
Liberating Black Holes for Mass and Energy in the Future?

(unscientific speculation follows) In the Universe mass under the influence of gravity shrinks down to smaller and smaller structures such as neutron stars. In a black hole mass may shrink down even further to become quark holes, strings or membranes of one dimension. Yet if no one is presently certain of what gravity is besides the apparent effect of space curvature and time dilation of mass attracted to mass from the solid state level, it is not assurred that mass would not convert entirely into space-time curvature without leaving anything remaining as mass.

Space-time curvature may require a certain quantity of mass to occur. The energy converted to space-time curvature might be another equivalence of mass and energy times the speed of light. Flattened space-time energy may expand (dark energy) while gravitationally transformed space-time may contract. In the Universe there may be much space-time that is unbound from significant curvature and it could have a finite or infinite energy value.

Gravity may be an apparent effect of the entanglement of quantum particle probability waves that tend to interact. Proportionate increase of mass entanglement attracts mass toward mass. Mass sublimating into space-time curvature has the potential to become a black hole.

In the future scientist might be able to transform and release the space-time structure of a black hole converting it back into energy and mass. As the Universe draws down over trillions of years towards heat death it might be a natural resource used to recharge creative stellar synthetic fields locally.

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