
Explaining the 2014 Presbyterian-U.S.A. Perversion of Marriage Act

I read part of a Presbyterian Theology publication with a minority report dissent to degeration into sin as renormalized hunkie dorrie policy on the homosexual marriage issue. In June 2014 the Presbyterian General Assembly approved a perversion of marriage act believing the Bible doesn't indicate marriage is a sexual thing (meaning heterosexual reproduction) between two sexes. Apparently they view the New Testament and Old evidence to the contrary as quaint and apply the principle of moral relativism apropos to a given historical era as better. 
With the problems of hierarchical church leadership instead of a priesthood of believers as the norm it is difficult for a populist bottom-up laity to resist imposition from the powerful above. A majority of 172 regional Presbyteries seem to have been taken over by insiders with homosexual sin affections. I suppose secularist corporatists would like the church generally to reflect corporate values. I am not sure how this plays out in regard to the pre-mill-post-mill-amill views about the future. With so much closet Hegelianism in politics affecting everyone's ideas about evolution and destiny it is easy for elites to lead people down the road to perdition.

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