
Why Evolution and Creation are True

The Universe is said by scientists to be about 13.7 billion years old. It is logically reasonable that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to the Universe and people at a fortuitous space-time moment in its history. An infinite God contacting finite sentient life-forms in a temporal, phenomenal Universe is quite a decent thing to do.

The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old and life on it took all that time to evolve. Humans should respect that moose, mosquito, that elephant and those whales for when they are gone there will not be enough time remaining in the Earth's future to evolve the like new from scratch. The brain size and/or thinking processing speeds may be modest in non-philosophical mammals and bugs, yet they are the best the creation has produced so far. Where the proximal motivating life-force came from for Earth's biospheric origin isn't the point to argue pro-con creation by God-He created the Universe and all things in it though people and circumstance act occasionally to modify aspects of it; people to exist simultaneously in the Universe and ecosphere.

The world has only a scant half billion years to go before the inflation of the sun overheats it so far as to make life here impossible. More efficiently though, human caused global heating may hasten the demise of human life on Earth within a shorter time period of as few as 200 years (ref. James Lovelock's 'The Vanishing Face of Gaia-The Final Warning').

One may be sure that God evolved the world and that words like evolution are embedded in lexical constructions-word sets-that change and mostly reflect human understanding of things. Words and human ideas haven't got a kind of innate Platonic realm-of-forms inerrancy. We may believe that Noah saved representative mammals from local extinction during an era of global warming flood surges over lowlands, that Jonah may have been clubbed and tossed into the dark hold of a ship and then on to a beach believing that he was in the belly of a whale or big fish, that the Saul became the Apostle Paul after encountering the resurrected Jesus several times, and that the Spirit of God moved upon the void-a mystery beyond the understanding even of physicists and philosophers ultimately; how can anything exist-even God-from the very beginning- Our beliefs may be true-corresponding to the historical reality we do not know from experience even though God may be able to produce realities easier than a dreamer produces dreams-and even so the proximal historical facts of evolution may be true as well. God controls all of the constants and variable values of the Universe, all of its space, time, dimensions, virtual particle waves, membranes, certainty and uncertainty from His own Being.

Few Christians know much about the history of how the New Testament was put together. They don't know where John the Baptist grew up, if he had his own cave or not, they might even search the scriptures for references to cosmological construction and mostly find eschatological references instead that could, in light of modern scientific knowledge of physics, refer to future physical changes in the quantum state of the Universe, a phase change will by God to re-infuse baryons into impoverished regions of space-time, or compacted space-time unwinding at a faster rate.

Political evolutionists versus creationists tend to gloss over the rights of individuals to have good government and better personal economic prospects. One may fly a jet airplane with faith, yet if that is all one has and not a pilot's training it is unfair for the passengers should the incompetent pilot with faith somehow get elected to take control somewhere over the Atlantic ocean if there are qualified pilots aboard (there may be no qualified politicians running for the presidency today that could do a good job if elected-maybe a President does need faith then as a kind of kamikaze economic pilot training with belief that tax cuts for the rich will better the prospects of the poor through trickle down and reverse osmosis from China).

Einstein's relativity theories created new ways of regarding time. If time and the entire Universe were compressed into a small area in the beginning, yet its content was entirely provided then, and it took six days up front and 13.7 billion years to unwind so far one encounters an example of the different contexts possible for the interpretation of time literals in the Biblical Genesis story and in cosmology.

For modern cosmology relativity makes time something of a local measured rate of change; the underlying physical constants are thought to have the same values everywhere once the initial values of creation are set, yet locally they may be compacted and arrayed in different forms.

Many Biblical fundamentalists prefer a simple criteria for the time of the Universe and for its construction, while evolutionists prefer more complexity. In a way though the evolutionist-creationist debate itself seems somewhat parochial to those regarding the entire universe and possible universes beyond the observable universe as finite points along an infinite in all directions and dimensions continua spectrum of within relativistic paradigmata. God has many mansions-an infinite capacity to create universes and experience though he may set the values of a particular Universe as constants. Christians know that God has laws and criteria for the Universe that make everyone accountable to His judgement and will. Christians nor those without faith are not exempt from the laws of gravity, the laws of nature, the moral laws or the requirements to act responsibly for the conservation of the world's ecosphere. Christians are not free to pursue riotous liberal quantitative resource consumption and trust that God will pick up the environmental tab.

Christians should know that the Biblical prophets were ordinary people selected to experience ideas from God. They were not rocket scientists, did not put on the star trek high tech helmet of advanced future knowledge learning and wrote down what they should to serve God's will for mankind in the evolution of history. Those prophets acted for their own time and for the future. It is unimaginable that Daniel could have foreseen the knowledge of mankind today nor the context in which his prophecies might be interpreted. Jeremiah and John the Baptist experienced the words of God, yet few prophets, or perhaps none, wrote much about the technical nature of cosmology or the elements of the periodic table and why should they? Did God prefer to have all of human experience fully assembled in a complete state as if it were a manufactured robot?

On the nature of cosmology today mathematical development has allowed a hypothetical digital analog quantification of the content of the visible universe with computers and of the not entirely chaotic evolution of physical particle-waves though its material phases from Time equaled nearly zero to the present and on perhaps into the future until time omega. The entire material structure of mass of the Universe is however superimposed upon a realm of quantum uncertainty that is an ineffable mystery. From the realm of quantum uncertainty it is believed emerged particle-waves that built up sufficiently to let mass exist within space.

The representation of the mass-energy of this universe through human thought is an epistemological relationship of the uncertain nature of mind to the mass-energy of the universe and of the universe for-itself along with it's uncertainty foundation. The Universe and its mass-energy are given a template of mathematical abstract and the relations of the elements of that Universe-set are made to be consistent universally. Any universal representation though fades out at the edges of knowledge and certainty necessarily-from the largest to the smallest making universal and meta-universal cosmologies kinds of contingent phenomenalities; they have validity locally and relatively yet necessarily not transcendently as that would inevitably be a violation of scientific rules of order regarding certainty and probability.

Much of the debate between finite evolution phenomenalists and Christian fundamentalists seem philosophically anachronistic. It is easy to have faith in God will discarding faith in politicians. It is simple to recognize that a bad environment, a poor standard of living, the desire to concentrate wealth or power, the unwillingness to work for the benefit of society are fundamental values of corruption reinforced by disinterpretors of democracy and free enterprise in preference for Chicago mobster style rule. Faith in God does not require corrupt ecospheric destruction, ecospherically deleterious fossil fuel automobile use or the destruction of the world biosphere-nor does economic health or the future of life on Earth better its prospects through the perversion of moral values. Mankind cannot improve its world situation by destroying moral reason or destroying ecospheric and social prosperity behind the excuse of theological dispensation.

The inability to make the world a better place right away is the result of political stupidity-the square peg and round hole syndrome. Political dogmatism is a lot cheaper than creative, inventive intelligence. The United States has a stagnant transportation and housing infrastructure mal-designed for environmental conservation or afforability and a number of other issues not to difficult to solve with better politicians and more faith in God and mankind's ability to adapt to a challenging planetary environment while keeping moral integrity of all individuals together. One might wonder why no economists of faith are running for the Presidential job-it pays more than dishwashing.

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