
LUX Dark Matter Detector in S. Dakota Gold Mine May Open February 2013

A new detector of dark matter built deep in a South Dakota Gold mine may go active in February of 2013 since it's construction is done. No one knows what dark matter is though-it could be brown dwarf stars and planets with heavy elements made from baryonic matter and if so those probably won't show up.



The Large Underground Xenon experiment (LUX) may show the scintillation of incoming gamma rays in liquid xenon gas surrounded by a water shield. The tank in the Gold mine then would show neutrons and weakly interacting massive particles (W.I.M.P.S.) as a secondary product  if WIMPS exist and are the strong bulk of mass.


 A number of specially engineered particle detectors have been used for neutrino observatories. neutrinos are difficult to detect because they are nearly without mass and pass right through the Earth and people living on it only rarely colliding with other subatomic particles. The Icecube Neutrino Observatory is located a mile below the surface of Antarctica.

image credit: Danielle Veevea national Science Foundation & Jamie Yang N.S.F.


Universe Dark Energy-1 Expanding Universe
image credit: NASA/STSci/Ann Feild 

The mass of the Universe that is visible is believed to account for just 5% the stuff of the Universe with missing 'dark' matter being another 25% and dark energy being the remainder at 70%. Matter and energy are convertible one recalls as Einstein's formula E=MC2 shows.
It is possible that dark matter in such quantity may not exist, and instead, quantum probability entanglements may 'warp' space conformably to criteria of General Relativity.

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