
The Existential Drift of U.S. Conservatives/Union-Leader Endorsement of Newt

Though Mitt Romney is a better candidate, the Union Leader could not endorse him perhaps because most of their subscribers aren't Mormons. Perhaps they were thinking of their income bottom line more so than of whom the best candidate would be in 2012.

There are few real conservatives these days-they are generally globalists in some form or other and inimical to U.S. national interests. Even if they are morally conservative, politics is preponderantly more about economics than morals (all things being equal and excluding the Ghengis Khans, Mengeles and so forth) which should be something more of a personal area that flows upward to the people collectively.

One may wonder if conservativism in the United States has evolved to mean economic existentialism and collapse of social realism as a political concern. With leaders that believe their are no consequence to group behavior economically, environmentally or politically the consequence is sound bite talk show quality candidates with no comprehension of the world today or America's role in it. Newt Gingrich is sort of a co-founder of the 90's economic infrastructure corruption that is paying off now. He did of course have a lot of support.

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