
Gov. Rick Perry-M. Gorbachev: Political Evolutions Beyond Oiled Cotton

Texas Governor Rick Perry may seem to have little to do with former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, yet they were both southern farmers turning to politics as a way to advance their situation in life.

Rick Perry is from a Texas dry cotton farm. Those Texas cotton farmers don't leave a single shrub on the landscape and use tons of fertilizer and pesticides to make things bloom whenever it rains. They obviously have no need for EPA interference in their effort to make the landscape a completely flat plain awaiting theoretical rain to spring the crops and pay. Politics seems a better choice in many regards.

The other thing beneath the cotton fields and the dry dirt is oil. Oil and the depletion is thus near to God for the cotton farmers. Blue sky, cotton potential, oil and maybe the war industry in San Antonio might help to make the righteous prosperous. Governor Perry if elected President might be able to find work for Americans not indignant about working the cotton patch-the southern oligharchy had a good tradition of employing African immigrants with a near zero unemployment rate.

The United States is reported to finish about 23rd place out of 25 nations in science exams for 12th graders. Russia does better than that even. Its not because Vladimir Putin is a lawyer either; a lawyer President or Prime Minister is no assurance of a nation having its economic house in order.

Like the wild camel wandering in the desert after foreign wealth some may to go too far in politics questing after easy windfall profits. It is often the case that in a good society determined, resoulte effort at constructing new inventions and technological infrastructure cognizant of ecospheric integrity bring not only themselves but a people toward happier times.

1 comment:

Ambassador Renate said...

The "Theory of Iceality on Environmental Arts" is practical study on the aesthetics of the relationship between Humans and their Environment through Arts and Culture, ultimately promoting an effective sustainable global Culture of Peace between all Living Things ~ Human, Animal and Plant Kingdoms)


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