
Obama Sues to Prevent States from Supporting Federal Law

The Obama administration has added Utah to the list of states it is suing to prevent state law reinforcement for federal law making illegal immigration a criminal offense. Utah is the latest in the states Attorney General Holder has filed suit upon to prevent the U.S. States from arresting and detaining persons wanted for federal criminal activity. It was such recalcitrance to let the several states be apprised of federal law breakers and to arrest and detain them for federal transfer that allowed an Oklahoma highway patrolman to make a traffic stop on a 9-11 hijacker and let him go because he wasn't placed by the N.S.A. on the federal watch list.

Federal law is fundamental created to provide laws the states individually are not capable of promulgating such as trans-state legal jurisdiction. Federal law is not intended to be a shield to defeat the ability of states to have a government in conformity to the will of the people of the several states. The people of the United States have supported federal immigration policy in the past that has required aliens to enter the country on a legal basis in accord with numbers and standards set by the Congress of the United States. The history of incompetent federal executive administration of the laws passed by the Congress is not brief, however it is not the right of the President to sue the states in order to prevent their reinforcement of federal law.


Persons entering the United States unlawfully have committed a criminal offense that is of federal stature and applicable in all of the 50 states, territories and insular possessions. The individual states may reinforce federal law and support it with the arrest of federal criminals or not as the case may be. It is not however an promulgation of a different immigration policy to reinforce existing federal immigration policy by arresting persons found to be in violation of federal criminal statutes.

As a practical matter law enforcement officers have since the start of electronic and radio criminal data bases checked to learn the status of persons of interest that it contacts in the ordinary course of law enforcement. Persons hitch-hiking, standing on street corners, leaving federally controlled areas in a suspicious manner and so forth have been asked for I.D. and given a quick background check for warrants. Such checks that show that the individual contacted is not an American citizen or lawful resident or visitor enfilades the illegal immigration status of a federal criminal. Holding the fugitives for transfer to U.S. Immigration officials is then the reasonable, responsible course of action, as would be holding a federal fugitive from Wall Street corruption until eventually some federal official wanders over to take a look see.

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