
WIll Independents 'Go Romne'y in 2012 General Election?

Democrats will be democrats, and Republicans will be Republicans, yet independents would probably vote for Mitt Romney vs. Obama, and yet lean toward Obama in a general election vs Perry.

Independents preponderantly tolerate public heath care-Perry is agin that though the courts will likely decide which of the half states for or against will get their poison. Probably the majority of states suing the government over Obamacare are from states with fewer electoral votes than the other 24 that aren't.

Independent voters preponderantly don't want four more years of Texas led wars. Neither do they want global warming. They also believe Rick Perry is clueless on economics.

Mitt Romney does better with independents than Perry, who would like to restart Reganomics with the borrowing well dry, and drill like James Watt to get Texans working and the rest of America further in debt to OPEC political control.

Mitt Romney might be the first constructive Republican President since Reagan, and he would have to find a new way to restart the economy than Reagan did. Anything is possible-even fundamentalist voters would reconcile and vote for Romney vs. Obama.

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