
On the Non-Determinative Realm Prior to the Quantum/Solid-State-Determinative Realm

Its a context issue. The topical features of mass and energy perceived by physicists were long said to behave as waves and particle. The Chinese puzzle box of smaller particles and wave events were revealed in particle accelerators with additional energy input in the form of particles to decohere and seem as quarks or whatever-leptons, muons etc. Higher energy levels were required to reveal particle-wave forms bound up with the most strength or energy.

Decoherence-suppression of interference in quantum observations-can be included in 'the quantum realm' of which definition and location I will now identity with this universe's mass and energy at the quantum level. That is these are comparatively determiinistic contextually whereas the alternative primary non-deterministic realm before quantum determnation and solid states is not.


The experiment I cited above actually observed quantum features in solid-state matter for the first time. The other theory I cited by a fellow working in Singapore was a blog post at Scientific American that postulated that the solid state mass in this universe at the smallest level would be comparable to a number to an uncertain power of entanglements by those particle-waves of uncertain character in a non-determined condition from what I refer to as the quantum realm for-itself. Because of some initial anisotropy there may be a cascade of quantum determination this universe state that in some way becomes entangled probabilities to allow energy to appear like standing waves epiphenomenalized as mass.

Staying in a tent in Alaska recently I experienced a heavy snowfall that let snow piled up on tall trees transition suddenly to fall with a thud making a loud noise with the capability of flattening the tent. Not only wind could make a line of trees drop loads of snow, but so it seems could a radio. That suggested to me that the Word spoken in the beginning from a quantum realm could have started a cascade of change in selecting the entanglement of quantum probabilities that would appear later as mass, light and the expansion of space-time in this Universe (1). That is a little off topic though.

In this universe there may be no real particles or waves-only energy that at the smallest level is obviously mysterious. Quarks and all those elementary particles are energy bound into patterns of behavior in quantum levels. Only so much energy may fit in valence shells forming atomic patterns.

The factors that may quarks and elementary energy units have select quantum values and differentiate at the basic universe entry level is unknown. There are myriad possibilities to consider. Some that I have thought about a little. Instead of the quantum realm I will call the energy patterns of this quantum universe inclusive of its appearance of uncertainty the determined universe and the other realm where energy does not appear in a particular quantum existence as the non-determined realm.

The idea of a non-determined realm of energy is paradoxic in numerous respects. That context would have not only a symmetric character without differentiation or spacing, it might have a neither finite nor infinite quantitative endowment of energy or space-time. That isn’t a very helpful concept even for myself. The probabilities of equal values regarding the relationships of energy within its perfected field would be 100% until change and cancellation of balance generated a field of entangled anisoptropic probabilities that might appear as something like a Higgs Field and the inflation. Interestingly enough the virtual particles that appear and disappear from space-time would not necessarily be artifacts from a subtler level of spatial dimensions of an inflationary era. They might be new energy intrusions from that non-determined realm.

I would guess that a good reason for the existence of extra spatial dimensions would be that those smaller dimensions might provide the quantum energy levels possible for space-time in this Universe. Too much energy in various atomic shells for particle-waves could not remain in those dimensions. The idea that radiation could be a process of trans-dimensional energy redistribution may be silly yet it’s a little interesting.

That idea too is off topic in comparison to the discovery of the characteristics of a non-determinative realm of energy primary to the solid-state mass-energy of this Universe (1).


Zero-Point Energy and the Uncertain Expanse of a Quantum Universe? (metaphysics)

Scientists have for the first time observed zero-point energy in a solid object in a solid object. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle means that solid mass observed at the quantum level will vague out into position or speed yet not both characteristics observed simultaneously. In fact the quantum world is quite unknown as a for-itself or in-itself.

What are the boundaries and characteristics of the quantum universe? Some theorists hypothesize that the solid-state appearance of mass in this universe is a result of concatenated probability entanglements of that waveform phenomenality priori to the space-time ordinal nature of the mass of this Universe (1).

It is that quantum realm where mass does not exist, and where quantum waves that are described from here as energy exist as possibilities of being in every place and perhaps time and speed. If quantum energy has the same time-at light speed or faster before becoming entangled different energy values might occur when they were entangled to appear as mass-yet the most basic particles might have the same quantum values perhaps as strings or membranes.

It is a metaphysical curiosity to me about what that quantum realm before or outside this Universe in which this Universe has phenomenalized is comprised, and of what its spatial and temporal character could be.


On the Question-Does an Intelligent Super-Organism Exist on Earth?

Pierre Telhard De Chardin wrote of a layered life approach and of a noosphere. The cosmogenesis approach is interesting. Telhard was a World War One French Army officer who got so drunk on Armistice Day that he couldn't get the key into the lock on his door. He was also a priest and theologian. It is impressive that he could view stomachs hanging in trees and later write such interesting and optimistic philosophy.


James Lovelock and the Gaia hypothesis argued that the world ecosphere behaves like an intelligent organism. The complex feedback mechanisms of which there are a zillion act together. One can consider Elton's research on the way bare post-glacial era northern island became populated with vegetation and other, larger life as guano from seabirds and seabirds themselves as food and in other capacities helped to reinforce an increase population of life forms. If bees were taken out of the life equation on Earth that would present quite a few problems.

Regarding the web of life as an integral whole is a fundamental parameter of contemporary ecospheric research I would guess. Several books have been published on ecosystems integrity from the requirement that large predators exist to the harm done to the American southwest by the removal of mammoths of the elephant family whose footprints allowed seed to grow.
Human beings are too a part of the ecosphere as are their intellect such as exists outside the beltway. Some of the intellects are daft regarding the ecosphere and do their best to exterminate much of it en mass instead of conserving it while they advance science and technology to the purpose of knowledge and human well being. The ecosphere isn't just an aesthetic luxury.

Inevitably the political trail returns to the oval of NASCAR and high-octane automobile pollution-that may not change soon.

Lovelock wrote in 'The Final Warning' that the human population may drop to about 200 million in the future as a result of global warming and other issues. At that point the global temperature may stabilize. Lovelock conjectures that if humanity continues its usual greenhouse gassing at that point Gaia will simply remove the remnant of humanity.

Life may act on Earth as a giant organism. G.W.F. Hegel believed that life on Earth is a process of God realizing awareness of Himself in history that fits rather well with the Gaia criteria.

There are additional ways to consider an ecosphere in larger, intelligent organisms in discrete or monistic guise. Ant colonies sometimes seem to act as intelligent collectives-one must consider the Borg obviously as a future mode of ultra-right-wing or left wing consumerism.
Of even more concern to some is the potential that some of those giant fungi discovered now and then to be the largest organisms in the world have as much intelligence as federal budget planners. Then there are whales and ravens-seemingly happy creatures of moderate intelligence in tune with the temporal times even as they decline.
The entire quantum universe could be a super-intelligence, quantum computer or God running this Universe as a sub-routine.


Defining 'Spirit'

One might want to define truth in other than a context of Platonic realism. A disquotation theory or some other might be helpful.

Given a particular verbal lexicon of meanings, if one does not assent to the meanings a priori it is unlikely that one would understand the concepts or meanings. Pontius Pilate asked rhetorically of Jesus Christ 'what is truth?'.

If I read a contemporary cosmology theory or language and substituted my own values for the terms or expressions I would not understand what the theoretical physicist intended. Notably some expect understanding of 'truth' to be brought to them to overcome their skepticism. Perhaps one must be drawn by the Spirit unto a relationship with God or actively work to learn philosophical ideas instead of receiving insight as a bonus for signing up with 4g wireless service two years.

It is also helpful to define 'spirit'. One might say that it is simply the life experience of a human being regarded as a data set by God. In theory a morally conscious human being aware of the truth values of Jesus Christ might behave differently socially than one that regards 'spirit' as meaningless and human experience as entirely phenomenal. Those that are spiritually dead in the sense of being unsaved or unenlightened regarding the spiritual life can miss the boat and slip into the river Styx like a slithering creature in devolution down the slippery slope to oblivion and even judgment.

Well, if spirit is simply human experience perceived or unperceived as spirit that state of affairs might describe (so far as humanly possible) the Spirit of God (I would think) to be Divine experience-the uncreated Being in omniscience without cause.

On Philosophy

Philosophy is a method or process of reasoning rather than an ossified practice. Philosophical syncretism is a way of building that model of the man-in-the-Universe Johnny Cash sort of one-piece-at-a-time opinion about reality before one physically dies that differs from religious syncretism. The latter present ossified doctrine and the former is a map in progress.

It is possible to extract ideas from the sky religion that gave rise to Hinduism and Buddhism too indirectly and regard those elements within a cosmological context such as the recurrent Universe of Nietzsche, the spinning bucket in the void thought experiments of Newton, The World as Will and Idea of Shopenhauer, 'The Three Dialogues’ of Bishop Berkley and his ideas about idealism contrasted with the illusory nature of reality of Buddhism and of course the noumenal-phenomenal dichotomy of Immanuel Kant and so forth.

Sakyamuni was perhaps a prince of a society over-run by another culture. He may have became a political and religious exile and in some respects resembles Abraham more than a little. Abraham and the Buddha were founders of social events-methods that would become morph into religious practices. Buddhism is far more of an historically reviewable religion than is Brahmanism, and less complex in its kit.

The fifty billion year kalpa of Hinduism and a recycling Universe are fascinating primitive cosmological theorizing. If one views very early Hinduism and Buddhism without the elaborations accreted upon them one discovers more philosophical outlooks.

That reminds me of the saying of God to the prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament that everyone knows him, and they intentionally forget that He is. What Sartre calls 'false consciousness' set upon ancient ideas long ago. Christianity isn't much changed over two millenia though one may consider the accreted sectarian and heretical syncretisms that have flourished. Some forms of Hinduism and of Buddhism seem quite changed in comparison to the content created by their founders too.

One might enjoy reading of the historical growth of philosophical and religious thought concurrently in the past and perhaps today too. The rise of symbolic logic in the 19th century, and of Leibnitz' mathematical logic centuries before followed the ongoing progress in scientific knowledge and mathematics and was energized by the emerging paradigms. I would think that Darwin was stimulated not only by his Christian upbringing and the notion of sequential accretion of life forms in Genesis but from the entire continental expansion of knowledge as well. There were others regarding evolutionary change before Darwin.

The comparison of Descartes' cogito and 'Discourse Upon a Method' with Sartre's later 'Being and Nothingness' reveals the same sort of ratiocinating individual encountering an objective experience of a different real physical world-universe that is an implicit aspect of duality in other religious and philosophical methods.

One regards Zoroastrianism and its emphasis upon a duality of Good and Evil and reflects how that faith was historicaly eradicated by elimination of the believers. 'Beyond Good and Evil' was Nietzsche's tome, yet the only way one might rightly compare the transcendence of good and evil is through monism with pluralism as an apparent, or even illusory fact of the expression of being and life.

Thus one finds the malleability of words and reference objects of late 20th century analytical philosophy Strawson, Quine, Kripke etc within the ontology of uncertainty paralleled in the uncertainty of quantum mechanics. A quantum universe itself uncertain is a sort of larger expression of the subjective uncertainty and temporality of the world-for-itself.

One may find quite a lot of philosophy to favor, and then regard The One and The Son of God as the best inference worth faith.

Homosexuals Leading the Way in New Cases of H.I.V. in the U.S.A.

In the U.S.A. in 2009 about 26,000 cases of H.I.V. were made through male to male (homosexual) contact. An additional 4,500 cases were contracted in heterosexual relations inclusive of prostitution. Fewer than 2000 cases occurred through the use of contaminated needles.

In the United States, and in Tennessee, the H.I.V.-A.I.D.s issue is largely a concern of homosexuals, illegal drug users, the prostitution industry and those interested in preventing the increase of dangerous disease.

The African H.I.V. issue is a horse of a different color with the non-monogamy historical cultural practice being one of the causes of the transmission of A.I.D.s Many women have several contacts a day, and scientific research discovered that H.I.V. cases increase markedly with promiscuity.


Broadcast Media of Prions Lurking Out There

A French study of prion transmission between species has shown that the misfolded protein structures that are the cause for Mad Cow Disease make interspecies and human-to-human communications more readily than previously known. Autopsies on brains to determine if the disease was communicated does not necessarily indicate if the disease had been broadcast to organs it might lurk in. Perhaps the blood-brain barrier had protected brains better than in the remainder of the body. In the French investigation the prions were transmitted successfully 26 of 41 times to organs rather than being a minority occurrence in the brains of the targets.


In Britain as many as 1 in 4000 people may be media for PrPSc prion transmission according to samples of appendixes of the populous. Evidently the prions find lymphoid tissue a friendlier ecosystem than brain tissue.

In Humans the disease is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. The disease causes a rotting of the brain resembling ordinary dementia or an over-abundance of concussions.


State of Union Speech 2012: President Obama's Support for Extended Tax Cuts for the Rich in Dec.2010 Was Unfair to the Poor

President Obama's state of the union speech attacked the under-taxed status of the rich in the nation. Of course President Obama is directly responsible for the present low, low tax rates of the Bush II era that he supported vigorously for renewal in December 2010. If re-elected he probably would assure that the tax cuts become permanent as a sort of woosification of the Democratic political agenda.

President Obama presented the seat of honor to billionaire Warren Buffet's secretary. Maybe she knows that the tax cuts will expire again this later this year if the President does not again intervene to extend them. Probably the Republicans will mercilessly lever the President and force him to forego extended Hawaiian vacations and large entourage unless he capitulates.

President Obama is fundamentally a weak moderate Republican chasing after the receeding to the right Republicans trying to meet them halfway. Sure he insinuated homosexuality into the military and New York to match up New England's policies on that, yet of course the corporate world supported that policy so it cannot be said that it was a Democratic plank.


Can Mitt Romney Overcome the Bias Against Wealth as Ross Perot Failed to Do in 1992?

Mitt Romney has become a kind of poster child for the upper 1% paying inadequate taxes while prospering during hard times. Of course the upper 1% do not experience hard times as the poor know them, so they are not to blame for lacking ideas about how to fully employ the poor so they prosper.


Mitt Romney, like Franklin Roosevelt is from the right side of the Interstate. Some Republicans hope that he may be a leader of the people rather than a leader for royalty. Some look for signs of the coronation of Jeb Bush if Republicans are turned off by the unAmerican wealth of Mitt Romney. Real Americans want to work at McDonalds flipping burgers.

Actually I liked the $1 menu and the double cheeseburgers quite a bit during my bicycle riding around America looking for a house to paint decade. They were good years when I could afford two doubles for Christmas and a large coffee.

Florida voters have a choice to make; to elect the Georgian visionary envisioning himself as President making excellent speeches, the morally excellent Rick Santorum

or the former Mormon missionary draft deferred top .006 percent Rich Mitt Romney. I do not prefer royalty for anything although the Queen of England is occasionally cool. All I can say is I wish that Ross Perot had stayed in the 1992 Presidential race and won.


A Comment on Russell, Frege and Quine's Theories of Names

I think it useful if one regards one thread of the evolution of analytic philosophy moving through logic and language as well as the relationship to the empirical world culminating eventually beyond 'Naming and Necessity' in Quine's later work 'Ontological Relativity'.

If Russell's approach is descriptivist and Kripke's is causal on names then Quine synthesizes the two complimentary approaches in placing lexicons within ontological sets of meaning.

Kripke gave names the characteristic of being 'rigid designators'. One may hypothesize a modal logic in which 'Richard Nixon' invariably refers to a real individual, yet with M-Theory ideas of an infinite promulgation of all-possible universes it is easy to hypothesize all possible model logic ontologies with infinite varieties of Richard Nixons and Richard Nixon meanings in infinite stages.


Dialectical Materialism; Contradictions in Production and The 'Creative Destruction' of Capitalism

A thought provoking theme-the idea that dialectical materialism is about contradictions between forces of production and consumers of product or profit. One might regard d.m. as about the producers and the homeless, landless people and aristocrats, or of oppressors and oppressed.D.M. as dualism is perhaps an inadequate all purpose tool for realistic empirical analysis.

In contemporary global economics producers are declining and corporate bureaucrats and stockholders increasing. Maybe some of that 90s bunk about 'creative destruction' was stimulated by Boston Marxist. Joseph Schumpeter popularized the term previously, yet it evidently has a German etiology referring to capitalism as well: schöpferische Zerstörung


In other words the concept of creative destruction wasn not invented by the author of Batman considering his character-the Joker.

Perhaps human experience is reducible in some respects to the self-other duality such as Sartre presents in 'Being and Nothingness' as well as in 'The Critique of Dialectical Reason'. In the latter case the individual regards society and its social evolution. Sartre described death as 'the complete triumph of the other'. For those of faith in eternal life awareness that Jesus Christ has overcome death brings assurance that death is not the last word.

One moves beyond solipsism and the odd internal evolutions of ideas in that and leaves the problem of solipsism to The One of Plotinus. Even our Christian God was wise enough to overcome the problem by being a Trinity forever. The proliferation of ideas and forms may be identified sometimes with number, however we know the word and object or number and object relationship are nominal associations at best. The dialectical material approach would have worked better in 5th century Athens or Persia as a heresy of Zoroastrianism.

Dialectical in the day of Marx meant two-part. It would have been electrifying if Marx had using dielectrical to describe the flow of electrons flowing toward positive and negative contradictions, yet that would await a later inventor of ideas. One suspects that the dark energy of the universe is a monopole in contradiction of gravity drawing the world away from immediate pluralism toward the deep, membranous abyss of negativism. Accentuating the positive was a source of hopefulness in the beginning of metaphysics I would think-the 19th century Germans ran toward pessimism. Nietzsche is a mess making gods in twilight of Wagner's play figures Schopenhauer believed the world was an evil illusion, and Schliermacher had to overcome 'The Cultured Despisers of Christianity'. -What a world as will and idea! The good old days of Hegel’s spirit evolving to realize itself in history like our Jewish god being just a tadpole growing up as the world and with Germany as the highest example yet of the increasing Genius had only Keirkeguard as a contradiction making excellent criticisms in Stages in Life's Way and elsewhere left-wing Hegelians feared to tread.

Two is not really the same as three, yet we might stipulate that some Marxists might hypothesize that a two-part evolution such as yin-yang is the equivalent of 11 dimensional M-Universes.

C.S. Pierce (supposedly pronounced 'purse' developed the concept of tri-electical nomination of thought. One gets a wankle rotary evolution on thought instead of the good vs. evil sort of process. I believe I would agree with photographer that Marx was more of an historical realist rather than a metaphysician. If one applies Marxism to cosmology one gets non-sense, and if one applies it to politics one finds a much more applicable verisimilitude of value.

Marx published Kapital after Darwin published his Theory on the Origin of Species. Kapital is concerned with history and politics especially of England and is a fair enough sociological analysis. Much of the later Soviet era Marxist philosophy was a sycophantic effort by Stalinists to rise in the bureaucracy as apparatchiks of ignorance.

Even today corporatists pursue the same sort of repetition of a prevailing idiotic thematic world view (though it differs of course a little from Marxism and is more about Ayn Rand and oil, the New England patriots and New York Giants (joking on that-the dialectic is better compared to Jokavich and tennis perhaps playing on a rotating evolving tennis court forever in motion), NPR and allocation of the broadcast spectrum to the rich instead of the Internet etc.) That is a consequence of the existential condition of mankind concerned with battling for material security instead of regarding philosophical thought and space colonization. There is plenty of material for human security, yet the method of fighting for material production compels some poverty to exist.

Considering quantum mechanics as a neo-Marxist clash of material contradictions is a little weird. C.E.R.N. does have particle colliders that accelerate particles instead of contradictions, and it would be tough to quantify contradictions, place them within general relativistic criteria and so forth. Neither would I believe that ideas arise from social contradictions so much as social networks or even better neural networks within self.

A Comment on the Kiriakou Affair

Evidently not all of the spooks are seig hieling careerists. Since the congress passed a law in a defense bill providing extraordinary rendition rights of American citizens to offshore torture facilities the effort of citizens to defend the rights of the accused so that habeus corpus and full discovery procedures for defense attorneys are conserved is important.

Global corporatism and faceless bureaucratic government goons holding people offshore indefinitely is a fundamental corruption of justice. Abe Lincoln just hanged illegal combatants during the civil war and did not waste time on creating a facade of civil procedures. The back-blast from the Guantanamo Bay production is harmful to the security of American citizens and should be terminated.

Evidently the 1917 espionage law was used just 3 times before the Obama administration who have used it six times themselves to arrest government people for leaking information. Human rights advocates are rather unhappy with the administration.

It is worth remembering that Daniel Elsburg was not convicted for releasing the Pentagon papers, and the administration might need to find a better criteria for determining that some information actually is critical information, such as the omnibus data transfer to Julian Assange or the obvious secret veapon theft and delivery to foreign powers.

It is unfortunate that Richard Nixon did not have Guantanamo Bay to send Jane Fondas to for at least brainwashing and re-education (only joking). One can consider the what if's of history's past and future.


Why Did Some Regard Marx's Contradictions as of a Formal Logical Nature?

The effort to reduce Marxist dialectical materialism to formal logic is a wrong effort. The contradictions of Marxist dialectical materialism were posited to be of an historical nature-rather like a Toynbean challenge-response criteria describing evolving phases of cycles of civilization.

The meaningful aspects of dialectical materialism if there are any, are as an historical description of diction and contra-diction rather than of the abstract idea that p and not-p may exist concurrently.

Democrats say that Obama has improved the economy a little-Republicans say phooey, he has made it worse and thus a diction and contradiction have been acceptably presented.

One ought to narrow down the meaning of terms like dialectical materialism and seperate that particular one from Hegel's notion of dialectical spiritual evolution. Marx contra-dicted Hegel's idea of the world as a dialectical spiritual presentation making the evolution materially based. That contra-diction was for Marx o.k.

Marx as a student of Hegel exploited the idea of dialectical or progressive evolutionary change in a sociological and historical context. Marx did not have much concern about writing any sort of logic-and Frege was yet ahead in time a bit and beyond Marx's philosophical vision. Marx was concerned with real politics and hostory and less concerned with scientifically describing a meta-physics as might Democritus.

Since Marx was fundamentally wrong about dialectical materialism-there are more than two physical forces at work in the Universe today plus dark energy and whatever else even though ultimately everything that appears pluralistic may be contingent upon monism of The One, it become retroactively theoretical, or perhaps necessary to construct a hypothetical dialectical material logic for academic purposes if one wants to model a theory of meaning of contradictions that Marx may be credited with yet did not have.

Philosophical Comment About Ancient Names & The Tetragrammaton

Some scholars suppose that 'the ineffable name of God" was not rediscovered by Hebrew scholars-Cabbalists until in 300 a.d. I will post a link to one modern pastor's research on the Tetragrammaton.


This isn't a thread on the pro-con of faith for-itself. To a certain extent that is something like the partisan points in congress or whatever.

Dr. Reckart's article on the Indo-European origins of the word Yahweh is worth reading. There are of course numerous avenues of approach for words from proto-Indo-European/Ukrainian languages drifting into Sanskrit and Syriac terminology. Cultural transmissions of ideas about the origin of ideas of God and of the linguistic and cultural ideas about gods in the singular or plural are valuable for historical learning, yet ideas about God that one might have for-oneself are not solely dependent upon and historical-cultural transmission.


One may consider God's attributes philosophically as Aquinas did. God and his relation to the universe or cosmos may be regarded with logical thought for some...many have.

Rosenberg in his biography of Abraham wrote that Elohim arose as a term for God in an area with a tradition of three pagan gods. Evidently some of the earlier writings and knowledge of the J and P writers about the Court of Solomon and Rehoboam were then lost and unknown to the Northern Court a couple hundred years later.

I recommend reading Rosenberg's excellent book. He retraces Abraham's route from Sumer up the Euphrates and over to Jerusalem and his meeting with the Jebbusites and Melchisedek. The cultural transmissions through history are valid enough to have historical value. There is an oral tradition in the Middle East and of song that is said to still be influential. Abraham's migration to Israel and development of a personal relationship with God evolved into what was in effect a new people culturally that believed in God.

One may associate numerous cultural references to comprehension of ancient times and points of religious interest. I have read history and philosophy simultaneously more or less, including ancient history for several decades. The depth in history leads me to expand understanding and not to approach ancient meanings and circumstances illogically as if the events-processes were math formula that might be proven or disproved necessarily. Also read items translated into English by scholars. I had only a little reading of Hebrew in Biblical languages.

Cultural memories of Martin Frobisher's explorations continued in the Bay from his early 16th century encounter with Inuit until recent times so far that locations of archeologically valuable sites were rediscovered with their tribal memory of the locations. Ancient Jewish history was also perpetuated until the development of the aleph-beth perhaps in the 15th century B.C.

When King David made Jerusalem his capital the accumulated scripts were probably brought together in his court and the J writer along with her knowledge of ancient Babylonian and Sumerian cultural traditions was able to put together the book of Genesis-perhaps adding the flood story to it from the Abrahamic heritage.

Obviously with the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls it was possible to compare the texts and textual inconsistencies of the scripture of different eras and there weren't many.

It is probably that the ancient Persian Gulf about 15,000 B.C. had a much lower sea level and that ancient cultures formed farther out in locations that today are under 200 feet of water. There was hence much cause for flood stories.

There is much scholarship on Bible history-so much that one may take one's course through making an image of the ancient world's history.

It seems that many non-believers would want to find some linguistic point, or an historical reconstruction as a point to dispute the existence of God. I have found ample reason historically to have faith in God that is reinforced by logical philosophical reasoning about the nature of God.

In order philosophically to consider the Universe as a contingent element within God's purposes it may be necessary to actual have a belief that God is actual, rather than dismissing that a priori.


Scalar Fields of God's Moral Concern? The Argument by Computer Programmer?

It is not a problem that God could be concerned with human life on Earth in a vast Universe or that evil thought can exist in human society. God evidently has plans to correct the latter at the Day of Judgment if not earlier.

Aren't computer programmers concerned with a few bits that don't function rightly in the context of millions of lines of computer code-or even billions? God with omniscient power can concern himself with the higher forms of being-. People aren't soley inanimate or unthinking objects, human minds are essentially spiritual experiencing matter rather than being only an expression of matter that does not think of itelf as perhaps helium atoms.

It is possible to ask with the psalmist; 'God, what is man that thou art mindful of him' and understand that Jesus Christ has brought humanity the gracee for an even closer personal realationship with The One God.

God creating a universe of universes perhaps simply cancels out sections of alternate potential to allow particular potential to emerge and form within a given spatio-temporal context. If The One issues an emergent pre-Universal field of vitual uncertainty to permit contingent axis of freedom of motion and potential it is posible that The One is interested in mind and spirit more so than inert matter that is not so interesting.

The One may be like a playwright issuing characters more interested in them than in the stage props. In the midst of nowhere, Utopia is a potential ever receeding beyond a horizon of temporal change that even the characters of evil chase after if only for the chance to control beingness.

God is good.

If the faithless lack insight into spiritual things,and pursue the best-case temporal island -hopping of matter as if they were diminishing pieces of ice at sea drfitng south it is yet necesary to learn of what one has faith in or about.

The analogy by computer programming has limits obviously. For one thing humanity doesn't perhaps know what the purpose(s) of the program are, nor what is set to be accomplished (character development?) anything. Some physicists have speculated that the universe is like a hologram (information), and of course it could be more than a reflection of human tecnology analogies of the era.

I think it interesting that the human mind experience occurs at just the right scale and space-time hitory for philosophical speculation-without challenges it might be like a state of entropy existnetially experienced as economic and ecospheric malaise.

There are cosmological theories of the Universe (1) being rebooted periodically since you suggest that point-membrane gong theory, the big crunch, hyper-expansion and a Big Rip etc. It is possible that the teleology of the Universe isn't static like cosmological constants may or may not be. Moving target in space-time, form and purpose could coincide.

It is somewhat undesirable to address several points simultaneously that are worthy of quite a bit more time than I presently have to reply. Many of the questions presented are classic points well written to by many scholars through history. I would like to say here that the use of YHWH as a name for God is of its day. There are additional names such as ‘The God of Abraham’ or ‘The God of Isaac’, Elohim and so forth- the last name probably arising during a redaction by the court in Northern Israel.

Psalm 139:1-12 relates…

"1O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

2Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

3Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

4For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.

5Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.

6Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.

7Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

8If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

9If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

10Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

11If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.

12Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee."

The idea that God is omniscient and omnipotent is ubiquitous in the Old Testament-consider God’s personal conversation with Job. We are naturally brought to consider the nature of God from the many references in the small books of the Bible.

Reason and logic too bring the philosophically inclined to consider the attributes of God as Creator. Consider the neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus’ Enneads and his ideas about The One. In this context one is being philosophically rather than legalistically minded. Instead of searching for anecdotal or even physical evidence one is exploiting the powers of reason to consider the Universe and the concept of the nature of its creator. One is considering the nature of God and of the acts of God in shaping existence, and considering the nature of God as an omnipotent, non-contingent being with humanity and the Universe exiting perhaps within a project area set aside by God for actualization.

One may consider the universe as a kind of modal logic paradigm with set theoretical attributes and generate myriad logics of necessity of those Universes. With Quine’s 'Ontological Relativity' in mind we may be aware that our subject idea-lexicons comprise respective conceptual ontologies in our subjective psychological outlook, and again following Quine we are aware that some of these lexical ontologies cannot immediately be translated into other ontologies by each user of the Universe.

People aren't soley inanimate or unthinking objects, human minds are essentially spiritual experiencing matter rather than being only an expression of matter that does not think of itself as perhaps helium atoms.

Sure- I will let spiritual be an open parameter defined by God rather than myself, yet my usage of the term means the conceptual rather than the material aspect of human life. In effect I am calling human experience ‘spiritual’ and something like glacial ice material. It is common these day to describe the functions of human minds biochemically-with more axon connection and different thought configurations possible than there may be individual atom in the Universe (well its ten trillion or whatever multiplied)-yet the experience is fundamentally different-self consciousness-than the insentient life of matter (unless matter is made of one-dimensional spiritual monads as Leibnitz thought).

It is possible to ask with the psalmist; 'God, what is man that thou art mindful of him' and understand that Jesus Christ has brought humanity the gracee for an even closer personal realationship with The One God.

From a human point of view I don’t know what happened to Neanderthal or Homo erectus regarding eternal life. You know some Jews did not believe in resurrection. Presumably they had trust that God’s conducting of experience was good enough-that he had his own plan for everything and would use everything in his omnipotent plan rightly-you know the potter and the clay…

On the point about Jesus-some believe the Gospel and some don’t-predestination of the elect and the damned?

Jesus the Christ is Savior rather than a trap. God became man in the flesh is as personal. That may be as personal as it is likely to get in this existence. One may conjecture about the reality of the historical Caesar or of Jesus Christ. Many believers including myself conclude that he was who He said he was.

God is good.

Jesus is quoted as saying in…

Mark 10:18

King James Version (KJV)

…"18And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God."

The Apostle Paul wrote that none are good (except God). The nature of mankind is fallen, and unacceptable to the perfection of God. Only through the intervention of the blood of Jesus Christ in His atoning sacrifice can man reach heaven. The doctrine of grace lets us be aware that the human paradigm isn’t capable of comprehending the nature of The One. Even the grace is donated and hence the doctrine of election.

The word ‘good’ has copious use in the Bible-people were not trying to give it a platonic form kind of realism meaning for most of that period.


If the faithless lack insight into spiritual things,and pursue the best-case temporal island -hopping of matter as if they were diminishing pieces of ice at sea drfitng south it is yet necessary to learn of what one has faith in or about.

I have faith that knowledge besides that brought through scientific method is functional, purposeful and etc. Consider for example history texts that were compiled unscientifically perhaps-yet perhaps not. Science means knowledge-no more, and there are many means of getting knowledge including that of ancient history and inductive reasoning, construction of set theoretic all-possible worlds paradigms and even faith that cannot be precluded from having an actual transcending real object of reference.


Russia Seeks Co-operative Moon Base Direction With N.A.S.A.

Russia-a pioneer in manned space flight-is interested in developing manned moon bases for scientific research with N.A.S.A. The goal is pragmatic, since experience living on the moon would prep the human race for visiting and living on the other moons of the solar system.


The Russians may be disappointed by the now traditional lethargic U.S. approach to manned space flight that has become set aside and buried under and avalanche of bureaucratic priorities servicing a Wall Street sector concerned with extracting profits from existing business instead of manufacturing or constructing new physical projects.

One hopes that the next U.S. administration will have a change of spirit and co-operate in developing a fleet of new space-transportation modalities of an economic and pragmatic nature with Russia as well as the private sector.

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/05/12/emals_backfire/ U.S. Navy works on electro-magnetic mass drivers for launching carrier aircraft

http://www.cyberpursuits.com/space/engineering/massdrivers.asp mass drivers and electro-magnetic launch technology for space

On the Republican's South Carolina Primary Contest: Santorum vs. Gingrich

With Mitt Romney's wealth, Massachusetts origins and endorsement by moderate Republicans being taken as negative qualities by South Carolina-Ft. Sumpter traddition Republicans more than the Abe Lincoln kind to a limited yet meaningful extent the real primary battle is for second place between the winner of the Iowa primary Rick Santorum (declared winner by 34 votes) and his fellow Catholic man-of-faith Newt Gingrich.

Many South Carolina Republicans (and maybe former candidate Rick Perry) believe that a vote for Newt is a vote for a fellow Southern Baptist unaware that in 2009 Gingrich abandoned the sect and became a conversos to the Catholic religion bending his knee to the sect with the most coherent, Catholic political voting block; probably he learned who the major and minor prophets are and can name them blindfolded. Cynics may conjecture that after his divorce from a prior wife he also needed a divorce from his prior sect to restore a Catholicity to his political prospects. Well even if so-all is forgiven-except for Rush Limbaugh's report that ABC has some sort of insider criticism from his former wife on tap for release Monday before the election. While some may sympathize with the plight of Newt, more sensible people prefer Santorum for his leadership qualities in-themselves regardless of the former Speaker's personal concerns..


It is difficult to believe that young Americans will find Newt Gingrich much different in 2012 than John McCain in 2008-another retiree on golden pond seeking to enrich retired boomers unhappy with the stock market fortunes. Once again President Obama's supporters may ask 'Do you think the Republican candidate can wake up at 3 a.m. and decide about launching a counter-strike to a new terrorist or conventional emergent danger?''

Rick Santorum is a long-time Catholic without recent troubling moral or sectarian challenge that have caused him to abandon his faith. Santorum is a dynamic candidate adaptable to changing challenges presented by global economic hostile takeover of the U.S. labor and mortgage market yet endowed with inalienable equal faith and trust in God and country. Younger American voters may identify with the vitality and dynamic leadership of Rick Santorum in the fall, if he can get through the house that sees in Newt Gingrich a candidate more sympathetic to Confederated regressivist sentimentality.


President Obama Gets One Right-Stops Redundant Canadian Pipeline Across U.SA. to Export Gasoline to South America

President Obama's decision to stop construction of a vast redundant Canadian pipeline across the U.S.A. -the Keystone Pipeline- to sell gasoline to South America was a good choice-Asian markets like dirty crude oil and will be happy to send their money to Canadians who might in turn by American e-books at Lulu.com- Canadians are smart and inventive people after all.


The United States should develop its own alternative and clean energy infrastructure to meet its own transportation and energy needs. Dumb nations tend to become broke and the United States cannot afford to rely another century upon global warming and trade deficit causing dirty fossil fuel engines burning foreign gas in foreign made engines with foreign made steel. Actually it shouldn't take a genius to imagine a better and more productive U.S. national energy infrastructure yet that would improve the economy and the establishment probably prefer that America become a nation with millions of peons for cheap labor leveraged into homelessness and non-competition for owning land or free enterprise.

Ronald Regan; The Final Conservative Before The New World Order

I wanted to make a comment about the computer and internet era's effect upon U.S. and global manufacturing. With modern games theory and the Internet on line for the business market the age of gaming to win profit either short or long term with instantaneous trade, borrowing funds and virtual gaming of the system manufacturing has become a somewhat staid phenomena subject globally to the higher powers of concentrated wealth. Obviously national borders and currencies aren't insulated from the gaming power of concentrated wealth, commodities and owning poker-playing and quantitative computer driven trading. How can the U.S.A. develop a vigorous new ecological economic manufacturing and living policy when global gaming of fungible social reality has pervasively corrupted the integrality of state and local politics?

Ronald Regan was the final American conservative before the full flowering of the post-cold war computer driven trading system. Today conervatism has two basic sides-that of moral conservatism and that of global concentration of wealth with the principle of gaming the world economy and concentrating wealth phenomenally. Obviously there is nothing conservative about the latter-for it is an abandonment of national destiny for an existential global pursuit of greed.

In the new global era cheap labor is plentiful and in the United States cheap illegal and legal immmigrant labor has created a perennial high rate of unemployment concurrent with record Wall Street profits. Basically a high rate of unemployment is good for corporate profits by keeping wages down. With a comprehensive Mexican border control policy of zero immigration it might be possible to reduce the unemployment rate in the U.S.A. to 2% and increase wages significantly. Executive wages have increased in recent decades while comparative adjusted for inflation labor wages have decreased because in the supply and demand phenomenon of the U.S.A. the real immigration policy has been entirely in favor of the middle class and wealthy who employ illegal immigrants instead of paying real wages to American citizens. A corrupt U.S.A. is where the economy is at today.

Instant communications for the media and Internet corporate world globally have also allowed a reduction in the integrity of p0rivate property values. Once upon a time private real estate was secure enough with the only way one might be driven out through entirely legal means. In the New World order ad hoc social pressure from networked racketeering targeting individual property owners may compel home sale through real social pressure making the media of networking a kind of ad hoc government. Private land titles are only as good as the government that is the sovereign enforcer of the title and owners right of quiet enjoyment of his property.

The U.S. government did not intent private property for the poor and middle class to endure in the New World Order though. The Clinton administration allowed the commodification of home mortgages so that they might be bought and sold globally. Americans have lost hundreds of thousands of homes while the wealthy have profited and made home insecurity a permanent feature of the New World Order in the U.S.A.

Globally the New World Electronic order has not consolidated its impact upon the economies affected in myriad ways The effect of perennial political and economic destabilization may be new rounds of wars stimulated by incidentally rather than necessary economic insufficiencies of masses sometimes actualized as revolutions.

There are esse3ntially two aspects of the new wave of destabilization in an instantaneous electronic media environment today I wanted to mention. First is the ability of the masses to volatilize politic and economic reform. The second is the ability for game players to undermine free enterprise ventures at large and small scales through pervasive global trading.
In Alaska a given mine may produce 33,000 pounds of gold for a global corporation who will not invest anything locally in significant quantity, by will instead extract and relocate the non-renewable resource anyplace in the world for reinvestment in opportunely selected trading ventures that appear game theoretical winners. Of course the major investors will also have a high rate of profit paying just 15% on capital gains instead of an income tax on wages at 35%.

Working is discouraged for investing has far lower taxes. New World Order investing tends to be far more in gaming profits rather than construction of new manufacturing technology, or even of ecological economic sustainability. It is easier to invest and gain the system that build a business with hard work and have some global gamers take over with borrowed money. Capitalism has become corrupted to mean the concentration of global wealth and power even unto absolute monarchy under the most evil powers and principalities. Capital for Adam Smith was no more than an incidental yet desirable fruit of free enterprise activities of a generation revolutionarily democratic and opposed to the concentration of wealth by a few individuals socially.


U.S.-Mexico Border Control Concepts

I of course have regarded the opportunity to create an ecospherically benign border control zone on the Mexican border as an opportunity to create jobs and fresh water for the American S.W. That was the salt-water desalinization with solar powered siphon and exploitation of the higher sea level on the Pacific than the Gulf of Mexico to fill a structure of border canals with evaporated-condensed water. I learned about the Columbia Basin project in Eastern Washington fairly early and saw the apple orchards and other farm production that followed the Columbia River water being made to flow to the desert. A new project might alter the dynamics of the advancing global warming desertification of the S.W. as far as water shortages go.

The comparison with the boundary issues with East Germany was fascinating. I visited Berlin before the Wall came down and haven't been to Europe since.

America has a different set of economic issues today, and capitalism's meaning has become corrupted and free enterprise reduced progressively as global corporations take over. I know that Mexican drug cartels and that war that has cost 47 thousand lives so far is rotten in Mexico and has a bad effect on the U.S.A. too.

Even in Alaska Mexican nationals are imported to work processing seafood again giving the advantage to the 1% class as labor is not allowed to tighten up and raise wages. Labor and ownership must be on the same rules and workers should have a fair chance to benefit from higher labor values from scarcity-they can't do that in the U.S.A. with legal and illegal cheap Mexican immigrant workers.

If there is a labor shortage and the fish don't get caught and instead return to spawn and build up larger, healthier numbers-fine-that's good for the oceans and while the oceans haven't turned to acid advantaged dead zones it would be good to try to restore a healthier ocean environment.

The amorphous political philosophy, meanings of political terms and dysfunctional economic theories work to the disadvantage of the United States. America is a political island in the stream that can end, along with the culture in it, and even the world ecosphere as the easy way through greed prevails to overcome political management of the nation's future and well being of the citizens.


Mitt Romney & Muhammad Ali : Religious Deferments From Vietnam War

If a citizen takes a deferment from wartime military service ought he rightly be later eligible to command the military or be elected President. While conscientious objectors and religious ministers are Godly people-maybe (for some ungodly religions may be eligible for war-time deferments too such as the 5th Church of Hatred of the I.R.S. whose priesthood regards it as a holy mission to avoid paying taxes the abomination of government-plainly the Government would want not to offend the faithful and send them to battle in unrighteous corporate wars)
A democracy should have a little logic and consistence in its policies in order that the rich and the corrupt might not just have their way through slick passage through loopholes.

Muhammad Ali avoided the draft claiming to be a minister of the Nation of Islam. Mitt Romney got a draft deferment claiming to be a Minister or Missionary of Mormonism-and he spent a year in France during then war proselytizing the faith.

Ali of course had to litigate his conviction for draft evasion five years before getting an 8 to 0 Supreme Court decision overturning his conviction.

The idea that Mormons and Muslims should get arbitrary draft exemption makes one wonder if the religious reason is for being a member of a religion or particularly for believing that God does not want people to kill.

Perhaps the ending of the draft era was requisite if Mormons and Moslems would not be required to serve via draft. Yet Christians too should be free from draft as well so perhaps war falls to just godless atheists these days, though volunteer armies with large pay are the increasing corporate trend.

So should deferments from drafts be awarded for just a year at a time for religious reasons? Is conscientious objector status good for life or just for a year or while none is especially pious?

Individuals too should be free from a draft or receive a deferment or conscientious objector status is they regard God as more important than man.

Can one reasonably elect a conscientious objector President to command military forces? If religious missionary or ministering is sufficient reason not to be drafted even if one is not a conscientious objector, won't even Democrat Party members choose to make a sect of their political faith and perform ministering work to get draft deferments until some hypothetical war is over?


The One; Comparing the Eternal and Temporal

The terms or word referent labels probably don't mean the same to The One as it would in a human context.

Realization is surpassed by omniscience. Can an eternal being experience temporality? The 33 year life of Jesus Christ would be the closest approximation I can imagine. Can the temporal contain the eternal in understanding?

For us the question is like asking how a particle in a river always in motion can consider anything stationary. One might ask if being always in motion as a water molecule in a perpetual motion river circling around a space-globe in a zero gravity mall under a clever magnetic field might could realize it's stationary position relative to other molecules flowing with it, or if the molecule could realize it's timelessness because nothing ever seemed to change in the flow, and neither did it break apart under anomolous Van der Waalls bonds or another physical influence.

Like Plotinus' expression of The One in his 'The Enneads' there is a limit to describing a view that cannot be perceived from human experience. The One is improbably subject to space-time or relativity, as it contains those pluralistic aspects of things-for-others.


Socrates: Innovative Philosopher or Destroyer of Democracy?

From what factually is known about Socrates and the state of Athens then he had that role of advocating for oppression of the demos. The happiness of people does not arise when they are enslaved or subjugated. Mankind naturally desires freedom rather than slavery

That Plato would advocate for female opportunity to oppress the masses as guardian-rulers may have been a political gambit to get feminine support-always important even today for bad political actions as well as good. Certainly women can reason well enough, however abstract reason doesn't compensate for lack of experience for either gender. In the 5th century B.C. childbirth was quite dangerous and in some places still is.

Why did Socrates want to abolish families and have the state raise progeny from mysterious liasons? Socrates might have ruminated about his first wife Xanthippe and alleged second wife Myrto and thought about the good points of a commonality of women in the Utopian Republic. He might have imagined that a prime role of philosopher kings would have been to impregnate lower classes so far as possible and outbreed undesirable characteristics such as the will for independence. In that idea he wouldn't be unique. Yet even from an evolutionary perspective diveristy is better than everyone having the same nose.

Women have tended to rule the home at times while men go out in the streets and fields to fight, strive or labor. The enfranchised agree not to kill one another, dominate the increments of sustainabilty or dump the excrements in the gutters-what could be bettter than that? Well, democracy can try to improve education and assure a fair basic social balance politically. The marketplace of ideas need be free of operant tyranny that excludes the masses from getting a natural selection of the best ideas, songs, poems or science fiction novels etc.

Eventually women too can rise to go out in the streets, fight, agree not to kill one another and labor-and they do. Maids from Mexico maintain homes for cheaper wages than Americans would demand from their middle and upper class employers. Everyone like exploitable labor-even philosopher-kings, the Supreme Soviets of the World and Boss Tweeds.

Set hierarchies are not invariably the most efficient structure for data processing alogirthms. Such are preclusive of much extraneous data and inertially tend to follow pre-determined courses without capibility of restructuring term values, concepts and so forth vital for social good.

The proposal for the education of female potential philosopher-kings may have been unrealisticly patronizing to entice Plato's prospects. The average life span was less than 25 I would guess in the 5th century B.C. One wonders how wise women might have become- guarded themselves as cloistered nun-warrior-Queens forming abstract ideas of the conduct of war and ideal social development planting and nurturing 5th century Athenians relying upon court favorite consultants perhaps-primordial lobbiests from abroad.

One might wonder if elites have a class thing regarding their self-bestowed concept of supremacy that requires that their women too are better than those cattle ruled. Catherine the Great was a competent elite ruler of Russia-quite promiscuous yet Socrates advocated against families and for state raising of all children-a very bee-hive concept that simply isn't very good. In some ways the Republic is a prototype for a fascist, Orewellian communist dictatorship the Khmer Rouge might have appreciated. One musn't forget that the new Kim of North Korea has already been decreed 'the genius amongst geniuses'.

The Roman version of the Republic had a Dictator for a year when war required transcending the joint consulship-a more realistic policy than having female war leaders in that day.

Some generals lead from the rear and others from the front. Alexander led from the front, as did Caesar when necessary. Elites though of a non-democratic sort have a greater tendency to lead in absentia from a comfortable harem, bar or pleasure dome sending the mere commoners to do the menial tasks such as war. On the other hand one might argue that female philosopher kings of a bureaucratic disposition would have been Amazon like warriors. I think war is a specialized occupation though that makes one less philosophical with rank-I am not persuaded that elite rulers can be trained to pursue the good for society and knowledge of war at the same time, nor that the guardians would not have the biased point of view that the good for society is when philosopher kings rule-rather like those tin-pot dictators for life of second and third world nations.

Socrates influenced people like Alcibiades to disrespect democracy and that cost Athenian lives such as in the war against Syracuse when Alcibiades decided to switch sides and turn traitor because he was relieved of command of the Athenian navy after a drunken night defacing statues of demi-urges in some temple (probably the Parthenon).

The Wall Street Quant traders and cdo packagers were/are the nation’s elites nurtured in misguided economic philosophy. Adam Smith’s capitalism was less accentuated than the concept of self-regulated social fee-enterprise. Free enterprise today should have regulations to preserve competition and access to capital by the masses as opposed to a reduction in concentration of wealth.

Corporations should be allowed to have no more than 5000 employees and individual could invest in no more than three corporations. It is possible to restore Adam Smith’s intentions in formalizing capitalism as an economic theory so that the economic good of the citizenry is maximized rather than that of a few. Smith and Hume were anti-aristocratic economic power instead of proponents of it.

One may admire Plato creating the foundation for philosophical realism with his realm of forms paradigm. Even Kripke in 'Naming and Necessity' keep a semblance of imperputability in names while Russell's theory of names is a forerunner of Quine's ideas about language as linguistic units derived from association with objects or events/procesesses etc.

Temporal change and classes of objects in the world of perpetual change does present the idea that some Univeral designs for objects exist that precede any particular expression in the temporal world. One learns through particle physics that select forms do exist for quanta. Only a certain amount of energy may exist in particular orbits, and radiation or fusion exists to renormalize those atoms. In some regards Plato was correct about a realm of forms in physics then after all. Socrates.

In spite of the brilliance of the realm of forms idea and laying the foundation of realism as well as advancing the classification of word and objects etc the will to elevate a Republic that isn't much more than primitive tribal rule is a regressive rather than a positive contribution to posterity. Modernity requires that discrete ad hoc procesing of data and education in ecopheric and social reality be common coin of mass thought as they pursue their own self interest aware that several billion other people are doing the same thing and that their are unintended, concatenated effects of those actions.


The will of Socrates to subvert the Athenian democracy and have a regime change against the will of the majority was a dark side to the man. Socrates, like various supremists throughout history had a political personal egoistic eudeamon calling him to put his fellow citizen in chains held by the few, the proud and the rich including himself presumably.

Socrates had a inclination to support revolt against the government and was thrice convicted of fomenting insurrection. His philosophical method was political organizing to persuade others to end the existing government and subjugate the people. People that wish to subjugate one to political non-equal status are on the wrong side of things morally speaking.


The Athenian democracy was a utopian experiment-as much then as in 1776. Socrates sought to regress to a primitivist tribalism with philosopher-king co-chiefs, kyshatria-warrior guardians and helot-slaves. He might have been designing a modern corporation or zaibatsu of immense size.

Athens had no oppresion by the majority-all citizens were free and voters. Slaves of whatever origin were that or dead-what could one in that time do with captives of war and others not of one's tribe that one contacted? In world war I more than 50,000 soldier died of blood poisoning from infected blisters I believe. In the 5th century B.C. human physical contact tended to be more violent because any contact was dangerous medically speaking, as well as for other reasons of history.

Jingoism officially was invented by the British-and they were an aristocratic-democratic hybrid then. In 5th century B.C. Athens war newspapers and radio didn't yet exit for jingoitic utility. If one had a sword or a spear drill team one could have a crash at the foes of course-dash across the ground-yet it alsway ressulted in many deaths and killing off of proto-jigoites. The Spartans, very good at war gaming, were not invariably happy about going to the killing fields-heck, even abcessed tooth removal could be painful for 5th century do-it-your-selfers I would guess.

Achilles earlier beleived a warrior death was best, yet it was swift and life with cancer or a myriad other chronic diseases very common then were not. The Roman emperor Sula perished when worm rotted his guts enough that they fell out.

The Athenian democracy wasn't terribly militaritic either-I think that you have imbibed some more 20th century propaganda because of 20th century war historical evaluations made by people with inadequate historical understanding. The Persians attacked the Greeks,and of course later so did the Romans. Alexander was not a democrat.

Democracy does not need to be anti-intellectual. The United States is one of the best places for intellectual efforts. Anti-intellectual is a human trait rather than a democratic trait. In a free society an intellectual may live in a tent and read Quine while the unintellectual can visit Talledega for NASCAR and help advance global warming support (they should use electric cars at least).


The 'Other' Socrates

There is a dark side to Socrates. The little known side may be common knowledge amidst some philosophers, yet it should be understood by the many as well as the few.

Socrates was a supporter of oligarchy and in opposition to the demos. It was the democrats that gave the philosopher the choice-Athens-leave it or die. Socrates choose death rather than to give up the principle of rule by the exclusive.

Bertrand Russell called Plato a fascist (during the Second World War). Plato's Republic was loosely modeled on the Spartan city-state. Yet of course Plato-Socrates wanted philosopher-Kings to dictate everything with a limited number of flunkies below in a rather Spartan configuration. The ordinary people were not helots of course, the men just should be cuckolded and the women imp0regnated by superior males-Socrates was an early formal eugenic supremist.

For most of the history of western civilization aristocracy has ruled and of course they advocate the extreme conservatism of 'The Republic'. How noble was Socrates in thrice being charged by the Demos of corrupting the youth of Athens-he was inciting them to revolt and restore the Oligarchy. Today of course the charge of’ corrupting youth' brings sniggers. Socialist believing corruption is hunkie dorrie want all of that they can get on the premise that it will undermine the conservative amongst us. We know the litany-unlimited sin is o.k. mankind evolved from lizards and hence it should today have a magical lizard's moral sensibilities.

Socrates did evolve the Socratic method. Maybe he refined some sort of water-boarding interrogation methodology that could work in polite society. Socrates wanted to prove that anyone he met was a moron or at least quite ignorant-any maybe he was right for the people were ordinarily ignorant and Socrates was a rare, thoughtful, intelligent aristocrat from a humble background.

Can we find sympathy for Socrates-son of a sculptor who worked on the Parthenon, rugged soldier, voluntary mystic of catatonic like states of deep standing contemplation-because he supported the rich and powerful of his day perhaps to get kickbacks of a financial nature-or at least to have an easy time of accommodations, food, parties and security?

If Socrates did not seek favors of the Buffets and Gates of his time, if the George Soros' of golden age Athens were just means to an end of converting Athenian liberty into a Spartan like domination by a pair of philosophers like Socrates and Plato, he was at least an individual who stimulated political philosophy and the inquiry into the nature of word meaning. It isn't too surprising that his grand-pupil Aristotle invented classical logic, the syllogism and formal scientific classification.

I guess Socrates wasn't all bad after all, yet of course, we like the moderns and several others fairly well in compensation, though of course none are God as is Jesus Christ.

Moderate Red Wine Drinking to Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer?

Science Daily posted an article on a scientific finding that the risk of breast cancer may be reduced with the drinking of 8 ounces of red wine nightly. The report will be published in an April edition of the Journal of Women's Health.

The article pointed out that most alcohol consumption increases estrogen levels that are a risk factor for cancerous cell growth yet red wine, seeds and grape skin do not. With environmental estrogen levels also elevated by certain plastic drinking containers, could those plastic cups and bottles be a risk factor for breast cancer too?


On Infinities

Cantor's trans-infinite infinities indicate ordinal form in abstract relations, yet it is not necessary that there is a correspondence to anything actual from infinite series. A circle line may be subdivided infinitely forever with smaller and smaller numbers at each point on the line. Reality may be qualitatively transcendent over infinities though, and the evident Universe is simply a project of an indefinable teleology phenomenalized.

Infinities of the abstract sort often are infinite in one direction with ordinal structure (regular intervals or spacing/quantity) yet not in all dimensions. The circle may be infinitely reduced yet not expanded in the same area without fundamental change of investment.

The Universe is sometimes thought to have expanded from a smaller area. Obviously it is logically easier to imagine the Universe shrinking to an infinitely small point.

If the Universe may be regarded theoretically as a circular or spherical section of a two dimensional or eleven dimensional membrane, it is fundamental to imagine reducing that portion or area to a small point before releasing it to expand and resume its normal context state over time.

On the Dionysian Aesthetic Paradigm vs More Objective Criteria?

Reading Euripides' versions of the works of Sophocles is lively. The Bacchae roll right along with a fair field description of the salient point of the advance of the women under the influence of Dionysus. What can't one like about it? Would you regard Timon of Athens as Dionysian because of the strength of Timon's hatred of mankind, or is that in a Euripidean style?

Is Wagner’s Logen a reference to Attila the Hun? Attila made it to France and fought to a stalemate with a Roman Legion.

One comment on the ring cycle offers the opinion that Bakunin was the role model. Adolph Hitler and other political charismatics place the emotion of vengeance right there with Dionysian passion. Monomaniacal political passion can bring a high opportunity cost with it. Artists though seem to require devotion to their project-I find it difficult to associate Dionysian drunkeness with artistic passion. Was Jackson Pollock a Dionysian and Pablo Picasso an intellectual of cubist construction and meta-layered perspective placing subjective psychologic perception into the empirical world?

The work of a the passion of Christ when the word means perserverence through suffering may be the best example of artistic devotion to an aethetic cause if we allow real values to intrude into the aesthete. Passion with sobriety is the best kind.

I stipulate that being in some way compelled to attend an Opera instead of reading philosophy or cosmology would be a terrible fate. So is a succession of Presidents of the United States that would be guided by emotion or red flags stimulating deficit spending instead of rational, analytical informed opinion about ecological economics and the way to move socially in a Thomas Moore direction or at least with a George Luis Borges sort of amusement aesthetically with intellectual genius.

Some prefer irrational motivation for living, yet it requires a good healthy ecosphere to run amuck in decadence instead of one with a prospect for mass extinction. I believe one might sublimate the aesthetic of romanticism within an intellectual appreciation of beauty and avoid the excesses of Nietzsche-

Darker Northern Winters Evolve Larger Human Brains & Eyes-Stimulate Sales of Light Bulbs

The brains of Northerners from Scandanavia are largest and those from Micronesia smallest evidently because the visual cortex increases in size to see better in those month of darkness. Since mosquitoes fly evasively really well, and since the U.S. Congress plans to spend a trillion dollars buying 2500 F-35 Joint Strike Neo-Stealth fighters the next two decades, it is easy to discern that brain size does not necessarily coincide with intelligence.

Other scientific reports indicate that long-term memory supports or reinforces the ability of perception to recognize objects. Learning does allow an individual to discern elements of their perceptual field they may not otherwise perceive-such as the UFO parked discretely in the corner of a Wall-Mart lot, or investors on Wall Street exiting the exchange with large bags of other people's money.


Alaskans have taken up the go north for a bigger brain evolution in selecting its state Governors adroitly skipping electing anyone from the S.E. part of the state and instead looking to Fairbanks and even Barrow for the best prospects.


Redundant Canadian Tar Sands Crude Pipelines and Larger Northern Brains Perfidy?

Building an ecospherically invasive, displacing pipeline from Canada across the U.S.A. in order that Tar Sands Oil can be refined and sold to Brazil as gasoline seems outright dumb. A much shorter, entirely Canadian pipeline to carry Tar Sands oil from Alberta Canada to saltwater in a British Columbia (well, a few miles short on a river) is already going ahead. One must wonder how stupid U.S. politicians are to let that sort of ecospherically corrosive project be considered at all.

Apparently U.S. economic and energy leadership is just moribund-what ever happened to President Obama's state of the art 'clean coal' vision? Can't some sort of high tech electric car power line in highway for smaller, faster cheaper battery recharging be built instead? The again, why not invest in the hydrogen infrastructure at last?


These Canadians as northerners probably have larger visual cortexes and eyes than southerners in the 48 states. They may be attempting to build a best case for them pipeline infrastructure for exporting oil and gas to foreign destinations. While the Canadians are America's brothers in revolution (well, almost, it was only a fluke of fate that Tory's led Canada to be on Britain's side instead of ours), and we should be concerned to help them maximize their economic potential, it would be an abrogation of the 'tough love' axiom to let them do harm to the ecosphere of Canada and the U.S.A. by constructing a superfluous pipeline. We already know that Hugo Chavez and Venezuela's radical force of the left and are investing in new exploration and sometime will get around to cracking crude for point sale of petroleum to South America while the Tar Sands oil is more likely to find better sales prospects in China-a nation that is the world's largest greenhouse gas emitter and doesn't mind some Tar Sands crude.


On Morality

Morality also has been said to be what people actually do socially. That is one may define social conduct interactively in various spheres from the point of view as a social anthropologist-historian. Moral behavior is made or developed from a variety of sources including obviously history and tradition-experience of real world circumstances that have bound people together.

One might consider Navaho funeral behavior of the 19th century and note that the procedures of the Shamanistic tradition were regarding life rather than the afterlife, and that the customs of body washing with soap of the funeral participants after three days, of not looking north and of concern for evil spirits coincided with the avoidance of germs and communicable diseases that often accompanied death-the living had no biological explanation for or understanding of germs, yet their selected moral traditions roughly followed the better decontamination and social grief release procedures possible given the criteria.

Social behavior tends to adapt its moral guidelines appropriate for the times. One sees the changes in feminist politics and employment following Rowe vs. Wade and the changes in sexual practices after the marketing of birth control pills. Moral guidelines tend to be rules of conduct with less than a substantive codification into law, although moral norms are often made into laws.

Natural law is its own implicit moral criterion that emerges throughout human cultures although not uniformly. Revelations of a divine nature are on occasions instructions for individual and social behavior that one disregards only at one's peril, and there is no necessary causal link between the emergence of moral codes from direct divine revelation, although some of the latter have been found through investigation to coincide with reasonable historical grounds for emergence into being.

Philosophical definition of terms such as good and evil tend have ontological values that vary, and construction of logical propositions and formations for moral axioms to induct responsive behavior conformity historically have been of a subjective and temporal nature. Good is a concept that requires a particular definition-utilitarians and others have obviously considered what good is, and if the greatest good for the greatest number is truly moral when that premise is exploited to annihilate individual primacy in existential social worth. If a political order pursues a particular highest moral goal that is good, then it might justify any lesser evil to advance society toward that goal as good as well. All evil in support of an ultimate goal is phenomenally good as well. The opportunities to disclarify terms are evident and abundant in such abstract impersonal approaches to manufacture of moral values.

Abstract moral values made practice by elite imposition are sometimes examples of the elevation of abstract goals through equivocation to a moral good that may then be placed upon the society as a straightjacket. Nietchze's idea that the annihilation of traditional morality and of Christian values obviously adversely influenced Germany toward a self-destructive political course in the 20th century. Some have noted that the adoption of mass social moral values of anti-values tend to bring about the most rigid mass social conformity possible as one might find in a gang, militant terror organization or the Hitler Youth Movement-Even Stalin's Russia sought to impose a culling moral existential guideline that would have been a comfortable philosophical fit for the Khmer Rouge in Kampuchea.

The abstract construction of moral value in order to bring about political change is a common enough historical occurrence. Even today in the United States there is a possibility of a Presidential contest in 2012 between two non-Christians from different parties yet in a way from the same state of Massachusetts with each advocating a corporatist health care plan in a state with homosexual marriage. One might speculate that the operative new moral axiom for the godless atheism of Massachusetts is Darwin' gambit; the over-use of evolution as a tool for the controverion of morality for-itself.

The philosophical consideration of the range of behavior useful to human life in a criterion of phenomenal evolution is not limited to crass anything goes-ism. There are implicit physical and spiritual criteria of the empirical state of being that makes some intentional and unintentional behaviors good, and other bad. Then again, there are transcendent questions concerning morality that are a matter of faith and insight.


Mo Seeming to Gather for Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum seems to have the valuable MO going into the first primary contest of the 2012 Presidential season. if he wins or finishes second his candidacy may be well set to surge in South Carolina.


Mitt Romney may alienate some voters because he received a Vietnam draft deferment as a 'Mormon minister'. While ordinary Americans were slogging though the muck of the rice paddies the heir of the American motors CEO got deferments like so many of his destined to wealth class in order to bring the Mormon faith to Parisians.


Avoiding ill-planned wars is not necessarily a bad idea, yet it is consistent with the yippification of Wall Street insiders seeking to concentrate class wealth as well. Many of that class are happy enough to send a well paid mercenary military to combat in profitable for corporate wars.


On Free Will

Free will is a state of affairs existing for a sentient being within a particular context. One may make choices on Earth that are not possible on a planet with stronger gravity or alien oligarchs that insist that none besides themelves have free will.

Mathematics has conditional free will opportunities abundantly-even infinitely within some sets of numbers. One may make right or wrong combinations, placements or intervals and be free. Maybe cognizant coincidence of positive choices with intention indicates free will when the possibilities for error are rich.

Free will may be developed with increased knowledge and when range of intellectual selection/motion multiply.

Do any know how to deal with the global warming Siberian methane hydrate burp that may reult in release of a global warming gas 25 times more powerful than co2 and in a quantity of 1,400 billion tons? Free will in political intelligence is as restricted as in authoritarian ocieties sometimes even when they are nominally free socieities because the politicians are daft.

Elija and Problems With Political Leadership

The United States in its 2012 Presidential primary election season seems fundamentally presented with slim pickins. Some of us would prefer that Jesus just rapture us out right now and let the godless atheists ruin the world their own way-possibly frightening everyone with mechanical robotic snakes slithering about every neighborhood in search of hate speech against the government.

Few plain Christian candidates with economic competence seem to have any interest in reforming the Christian Church into a better functioning priesthood of beleivers. The candidates advocate no cost moral positions (what does it cost to make abortion illegal again?) but ignore the other Christian points about being of service to the poor. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and said that leaders ought to serve. Today's candidates ask for capital gains and income tax cuts for the rich and have enough interest in creating free health care for the poor.

President Obama obviously brought sex change to the nation and little else-the nation's military is moving down the trail of homosexual marriages, homosexual basic allowance for quarters and so forth while the institution is itself a professional service without ordinary citizens interested in joining it via the draft.

Mitt Romney is the obvious best qualified candidate on economic and secular interests yet isn't a Christian-and that worries Christians eager to please God (see the excerpt from the King James version following). One doesn't want to gain the world yet lose one's soul-neither does one want to elect economically incompetent and /or corrupt politician exploiting Christians for political support.

2nd Kings -

"1Then Moab rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab.

2And Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria, and was sick: and he sent messengers, and said unto them, Go, enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this disease.

3But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say unto them, Is it not because there is not a God in Israel, that ye go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron?

4Now therefore thus saith the LORD, Thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die. And Elijah departed.

5And when the messengers turned back unto him, he said unto them, Why are ye now turned back?

6And they said unto him, There came a man up to meet us, and said unto us, Go, turn again unto the king that sent you, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Is it not because there is not a God in Israel, that thou sendest to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron? therefore thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.

7And he said unto them, What manner of man was he which came up to meet you, and told you these words?

8And they answered him, He was an hairy man, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins. And he said, It is Elijah the Tishbite.

9Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him: and, behold, he sat on the top of an hill. And he spake unto him, Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down.

10And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

11Again also he sent unto him another captain of fifty with his fifty. And he answered and said unto him, O man of God, thus hath the king said, Come down quickly.

12And Elijah answered and said unto them, If I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

13And he sent again a captain of the third fifty with his fifty. And the third captain of fifty went up, and came and fell on his knees before Elijah, and besought him, and said unto him, O man of God, I pray thee, let my life, and the life of these fifty thy servants, be precious in thy sight.

14Behold, there came fire down from heaven, and burnt up the two captains of the former fifties with their fifties: therefore let my life now be precious in thy sight.

15And the angel of the LORD said unto Elijah, Go down with him: be not afraid of him. And he arose, and went down with him unto the king.

16And he said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron, is it not because there is no God in Israel to enquire of his word? therefore thou shalt not come down off that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.

17So he died according to the word of the LORD which Elijah had spoken. And Jehoram reigned in his stead in the second year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah; because he had no son."

'The One' in relation to Buddhist Atheism and .American Atheism

The atheism of Buddhism is not like that of American atheism. American atheism is a simple non-belief in anything besides the secular and immediately evident occasionally piled up with the whipped crème of historical and futurist extrapolation from the present. Buddhist atheism on the other hand is a kind of religion of belief in non-being. Buddhism’s has its own contradictions dissimilar from those of automobile driving consumerist atheist.

The 2nd century neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus wrote of 'The One'. The One is what we would call God. Eternal and omniscient, omnipotent and source of all things, everything that exists is an emanation from The One. Buddhists have a sort of reasoning from the apparent trancendingly through its temporal illusoriness back toward the one nirvana of non-being. Plotinus in his 54 tractates named 'The Enneads' explained that the One emanates another figure named 'The Intelligence' who creates all the things that exist in various forms-no excluding necessarily apparent evolution within a temporal universe.

Plotinus charts reality from The One downward through a realm of forms to this world with far too many broken forms. Buddhist reason from this realm of broken forms upward or downward through to one state of non-being. The initial motivation of the Buddha was to overcome suffering in this world. Influenced by the Hindu concept of Maya or temporal illusion the Buddha sought to see through temporality and disregard the phenomena of pain.

Because belief in God is the eight heresy of Buddhism they are left in theory with an eventual pervasive nothingness of cosmology as the final state. While human mind is phenomenal and dissolves with life or even before, the experience of life and the contents of thought are all that human beings seem to have-so one must make one's thoughts count as far as possible for the good.

Buddhism presently shares a cosmological paradox with theoretical physics and cosmology in explaining how being even if temporal illusion-how anything at all exists. Descartes' had a similar philosophical challenge. Even if existence is an illusion it is an illusion of something, somewhere. The Universe may have always existed as a derivative of The One or it may have appeared in being as a creation from someone.

Christians believe that The One, or God created all that is in some way, in some order. Buddhists stop at the point of investigation of the negation of temporality as permanence and point to non-being as the normative state, while American atheists believe in Darwin' gambit as the mechanical universe's agent for issuing life. Christians and Buddhists might each be able to stipulate that the apparent world and universe of solid-state matter-energy is probabilistically entangled from some substrata of quantum uncertainty with exceedingly paradoxical and different criteria of space and time.

Consumerism as a label was an opening label in the class war of the godless atheist corporate and socialist ethos of broadcast power. Consumers vs. producers was an us-them paradigm useful for making workers feel useless and the rich, glorious. American atheism is a new and troublesome political front generated by the robotic surveillance snake-bots of power and idiocy.

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...