
China to Announce 2015 List of Legal Places to Worship

China will announce the 2015 list of legal places to worship. But do they know the difference between post-mill, pre-mill and amill? Evidently they also banned crosses in churches in order to punish Catholics. Kenneth Gentry's excellent book 'He Shall Have Dominion' is a fine theological primer on the truth (so like Pilate they might ask-'What is truth?'
If the Chinese authorities make the serious error of failing to choose to support post-millenial eschatology they will automatically default toward tribulationist ahead points of view I suppose like that of Mohammad, Hong Xe Quan and a few pre-tribs. One would think that even the Chinese Communists would want to be on the right side of the post-mill/pre-mill/amill controversy and be more in harmony with the teleological evolution of the will of God for humanity-though they may not believe in philosophical and theological ways of thinking at all and instead prefer material reductionism rather exclusively as a world-view.

Isaac Newton was of course a profound believer in the Lord and made productive insights in fundamental scientific theory. I think that the ability to have faith in a metaphysical spirit allows greater latitude in considering steady state mass and energy phenomenally.

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