
Hamas Attack on Israel & Egyptian President's Move Toward Authoritarianism Follows Obama Re-election

Such coincidences make me wonder a little about the under-the-surface motivations for the Muslim Brotherhood's season of organized power enhancement across the Middle East from Syria to Israel, Gaza and Egypt. I guess they might have believed that Mitt Romney would have taken a different stance on the issues than President Obama. N.P.R. reporters have called the Hamas missile attacks those of 'resistance fighters'. Romney might have closed down N.P.R. One can discern which way the cookies crumble even while they are standing tall.



Hamas has increased its rocket range to reach most densely populated regions of Israel. With the open border between Gaza and Egypt since the Muslim Brotherhood took over the security situation has become more complex for Israel. Not only is Iran a potential nuclear threat-so is Hamas in then future with short hop suitcase nuclear package launched from Gaza to air burst at a thousand feet or so over Tel Aviv if Pakistan, Iran or Korea convey such a device clandestinely to the wicked ones.

One might argue that Israel can't look to the U.S.A. for much help since from some perspectives Republican and Democrat Parties are parties of death. The Democrat party support abortion and partial birth infanticide and the error of homosexual 'marriage' in disregard of biological realism while the Republican Party supports the death of all life on Earth through global warming and species extirpation in their blind quest for concentration of wealth. So both parties are under the authority a little, of Satan.

Yet Satan is inherent in original sin of us all and only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ might humanity be washed and freed from the ignorance of Washington D.C. political elites. Unfortunately there is not a priesthood of believers ecclesiastical structure preponderantly for Christians (and paradoxically the Muslims are closer to that) so most churches resemble a shadow of the commercial and feudal business model that serves commercial priesthoods and their families. That conflict of interest means the non-development of a Christian church that works for all equally well in America.

Israel is then in a tough spot today with a Muslim Brotherhood leader and President of Egypt Morsi taking steps toward theocracy a day or two ago. He is now called 'Pharaoh' by many.Pharaoh will be able to better supply the Gaza strip (the Obama administration must like that name a lot) and informally bring it into the Egyptian annexed status useful for generating a sustainable low level conflict of attrition against Israel


Recently I started reading Reston's book 'Defenders of the Faith' about a time in the 16th century when Suleyman the Magnificent and Charles V eyed down one another over the future of Europe. One wonder today if the future of environmentalism and of morality too may not be wrapped up in an equally significant struggle for the Israelites to survive against overwhelming demographics (I think they can). The lawyer President Obama seems to approach political leadership in a reactive lawful way rather than materially inventive son the quantitative easing of macro-social economic and social issues isn't likely to develop through innovation.

It isn't easy to find an inventor President obviously, one could write a book on Reagan & Roosevelt and why they were successful macro-social changers of the way things were and probably all it would accomplish would be to create even more support for dogmatic followers of the way it was already done. One must be cautious about using the idea of change though, for the present Democrat party that seems to mean to make everything as queer as possible and little else. The lawyerly way of following the decadent upper class concerned with getting more wealth on earth concentrated and flooding the U.S.A. with cheap labor that won't vote for them in thanks for letting them in to the U.S.A. to keep wages done for poor citizens isn't going to invent new political reforms of material evolution.

I wish I could find something to be optimistic about in this post. I guess it is that God is good-so that goodness exists even while people are stupid as sin politically speaking.

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