
Racial Profiling and the Martin Case

The cry for an end to racial profiling by policemen in the Martin case profiles the neighborhood watchman as a police proxy in error obviously, yet the demand that cognitive profiling end amidst law enforcement agencies is on the surface a demand for the end of intelligent thought; for human cognitive processes work by associating and classifying images and ideas or behaviors.

Inaccurate judgment does no one any good. Self-deception about ideas and corresponding referent object truth produces fundamental incompetence in human social environments. Plainly social organizations may use false operating premises named by the late philosopher Jean Paul Sartre 'use truths', and that colonialist practice should halt in order to give all citiizens equal protection before the law (where it exists).

Most citizens are interested in efficient, quality and fair law enforcement itself obeying the laws rather than going whoring in Columbia and brawling about the prices to be paid for services to federal officials. Human psychology has developed not only with increase of brain size from avoiding watching too much television but also from better data processing of content input. Average people tend to want to just function without much philosophical thought. Human beings are specialists that want a dogmatic social conduct in which they are rated best in show, and don't want to change that.

Profiling is a macro-structure of the way the human thought sorting and processing works. It is questionable that it should be gotten rid of, instead courses in philosophy for law enforcement officers might be provided that stimulate critical thinking and recognition of formal logic.

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