
The Goal of a Shield from Relativistic Effects Near Light Speed?

Photons and other particle-waves traveling at light speed are very small. Things that travel at the speed of light are all very small. Larger clumps of things such as atoms don’t go real fast in a generally straight line. The speed of light could exist because there are a limited number of kinds of things in the Universe that are small enough to have that apparently standard unit speed. Neutrinos, cosmic rays, gravity-these things happen at the speed of light.

It would be a good thing if one could wrap some large object like a human being in a Bose-Einstein condensate of the neutron kind made at absolute zero-evidently they behave like one single particle. If that single apparent particle could be accelerated at the speed of light yet not pick up the extra weight that mass does as it accelerate-perhaps tricking whatever usually acts upon mass to make it become infinitely heavy as it approaches the speed of light then one might be able to send Bose-Einstein shielded astronauts to nearby star systems in a few years.

Of course that’s just wishful thinking, for whatever it is about space-time that screens out everything except for very small, fast particle-waves from traveling at light speed must act upon net mass and size rather than topological features of a unit in space-time.

It could be that space-time has extra small dimensions that light can pass through or around while larger objects can’t and push up a resisting bow wave of space-time. One might like to think that space-time has some of the characteristics of gravity or of a gravitational field for-itself that acts upon accelerated mass to slow and weigh it down. Instead of gravitons mass is deflected along a stretched matrix of space-time. Quantum mechanical networks of wave probabilities might comprise the entire phenomena fundamentally, to a limited extent.

It is interesting t consider that a photon is a fundamental massless or nearly massless particle wave. Light speed could be a fundamental speed for all fundamental particles or even strings except as they are bound up in larger structures of apparent aggregates of mass such as neutrons, protons If quarks are made of strings, perhaps the strings travel at light speed as parts of the quark while the quark appears stable. The quantum levels of particle waves may consist with speed of light characterizes consistent with special relativity. Just a thought.

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