
Use-Truths, Propaganda etc in Politics

Sartre wrote about use-truths in his 'Critique of Dialectical Reason'. Organizations tend to define reality verbally in a way that benefits their self-interest..that isn't new. Hitler said that Poland attacked the Werhmacht or Germany first and the invasion was a reply...a use-truth. The actual investment in a given power structure such as colonialism, a major political party, global corporation, plutocracy etc requires reinvestment in facts that support its existence. One finds anti-global warming rhetoric from oil corporations or anti-tobacco causes cancer rhetoric from tobacco companies in history. Homosexual marriage advocates often obfuscate the biological foundation of marriage in order to expropriate the social, political and financial benefits; none of that is new.

President Obama has one version of the history of the Ukraine that wrested control from Russian patrimony the past 1000 years or so to one that adds territory for a plutocracy to invest in. Disputation is what some civil law seems to be about with the true version of events sometimes ancillary to power and credibility. If the ethics of the Lord were used instead, if a value theory were innovated that did not reward raw economic power with political power concentrating each, humanity might have a better chance to respond to global social and ecospheric challenges.

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