
Ronald Regan; The Final Conservative Before The New World Order

I wanted to make a comment about the computer and internet era's effect upon U.S. and global manufacturing. With modern games theory and the Internet on line for the business market the age of gaming to win profit either short or long term with instantaneous trade, borrowing funds and virtual gaming of the system manufacturing has become a somewhat staid phenomena subject globally to the higher powers of concentrated wealth. Obviously national borders and currencies aren't insulated from the gaming power of concentrated wealth, commodities and owning poker-playing and quantitative computer driven trading. How can the U.S.A. develop a vigorous new ecological economic manufacturing and living policy when global gaming of fungible social reality has pervasively corrupted the integrality of state and local politics?

Ronald Regan was the final American conservative before the full flowering of the post-cold war computer driven trading system. Today conervatism has two basic sides-that of moral conservatism and that of global concentration of wealth with the principle of gaming the world economy and concentrating wealth phenomenally. Obviously there is nothing conservative about the latter-for it is an abandonment of national destiny for an existential global pursuit of greed.

In the new global era cheap labor is plentiful and in the United States cheap illegal and legal immmigrant labor has created a perennial high rate of unemployment concurrent with record Wall Street profits. Basically a high rate of unemployment is good for corporate profits by keeping wages down. With a comprehensive Mexican border control policy of zero immigration it might be possible to reduce the unemployment rate in the U.S.A. to 2% and increase wages significantly. Executive wages have increased in recent decades while comparative adjusted for inflation labor wages have decreased because in the supply and demand phenomenon of the U.S.A. the real immigration policy has been entirely in favor of the middle class and wealthy who employ illegal immigrants instead of paying real wages to American citizens. A corrupt U.S.A. is where the economy is at today.

Instant communications for the media and Internet corporate world globally have also allowed a reduction in the integrity of p0rivate property values. Once upon a time private real estate was secure enough with the only way one might be driven out through entirely legal means. In the New World order ad hoc social pressure from networked racketeering targeting individual property owners may compel home sale through real social pressure making the media of networking a kind of ad hoc government. Private land titles are only as good as the government that is the sovereign enforcer of the title and owners right of quiet enjoyment of his property.

The U.S. government did not intent private property for the poor and middle class to endure in the New World Order though. The Clinton administration allowed the commodification of home mortgages so that they might be bought and sold globally. Americans have lost hundreds of thousands of homes while the wealthy have profited and made home insecurity a permanent feature of the New World Order in the U.S.A.

Globally the New World Electronic order has not consolidated its impact upon the economies affected in myriad ways The effect of perennial political and economic destabilization may be new rounds of wars stimulated by incidentally rather than necessary economic insufficiencies of masses sometimes actualized as revolutions.

There are esse3ntially two aspects of the new wave of destabilization in an instantaneous electronic media environment today I wanted to mention. First is the ability of the masses to volatilize politic and economic reform. The second is the ability for game players to undermine free enterprise ventures at large and small scales through pervasive global trading.
In Alaska a given mine may produce 33,000 pounds of gold for a global corporation who will not invest anything locally in significant quantity, by will instead extract and relocate the non-renewable resource anyplace in the world for reinvestment in opportunely selected trading ventures that appear game theoretical winners. Of course the major investors will also have a high rate of profit paying just 15% on capital gains instead of an income tax on wages at 35%.

Working is discouraged for investing has far lower taxes. New World Order investing tends to be far more in gaming profits rather than construction of new manufacturing technology, or even of ecological economic sustainability. It is easier to invest and gain the system that build a business with hard work and have some global gamers take over with borrowed money. Capitalism has become corrupted to mean the concentration of global wealth and power even unto absolute monarchy under the most evil powers and principalities. Capital for Adam Smith was no more than an incidental yet desirable fruit of free enterprise activities of a generation revolutionarily democratic and opposed to the concentration of wealth by a few individuals socially.

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