
On Free U.S. Public Health Care for the Poor, Veterans and Those With Medical Coverage Gone

Public health care through federal facilities for the poor, veterans and those gone broke would still let the privilaged afford to spend copious cash on costly high tech health care and insurance. It would relieve the sufferring and create a healthier American public.

Free, quality public medical care for the nation's poor, veterans and those that run out their insurance or medical coverage would still let the rich and middle class spend on free enterprise medical care so they can live two or three hundred years as they desire or whatever and yet those that are not wealthy could still have a healthier life and be readier to continue productivity without loosing their lot the first time anything substantial arises to insult their health.

Unfortunately the Congress just isn't practical these days. One can not imagine the founders of the nation unable to form a budget and rely upon automatic cuts imposed by some pre-existing condition. What a joke--no one has the practical guts to make things work well in congress anymore. They seem to be industrial and aesthetic existentialist following the flowers of foreign investment opportunities.

Actually except for Mitt Romney the Republicans just don't seem really to care about fixing the nation well since the rich are getting record profits anyway, and that they believe is the way it should be. Trouble is the Democrats are millionaires too and don't give a damn about securing the borders and tightening up the U.S. job market either.

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