
U.S.-Mexico Border Control Concepts

I of course have regarded the opportunity to create an ecospherically benign border control zone on the Mexican border as an opportunity to create jobs and fresh water for the American S.W. That was the salt-water desalinization with solar powered siphon and exploitation of the higher sea level on the Pacific than the Gulf of Mexico to fill a structure of border canals with evaporated-condensed water. I learned about the Columbia Basin project in Eastern Washington fairly early and saw the apple orchards and other farm production that followed the Columbia River water being made to flow to the desert. A new project might alter the dynamics of the advancing global warming desertification of the S.W. as far as water shortages go.

The comparison with the boundary issues with East Germany was fascinating. I visited Berlin before the Wall came down and haven't been to Europe since.

America has a different set of economic issues today, and capitalism's meaning has become corrupted and free enterprise reduced progressively as global corporations take over. I know that Mexican drug cartels and that war that has cost 47 thousand lives so far is rotten in Mexico and has a bad effect on the U.S.A. too.

Even in Alaska Mexican nationals are imported to work processing seafood again giving the advantage to the 1% class as labor is not allowed to tighten up and raise wages. Labor and ownership must be on the same rules and workers should have a fair chance to benefit from higher labor values from scarcity-they can't do that in the U.S.A. with legal and illegal cheap Mexican immigrant workers.

If there is a labor shortage and the fish don't get caught and instead return to spawn and build up larger, healthier numbers-fine-that's good for the oceans and while the oceans haven't turned to acid advantaged dead zones it would be good to try to restore a healthier ocean environment.

The amorphous political philosophy, meanings of political terms and dysfunctional economic theories work to the disadvantage of the United States. America is a political island in the stream that can end, along with the culture in it, and even the world ecosphere as the easy way through greed prevails to overcome political management of the nation's future and well being of the citizens.

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