
Obamacare is a Costly Trick for Corporatism

Obamacare requirements that all citizens purchase health insurance is a fundamental corruption of the role and relationship of government too the citizens. The U.S. Government may serve to provide free health services as a safety net for the people yet it cannot decree that the citizens should pay money for services to other citizens, groups of citizens such as businesses through law.

U.S. courts may of course find in civil suits between individuals on monetary issues as the case may be. The creation of health insurance exchanges that poor individuals are required to use to buy insurance from, or from any other source is simply a trespass by the federal government on the fundamental rights of the citizens to be free from bills of attainder and control in their empirical lives. It is more of a violation of privacy than any abortion theorist might ever advance in its support.

The notion has been advanced that expanding the insurance risk pool would lower health care costs for the middle class. That may be true, yet that is a financial context the government has zero right to engage in. If the middle class wants lower health care costs or emergency medical services for those that have used up their insurance benefits it should reasonably create a free public health service for the poor, veterans and those that have no other recourse for their medical condition. Removing the incidentalcosts of providing health coverage for the unisured would in itself lower the overall health care costs of the United States if all other economic factors were favorable.

If the middle class want to have a million dollars worth of health care insurance apeice and want to pay for it by conscripting the healthy, uninsured youth of the nation into a mandatory insurance risk pool creating thereby greater profits for the corporate insurers they would still have no assurance that the corporate profits would not just flow up to CEO's taking tens of millions of dollars of stock options. Neither would the youth having a significant chunk of their paychecks (if they are employed someday) for services they don't use be very happy.

As a matter of logic it makes little sense to remove capital from the poor and the middle class and make them pay corporations thereby eroding the potential for business development and savings, investments and so forth in the long run. When the corporate world began to eliminate employee health insurance it began the progression toward the day when all American citizens would instead be required to pay them for insurance by law instead. As the leadership of the Democratic Party has vacated its traditional concerns for health coverage universally for the poor and failed to make rigorous income standards for social security that would not pay those in retirement more than the average working American it has become fiscally irresponsible in general rather than exceptionally.

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