
ALaska Legislature Drops Tax Cut & Gas Pipeline Bills

Governor Parnell of Alaska has tossed out of the special legislative session the prime bill (to cut taxes on oil corporations about two billion dollars) that was the object of the clave of legislators. Since they had already flunked on passing a bill to get a North Slope to Cook Inlet gas pipeline stimulus bill passed, they should take that up and continue work that the legislature has tried to get done since at least 1979 (getting a gas pipeline stimulus bill passed).

There were contracts to sell Cook Inlet natural gas to Japan in the late 1970s well supported with sound logistics reasoning. Today that hasn't changed with the Persian Gulf being twice the distance to Japan and gas more costly. The state legislature should just get it done since there is quite a delay in completing the project. With the prospects for a fuel cell energy powered economy something that can't work politically here, natural gas exports to Japan seem the best bet for getting the claws of the oil corporations to release their hold a little upon the state budget.

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