
U.S. Job Creation Drops Off in March

To reduce the nation's unemployment rate it is generally held that more than 250,000 jobs must be created per month. In March just 120,000 new jobs opened yet the unemployment rate is said to have dropped a tenth of a percent to 8.2. Not since October 2011 have so few new jobs been created nationally.

The national economy seems badly set generally though with unsustainable national debt increase. another Obama administration would rocket the debt beyond 20 trillion dollars from the present 15 trillion or so. Interest on the national debt would be more than a trillion dollars annually.

Even if the unemployment rate were to drop to four percent right away (unlikely) the debt structured economy with declining average pay in 1971 dollars, and with homes to large with huge finance costs and lengthy mortgages, while manufacturing is largely outsourced and the financial related services sector employing about 30% of the workforce is another economic crisis waiting to happen.

Besides that, the non-renewable nature of traditional economic values and consumer debt required to stimulate a non-renewable economy increase the need for reformist politicians with good new ideas about delivering quality lifestyle for all Americans with a recovery ecospherically and with elimination of personal and national debt. it is quite possible, yet the traditional economics and politics of the U.S.A. today is something like N.F.L. players that have run their heads into the concussive opposition a few to many years continuing to go after the same plays again with the encouragement of bounty for head shots providing coaches.


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