nor entirely a linear function. Modern neurology has investigated and mapped a little bit of the synaptic channels and sequence of that neural network.
Small worlds networks originated with an air force plan to develop a nuclear war survivable command and control network and subsequent history has found the Internet to have a small worlds network structure and nature in general to develop such itself not uncommonly. Language and concept development seems to transcend and particular temporal arrangement of conceptual structure for a number of reasons.
Chomsky's ideas of a universal grammer have been challenged rather well by the Everett's research in South America, and make for interesting reading anyway. It may be useful to consider Wittgenstein's Blue and Brown books for contrast on on the subject of Chomskian versus Everettian linguistic deep structures.
On the general question of determinism versus indeterminism in the physical cosmos represented to empiricists it is worth mentioning its exceedingly high level of determinism from the initial hyperinflaton and the later distribution of galaxies correlating to the initial anisotropies in the surviving preponderance of matter over anti-matter because of a symmetry surplus of matter in CP violation I think to the reduction of the background temperature of the Universe from very very high toward absolute zero as well as it's near isotropic distribution with minor inhomogeneities around the measurable Universe. The Universe moves with inexorable determinism from a lowest state of entropy toward a highest and the distribution of matter in the Universe and its characteristics reflect that determinism.
Quantum uncertainty underlying the Universe is a paradox yet a necessary component of the implicit uncertainty required for change and motion, being and becoming. The uncertainty in this universe may be determined in alternate dimensions however, and virtual particles may reflect the intrusion of alternate dimension particles in all possible worldlines and all possible universes interacting deterministically in this particular Universe. In a multi-dimensional monism the pluralism of alternate Universes and dimensions may like the paintings of Malcom Escher as reciprocals of one function or schema.
Interestingly rational and spiritual human thought seem to be the most potentially indeterminate element of the Universe, and its realizing the nature of The One (such as is God) humanity may at once become most free , undetermined yet pre-determined through the grace of Jesus Christ unto renormalization with the Author of all that is.
P.F. Strawson and W.V.O. Quine wrote a few good books on logic and linguistic philosophy, yet Schopenhauer's ideas that go a little beyond Kant's epistemology in finding that human cognition must interpret sense data and does add something to it to make it appear as it does is a useful way to integrate ideas of Plotinus about the One, about appearances to human perceptions, Sartre's ideas about existential epistemology and the reef of solipsism phenomenalities that have concerned philosophers perennial about the subjective nature of human experience in a theory of knowledge.
C.S. Pierce's trialectical pragmaticism was an interesting hypothetical model for the nominative invention of concepts, yet subjective epistemology isnt simply trialectical in space-time nor entirely a linear function. Modern neurology has investigated and mapped a little bit of the synaptic channels and sequence of that neural network.
Small worlds networks originated with an air force plan to develop a nuclear war survivable command and control network and subsequent history has found the Internet to have a small worlds network structure and nature in general to develop such itself not uncommonly. Language and concept development seems to transcend and particular temporal arrangement of conceptual structure for a number of reasons.
Chomsky's ideas of a universal grammer have been challenged rather well by the Everett's research in South America, and make for interesting reading anyway. It may be useful to consider Wittgenstein's Blue and Brown books for contrast on on the subject of Chomskian versus Everettian linguistic deep structures.
On the general question of determinism versus indeterminism in the physical cosmos represented to empiricists it is worth mentioning its exceedingly high level of determinism from the initial hyperinflaton and the later distribution of galaxies correlating to the initial anisotropies in the surviving preponderance of matter over anti-matter because of a symmetry surplus of matter in CP violation I think to the reduction of the background temperature of the Universe from very very high toward absolute zero as well as it's near isotropic distribution with minor inhomogeneities around the measurable Universe. The Universe moves with inexorable determinism from a lowest state of entropy toward a highest and the distribution of matter in the Universe and its characteristics reflect that determinism.
Quantum uncertainty underlying the Universe is a paradox yet a necessary component of the implicit uncertainty required for change and motion, being and becoming. The uncertainty in this universe may be determined in alternate dimensions however, and virtual particles may reflect the intrusion of alternate dimension particles in all possible worldlines and all possible universes interacting deterministically in this particular Universe. In a multi-dimensional monism the pluralism of alternate Universes and dimensions may like the paintings of Malcom Escher as reciprocals of one function or schema.
Interestingly rational and spiritual human thought seem to be the most potentially indeterminate element of the Universe, and its realizing the nature of The One (such as is God) humanity may at once become most free , undetermined yet pre-determined through the grace of Jesus Christ unto renormalization with the Author of all that is.
P.F. Strawson and W.V.O. Quine wrote a few good books on logic and linguistic philosophy, yet Schopenhauer's ideas that go a little beyond Kant's epistemology in finding that human cognition must interpret sense data and does add something to it to make it appear as it does is a useful way to integrate ideas of Plotinus about the One, about appearances to human perceptions, Sartre's ideas about existential epistemology and the reef of solipsism phenomenalities that have concerned philosophers perennial about the subjective nature of human experience in a theory of knowledge.
Romney, Bias and Mormon Flummery
Clarence Page wrote a piece about Mitt Romney and Mormonism and why the Iowa Huckabee surge in the polls may be in part a result of 'anti-Mormon bias'. Mr. Page points out maladroitly that the founders were for religious toleration and that for voters to not vote for candidates with religious practices anti-pathetic to their own is a form of intolerance and bias or even prejudice.
Clarence Page, a usually good writer on political affairs has blundered in this instance into the snare of political correctness that all religious practices and beliefs are without substance and equivalent in the algebra of politics-they are not. Mr. Page has accepted the wrong political belief that a Christian should vote for a Satanist because it would not has as much meaning as advocating that an American that would not have voted for a communist candidate in the 1950's was biased against communism and that the founders would not have intolerance for people because of their personal social or economic beliefs. There are real and substantial differences in religion, economics and social beliefs that affect what a candidate would do if he were in political office-to say that a candidate sets his religion and social beliefs aside upon taking office and just does the political engineering is b.s.
The founders were for religious tolerance and for keeping the church out of state to the extent that no theocracy would form, yet they did not prefer to be ruled by extremists of any sort and preferred a majority reflecting candidate generally. In the first 184 years of the nations existence no one besides a nominal protestant at least ever got the job of Presidency. It wasn't that the founders just didn't care-they did and so did every generation of American voters since.
Mr. Romney is a hardened trans-nationalist that will continue to support the erosion of in the interests of the people of the United States if elected President. Mr. Romney's extra-terrestrial universal religious beliefs are very unChristian and for Christians would represent the first rule by a non-Christian in the nation's history. For Christians of many sorts that coincides with a period of a decline in the nation's relationship with God, and that could indicate more troubles ahead of Biblical scale.
If elected President Mr. Romney would undoubtedly contribute to the strength of Mormon evangelistic efforts and Mormon wealth in America and abroad, at a time of global questions about religion and society the minority Mormonist practices and beliefs would not help clarify the basic issues to the world. Mr. Romney is the wrong foot to put forward with the indefensible polytheistic character of the cult in the context of global Mohammedanism and its belief in one God. For Mr. Page and many new agers the religious issues is a detached from reality abstract question of no consequence. Mr. Page even compared it to the Shi's-Sunni differences as something to avoid. He believes in error perhaps that there is no social historical basis for that particular animosity and that it is an abstract theologically based argument instead-in error. Dividing American leadership up into a myriad faithless, abominable modes is the wrong way for the nation to go in 2008. A simple faith in God, reflecting a Christian majority with secular work for a humanitarian and intellectually free and progressive populace with secure borders, a balanced budget, optimism about the future, space colonization and personal and public religious tolerance is the way to go. It will take tough love and patience presenting a rational and right Christian ethic for America to move forward with assurance through the world's troubles ahead. The rosy utopia of a global economic false democracy or in fact corporatism will not mature for a number of reasons into a democratic fact that would do anything but repress the U.S.A. and create tyranny abroad.
The code words of political correctness often run rough-shod over meaningfully accurate history of causes and reasons why people have made political choices. The reason why Americans never elected a Catholic President before John F. Kennedy are a case in point of over-simplifying history in order to support a political cause.
The founders of the United States were revolutionaries against big government, over-centralized authority and foreign rule. Not only were they against King George they were to a substantial measure dissidents from the Church of England. They would not support Catholic rule either, for Catholicism had historical roots of association with Imperial rule in Europe that continued in Mexico, Latin America and other colonial areas of the world. Nor until the Mexican revolution did Hapsburg power become finally disassociated from our neighbor to the south. Concerns about a Catholic President's historical association with imperial rule and even the inquisition would not have faded away quickly from the political concerns of enlightened American voters.
The Index was a corollary of the Inquisition that listed people the Catholic Church considered it's enemies. The Index had many of the enlightenment, reformation and renaissances greatest intellectuals and leaders upon it-and the Index was officially in existence until John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960 at which time it was retired quietly centuries after the inquisition ended.
Catholics in then United States had a different role today as Christians and Americans that may merge into even the White House if they can support U.S. democracy and nationalism rather than trans-nationalism that is pervasively corrupting the security of the United States. Only through majority mergers politically speaking with nationally minded protestants and priesthood of believers independent Christians will the United States survive the expanding polytheism and anti-Christian real-politik of much of the globes commercial and communist elites.
Clarence Page, a usually good writer on political affairs has blundered in this instance into the snare of political correctness that all religious practices and beliefs are without substance and equivalent in the algebra of politics-they are not. Mr. Page has accepted the wrong political belief that a Christian should vote for a Satanist because it would not has as much meaning as advocating that an American that would not have voted for a communist candidate in the 1950's was biased against communism and that the founders would not have intolerance for people because of their personal social or economic beliefs. There are real and substantial differences in religion, economics and social beliefs that affect what a candidate would do if he were in political office-to say that a candidate sets his religion and social beliefs aside upon taking office and just does the political engineering is b.s.
The founders were for religious tolerance and for keeping the church out of state to the extent that no theocracy would form, yet they did not prefer to be ruled by extremists of any sort and preferred a majority reflecting candidate generally. In the first 184 years of the nations existence no one besides a nominal protestant at least ever got the job of Presidency. It wasn't that the founders just didn't care-they did and so did every generation of American voters since.
Mr. Romney is a hardened trans-nationalist that will continue to support the erosion of in the interests of the people of the United States if elected President. Mr. Romney's extra-terrestrial universal religious beliefs are very unChristian and for Christians would represent the first rule by a non-Christian in the nation's history. For Christians of many sorts that coincides with a period of a decline in the nation's relationship with God, and that could indicate more troubles ahead of Biblical scale.
If elected President Mr. Romney would undoubtedly contribute to the strength of Mormon evangelistic efforts and Mormon wealth in America and abroad, at a time of global questions about religion and society the minority Mormonist practices and beliefs would not help clarify the basic issues to the world. Mr. Romney is the wrong foot to put forward with the indefensible polytheistic character of the cult in the context of global Mohammedanism and its belief in one God. For Mr. Page and many new agers the religious issues is a detached from reality abstract question of no consequence. Mr. Page even compared it to the Shi's-Sunni differences as something to avoid. He believes in error perhaps that there is no social historical basis for that particular animosity and that it is an abstract theologically based argument instead-in error. Dividing American leadership up into a myriad faithless, abominable modes is the wrong way for the nation to go in 2008. A simple faith in God, reflecting a Christian majority with secular work for a humanitarian and intellectually free and progressive populace with secure borders, a balanced budget, optimism about the future, space colonization and personal and public religious tolerance is the way to go. It will take tough love and patience presenting a rational and right Christian ethic for America to move forward with assurance through the world's troubles ahead. The rosy utopia of a global economic false democracy or in fact corporatism will not mature for a number of reasons into a democratic fact that would do anything but repress the U.S.A. and create tyranny abroad.
The code words of political correctness often run rough-shod over meaningfully accurate history of causes and reasons why people have made political choices. The reason why Americans never elected a Catholic President before John F. Kennedy are a case in point of over-simplifying history in order to support a political cause.
The founders of the United States were revolutionaries against big government, over-centralized authority and foreign rule. Not only were they against King George they were to a substantial measure dissidents from the Church of England. They would not support Catholic rule either, for Catholicism had historical roots of association with Imperial rule in Europe that continued in Mexico, Latin America and other colonial areas of the world. Nor until the Mexican revolution did Hapsburg power become finally disassociated from our neighbor to the south. Concerns about a Catholic President's historical association with imperial rule and even the inquisition would not have faded away quickly from the political concerns of enlightened American voters.
The Index was a corollary of the Inquisition that listed people the Catholic Church considered it's enemies. The Index had many of the enlightenment, reformation and renaissances greatest intellectuals and leaders upon it-and the Index was officially in existence until John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960 at which time it was retired quietly centuries after the inquisition ended.
Catholics in then United States had a different role today as Christians and Americans that may merge into even the White House if they can support U.S. democracy and nationalism rather than trans-nationalism that is pervasively corrupting the security of the United States. Only through majority mergers politically speaking with nationally minded protestants and priesthood of believers independent Christians will the United States survive the expanding polytheism and anti-Christian real-politik of much of the globes commercial and communist elites.
Homos Choose Atheism to Avoid Conviction of Sin?
Denial of sin and denial of God are two common points of homosexual militants.
Is homo 'marriage' an example of macro-social immune system attack?
One must wonder if homo 'marriage' efforts in the various states isn't a sort of social immunology attack. Homosexuality unfortunately may be a genetic defect that in the modern world may not be curable yet may be correctable enough to allow homos to lead normal lives.
It would be a substantive social error to let the social disease destroy society or become a protracted major influence upon degradation of the health of the social structure. Historically the decline and fall of civilizations may be marked by the rise in decadent homosexual lifestyles in society.
Society of course has unnumerable ways of over-reacting to social issues of concern, and generally in finding ways to maladroitly correct social concerns and that probably will not change.
Homosexuality is plainly a grave sin in a Biblical moral context, yet the effect upon society of homosexual corruption of meanings of moral and political issues in order to provide camoflage in some sort of social struture made for heterosexuals are some of the reasons why societies decline, and why nature leads to the downfall of perverse societies perhaps.
Choosing the atheist path or seeking to corrupt the truth of the Bible about the doom of homosexuals and other unrepentent sinners will not be of help to the lost on the day of judgment. One hopes that at least a few of the lost homos struggling in turmoil or confusion in-the-world will find their way to God through the Son Jesus Christ who shed His blood for the remission of the sin of those of faith.
Even the context of philosophy is corrupted by the life-long desire of some homosexuals to move society toward a more homo-affinity structure. Homosexuality and issues pertaining to it's political prosyletation aren't hardly worth a damn philosophically speaking.
Is homo 'marriage' an example of macro-social immune system attack?
One must wonder if homo 'marriage' efforts in the various states isn't a sort of social immunology attack. Homosexuality unfortunately may be a genetic defect that in the modern world may not be curable yet may be correctable enough to allow homos to lead normal lives.
It would be a substantive social error to let the social disease destroy society or become a protracted major influence upon degradation of the health of the social structure. Historically the decline and fall of civilizations may be marked by the rise in decadent homosexual lifestyles in society.
Society of course has unnumerable ways of over-reacting to social issues of concern, and generally in finding ways to maladroitly correct social concerns and that probably will not change.
Homosexuality is plainly a grave sin in a Biblical moral context, yet the effect upon society of homosexual corruption of meanings of moral and political issues in order to provide camoflage in some sort of social struture made for heterosexuals are some of the reasons why societies decline, and why nature leads to the downfall of perverse societies perhaps.
Choosing the atheist path or seeking to corrupt the truth of the Bible about the doom of homosexuals and other unrepentent sinners will not be of help to the lost on the day of judgment. One hopes that at least a few of the lost homos struggling in turmoil or confusion in-the-world will find their way to God through the Son Jesus Christ who shed His blood for the remission of the sin of those of faith.
Even the context of philosophy is corrupted by the life-long desire of some homosexuals to move society toward a more homo-affinity structure. Homosexuality and issues pertaining to it's political prosyletation aren't hardly worth a damn philosophically speaking.
Muhammadans Rage Against the Teddy Bear Naming
Raging Muslims demanded death for naming a teddy bear Muhammad in the Sudan recently. An innocent British school marm let a student name the stuffed animal after himself-Muhammad receiving a conviction, jail sentence and deportation order. Angry Sudanese protested demanding a death sentence providing evidence that if it is a lunatic fringe that is radical in Muhammadanism it is a lunatic fringe lurking just below the surface as a consequence of Muhammedan indoctrination.
The Sudan probably doesn't even have many bears, and giving a teddy bear probably teaches wrong ecological conservation values making them 'bear huggers'. Traditional Muslim caining for naming anything Muhammed- a blaspheming, might have been less bad. Fortunately the teacher may get out of Sudan alive perhaps to value the life experience of seriously underestimating the nature of Muhammadism. Luckily she didn;t give the kids anything like Sherrie Lewis' 'Lambchops' and said it was 'is-lamb', the Lamb of God or anything like that.. Muhammedans can get livid with rage about misunderstanding what is-lamb means as the perfect example of submission to the will of God.
"There may be moderate Muslims, but Islam itself is not moderate. There is no difference between Islam and Islamic fundamentalism. At most there is a difference of degree but not of kind."-Ibn Warraq, executive director of the Institute for the Secularization of Islamic Society
Muhammad was the son of the keeper of pagan statues at the Kabba of Mecca. Muhammad improved upon his father's business inventing a synthetic unified Christian-Judaic religion tailor made for war. Mohammed's scholarship was bad yet the illiterate warriors readily accepted his creed of war in monotheistic dress. The smell of empires ripe for the plucking was on the wind...
Muhammadanism at its high tide invading Europe from the South, east and west had plundered its way across North Africa, invaded Sicily, attacked Rome, sent a fleet to assault Constantinople, occupied Spain in a bloody war lasting centuries with the costly reconquista continuing until the last of the Moors were sent back across the Straits of Gibraltar in 1492 and set upon a centuries long attack upon the Byzantine civilization. The entire Muhammadan conquest was done at the point of the sword with entire peoples ruthlessly subjugated and alternative multi-cultural values deleted. In the zone of war or Dar al Harb the Muhammadan crusades to conquer the free world was prosecuted without mercy upon hapless disorganized peoples until an anti-crusading crusade of European reaction developed to fight the tide of Muhammadan doom. Has the fundamental warrior syncretism of the Umma/Ummayad Empire changed in the stagnant dark ages of the post-Abbasid empire collapse? May any non-Jihhadist Muhammadan be anything more than a lapsed Muhammadan interested more in worldliness than suicide bombing his or herself back t perennial hell and a status lower than worms for eons...the dichotomy of Dar al harb and Dar al Islam is an implicit structural element of the globalist world-view expressed today in in transnational Arab oil policies and in their court and fossil fuel sycophants denying global warming, environmental mass extinctions and the peril of federal deficit spending for western civilization.
"Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."-quote from the Koran K 9:029 Set 38, Count 101
Muhammadanism functions in an intelligence vacuum that well serves expansion amidst pagan and third world peoples. It disregards the truth of Jesus Christ, the complex theological concepts of the nature of God and triune beingness in One to market and proselytize the masses with just God for-himself. While there is just one God, the protocol of God is plural comparable to the Universe itself-while there is one Universe there are many things in it. God emanates reality for-others, and Jesus Christ is His way to return humanity unto Himself, while the Spirit of God is the divine essence leading humanity through the vicissitudes of life and turns of pre-determinism. The blind push of the son of the keeper of the many religions centered at Mecca and the Kaba named Muhammad was and is a political power conquest oriented program developed with malinterpretations of Christianity and of Judaism. It is worth comprehending the faults in Muhammad's syncretism in order to understand its strengths and discover how it may be a tool to lead many of the people of the world through bringing them unto God through Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
Muhammadanism hasn't a developed notion of sin and believes humanity may relate directly to God. God is perfect while humanity is fallen. The saving grace of Jesus Christ is the sole way to bridge the gap separating man and God. The divine economy has a universal debt for humanity that only Jesus Christ could pay for; Muhammedism fails to get beyond the basics of montheistic concepts, although in his synthetic religion developed in the decadent era of the Byzantine civilization and vacuum of power after the collapse of the western Roman Empire and Gothic invasions of North Africa the opportunistic Muhammadist expansion served to stimulate the emergence of Europe from the dark ages through its need to defend against the scimitar and Damascus steel.
-quotes from the Quran..,
IX. 5-6: ""Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them."
IV.76: Those who believe fight in the cause of God."
'164 Jihad verses in the Koran'
It may be that Muhammed was the false prophet mentioned in Biblical eschatology, or not...there may be another. It is likely that Muhammedism was in some way part of God's plan, perhaps as a comparison of the Christian and ancient Greek cultures
Prehistoric Greek culture was much like that of the balance of the land north of the Europus; savage. It was only though millennia that settlements allowed the constructions of societies to develop that bring more intense cultural development and social order. The Minoan culture was the first to arrive in Greece and bring a written language and culture concatenated from the ancient civilizations of the south. The Minoan cultures demise was sudden as it's home islands were obliterated except for that of Crete in a Krakatoa like explosion circa 1500 B.C. A local civilization followed-that of Agamemnon and Trojan legends, yet mankind was still led by oppressive royal societies as its best form of governance except in Ur, circa 2000 B.C. God called Abraham out of Babylon and into the desert and Israel in a relationship destined to bring about the major change in human history-a government by a transcendent God of love and respect for mankind by one another, though human original sin would make them fall short of achieving perfection even of democracy.
Classical Greece embodied the contradictions of mankind's relations with itself. A cluster of city states each with a different form of government developed bring them to war incessantly with each other. Athen's and its limited franchise democracy one out and had a league of Delos over-taxing the resources of the other members to pay for things like building the Parthenon. Sparta declared war on Athens after its completion and began the end of classical Greece.
Sparta was the worst of Greek government development with a homosexual butch elite warrior caste annihilating any social order besides war and training for war. Sparta created nothing lasting for posterity except some military victories of dubious necessity. Greek, known by Greeks as Hellas, in Sparta provide slaves named helots to serve of interest of the arrested social order of warriors. It would take the Roman Republic to actualize the society unifying Athenian and Spartan government values to perfect the idea of a Republic.
Servility and savagery are each opposed to democratic individualism...
Tacitas wrote of German society in the first century...
"25. The rest of their slaves have not, like ours, particular employments in the family allotted them. Each is the master of a habitation and household of his own. The lord requires from him a certain quantity of grain, cattle or cloth, as from a tenant; and so far only the subjection of the slave extends.21 Hid domestic offices are performed by his own wife and children. It is usual to scourge a slave, or punish him with chains or hard labor. They are sometimes killed by their masters; not through severity of chastisement, but in the heat of passion, like an enemy; with this difference, that it is done with impunity.22 Freedmen are little superior to slaves; seldom filling any important office in the family; never in the state, except in those tribes which are under regal government.23 There, they rise above the free-born, and even the nobles: in the rest, the subordinate condition of the freedmen is a proof of freedom."
European society needed to be lifted out of it's savage paganism over the next millennium...Muhammadan cultureswas a raging lion seeking to devour setting it's will for predation to Europe.
Decadent imperialism followed the Roman Republic, yet Christian culture flourished to provide a unity to stand against the invasions of the Umayyad Empire under the false prophet Muhammad. Pope Gregory led a defense against the Umayyad crusades of invasion of Europe that reached Rome, France and the Aegean Islands. Christianity was the motivating cultural element that led Europe out of the pagan re-civilized social structures and into first the imperial structure and then with the reformation and the Dewitt Brothers democratic revolution in Holland into the world's first general government for the masses movement in the form of democracy. While the papacy had become corrupted by worldliness fr a time, it moved Martin Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox and others to form independent and general literacy so people could read the Bible in their own language for themselves...God's teleos had drawn mankind out of a planet of the apes and into one moving to democratic individualism.
Christian movement reflected in ensuing mirrored democratic movements against imperial rule from Rome. Christianity was the motive for invention of the printing press by Gutenberg in 1440.
Christianity is a living culture founded upon a transcendent faith in Jesus Christ and the grace of God; ancient Greek culture is dead. Ancient Greek culture, or cultures more accurately are one of the great research subjects of archeology however beginning more than 25,000 years ago with excavations done at the Francthi cave in the neolithic period of hunters moving through the ages to farmers and the emergence of Minoan culture centered at the island of Thera/Santorini before its end with the apocalypse of volcanism giving rise to the legends of Atlantis.
Jesus Christ ended the pagan era of humanity substituting atoning and renewing spiritual faith in the Absolute post-temporal creator of temporality and much more. The Christian culture began with the physical appearance of Jesus Christ on Earth with His birth in Bethlehem circa October, 3 B.C. The laws of God were then written on the hearts and minds of believers as the prophet Jeremiah had related they would be centuries before. Christian culture brought the end of animal sacrifice and misguided beliefs in inanimate objects as gods. The spiritual draft of Jesus Christ was the central cohering element in the rise of western Europe to civilization. From the remarkable writings of the 1st century apostle Paul 4th/5th century Augustine to the 15th century physicist Isaac Newton and contemporary Christians the Christian culture is a remarkable motivating force in human creativity and ingenuity.
Ancient Greek cultures after the end of the neolithic period were known as bronze age cultures. They developed in mainland Greece (Minoan), Turkey (Anatolian) and in some Aegean Sea islands (Cycladic). A transitional culture developed between the late neolithic and bronze ages called today the Korakou culture with simple mostly non-metallic artifacts extent. It has red colors and good pottery and was a decent, modest culture in the beautiful land. The following Minoan culture named for King Minos was a brilliant early culture giving rise to the first European alphabetic scripts discovered...linear A. The following Mycenaean culture was the legendary culture of King Agamemnon and later the heroic age written of at its end by the Homeric poets circa 1100 B.C.
The war with Troy and intercultural conflict helped bring the end of Mycenaean culture. Aeolian, Ionians and Dorian tribes people invaded the weakened culture flowing over the borders of the culture creating an age of darkness lasting nearly four centuries until reformation of an archaic post-Mycenaean civilization in Attica around the year 750 B.C. The city state of Athens would produce some of the greatest creative minds of ancient world history before the Christian era...Parmenides, Heraclitus., Protagoras, Anaximander, Alexander, Sappho, Euripedes, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great etc. With the appearance of the apostle to the gentiles Paul and his oratory at Athens describing the unknown God to the Athenians at the Agora through which Socrates had once walked and talked with his fellow philosophers the end of the decadent and pagan era of Greece after the end of the golden age of 5th and 4th century Athens began. The Christian culture of which Paul bespoke overcame the dominant Roman civilization transforming its natural corruption and downward plunge into a faith that would motivate the Emperor Constantine to refound a Greek Byzantine culture on the Dardanelles bridging the old world and new; bring lands north and south of the Mediterranean into one fold that would survive the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Christianity became the genius of a transcendent universal spirit moving the people of the world into a teleos of God, the end of which cannot be presently known. More than 2000 years old already Christian culture may reach the stars, for the world may pass away but the words of Jesus Christ will last forever. way to get some of the pagans close enough to a Christian way of thinking about God that some might be able to make the leap of faith into belief in Jesus Christ and salvation unto eternal life instead of eternal death.
The Sudan probably doesn't even have many bears, and giving a teddy bear probably teaches wrong ecological conservation values making them 'bear huggers'. Traditional Muslim caining for naming anything Muhammed- a blaspheming, might have been less bad. Fortunately the teacher may get out of Sudan alive perhaps to value the life experience of seriously underestimating the nature of Muhammadism. Luckily she didn;t give the kids anything like Sherrie Lewis' 'Lambchops' and said it was 'is-lamb', the Lamb of God or anything like that.. Muhammedans can get livid with rage about misunderstanding what is-lamb means as the perfect example of submission to the will of God.
"There may be moderate Muslims, but Islam itself is not moderate. There is no difference between Islam and Islamic fundamentalism. At most there is a difference of degree but not of kind."-Ibn Warraq, executive director of the Institute for the Secularization of Islamic Society
Muhammad was the son of the keeper of pagan statues at the Kabba of Mecca. Muhammad improved upon his father's business inventing a synthetic unified Christian-Judaic religion tailor made for war. Mohammed's scholarship was bad yet the illiterate warriors readily accepted his creed of war in monotheistic dress. The smell of empires ripe for the plucking was on the wind...
Muhammadanism at its high tide invading Europe from the South, east and west had plundered its way across North Africa, invaded Sicily, attacked Rome, sent a fleet to assault Constantinople, occupied Spain in a bloody war lasting centuries with the costly reconquista continuing until the last of the Moors were sent back across the Straits of Gibraltar in 1492 and set upon a centuries long attack upon the Byzantine civilization. The entire Muhammadan conquest was done at the point of the sword with entire peoples ruthlessly subjugated and alternative multi-cultural values deleted. In the zone of war or Dar al Harb the Muhammadan crusades to conquer the free world was prosecuted without mercy upon hapless disorganized peoples until an anti-crusading crusade of European reaction developed to fight the tide of Muhammadan doom. Has the fundamental warrior syncretism of the Umma/Ummayad Empire changed in the stagnant dark ages of the post-Abbasid empire collapse? May any non-Jihhadist Muhammadan be anything more than a lapsed Muhammadan interested more in worldliness than suicide bombing his or herself back t perennial hell and a status lower than worms for eons...the dichotomy of Dar al harb and Dar al Islam is an implicit structural element of the globalist world-view expressed today in in transnational Arab oil policies and in their court and fossil fuel sycophants denying global warming, environmental mass extinctions and the peril of federal deficit spending for western civilization.
"Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."-quote from the Koran K 9:029 Set 38, Count 101
Muhammadanism functions in an intelligence vacuum that well serves expansion amidst pagan and third world peoples. It disregards the truth of Jesus Christ, the complex theological concepts of the nature of God and triune beingness in One to market and proselytize the masses with just God for-himself. While there is just one God, the protocol of God is plural comparable to the Universe itself-while there is one Universe there are many things in it. God emanates reality for-others, and Jesus Christ is His way to return humanity unto Himself, while the Spirit of God is the divine essence leading humanity through the vicissitudes of life and turns of pre-determinism. The blind push of the son of the keeper of the many religions centered at Mecca and the Kaba named Muhammad was and is a political power conquest oriented program developed with malinterpretations of Christianity and of Judaism. It is worth comprehending the faults in Muhammad's syncretism in order to understand its strengths and discover how it may be a tool to lead many of the people of the world through bringing them unto God through Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
Muhammadanism hasn't a developed notion of sin and believes humanity may relate directly to God. God is perfect while humanity is fallen. The saving grace of Jesus Christ is the sole way to bridge the gap separating man and God. The divine economy has a universal debt for humanity that only Jesus Christ could pay for; Muhammedism fails to get beyond the basics of montheistic concepts, although in his synthetic religion developed in the decadent era of the Byzantine civilization and vacuum of power after the collapse of the western Roman Empire and Gothic invasions of North Africa the opportunistic Muhammadist expansion served to stimulate the emergence of Europe from the dark ages through its need to defend against the scimitar and Damascus steel.
-quotes from the Quran..,
IX. 5-6: ""Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them."
IV.76: Those who believe fight in the cause of God."
'164 Jihad verses in the Koran'
It may be that Muhammed was the false prophet mentioned in Biblical eschatology, or not...there may be another. It is likely that Muhammedism was in some way part of God's plan, perhaps as a comparison of the Christian and ancient Greek cultures
Prehistoric Greek culture was much like that of the balance of the land north of the Europus; savage. It was only though millennia that settlements allowed the constructions of societies to develop that bring more intense cultural development and social order. The Minoan culture was the first to arrive in Greece and bring a written language and culture concatenated from the ancient civilizations of the south. The Minoan cultures demise was sudden as it's home islands were obliterated except for that of Crete in a Krakatoa like explosion circa 1500 B.C. A local civilization followed-that of Agamemnon and Trojan legends, yet mankind was still led by oppressive royal societies as its best form of governance except in Ur, circa 2000 B.C. God called Abraham out of Babylon and into the desert and Israel in a relationship destined to bring about the major change in human history-a government by a transcendent God of love and respect for mankind by one another, though human original sin would make them fall short of achieving perfection even of democracy.
Classical Greece embodied the contradictions of mankind's relations with itself. A cluster of city states each with a different form of government developed bring them to war incessantly with each other. Athen's and its limited franchise democracy one out and had a league of Delos over-taxing the resources of the other members to pay for things like building the Parthenon. Sparta declared war on Athens after its completion and began the end of classical Greece.
Sparta was the worst of Greek government development with a homosexual butch elite warrior caste annihilating any social order besides war and training for war. Sparta created nothing lasting for posterity except some military victories of dubious necessity. Greek, known by Greeks as Hellas, in Sparta provide slaves named helots to serve of interest of the arrested social order of warriors. It would take the Roman Republic to actualize the society unifying Athenian and Spartan government values to perfect the idea of a Republic.
Servility and savagery are each opposed to democratic individualism...
Tacitas wrote of German society in the first century...
"25. The rest of their slaves have not, like ours, particular employments in the family allotted them. Each is the master of a habitation and household of his own. The lord requires from him a certain quantity of grain, cattle or cloth, as from a tenant; and so far only the subjection of the slave extends.21 Hid domestic offices are performed by his own wife and children. It is usual to scourge a slave, or punish him with chains or hard labor. They are sometimes killed by their masters; not through severity of chastisement, but in the heat of passion, like an enemy; with this difference, that it is done with impunity.22 Freedmen are little superior to slaves; seldom filling any important office in the family; never in the state, except in those tribes which are under regal government.23 There, they rise above the free-born, and even the nobles: in the rest, the subordinate condition of the freedmen is a proof of freedom."
European society needed to be lifted out of it's savage paganism over the next millennium...Muhammadan cultureswas a raging lion seeking to devour setting it's will for predation to Europe.
Decadent imperialism followed the Roman Republic, yet Christian culture flourished to provide a unity to stand against the invasions of the Umayyad Empire under the false prophet Muhammad. Pope Gregory led a defense against the Umayyad crusades of invasion of Europe that reached Rome, France and the Aegean Islands. Christianity was the motivating cultural element that led Europe out of the pagan re-civilized social structures and into first the imperial structure and then with the reformation and the Dewitt Brothers democratic revolution in Holland into the world's first general government for the masses movement in the form of democracy. While the papacy had become corrupted by worldliness fr a time, it moved Martin Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox and others to form independent and general literacy so people could read the Bible in their own language for themselves...God's teleos had drawn mankind out of a planet of the apes and into one moving to democratic individualism.
Christian movement reflected in ensuing mirrored democratic movements against imperial rule from Rome. Christianity was the motive for invention of the printing press by Gutenberg in 1440.
Christianity is a living culture founded upon a transcendent faith in Jesus Christ and the grace of God; ancient Greek culture is dead. Ancient Greek culture, or cultures more accurately are one of the great research subjects of archeology however beginning more than 25,000 years ago with excavations done at the Francthi cave in the neolithic period of hunters moving through the ages to farmers and the emergence of Minoan culture centered at the island of Thera/Santorini before its end with the apocalypse of volcanism giving rise to the legends of Atlantis.
Jesus Christ ended the pagan era of humanity substituting atoning and renewing spiritual faith in the Absolute post-temporal creator of temporality and much more. The Christian culture began with the physical appearance of Jesus Christ on Earth with His birth in Bethlehem circa October, 3 B.C. The laws of God were then written on the hearts and minds of believers as the prophet Jeremiah had related they would be centuries before. Christian culture brought the end of animal sacrifice and misguided beliefs in inanimate objects as gods. The spiritual draft of Jesus Christ was the central cohering element in the rise of western Europe to civilization. From the remarkable writings of the 1st century apostle Paul 4th/5th century Augustine to the 15th century physicist Isaac Newton and contemporary Christians the Christian culture is a remarkable motivating force in human creativity and ingenuity.
Ancient Greek cultures after the end of the neolithic period were known as bronze age cultures. They developed in mainland Greece (Minoan), Turkey (Anatolian) and in some Aegean Sea islands (Cycladic). A transitional culture developed between the late neolithic and bronze ages called today the Korakou culture with simple mostly non-metallic artifacts extent. It has red colors and good pottery and was a decent, modest culture in the beautiful land. The following Minoan culture named for King Minos was a brilliant early culture giving rise to the first European alphabetic scripts discovered...linear A. The following Mycenaean culture was the legendary culture of King Agamemnon and later the heroic age written of at its end by the Homeric poets circa 1100 B.C.
The war with Troy and intercultural conflict helped bring the end of Mycenaean culture. Aeolian, Ionians and Dorian tribes people invaded the weakened culture flowing over the borders of the culture creating an age of darkness lasting nearly four centuries until reformation of an archaic post-Mycenaean civilization in Attica around the year 750 B.C. The city state of Athens would produce some of the greatest creative minds of ancient world history before the Christian era...Parmenides, Heraclitus., Protagoras, Anaximander, Alexander, Sappho, Euripedes, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great etc. With the appearance of the apostle to the gentiles Paul and his oratory at Athens describing the unknown God to the Athenians at the Agora through which Socrates had once walked and talked with his fellow philosophers the end of the decadent and pagan era of Greece after the end of the golden age of 5th and 4th century Athens began. The Christian culture of which Paul bespoke overcame the dominant Roman civilization transforming its natural corruption and downward plunge into a faith that would motivate the Emperor Constantine to refound a Greek Byzantine culture on the Dardanelles bridging the old world and new; bring lands north and south of the Mediterranean into one fold that would survive the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Christianity became the genius of a transcendent universal spirit moving the people of the world into a teleos of God, the end of which cannot be presently known. More than 2000 years old already Christian culture may reach the stars, for the world may pass away but the words of Jesus Christ will last forever. way to get some of the pagans close enough to a Christian way of thinking about God that some might be able to make the leap of faith into belief in Jesus Christ and salvation unto eternal life instead of eternal death.
U.S. Inflation , Housing Slump and Trans-national Corporatism
Fifty-year Kondratieff wave cycle modeling should place America at the edge of a depression-yet it could be wrong for many reasons including the trans-national transition of the American economy perhaps forestalling the K wave in the U.S.A. and expanding it to the global perhaps in a 75 year criterion...who can say. Generational change and housing lifespans and many other factors go into the supply and demand for housing. What America needs is good concrete dome housing that have an effective r value of 100 and cost approximately sixty dollars per square (maybe it should be round) foot.
The housing construction industry is historically associated with the well being of the economy. When the housing market recedes recession follows. The assumptions about historic roles of housing construction in the economy like the role of low inflation rates may be anachronistic in the shaping adverse world order of trans-nationalism. table of boom/bust a U.S. century another boom-bust theory
Can trans-national corporatists just fiddle with the U.S. economy in relation to election cycles in order to maximize profits and corporatist power? Why doesn't WalMart sell solar panels and wind driven electrical power generators or the federal government build monolithic concrete dome homes on military bases?
Foreign investment in the U.S. mortgage market is large, it went from $2.763 trillion in 1992 to $8.144 trillion in 2001. With the dollar becoming shakier and investment elsewhere such as China appearing attractive foreign investors in the U.S. mortgages may be uncertain about continuing the increase. With so many foreign interests involved in America's economic infrastructure it is hard to say how much the next administration could do even if it was willing to change either housing or transportation infrastructure much. Basically no one can expect a serious rectification of macro-economic interdiction procedures from federal leadership.
Between 1997 and 2001 foreign held U.S. equities increased from 1.513 to $2.857 trillion. In recent years foreign investment in the U.S.A. has increased. Trans-nationalism is taking over U.S. political self-determination by influence. Oil profits have allowed Citygroup and other U.S. firms to be purchased by Arab oil interests. The U.S. political leaderships would not change the way 5.5 million homes are built in the country in good years with support for better lot design and zoning to support it nor preference for home power-production or concrete domes for heating-cooling efficiency and longevity-nothing that would make the U.S.A. a safer, better more prosperous nation. Foreign investors have 24% of the total investment in equity in income producing properties in the U.S.A.
Direct foreign in the U.S.A. reached its highest level in history of 335 billion in the year 2000 during President Clinton's final year in office. Though the trend was downward after the 2001 incident it has returned to the increase with 161 billion invested in 2006. Foreign takeover of U.S. businesses is another consequence of trans-national policies by the administration and congress that have accelerated outsourcing of jobs to maximize not American but foreign investors and interests. The cheaper U.S. dollar allows increased foreign purchases of discounted American businesses and properties.
Housing technology and demographic facts could reduce the need to rely on housing expansion at all if environmentalism were more naturally included in the personal dwelling concept. Larger home lots with better landscaping and a small, more efficient and longer lasting home such as a monolithic dome could reduce this major element of the economy to a lower level freeing up more personal capital savings for investment in personal production. Federal unimaginativeness has encouraged over-reliance on rectilinear stick-frame dwellings with minimal green space. The federal government also of course fails to support active personal transportation modification to non-fossil fuel power supply to the nations detriment. Economic cycle can be altered with timely, incremental public sector transitions to new technology infrastructures.
Economic management in one nation has implicitly different assumptions and challenges than in the trans-national or global business paradigm in which economic management entails so far as the United States goes discounting local or regional international economic slumps so well as the U.S. economy is good enough to return trans-nationalists to office. Trans-national corporatist management paradigms may use low inflation goals as a lever to undermine the national economy. It may be a subversive trend because of what is done to accomplish the low inflation rates in the U.S.A., while in China the yuan is over-valued yet the Chinese economy is thriving albeit with pollution and other external costs.
Low inflation and low unemployment rates in America are accomplished not the old fashioned way with honest work, a balanced budget and innovation and intelligent economic management but through the Enron model of transnational ponzi stoked by trade agreements to make it easier for trans-national corporations to relocate and exploit cheap labor, floods of millions of cheap laborers into the U.S.A. and trillions of dollars of cheap imported goods for domestic consumption. The low inflation rate does keep the prices low and products affordable for necessary consumer items yet is also financed with vast federal debt and a consumer spending and no savings policy.
While Americans can afford to live the economy is basically ill-founded and building up foreign rivals in the long range from oil purchases from OPEC to capital investment in new Chinese factories and infrastructure and so forth. In the United States wealthy foreign corporations can purchase housing, energy and mortgage corporations as well as real estate with higher valued currencies while Americans drift toward homelessness and insolvency. The ill-health of American economic management since the 1980's can be measured by the decreasing percentage of Americans that speak English as an internal proletariat from Mexico floods in as Chinese partners to keep the rate of inflation down and trans-nationalism roaring ahead. Sure inflation or higher prices on everything is bad and with the end of the Republican administration in January 2009 it may be a necessary follow up to 100 dollar per barrel oil prices and other 'hidden' inflation economic techniques designed to gouge and degrade U.S. consumers and build trans-national and foreign interests. President Ronald Regan's use of short term Keynesian hybrid supply side economics may have been justified but it transformed into a lever to enrich the richest and outsource the U.S. economic health.
Isolationism and inflation are bad extremes of course, yet so is the rabid transnationalizing
mindless dronary that cares not a whit about prioritizing U.S. intelligence in macro-economic management policy. The United States should be a leading conservationist, energy production, environmental health increase and security role model for the world to follow rather than an amorphous trans-national siphoner of profits for select trans-national corporations. Some large corporate M.B.A. personnel may be simply pimps regarding national human interests looking for just cheap profits and undeserving of trust by the gullible citizens of the United States. The housing industry driven by cheap labor much of which is illegal needs honest money to purchase it and finance it's increase at some point. With the financial related sector of the nation's economy far too high for health it becomes somewhat difficult perhaps to find the rare honest workers to pay the sophisticates not creating anything materially the high prices they need to keep Wall-Street going and able to sell out to Dubai. Heck, it's only oil anyway and goes up in smoke.
Trans-national corporations may be a form of robust ad hoc collectives crushing domestic political opposition in order to increase their own profit naturally enough. Politicians in the United States should be more patriotic and seek to enrich all of the people of the United States, revitalize the environment, secure a no illegal alien ingress fact and balance the federal budget. While trans-national corporations will take care of themselves the federal government should look after the interests of the people of the U.S.A. not through socialism or the opposite of fealty to trans-national corporatism but within a rational realism that does not view Americans as replaceable and downgradable assets or human capital. The nation needs a sound immigration policy of just 350,000 annually from all sources and with a just and unbiased representative selection of the global demographics. They should all be on a course to citizenship over seven years, be given free English language instruction and leave if they choose not to become Americans after seven years.
The housing construction industry is historically associated with the well being of the economy. When the housing market recedes recession follows. The assumptions about historic roles of housing construction in the economy like the role of low inflation rates may be anachronistic in the shaping adverse world order of trans-nationalism. table of boom/bust a U.S. century another boom-bust theory
Can trans-national corporatists just fiddle with the U.S. economy in relation to election cycles in order to maximize profits and corporatist power? Why doesn't WalMart sell solar panels and wind driven electrical power generators or the federal government build monolithic concrete dome homes on military bases?
Foreign investment in the U.S. mortgage market is large, it went from $2.763 trillion in 1992 to $8.144 trillion in 2001. With the dollar becoming shakier and investment elsewhere such as China appearing attractive foreign investors in the U.S. mortgages may be uncertain about continuing the increase. With so many foreign interests involved in America's economic infrastructure it is hard to say how much the next administration could do even if it was willing to change either housing or transportation infrastructure much. Basically no one can expect a serious rectification of macro-economic interdiction procedures from federal leadership.
Between 1997 and 2001 foreign held U.S. equities increased from 1.513 to $2.857 trillion. In recent years foreign investment in the U.S.A. has increased. Trans-nationalism is taking over U.S. political self-determination by influence. Oil profits have allowed Citygroup and other U.S. firms to be purchased by Arab oil interests. The U.S. political leaderships would not change the way 5.5 million homes are built in the country in good years with support for better lot design and zoning to support it nor preference for home power-production or concrete domes for heating-cooling efficiency and longevity-nothing that would make the U.S.A. a safer, better more prosperous nation. Foreign investors have 24% of the total investment in equity in income producing properties in the U.S.A.
Direct foreign in the U.S.A. reached its highest level in history of 335 billion in the year 2000 during President Clinton's final year in office. Though the trend was downward after the 2001 incident it has returned to the increase with 161 billion invested in 2006. Foreign takeover of U.S. businesses is another consequence of trans-national policies by the administration and congress that have accelerated outsourcing of jobs to maximize not American but foreign investors and interests. The cheaper U.S. dollar allows increased foreign purchases of discounted American businesses and properties.
Housing technology and demographic facts could reduce the need to rely on housing expansion at all if environmentalism were more naturally included in the personal dwelling concept. Larger home lots with better landscaping and a small, more efficient and longer lasting home such as a monolithic dome could reduce this major element of the economy to a lower level freeing up more personal capital savings for investment in personal production. Federal unimaginativeness has encouraged over-reliance on rectilinear stick-frame dwellings with minimal green space. The federal government also of course fails to support active personal transportation modification to non-fossil fuel power supply to the nations detriment. Economic cycle can be altered with timely, incremental public sector transitions to new technology infrastructures.
Economic management in one nation has implicitly different assumptions and challenges than in the trans-national or global business paradigm in which economic management entails so far as the United States goes discounting local or regional international economic slumps so well as the U.S. economy is good enough to return trans-nationalists to office. Trans-national corporatist management paradigms may use low inflation goals as a lever to undermine the national economy. It may be a subversive trend because of what is done to accomplish the low inflation rates in the U.S.A., while in China the yuan is over-valued yet the Chinese economy is thriving albeit with pollution and other external costs.
Low inflation and low unemployment rates in America are accomplished not the old fashioned way with honest work, a balanced budget and innovation and intelligent economic management but through the Enron model of transnational ponzi stoked by trade agreements to make it easier for trans-national corporations to relocate and exploit cheap labor, floods of millions of cheap laborers into the U.S.A. and trillions of dollars of cheap imported goods for domestic consumption. The low inflation rate does keep the prices low and products affordable for necessary consumer items yet is also financed with vast federal debt and a consumer spending and no savings policy.
While Americans can afford to live the economy is basically ill-founded and building up foreign rivals in the long range from oil purchases from OPEC to capital investment in new Chinese factories and infrastructure and so forth. In the United States wealthy foreign corporations can purchase housing, energy and mortgage corporations as well as real estate with higher valued currencies while Americans drift toward homelessness and insolvency. The ill-health of American economic management since the 1980's can be measured by the decreasing percentage of Americans that speak English as an internal proletariat from Mexico floods in as Chinese partners to keep the rate of inflation down and trans-nationalism roaring ahead. Sure inflation or higher prices on everything is bad and with the end of the Republican administration in January 2009 it may be a necessary follow up to 100 dollar per barrel oil prices and other 'hidden' inflation economic techniques designed to gouge and degrade U.S. consumers and build trans-national and foreign interests. President Ronald Regan's use of short term Keynesian hybrid supply side economics may have been justified but it transformed into a lever to enrich the richest and outsource the U.S. economic health.
Isolationism and inflation are bad extremes of course, yet so is the rabid transnationalizing
mindless dronary that cares not a whit about prioritizing U.S. intelligence in macro-economic management policy. The United States should be a leading conservationist, energy production, environmental health increase and security role model for the world to follow rather than an amorphous trans-national siphoner of profits for select trans-national corporations. Some large corporate M.B.A. personnel may be simply pimps regarding national human interests looking for just cheap profits and undeserving of trust by the gullible citizens of the United States. The housing industry driven by cheap labor much of which is illegal needs honest money to purchase it and finance it's increase at some point. With the financial related sector of the nation's economy far too high for health it becomes somewhat difficult perhaps to find the rare honest workers to pay the sophisticates not creating anything materially the high prices they need to keep Wall-Street going and able to sell out to Dubai. Heck, it's only oil anyway and goes up in smoke.
Trans-national corporations may be a form of robust ad hoc collectives crushing domestic political opposition in order to increase their own profit naturally enough. Politicians in the United States should be more patriotic and seek to enrich all of the people of the United States, revitalize the environment, secure a no illegal alien ingress fact and balance the federal budget. While trans-national corporations will take care of themselves the federal government should look after the interests of the people of the U.S.A. not through socialism or the opposite of fealty to trans-national corporatism but within a rational realism that does not view Americans as replaceable and downgradable assets or human capital. The nation needs a sound immigration policy of just 350,000 annually from all sources and with a just and unbiased representative selection of the global demographics. They should all be on a course to citizenship over seven years, be given free English language instruction and leave if they choose not to become Americans after seven years.
Wave Standard Dreams
Dream waves strike the shore adding memories
ideas and visions in time that rent
hope apart and for itself together with each place
walked through the forests and nights
when passages in particular left the sounds behind
like classes of social dreams arranged together
the public sees in it's objects pluses or minuses
proposed from M.B.A.s to allocate and distribute four four in C sharp
like the pointillist city put together by my friend the beautiful poet
struck down in her prime by mal-wear
these wonderful stanzas strolled alone and were carried over the sands
in winds of the evening breeze with oceanness
the sound was a roaring eternity that lasted through all the morrows
though they curled in and broke myriad maths into the landshore currents
so where is she now one wonders
No one cares about the blank verses and standard paragraphs
presumed by prose to launch a thousand lines advancing as rhymes
swift and determined so much so that they have formed
images of a burning hot sun in the desert sky
with millions of vultures and oil pumps, skeletons and S.U.V.s
black toxic smoke and choking sands at 100 dollars a barrel
to pollute the one blue atmosphere
something like a dream that changes it's moods with colors
blushing sunrises orchestrated by a Chopin attacking the horizontal keyboard
fading into the beginning of solid color work
it becomes unnoticed until the fall rays light more vividly an Earth
So one cares about savings dreams and metaphors
flying away from nightfall and sin
away from the infinite worldliness that mumbled meaninglessness
urging for the angels to be released unto them
though the angels were traveling incognito
neat the city was racked up though there were at least two or three good people
the dreams turn this way and that while the eagle flies
beyond comedy shows and writers on strike
past real construction without song
no pomp for the peace envisioned
mountains unclimbed, borders unprotected and budgets unbalanced
who would ever have dreampt that God preexists dreams before thinking
somethings ashore and somethings offshore, some for now and some for later
ideas that are structured like material bridging through time to become
something like another poem to provide three-dimensional and more with colors
she could write, that beach, those waves that easily reach the highest mark gently surging.
-Gary C. Gibson 2007
ideas and visions in time that rent
hope apart and for itself together with each place
walked through the forests and nights
when passages in particular left the sounds behind
like classes of social dreams arranged together
the public sees in it's objects pluses or minuses
proposed from M.B.A.s to allocate and distribute four four in C sharp
like the pointillist city put together by my friend the beautiful poet
struck down in her prime by mal-wear
these wonderful stanzas strolled alone and were carried over the sands
in winds of the evening breeze with oceanness
the sound was a roaring eternity that lasted through all the morrows
though they curled in and broke myriad maths into the landshore currents
so where is she now one wonders
No one cares about the blank verses and standard paragraphs
presumed by prose to launch a thousand lines advancing as rhymes
swift and determined so much so that they have formed
images of a burning hot sun in the desert sky
with millions of vultures and oil pumps, skeletons and S.U.V.s
black toxic smoke and choking sands at 100 dollars a barrel
to pollute the one blue atmosphere
something like a dream that changes it's moods with colors
blushing sunrises orchestrated by a Chopin attacking the horizontal keyboard
fading into the beginning of solid color work
it becomes unnoticed until the fall rays light more vividly an Earth
So one cares about savings dreams and metaphors
flying away from nightfall and sin
away from the infinite worldliness that mumbled meaninglessness
urging for the angels to be released unto them
though the angels were traveling incognito
neat the city was racked up though there were at least two or three good people
the dreams turn this way and that while the eagle flies
beyond comedy shows and writers on strike
past real construction without song
no pomp for the peace envisioned
mountains unclimbed, borders unprotected and budgets unbalanced
who would ever have dreampt that God preexists dreams before thinking
somethings ashore and somethings offshore, some for now and some for later
ideas that are structured like material bridging through time to become
something like another poem to provide three-dimensional and more with colors
she could write, that beach, those waves that easily reach the highest mark gently surging.
-Gary C. Gibson 2007
Revisions of Judgment Day
Physicists have written that a quantum phase transition could make the Universe disappear any second as improbable as that seems. For the Creator the physics of this Universe must be transparent and wholly malleable such as modeling clay for a sculptor. Forward, backward in time, cut and pasted sections of space-time and interesting collages of creation juxtaposed to present more just and aesthetic constructions to benefit not only humanity but to resound in the harmonics of the good for-itself-who can say what God has in mind for space-time right now?
What day can be said to be the day of doom-that day was the time original sin separated mankind from God. The day of salvation occurs when one accepts Jesus Christ as their personal savior unto eternal life. Days in life cross between times in the shadow of the sun as the Earth faces how many times will the Earth face away before God puts and end to the world...ten times, one-thousand, four-hundred thousand and ninety-six? It isn't likely that God is counting intervals that way especially as God is eternal or even beyond time. The day for any individual is simply being alive. One must ask will doomsday occur in one's lifetime and set aside the fact that all the important issues of eternal life and destiny with God or without occur for-oneself with complete certainty. The doomsday scenario's are a sort of bonus redundant possibility that could either bring one to eternal life without physical death or bring and end to one's life as regular destiny right then. Death is never more than a breath away for everyone of course-the entire universe could experience an unlikely quantum phase transition and wink out of existence immediately yet it hasn't so far as far as I know unless it did and God 'replugged' it back in too quick to notice. I unplugged an electric sander accidentally doing some work and had to plug it back in again and stop the sanding. Humanity hasn't yet developed the ability to unplug the Universe for-themselves.
Harold Camping has predicted the second coming of Jesus Christ for October 20th, 2011, and others vomit at the concept that anyone can know the mind of God or accurately predict the day. Well, there are bioethical and utilitarian ethical issues to examine today. Every day for the unsaved is a day of doom that can be changed only when they get into a right and saving relationship with Jesus Christ. I will write a little following about the criterion of utilitarianism and it's effects on how society is being influenced in its ethical decision making generally on issues from abortion to transhumanism, transnationalism and pharmaceutical product development. Many of these things 'doom' society toward an end of a healthy and prosperous, secure United States as greed gets the best of reason, philosophy and faith too much...
Value theory or axiology would entail utilitarianist approaches toward structuralisms of any ethical paradigm, template or 'principles' for determining right and wrong, permissibility and so on for applications purposes. Unfortunately value theory in-the-world today would largely be inertially determined in accordance with other macro-social facticities such as social organization-utilitarianism then would become a sycophantic ethical kiss up device for consumerism and corporatism. The greatest good for the greatest number would be transformed into the greatest profit for the most powerful shareholders.
There are a number of factors and actors that corrupt capitalism today, and in the corruption of capitalism whereby a pure individualistic free enterprise marketplace does not exist because of established collectivist and power oriented corruptions of the principles of capitalism the purchase of expert ethical opinions for wealthy and flim flam biomedical corporations along with tort deform to release transnational corporations from large civil damages for creating mass social negative alterity is a fact.
Because people define morality and ethics themselves unless they can find a natural law or a divine command theory, they may egress ethical values farther and farther toward the edge of social dissolution in pursuit of the profits gained by selling cures to individual problems that compile destruction for the human race as a whole. The value principle of exploiting the most unrepresented or least able to defend elements of society such as unborn children in the womb is also a time proven principle.
The principle of exploiting the weak or politically underrepresented works for the powerful. It applies even in environmental extraction industry exploitation for profits of transnational corporations at the cost of national and global interests. The value theory contents that provide the criterion in which ethical theories and principles are selected and applied is subject to the global control of corruption in high places determined inertially to exert it's own proprietary interests and that does not include undominated or unsubdued change socially.
In the United States the 2008 Presidential race is a facade of candidates without a nationalist amongst them except for Ron Paul maybe but probably not. As a Texas congressman he must be sold out right and left to transnational oil and environmental exploitation. The Unite States in pursuit of trans-national oil profits is selling out its national independence instead of transitioning with a purpose right away to independent electrical production at home for the power of electric cars. Electric cars are the sole practical way presently to liberate the nation from the self-destructive binge of fossil fuel consumption that transfers American wealth to the Muslim world. Yet not even Wal-mart has the ability to sell 1000 watt wind power generators for 300 dollars because of the corporatist value principle loyalty to oil and American dependence on trans-national power suppliers. Bioethics also tend to follow the will of the profit seekers except where two heads are grown where only one is wanted and so forth-the most extreme cases. Bioethics are found today within the value theory of corporatism or atheist collectivism rather than in utilitarianism. Utilitarianism has several problems a significant one being the meaningful paradigm for determination of what the good is.
What day can be said to be the day of doom-that day was the time original sin separated mankind from God. The day of salvation occurs when one accepts Jesus Christ as their personal savior unto eternal life. Days in life cross between times in the shadow of the sun as the Earth faces how many times will the Earth face away before God puts and end to the world...ten times, one-thousand, four-hundred thousand and ninety-six? It isn't likely that God is counting intervals that way especially as God is eternal or even beyond time. The day for any individual is simply being alive. One must ask will doomsday occur in one's lifetime and set aside the fact that all the important issues of eternal life and destiny with God or without occur for-oneself with complete certainty. The doomsday scenario's are a sort of bonus redundant possibility that could either bring one to eternal life without physical death or bring and end to one's life as regular destiny right then. Death is never more than a breath away for everyone of course-the entire universe could experience an unlikely quantum phase transition and wink out of existence immediately yet it hasn't so far as far as I know unless it did and God 'replugged' it back in too quick to notice. I unplugged an electric sander accidentally doing some work and had to plug it back in again and stop the sanding. Humanity hasn't yet developed the ability to unplug the Universe for-themselves.
Harold Camping has predicted the second coming of Jesus Christ for October 20th, 2011, and others vomit at the concept that anyone can know the mind of God or accurately predict the day. Well, there are bioethical and utilitarian ethical issues to examine today. Every day for the unsaved is a day of doom that can be changed only when they get into a right and saving relationship with Jesus Christ. I will write a little following about the criterion of utilitarianism and it's effects on how society is being influenced in its ethical decision making generally on issues from abortion to transhumanism, transnationalism and pharmaceutical product development. Many of these things 'doom' society toward an end of a healthy and prosperous, secure United States as greed gets the best of reason, philosophy and faith too much...
Value theory or axiology would entail utilitarianist approaches toward structuralisms of any ethical paradigm, template or 'principles' for determining right and wrong, permissibility and so on for applications purposes. Unfortunately value theory in-the-world today would largely be inertially determined in accordance with other macro-social facticities such as social organization-utilitarianism then would become a sycophantic ethical kiss up device for consumerism and corporatism. The greatest good for the greatest number would be transformed into the greatest profit for the most powerful shareholders.
There are a number of factors and actors that corrupt capitalism today, and in the corruption of capitalism whereby a pure individualistic free enterprise marketplace does not exist because of established collectivist and power oriented corruptions of the principles of capitalism the purchase of expert ethical opinions for wealthy and flim flam biomedical corporations along with tort deform to release transnational corporations from large civil damages for creating mass social negative alterity is a fact.
Because people define morality and ethics themselves unless they can find a natural law or a divine command theory, they may egress ethical values farther and farther toward the edge of social dissolution in pursuit of the profits gained by selling cures to individual problems that compile destruction for the human race as a whole. The value principle of exploiting the most unrepresented or least able to defend elements of society such as unborn children in the womb is also a time proven principle.
The principle of exploiting the weak or politically underrepresented works for the powerful. It applies even in environmental extraction industry exploitation for profits of transnational corporations at the cost of national and global interests. The value theory contents that provide the criterion in which ethical theories and principles are selected and applied is subject to the global control of corruption in high places determined inertially to exert it's own proprietary interests and that does not include undominated or unsubdued change socially.
In the United States the 2008 Presidential race is a facade of candidates without a nationalist amongst them except for Ron Paul maybe but probably not. As a Texas congressman he must be sold out right and left to transnational oil and environmental exploitation. The Unite States in pursuit of trans-national oil profits is selling out its national independence instead of transitioning with a purpose right away to independent electrical production at home for the power of electric cars. Electric cars are the sole practical way presently to liberate the nation from the self-destructive binge of fossil fuel consumption that transfers American wealth to the Muslim world. Yet not even Wal-mart has the ability to sell 1000 watt wind power generators for 300 dollars because of the corporatist value principle loyalty to oil and American dependence on trans-national power suppliers. Bioethics also tend to follow the will of the profit seekers except where two heads are grown where only one is wanted and so forth-the most extreme cases. Bioethics are found today within the value theory of corporatism or atheist collectivism rather than in utilitarianism. Utilitarianism has several problems a significant one being the meaningful paradigm for determination of what the good is.
What is the State of the Former Soviet Union?
Examining Russia political conditions for fascist drifts in real policy an practice must begin with Mr. Putin's party United Russia. United Russia is Mr. Putin's party and is conservative and centrist keeping a meaningfully close grip on political power. It controls the broadcast media to a certain extent, yet in America the FCC allocates the broadcast media mainly to trans-national corporate high bidders and the people are shut out. Russia's other three main political parties are excluded from control, yet the Duma still has a diversity of opinions including the communist party.Russia has experienced about as many casualties from terrorism during Mr. Putin's term of office as America with Mr. Bush, and their political opinions and roles don't seem that much different without being gone from official power after elections in 2008.
United Russia had 305 seats out of 450 in the Duma in 2005 and had a plain majority therefore. They do not seem to be like a regular fascist party at all, but more like a pragmatic and sober group of conservatives seeking to keep something of Russia together in the transition chaos of the post-cold war fall of communism. American perspectives on world politics are often unrealistic and therefor expensive and ineffective. A good example of that was the completely incompetent Bush administration unpreparedness for occupying and rebuilding post-war Iraq. Their cost estimates were wildly wrong.
The group of Muslim nations meeting in Annapolis tonight to discuss the problem of Iran and what to do about those troublesome Shi'a uphill may find some support from the Bush administration's interest in shoring up Sunni oil producing states and terrorist organizations that might attack Israel and somehow jeopardize America's reliance on imported oil at 100 dollars a barrel. Mr. Bush's policy hopefully will leave office when he does. It is possible that Mr. Putin does not desire a Wahhabist take over of Iran more than other middle-east instability or power increase for Sunni terrorism. The Shi'a of Iran for the time being at least present an alternative to Sunni hegemony over all the Muslims that Russia might politically engage with in Eurasia. ditions,_Tendencies,_Movements
Certainly one would like a perfect Russian society that the British would be proud of, but is that realistic for the time being? Northern free enterprise in the harsh arctic environment and essential infrastructure survival services are not easy to transition into modernity and effectiveness even in America much less Russia. How many American state complained about the price increases of energy deregulation and backed away from it in state legislatures?.
Modern Russia seems to be losing population and geography but it doesn't seem to be fascist. Sure returns the same old in-groups of the Kremlin to power for years at a time and so does the Democrat and Republican parties in Ameria with relatives shoe'd-in, and oil power interests and control of oil revenues seem to be a predominant feature of the state but does that define a fascist state?
Russia may be in a time of identity crisis with geography loss, the transition from communism and various states of mob power, new organized crime power and integration into an unstable and transitioning global economy with the United States sort of balanced on a borrowed federal debt ridden avalanche snow bridge, China and its 1.2 billion progressive polluters burgeoning o the east with an increasing military budget, high tech growing one billion plus on the southwest, a billion restive Muslims eager to blow up Moscow to demonstrate sympathy for freeing up Muslim republic affiliate of Moscow, a traditional concern about Poland and Germany on the west and other substantial issue including the remnants of the cold war missile launch potential. A loss of state authority must be a real concern for Russians today and change may be feared more than authoritarian features. SL17november
Putin has a five-year plan to cut 650,000 military personel and improve pay. Taking a cue from America's individual personnel quality increase efforts after the draft era army Mr. Putin is attempting the same. Its not a fascist trend but a realistic policy to try with 20% of the federal budget invested eventually. SImultaneously the Interior ministry loses 33,000 people and the Federal Border Service, Federal Security Service, Federal Railroad lose nearly 232,000. Mr. Putin's policies do not indicate fascism but instead a Russian history consistent modernization of society that can later permit liberalization as security isn't endangered. With corporations, communes and broadcast networks ruling the globe increasingly real individual liberalism may be more rare. So many people have a disregard for intellectualism such as political philosophy might provide to move toward a better political structure for individual liberty.
Authoritarianism is the logical conclusion of capitalism that has overcome democracy incidentally. Trans-national corporations that are inherently undemocratic tend to assert intimidating authority over democracy through influence peddling in congress and later through direct M.B.A. educated business proxies in the executive branch who appoint business loyalist justice department judges willing to acquiesce in trans-national corporate power over the democratic interests of the state. With communism being an authoritarian structure too as a sort of destination of consolidated and uncompetitive trans-national corporations through networking conglomerates and mergers why should President Putin fear any meaningful opposition from the west to his increase of Russian executive power?
President Putin may know that the west objects mainly to obstructions to leveraged trans-national takeover of Russian oil field and economic interests-maybe Exxon Mobil should offer to become Russian oil partners and Haliburton set up a second corporate headquarters in the Kremlin to match their new headquarters in Dubai. Democracy in the United States seemed to take an odd turn with the election of President Bush and the state of emergency in September 2001 that it may not recover from but will need to transition into another direction to escape instead. The 2008 election in Russia and in the United States don't seem promising-maybe Mrs. Putin will stand for the Russian Presidency.
United Russia had 305 seats out of 450 in the Duma in 2005 and had a plain majority therefore. They do not seem to be like a regular fascist party at all, but more like a pragmatic and sober group of conservatives seeking to keep something of Russia together in the transition chaos of the post-cold war fall of communism. American perspectives on world politics are often unrealistic and therefor expensive and ineffective. A good example of that was the completely incompetent Bush administration unpreparedness for occupying and rebuilding post-war Iraq. Their cost estimates were wildly wrong.
The group of Muslim nations meeting in Annapolis tonight to discuss the problem of Iran and what to do about those troublesome Shi'a uphill may find some support from the Bush administration's interest in shoring up Sunni oil producing states and terrorist organizations that might attack Israel and somehow jeopardize America's reliance on imported oil at 100 dollars a barrel. Mr. Bush's policy hopefully will leave office when he does. It is possible that Mr. Putin does not desire a Wahhabist take over of Iran more than other middle-east instability or power increase for Sunni terrorism. The Shi'a of Iran for the time being at least present an alternative to Sunni hegemony over all the Muslims that Russia might politically engage with in Eurasia. ditions,_Tendencies,_Movements
Certainly one would like a perfect Russian society that the British would be proud of, but is that realistic for the time being? Northern free enterprise in the harsh arctic environment and essential infrastructure survival services are not easy to transition into modernity and effectiveness even in America much less Russia. How many American state complained about the price increases of energy deregulation and backed away from it in state legislatures?.
Modern Russia seems to be losing population and geography but it doesn't seem to be fascist. Sure returns the same old in-groups of the Kremlin to power for years at a time and so does the Democrat and Republican parties in Ameria with relatives shoe'd-in, and oil power interests and control of oil revenues seem to be a predominant feature of the state but does that define a fascist state?
Russia may be in a time of identity crisis with geography loss, the transition from communism and various states of mob power, new organized crime power and integration into an unstable and transitioning global economy with the United States sort of balanced on a borrowed federal debt ridden avalanche snow bridge, China and its 1.2 billion progressive polluters burgeoning o the east with an increasing military budget, high tech growing one billion plus on the southwest, a billion restive Muslims eager to blow up Moscow to demonstrate sympathy for freeing up Muslim republic affiliate of Moscow, a traditional concern about Poland and Germany on the west and other substantial issue including the remnants of the cold war missile launch potential. A loss of state authority must be a real concern for Russians today and change may be feared more than authoritarian features. SL17november
Putin has a five-year plan to cut 650,000 military personel and improve pay. Taking a cue from America's individual personnel quality increase efforts after the draft era army Mr. Putin is attempting the same. Its not a fascist trend but a realistic policy to try with 20% of the federal budget invested eventually. SImultaneously the Interior ministry loses 33,000 people and the Federal Border Service, Federal Security Service, Federal Railroad lose nearly 232,000. Mr. Putin's policies do not indicate fascism but instead a Russian history consistent modernization of society that can later permit liberalization as security isn't endangered. With corporations, communes and broadcast networks ruling the globe increasingly real individual liberalism may be more rare. So many people have a disregard for intellectualism such as political philosophy might provide to move toward a better political structure for individual liberty.
Authoritarianism is the logical conclusion of capitalism that has overcome democracy incidentally. Trans-national corporations that are inherently undemocratic tend to assert intimidating authority over democracy through influence peddling in congress and later through direct M.B.A. educated business proxies in the executive branch who appoint business loyalist justice department judges willing to acquiesce in trans-national corporate power over the democratic interests of the state. With communism being an authoritarian structure too as a sort of destination of consolidated and uncompetitive trans-national corporations through networking conglomerates and mergers why should President Putin fear any meaningful opposition from the west to his increase of Russian executive power?
President Putin may know that the west objects mainly to obstructions to leveraged trans-national takeover of Russian oil field and economic interests-maybe Exxon Mobil should offer to become Russian oil partners and Haliburton set up a second corporate headquarters in the Kremlin to match their new headquarters in Dubai. Democracy in the United States seemed to take an odd turn with the election of President Bush and the state of emergency in September 2001 that it may not recover from but will need to transition into another direction to escape instead. The 2008 election in Russia and in the United States don't seem promising-maybe Mrs. Putin will stand for the Russian Presidency.
No Real Presidential Candidates for 2008
There are no real Republican candidates in 2008 for the Presidency-not one has a genuine conservative leg to stand on at least. They are trans-nationalists seeking the international autocracies of trans-national corporate power with no interest at all in the proprietary democratic re-empowerment of the modest American republic of the founders dreams.
Capitalism leads to autocracy like its autocratic corporate models when it subverts democracy. Corporatists jealously attack from their incestuous conglomerate trans-national feudal realms monopolistic authoritarian state communism, and believe that autocratic corporate feudalism is democratic so long as four or five conglomerates or zaibatsu exist to challenge communist totalitarianism. It is autocratic totalitarianism that trans-national corporatism leads to however-especially as it unifies with Chinese communism.
Duncan Hunter is the best verisimilitude of political reality Republican pseudo-conservative able to think on his feet, used to an intense Southern California social environment with a real time ability to improvise and yet patient enough to survive the onslaught of ineloquent and maladroit apprehension of his attention with a smile. Hunter hasn't a chance of getting the nomination. Golden tablets found in New York favor auspices and signs for a candidate from New York to win. Political astrologers note the confluence of moron-knee favored candidates in 2008. The American right will probably ignore Duncan Hunter as the Democrat Party is ignoring John Edwards; the only true Democratic nationalist of the top tiers of the left. Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill may be seeking a global imperium with Hilary as Empress. After thrice being Governor of Arkansas and then elected to the White House the Clintons gave Arkansas the 'we emit gases happily in you general direction with satisfying sounds' thanks and moved to New York state to afford a better political base camp for the ascent up to global imperium. The United States is perhaps disposable too for the Clintons as for them "It takes a (global-my interpolation) Village" of idiots for us to become rulers of the village.
Can any of the Republican candidates write haiku such as this about cross purposes...
Orange fall broke mankind
so dead climb crucified not
water of resurrection
Or are they unimaginative followers of transnational corporations termiting away the rotten door border security of the United States? Nationalists have a rational side to their capitalism-they don't give away the store when doing business internationally. Republican candidates must convince the public that they care a about the U.S.A. enough that they will support a strong democracy that seeks the advantage of its citizens before that of any international interests.
Duncan Hunter is the sole neo-realist candidate interested in U.S. national interest as was Ronald Regan before him. Hunter can be the President without betraying the nation in preference for transnational corporations. A french inventor has made a car run on compressed air that with an auxiliary gas motor gets 3000 miles per gallon. Along with solar and wind and home fuel cell recharged electric cars their are a number of alternative power commuter vehicles available but what candidate is advocating a variegated fleet approach to U.S. energy independence? At least Hunter is from California-the alternate energy innovation state. Conservatism it should be remembered doesn't just mean dumb or dependent on fossil fuels for polluting the air and creating vast national trade deficits.
The filthy rich GQ role model guy with maybe a quarter billion dollars in trans-national corporate investments more or less from Massachusetts is a sort of inherited wealth stuffed suit seeking to enrich trans-national corporations and his own personal business interests as a corporate consultant, Mayor Rudy J is over promoted by disaster, while the endurable and faithful Senator McCain is just wrong headed on at least two major issues and approaches to international relations perhaps from being beaten around in captivity. At least someone will rep[lace the bushes but after sixteen years of Clintons and Bushes already the nation may be incapable of selecting good candidates in the primaries-I am not at all optimistic.
Capitalism leads to autocracy like its autocratic corporate models when it subverts democracy. Corporatists jealously attack from their incestuous conglomerate trans-national feudal realms monopolistic authoritarian state communism, and believe that autocratic corporate feudalism is democratic so long as four or five conglomerates or zaibatsu exist to challenge communist totalitarianism. It is autocratic totalitarianism that trans-national corporatism leads to however-especially as it unifies with Chinese communism.
Duncan Hunter is the best verisimilitude of political reality Republican pseudo-conservative able to think on his feet, used to an intense Southern California social environment with a real time ability to improvise and yet patient enough to survive the onslaught of ineloquent and maladroit apprehension of his attention with a smile. Hunter hasn't a chance of getting the nomination. Golden tablets found in New York favor auspices and signs for a candidate from New York to win. Political astrologers note the confluence of moron-knee favored candidates in 2008. The American right will probably ignore Duncan Hunter as the Democrat Party is ignoring John Edwards; the only true Democratic nationalist of the top tiers of the left. Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill may be seeking a global imperium with Hilary as Empress. After thrice being Governor of Arkansas and then elected to the White House the Clintons gave Arkansas the 'we emit gases happily in you general direction with satisfying sounds' thanks and moved to New York state to afford a better political base camp for the ascent up to global imperium. The United States is perhaps disposable too for the Clintons as for them "It takes a (global-my interpolation) Village" of idiots for us to become rulers of the village.
Can any of the Republican candidates write haiku such as this about cross purposes...
Orange fall broke mankind
so dead climb crucified not
water of resurrection
Or are they unimaginative followers of transnational corporations termiting away the rotten door border security of the United States? Nationalists have a rational side to their capitalism-they don't give away the store when doing business internationally. Republican candidates must convince the public that they care a about the U.S.A. enough that they will support a strong democracy that seeks the advantage of its citizens before that of any international interests.
Duncan Hunter is the sole neo-realist candidate interested in U.S. national interest as was Ronald Regan before him. Hunter can be the President without betraying the nation in preference for transnational corporations. A french inventor has made a car run on compressed air that with an auxiliary gas motor gets 3000 miles per gallon. Along with solar and wind and home fuel cell recharged electric cars their are a number of alternative power commuter vehicles available but what candidate is advocating a variegated fleet approach to U.S. energy independence? At least Hunter is from California-the alternate energy innovation state. Conservatism it should be remembered doesn't just mean dumb or dependent on fossil fuels for polluting the air and creating vast national trade deficits.
The filthy rich GQ role model guy with maybe a quarter billion dollars in trans-national corporate investments more or less from Massachusetts is a sort of inherited wealth stuffed suit seeking to enrich trans-national corporations and his own personal business interests as a corporate consultant, Mayor Rudy J is over promoted by disaster, while the endurable and faithful Senator McCain is just wrong headed on at least two major issues and approaches to international relations perhaps from being beaten around in captivity. At least someone will rep[lace the bushes but after sixteen years of Clintons and Bushes already the nation may be incapable of selecting good candidates in the primaries-I am not at all optimistic.
On the modern state of exile; what does it mean?
Exile is another tool of political attack through other means and a prerogative of political power.
Exile in the world today has gone far beyond the traditional meaning of the term, and what was that you might ask? Russia is a society with a solid tradition of internal and external exile practiced even today. Last year a former Russian spy in exile Alexander Litvinenko who had said that President Putin was a pedophile was poisoned to death by thallium in a London restaurant-and it wasn't on any menu except perhaps one at the Kremlin. Litvineko formerly was employed by a later Russian exiled billionaire Boris Berezovsky, as a security officer.
Usually Russian writers like Radischev were sent into exile for failing to please state censors. Radischev suicided the second time he was sentenced to Siberia. The author of 'A Journey from Petersburg to Moscow' found Catherine the Great's proscriptions on his works unbearable and hoped the sin of self-exile from life was forgivable. Sometimes Russian politicians have experienced exile when it was politically incorrect to have them murdered. Stalin sent his rival Trotsky into internal exile first before sending him out of Russia eventually to be assassinated in Mexico City in the midst of writing his biography of Stalin.
Georgi Markov a Bulgarian dissident was poisoned in London in 1978.
Then Ukranian political opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko ingested large amounts of the most toxic dioxin known YCDD during a campaign for President against Mr. Putin's favorite; Viktor Yanukovych. Trans-national illegal activities by state authorities is another fruitful area of interest controlled mainly by certain undemocratic elite balancing equations.
Studies have been made on the transnational expulsion of entire peoples trans-nationally into exile such as this workshop at Rutgers University in 2002...http://www- /Conferences/02-5-eme.html
Entire peoples may go into political exile without a right of return to their own nation. Exile is also a traditional place to plot a revolution in the exiling country for the exiled. One thinks of Afghan rebels, the Ayatollah Khomeini and Iraqi dissidents against Saddam Hussein as examples of rebels that have plotted revolution. The Palestinian exile refugee camp gangsters that transitioned through terror into the Palestinian Government are additional examples of political exiles and trans-national activity in exile.
Trans-national broadcast corporations themselves have the opportunity to flank national civil rights and attack political targets from over-the-border rebroadcast though affiliates into the relevant nation was legal deniability as simply a 'quote with spin on it'. National democracy with sound civil rights is the primary bulwark against trans-national predations on private citizens.
Modern global communications and travel technology has made physical exile somewhat anachronistic now; what is more important in exiling today is deletion of the individual or group from power and additional ad hoc ostracism. In the power group relationship of us versus them the targeted individual is moved from the us side to the them side-sometimes that is fatal, sometimes it means house arrest, other times some may escape over the border yet few political entities will permit political opponents more liberty than they must in relation to the natural cruelty or political necessity of the regime in power.
It is illustrative of the conditional use of the term exile today to compare Bin Ladin in possible clandestine 'exile' in Pakistan from terrorist bases in Afghanistan after the removal of the Taliban regime in the 2002 Afghan war with that of self-imposed-exile to avoid legal processes by political rivals former Prime Minister Bhutto of Pakistan accused of crimes in office by succeeding P.M./Junta leaders. It is convenient for political opponents to be removed as part of a deal for control by the new military governments on occasion. Exile's purposes haven't changed; just the technology, geographical and social relationships have. The broadcast media of any nation, and the ad hoc trans-national undemocratic broadcast 'empire' represent an ad hoc consortium of trans-national authoritarians (corporations are naturally opposed to democracy for-themselves and support it in nations only so far as it supports corporate increase politically and financially) that may afford no where within global broadcast network 'territory' for escape to exile. Exile may mean an escape to a social sub-class or removal from certain power centers. Exile may mean simply agreeing to a non-competition 'contract' with the establishment for some period of time or for a lifetime. In that way there are a variety of informal exile procedures, many illegal of course, in effect in the world today. Exile today, like American declarations of war, seldom reach the formality of legal proceeding, instead they are carried out through informal and effective adverse processes that enable removal from the protected compresence of political or social power and promotion.
Former Pakistani P.M. Nawaz Sharif was sent into exile, yet in the 1960s hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis and Hindus became refugees in exile as a process of formation after the cleansing. Social ethnic cleansing creating refugees in exile occurred in the former Yugoslavia during the 90s Balkin wars and is happening presently in Iraq as Shi'a and Sunni conflict in the wake of the removal of Saddam Hussein's government by the 2003 American led invasion. Thousands of Iraq's of each side have been killed by sectarian and terrorist forces while hundreds of thousands have gone into voluntary exile abroad for safety.
In exile today it may be convenient to conceal the term exile in order to deny that exiles occur. Exile may be enforced by structuring natural class conditions such that making a politically incorrect decision results in instant disqualification from residence. Perhaps it might be as trivial as building a fence taller than one permitted by a homeowners association causing an eventual expulsion from subdivision paradise, or removal from a social set when a proscribed set characteristic is found- Exile can be a self-exiling process in non-conformity to the established power. It is a perennial political device in that regard but the conditions of its applications have evolved and shall continue to do so until the unsaved are exiled forever to hell metaphorically speaking.
Exile in the world today has gone far beyond the traditional meaning of the term, and what was that you might ask? Russia is a society with a solid tradition of internal and external exile practiced even today. Last year a former Russian spy in exile Alexander Litvinenko who had said that President Putin was a pedophile was poisoned to death by thallium in a London restaurant-and it wasn't on any menu except perhaps one at the Kremlin. Litvineko formerly was employed by a later Russian exiled billionaire Boris Berezovsky, as a security officer.
Usually Russian writers like Radischev were sent into exile for failing to please state censors. Radischev suicided the second time he was sentenced to Siberia. The author of 'A Journey from Petersburg to Moscow' found Catherine the Great's proscriptions on his works unbearable and hoped the sin of self-exile from life was forgivable. Sometimes Russian politicians have experienced exile when it was politically incorrect to have them murdered. Stalin sent his rival Trotsky into internal exile first before sending him out of Russia eventually to be assassinated in Mexico City in the midst of writing his biography of Stalin.
Georgi Markov a Bulgarian dissident was poisoned in London in 1978.
Then Ukranian political opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko ingested large amounts of the most toxic dioxin known YCDD during a campaign for President against Mr. Putin's favorite; Viktor Yanukovych. Trans-national illegal activities by state authorities is another fruitful area of interest controlled mainly by certain undemocratic elite balancing equations.
Studies have been made on the transnational expulsion of entire peoples trans-nationally into exile such as this workshop at Rutgers University in 2002...http://www- /Conferences/02-5-eme.html
Entire peoples may go into political exile without a right of return to their own nation. Exile is also a traditional place to plot a revolution in the exiling country for the exiled. One thinks of Afghan rebels, the Ayatollah Khomeini and Iraqi dissidents against Saddam Hussein as examples of rebels that have plotted revolution. The Palestinian exile refugee camp gangsters that transitioned through terror into the Palestinian Government are additional examples of political exiles and trans-national activity in exile.
Trans-national broadcast corporations themselves have the opportunity to flank national civil rights and attack political targets from over-the-border rebroadcast though affiliates into the relevant nation was legal deniability as simply a 'quote with spin on it'. National democracy with sound civil rights is the primary bulwark against trans-national predations on private citizens.
Modern global communications and travel technology has made physical exile somewhat anachronistic now; what is more important in exiling today is deletion of the individual or group from power and additional ad hoc ostracism. In the power group relationship of us versus them the targeted individual is moved from the us side to the them side-sometimes that is fatal, sometimes it means house arrest, other times some may escape over the border yet few political entities will permit political opponents more liberty than they must in relation to the natural cruelty or political necessity of the regime in power.
It is illustrative of the conditional use of the term exile today to compare Bin Ladin in possible clandestine 'exile' in Pakistan from terrorist bases in Afghanistan after the removal of the Taliban regime in the 2002 Afghan war with that of self-imposed-exile to avoid legal processes by political rivals former Prime Minister Bhutto of Pakistan accused of crimes in office by succeeding P.M./Junta leaders. It is convenient for political opponents to be removed as part of a deal for control by the new military governments on occasion. Exile's purposes haven't changed; just the technology, geographical and social relationships have. The broadcast media of any nation, and the ad hoc trans-national undemocratic broadcast 'empire' represent an ad hoc consortium of trans-national authoritarians (corporations are naturally opposed to democracy for-themselves and support it in nations only so far as it supports corporate increase politically and financially) that may afford no where within global broadcast network 'territory' for escape to exile. Exile may mean an escape to a social sub-class or removal from certain power centers. Exile may mean simply agreeing to a non-competition 'contract' with the establishment for some period of time or for a lifetime. In that way there are a variety of informal exile procedures, many illegal of course, in effect in the world today. Exile today, like American declarations of war, seldom reach the formality of legal proceeding, instead they are carried out through informal and effective adverse processes that enable removal from the protected compresence of political or social power and promotion.
Former Pakistani P.M. Nawaz Sharif was sent into exile, yet in the 1960s hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis and Hindus became refugees in exile as a process of formation after the cleansing. Social ethnic cleansing creating refugees in exile occurred in the former Yugoslavia during the 90s Balkin wars and is happening presently in Iraq as Shi'a and Sunni conflict in the wake of the removal of Saddam Hussein's government by the 2003 American led invasion. Thousands of Iraq's of each side have been killed by sectarian and terrorist forces while hundreds of thousands have gone into voluntary exile abroad for safety.
In exile today it may be convenient to conceal the term exile in order to deny that exiles occur. Exile may be enforced by structuring natural class conditions such that making a politically incorrect decision results in instant disqualification from residence. Perhaps it might be as trivial as building a fence taller than one permitted by a homeowners association causing an eventual expulsion from subdivision paradise, or removal from a social set when a proscribed set characteristic is found- Exile can be a self-exiling process in non-conformity to the established power. It is a perennial political device in that regard but the conditions of its applications have evolved and shall continue to do so until the unsaved are exiled forever to hell metaphorically speaking.
Camping's end-of the world prediction & volcanism
I learned something else about Harold Camping's day the rapture happens and end of the world formulas for 2001, and why 22 Russians abandoned their village and went to live in a remote mine-shaft cave because they believe the world ends next May. I'll write a little about the most prevalent current active end-of-the-world prediction broadcast widely.
Camping thinks the Biblical flood happened in the year 4911 B.C. and with some other calculating finds May 21st the day of rapture and beginning of five months of hell on Earth before its destruction on October 20th. The Russians might be old believers that have made similar calculations on the old calender.
In Quincy Washington where I grew up the whole region is called the channeled scabland for all of the tremendous volcanic flows that happened there 15 million years ago and Bonneville flood much more recently.
A tremendous rift opened in the Earth's crust and lava and sulphur dioxide poured out for years creating a darkening of the Earth's skies and causing one of the five great mass extinctions in world history. The end times Biblical scenarios of tremendous earthquakes and a darkening of the skies have a somewhat similar account of the apocalypse. I think that interesting.
No I don't have confidence in end-of-the world predictions, yet there probably was a local flood that covered the 'world' of the lowlands of ancient Iraq about 5000 b.c., and there was another great volcanic rift in the crust in India's Deccan rift. that lasted maybe 30,000 years around 60 million years before present.
The hot spot in the Earth's mantle that caused the volcanism in Eastern Washington is not under Yellowstone Park (the Earth's crust in the North American plate is drifting slowly east). Old faithful has been irregular lately, and maybe human faith too-perhaps another volcanic rift will start in 2011 with five months of darkening skies and sulphur dioxide build-up until everyone is extinct-who knows? The rapture sounds good anyway.
So much for analysis of the theory-I am not very technical on the subject.
Camping thinks the Biblical flood happened in the year 4911 B.C. and with some other calculating finds May 21st the day of rapture and beginning of five months of hell on Earth before its destruction on October 20th. The Russians might be old believers that have made similar calculations on the old calender.
In Quincy Washington where I grew up the whole region is called the channeled scabland for all of the tremendous volcanic flows that happened there 15 million years ago and Bonneville flood much more recently.
A tremendous rift opened in the Earth's crust and lava and sulphur dioxide poured out for years creating a darkening of the Earth's skies and causing one of the five great mass extinctions in world history. The end times Biblical scenarios of tremendous earthquakes and a darkening of the skies have a somewhat similar account of the apocalypse. I think that interesting.
No I don't have confidence in end-of-the world predictions, yet there probably was a local flood that covered the 'world' of the lowlands of ancient Iraq about 5000 b.c., and there was another great volcanic rift in the crust in India's Deccan rift. that lasted maybe 30,000 years around 60 million years before present.
The hot spot in the Earth's mantle that caused the volcanism in Eastern Washington is not under Yellowstone Park (the Earth's crust in the North American plate is drifting slowly east). Old faithful has been irregular lately, and maybe human faith too-perhaps another volcanic rift will start in 2011 with five months of darkening skies and sulphur dioxide build-up until everyone is extinct-who knows? The rapture sounds good anyway.
So much for analysis of the theory-I am not very technical on the subject.
After the binge of turkey and tryptophan
Well, one could especially consider thanksgiving as an end and a beginning at which time people eat stuffed turkeys and become somulent because of the tryptophan in the meat of the bird that brings on drowsiness.
Like those turkeys people are somewhat stuffed with a lot of meat that perishes with age and things seem to go wrong by stages, and then one realizes that even the bones aren't that durable or eternal and perish, and thus Solomon noted that all is vanity and people perish like blades of grass. So, since that is the way it is one needs to write aesthetic poems about beautiful sunsets and clear, bright sunrises and ocean waves curling and breaking with millions of beautiful refracted sounds and such as infinite reflections of light in the waters that strike the eyes and realize that time is temporal (that's really redundant) and is physical particles or phenomena running from less disorder to more including complex disorder.
Time is evidently a dimension like space that goes in a particular direction, and its good for people that they change through aging as the dimension moves on or they would be stranded in time apart from it and the things it has for live ones that God reiterates a billion times better in the post-time eternity of all that very strange concatenation of everything possible all at once and infinitely too without limits of space or time.
Like those turkeys people are somewhat stuffed with a lot of meat that perishes with age and things seem to go wrong by stages, and then one realizes that even the bones aren't that durable or eternal and perish, and thus Solomon noted that all is vanity and people perish like blades of grass. So, since that is the way it is one needs to write aesthetic poems about beautiful sunsets and clear, bright sunrises and ocean waves curling and breaking with millions of beautiful refracted sounds and such as infinite reflections of light in the waters that strike the eyes and realize that time is temporal (that's really redundant) and is physical particles or phenomena running from less disorder to more including complex disorder.
Time is evidently a dimension like space that goes in a particular direction, and its good for people that they change through aging as the dimension moves on or they would be stranded in time apart from it and the things it has for live ones that God reiterates a billion times better in the post-time eternity of all that very strange concatenation of everything possible all at once and infinitely too without limits of space or time.
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Macro-economic drifts toward transnational oligharchy
Are we certain that a pure capitalism and free market applies in practice? Von Mises speculated that even if capitalism consolidated into one global corporation it would break up and become competitive I think. Competition is the nature of business some believe but is the consolidation of market elements by globalists in effect purchasing the global economy with accumulated capital advantage not a process of more than theory at work but instead a vicious historical phase of elimination of competition and movement toward global oligarchy and authoritarianism? Corporatist collectivism is an actual possible way of structuring a non-individual work base mass social business structure where promotion is upon attributes regarded as exploitable by others rather than through promotion of one-self by oneself for -oneself through work and initiative. A mass attribute based social structure is a less than optimal social development and instead created as phased array repressive society crushing intelligence and individual rights without concern as the market axiology is based on the value structures of individualism and individual civil rights.
Some of the terminology of macro-economic models that of macro-physics conventionally and needlessly perhaps, for one scientific lexicon of what comprises analogies may be as good as another. 'Force' is a prevalent term from physics used to account for essential observable causative or associated phenonemalities empirically. If force is a concept used in physics it must be good for economics explanations too then? Consumers have imperfect knowledge of course of material needs except for those most pressingly in need of relief such as a glass of pure, cool water, a warm blanket, freedom from tyranny and so forth-the destruction or mal-wearization of environmental abuse agents of biospheric corruption may also supply the material remedies to extreme individual material privations in some instances and 'market forces' might be better applied to 'political forces' to bring social compliance from targeted groups. Can it be fairly said alternatively that if some social environments provide consumers equivalently situated as to be like flowers awaiting pollination that they are being 'forced' by the market, or that they are 'marketing' at all? Individual actualization in a society would need a political economy that meets individual needs and leaves the remainder of time for individual constructions of projects and inventions as well as family interests-a macro-economic structure that is totalitarian would deny the political shaping of the economic production and allocation technology to such a direction that would liberate the individual to pursue free enterprise in the most optimal ways and instead subjugate 'consumers' to a cycle of work, debt and servitude for the benefit of oppressor classes of 'force'. It might also be said that the macro-economic flow models are of an anational basis such as one in biology might observe the dissemination of a virus globally without preference for individual interests. That implicit economic betrayal is a fundamental corruption of Adam Smith's cognition about economics serving a polity rather than a polity inducted into a detached, existential economic control by powerful, mysterious 'forces' known best by macro-economic astrologers.
Market forces in a totalitarian global environment are not free but are co-opted into selections of products that must be made as one has not got the option of moving to the frontier and leaving the economic territory when the frontier exists only with the total control of trans-national corporations and communes controlling local governments. Market forces are dictated in effect by the established owning class that decrees the inertial continuity of its own class interests in owning everything-one would find an even worse actualization of that phenomena in the communist party 'ownership' of the factories and government in the former Soviet Union. Unfortunately the cold war generated a stagnation in the development of western economic theory such that corporations were elevated to an undeserved theoretical prominence and held as the sole alternative to communist collectivism; thus corporations developed in the global communications era into a corporate collectivism that hasn't run its course yet with the board members as the communist elite and the workers as the proletariat supporting an ad hoc non-commissioned officer shareholder class.
There is still a lot of contingent free market enterprise in the world today but the inertia of established infrastructure prevents mass social changes or sales of products that would change mass systemic structures in America for example. An effective electric vehicle platform for 100 dollars with solar panels and thin film quick recharge batteries would put millions out of work and undermine profits of corporations. Not even Wal-mart will sell low cost wind power generators or solar panels for home use because the corporate trick is to keep everyone dependent on oil and global power supply as long as possible. Electric no-water use toilets would conserve water but undermine municipal waste structures and treatment investments.
Capitalism is supposed to function on a positive basis by creating product development investments, but in a totalitarian geographical social environment capital may be gained by the corrupt too much repressing individual enterprise, privacy and depressing the quality of life in order to prevent competition. In a totalitarian political territory the ideals of free competition in a capitalist economic structure do not have a matching political structure. Business takes over politics. In America a Mitt Romney with his Harvard MBA may follow President Bush with his to enrich a different group of globalist investors while national interests comparatively decline. Adam Smith believed that capitalism should augment a democracy not replace it yet corporatists are too willing to do that today unaware that democracy must be protected for-itself as well as a nation and quality of life for citizens.
Historically the issues aren't new. Isolation isn't the remedy but a M.I.T.I. like analysis of how to invent new businesses that will reduce trade deficits and liberate the people from personal debt is a way to move government. I will provide some philosophical background on the most general analysis of state structures by considering Socrates and Plato.
Socrates was given the hemlock to drink and put to death by the Athenian State-not Plato. Plato is said by some to be the greatest philosopher ever, yet he isn't known to have written anything about himself at all...he wrote the Republic, The Meno and all the other books with Socrates as the philosopher credited with saying all the philosophically leading content. It was Plato that established the Academy that instructed in philosophy (alethia) and carried on the tradition.
Socrates believed in God and Plato did as well by inference. The God they believed in was the One that the neo Platonist Plotinus wrote about six or seven hundred years later. Plato developed the complex idea of the realm of forms, and other people writing that I have read have pointed out that Parmenides is credited with starting the thought paradigms that Plato later developed as the metaphysical aspects of the realm of forms that was again more fully developed by Plotinus. Parmenides was a pre-Socratic philosopher worth checking out with a google search.
Socrates was accused of corrupting youth by instructing them in philosophical method and critical thinking about politics and everything else regarding opinion, or theory of knowledge (epistemology). He had the option to leave Athens and live in exile but choose not to but instead to perish saying that the state had nurtured him and he would accept their judgment. The Athenian state compared to the modern state in America was a very simple democracy. There had been an oligarchy that did not trust the demos or populus. Today in the U.S.A. tran-national corporate interests and over influence nationally by a globally owned broadcast media have corrupted and obfuscated the democracy in the United States and brought it close to the corporate collectivism envisioned by Mussolini, helped in by Henry Ford and Adolph Hitler, admired as a fulfillment of Marxist worldly economic dialects and an ephemeral, stagnating uncreative entity that morphs too easily into decline and fall, war, chaos and autocratic rule even by a special central committee.
Plato and Socrates had it easy comparatively in contemplating the ideal state. Today Americans must decide for themselves if a nation is worth having, if capitalism is pure or corrupted by mob control, if capitalism is the highest possible progress in economic actualization for individual interests or if new economic systems supported by federal policy could be invented and so forth. The founders were for national interests before transnational interests, and even Plato wrote about the Republic as one state-the Romans did well with that until they became a trans-national empire too diverse for coherence as subverted by a plethora of problems and pleasures.
Some of the terminology of macro-economic models that of macro-physics conventionally and needlessly perhaps, for one scientific lexicon of what comprises analogies may be as good as another. 'Force' is a prevalent term from physics used to account for essential observable causative or associated phenonemalities empirically. If force is a concept used in physics it must be good for economics explanations too then? Consumers have imperfect knowledge of course of material needs except for those most pressingly in need of relief such as a glass of pure, cool water, a warm blanket, freedom from tyranny and so forth-the destruction or mal-wearization of environmental abuse agents of biospheric corruption may also supply the material remedies to extreme individual material privations in some instances and 'market forces' might be better applied to 'political forces' to bring social compliance from targeted groups. Can it be fairly said alternatively that if some social environments provide consumers equivalently situated as to be like flowers awaiting pollination that they are being 'forced' by the market, or that they are 'marketing' at all? Individual actualization in a society would need a political economy that meets individual needs and leaves the remainder of time for individual constructions of projects and inventions as well as family interests-a macro-economic structure that is totalitarian would deny the political shaping of the economic production and allocation technology to such a direction that would liberate the individual to pursue free enterprise in the most optimal ways and instead subjugate 'consumers' to a cycle of work, debt and servitude for the benefit of oppressor classes of 'force'. It might also be said that the macro-economic flow models are of an anational basis such as one in biology might observe the dissemination of a virus globally without preference for individual interests. That implicit economic betrayal is a fundamental corruption of Adam Smith's cognition about economics serving a polity rather than a polity inducted into a detached, existential economic control by powerful, mysterious 'forces' known best by macro-economic astrologers.
Market forces in a totalitarian global environment are not free but are co-opted into selections of products that must be made as one has not got the option of moving to the frontier and leaving the economic territory when the frontier exists only with the total control of trans-national corporations and communes controlling local governments. Market forces are dictated in effect by the established owning class that decrees the inertial continuity of its own class interests in owning everything-one would find an even worse actualization of that phenomena in the communist party 'ownership' of the factories and government in the former Soviet Union. Unfortunately the cold war generated a stagnation in the development of western economic theory such that corporations were elevated to an undeserved theoretical prominence and held as the sole alternative to communist collectivism; thus corporations developed in the global communications era into a corporate collectivism that hasn't run its course yet with the board members as the communist elite and the workers as the proletariat supporting an ad hoc non-commissioned officer shareholder class.
There is still a lot of contingent free market enterprise in the world today but the inertia of established infrastructure prevents mass social changes or sales of products that would change mass systemic structures in America for example. An effective electric vehicle platform for 100 dollars with solar panels and thin film quick recharge batteries would put millions out of work and undermine profits of corporations. Not even Wal-mart will sell low cost wind power generators or solar panels for home use because the corporate trick is to keep everyone dependent on oil and global power supply as long as possible. Electric no-water use toilets would conserve water but undermine municipal waste structures and treatment investments.
Capitalism is supposed to function on a positive basis by creating product development investments, but in a totalitarian geographical social environment capital may be gained by the corrupt too much repressing individual enterprise, privacy and depressing the quality of life in order to prevent competition. In a totalitarian political territory the ideals of free competition in a capitalist economic structure do not have a matching political structure. Business takes over politics. In America a Mitt Romney with his Harvard MBA may follow President Bush with his to enrich a different group of globalist investors while national interests comparatively decline. Adam Smith believed that capitalism should augment a democracy not replace it yet corporatists are too willing to do that today unaware that democracy must be protected for-itself as well as a nation and quality of life for citizens.
Historically the issues aren't new. Isolation isn't the remedy but a M.I.T.I. like analysis of how to invent new businesses that will reduce trade deficits and liberate the people from personal debt is a way to move government. I will provide some philosophical background on the most general analysis of state structures by considering Socrates and Plato.
Socrates was given the hemlock to drink and put to death by the Athenian State-not Plato. Plato is said by some to be the greatest philosopher ever, yet he isn't known to have written anything about himself at all...he wrote the Republic, The Meno and all the other books with Socrates as the philosopher credited with saying all the philosophically leading content. It was Plato that established the Academy that instructed in philosophy (alethia) and carried on the tradition.
Socrates believed in God and Plato did as well by inference. The God they believed in was the One that the neo Platonist Plotinus wrote about six or seven hundred years later. Plato developed the complex idea of the realm of forms, and other people writing that I have read have pointed out that Parmenides is credited with starting the thought paradigms that Plato later developed as the metaphysical aspects of the realm of forms that was again more fully developed by Plotinus. Parmenides was a pre-Socratic philosopher worth checking out with a google search.
Socrates was accused of corrupting youth by instructing them in philosophical method and critical thinking about politics and everything else regarding opinion, or theory of knowledge (epistemology). He had the option to leave Athens and live in exile but choose not to but instead to perish saying that the state had nurtured him and he would accept their judgment. The Athenian state compared to the modern state in America was a very simple democracy. There had been an oligarchy that did not trust the demos or populus. Today in the U.S.A. tran-national corporate interests and over influence nationally by a globally owned broadcast media have corrupted and obfuscated the democracy in the United States and brought it close to the corporate collectivism envisioned by Mussolini, helped in by Henry Ford and Adolph Hitler, admired as a fulfillment of Marxist worldly economic dialects and an ephemeral, stagnating uncreative entity that morphs too easily into decline and fall, war, chaos and autocratic rule even by a special central committee.
Plato and Socrates had it easy comparatively in contemplating the ideal state. Today Americans must decide for themselves if a nation is worth having, if capitalism is pure or corrupted by mob control, if capitalism is the highest possible progress in economic actualization for individual interests or if new economic systems supported by federal policy could be invented and so forth. The founders were for national interests before transnational interests, and even Plato wrote about the Republic as one state-the Romans did well with that until they became a trans-national empire too diverse for coherence as subverted by a plethora of problems and pleasures.
Clinton-Giuliani and the Golden Tablets of New York Candidates in 2008
The United States Ought to Restore Diplomatic Relations and Barbeque With Iran
The new U.S. Embassy in Iraq is a self-contained, costly to build yet defensible neo-fortress. It should be instructive for how to build a new embassy in Iran that would cost less than five billion dollars-make it a suicide embassy that will self-destruct if captured and have embassy evacuation rockets built into special embassy upward mobility silos to get embassy personnel out if Ahmadinejad decides on a second helping of hostages. Automatic robotic machine guns should supplement marine embassy guards to hose down bad guys and let marines evac too on a special marine personnel intermediate range personnel rocket promoter. There would also need to be pop-up ghetto blaster anti pirate air to ground mines built into the embassy to clear the way for the evacuation rockets creating clear spaces without opposition force personnel apt to fire earth to sky shoulder fired rockets at evacuation rockets. Well that was simple. Let's establish cordial relations with Iran right away since the main hostage taker is President and clearly regrets the embassy 'episode' from 1979.
The next President elected in 2008 will probably have a peace offensive like Ronald Regan's tough guy posture to advance right and proper relations with Iran. A special propflit has divulged the existence of golden tablets brought to him in the state of New York indicating that destiny will elect a New Yorker President in 2008. The demiurge Moronsknee vouchsafed the tablets with political plans were near either the Clinton's or Giuliani's homes. Mitt Transmit Read-only-memory knee- a Presidential special business interest candidate from Massachusetts has provided a sign that a politician from the State of the Golden Tablets will inevitably be elected. he tablets may contain secret extra-terrestrial information that Giuliani or Hillary is the special choice of the special extra-terrestrial committee on international relations and diplomacy able to become President and establish cordial relations with Iran in this space-time continuaa that isn't the best of all possible universes. Transmit R.O.M.-knee broadcasts peace and pleasure for all trans-nationalists and higher corporate quarterly propflits. Romknee himself has a quarter billion dollars or whatever himself scored being a business consultant, and he will assure that trans-nationalism under the guidance of golden tablet qualified New Yorkers will bring harmony to Iran, Iraq and other troubled regions of the trans-nation
The true way of moron-knee lies in moving President Ahmadinejad through subtle diplomatic skill toward electrification of the Persian royal road with advanced solar electron channeling materials able to move electric flying carpet platforms with mag-lev to and from Tehran embassies and restaurants without secret police surveillance-The improbable has occurred before.
The new U.S. Embassy in Iraq is a self-contained, costly to build yet defensible neo-fortress. It should be instructive for how to build a new embassy in Iran that would cost less than five billion dollars-make it a suicide embassy that will self-destruct if captured and have embassy evacuation rockets built into special embassy upward mobility silos to get embassy personnel out if Ahmadinejad decides on a second helping of hostages. Automatic robotic machine guns should supplement marine embassy guards to hose down bad guys and let marines evac too on a special marine personnel intermediate range personnel rocket promoter. There would also need to be pop-up ghetto blaster anti pirate air to ground mines built into the embassy to clear the way for the evacuation rockets creating clear spaces without opposition force personnel apt to fire earth to sky shoulder fired rockets at evacuation rockets. Well that was simple. Let's establish cordial relations with Iran right away since the main hostage taker is President and clearly regrets the embassy 'episode' from 1979.
The next President elected in 2008 will probably have a peace offensive like Ronald Regan's tough guy posture to advance right and proper relations with Iran. A special propflit has divulged the existence of golden tablets brought to him in the state of New York indicating that destiny will elect a New Yorker President in 2008. The demiurge Moronsknee vouchsafed the tablets with political plans were near either the Clinton's or Giuliani's homes. Mitt Transmit Read-only-memory knee- a Presidential special business interest candidate from Massachusetts has provided a sign that a politician from the State of the Golden Tablets will inevitably be elected. he tablets may contain secret extra-terrestrial information that Giuliani or Hillary is the special choice of the special extra-terrestrial committee on international relations and diplomacy able to become President and establish cordial relations with Iran in this space-time continuaa that isn't the best of all possible universes. Transmit R.O.M.-knee broadcasts peace and pleasure for all trans-nationalists and higher corporate quarterly propflits. Romknee himself has a quarter billion dollars or whatever himself scored being a business consultant, and he will assure that trans-nationalism under the guidance of golden tablet qualified New Yorkers will bring harmony to Iran, Iraq and other troubled regions of the trans-nation
The true way of moron-knee lies in moving President Ahmadinejad through subtle diplomatic skill toward electrification of the Persian royal road with advanced solar electron channeling materials able to move electric flying carpet platforms with mag-lev to and from Tehran embassies and restaurants without secret police surveillance-The improbable has occurred before.
Problems with utilitarianism today
Harold Camping has predicted the second coming of Jesus Christ for October 20th, 2011, and others vomit at the concept that anyone can know the mind of God or accurately predict the day. Well, there are bioethical and utilitarian ethical issues to examine today. Every day for the unsaved is a day of doom that can be changed only when they get into a right and saving relationship with Jesus Christ. I will write a little following about the criterion of utilitarianism and it's effects on how society is being influenced in its ethical decision making generally on issues from abortion to transhumanism, transnationalism and pharmaceutical product development. Many of these things 'doom' society toward an end of a healthy and prosperous, secure United States as greed gets the best of reason, philosophy and faith too much...
Value theory or axiology would entail utilitarianist approaches toward structuralisms of any ethical paradigm, template or 'principles' for determining right and wrong, permissibility and so on for applications purposes. Unfortunately value theory in-the-world today would largely be inertially determined in accordance with other macro-social facticities such as social organization-utilitarianism then would become a sycophantic ethical kiss up device for consumerism and corporatism. The greatest good for the greatest number would be transformed into the greatest profit for the most powerful shareholders.
There are a number of factors and actors that corrupt capitalism today, and in the corruption of capitalism whereby a pure individualistic free enterprise marketplace does not exist because of established collectivist and power oriented corruptions of the principles of capitalism the purchase of expert ethical opinions for wealthy and flim flam biomedical corporations along with tort deform to release transnational corporations from large civil damages for creating mass social negative alterity is a fact.
Because people define morality and ethics themselves unless they can find a natural law or a divine command theory, they may egress ethical values farther and farther toward the edge of social dissolution in pursuit of the profits gained by selling cures to individual problems that compile destruction for the human race as a whole. The value principle of exploiting the most unrepresented or least able to defend elements of society such as unborn children in the womb is also a time proven principle.
The principle of exploiting the weak or politically underrepresented works for the powerful. It applies even in environmental extraction industry exploitation for profits of transnational corporations at the cost of national and global interests. The value theory contents that provide the criterion in which ethical theories and principles are selected and applied is subject to the global control of corruption in high places determined inertially to exert it's own proprietary interests and that does not include undominated or unsubdued change socially.
In the United States the 2008 Presidential race is a facade of candidates without a nationalist amongst them except for Ron Paul maybe but probably not. As a Texas congressman he must be sold out right and left to transnational oil and environmental exploitation. The Unite States in pursuit of trans-national oil profits is selling out its national independence instead of transitioning with a purpose right away to independent electrical production at home for the power of electric cars. Electric cars are the sole practical way presently to liberate the nation from the self-destructive binge of fossil fuel consumption that transfers American wealth to the Muslim world. Yet not even Wal-mart has the ability to sell 1000 watt wind power generators for 300 dollars because of the corporatist value principle loyalty to oil and American dependence on trans-national power suppliers. Bioethics also tend to follow the will of the profit seekers except where two heads are grown where only one is wanted and so forth-the most extreme cases. Bioethics are found today within the value theory of corporatism or atheist collectivism rather than in utilitarianism. Utilitarianism has several problems a significant one being the meaningful paradigm for determination of what the good is.
Value theory or axiology would entail utilitarianist approaches toward structuralisms of any ethical paradigm, template or 'principles' for determining right and wrong, permissibility and so on for applications purposes. Unfortunately value theory in-the-world today would largely be inertially determined in accordance with other macro-social facticities such as social organization-utilitarianism then would become a sycophantic ethical kiss up device for consumerism and corporatism. The greatest good for the greatest number would be transformed into the greatest profit for the most powerful shareholders.
There are a number of factors and actors that corrupt capitalism today, and in the corruption of capitalism whereby a pure individualistic free enterprise marketplace does not exist because of established collectivist and power oriented corruptions of the principles of capitalism the purchase of expert ethical opinions for wealthy and flim flam biomedical corporations along with tort deform to release transnational corporations from large civil damages for creating mass social negative alterity is a fact.
Because people define morality and ethics themselves unless they can find a natural law or a divine command theory, they may egress ethical values farther and farther toward the edge of social dissolution in pursuit of the profits gained by selling cures to individual problems that compile destruction for the human race as a whole. The value principle of exploiting the most unrepresented or least able to defend elements of society such as unborn children in the womb is also a time proven principle.
The principle of exploiting the weak or politically underrepresented works for the powerful. It applies even in environmental extraction industry exploitation for profits of transnational corporations at the cost of national and global interests. The value theory contents that provide the criterion in which ethical theories and principles are selected and applied is subject to the global control of corruption in high places determined inertially to exert it's own proprietary interests and that does not include undominated or unsubdued change socially.
In the United States the 2008 Presidential race is a facade of candidates without a nationalist amongst them except for Ron Paul maybe but probably not. As a Texas congressman he must be sold out right and left to transnational oil and environmental exploitation. The Unite States in pursuit of trans-national oil profits is selling out its national independence instead of transitioning with a purpose right away to independent electrical production at home for the power of electric cars. Electric cars are the sole practical way presently to liberate the nation from the self-destructive binge of fossil fuel consumption that transfers American wealth to the Muslim world. Yet not even Wal-mart has the ability to sell 1000 watt wind power generators for 300 dollars because of the corporatist value principle loyalty to oil and American dependence on trans-national power suppliers. Bioethics also tend to follow the will of the profit seekers except where two heads are grown where only one is wanted and so forth-the most extreme cases. Bioethics are found today within the value theory of corporatism or atheist collectivism rather than in utilitarianism. Utilitarianism has several problems a significant one being the meaningful paradigm for determination of what the good is.
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