
Free E-Book for 2014- A Universal Widget- In the Realm of Forms

Plato's idea about a realm of forms where the originals of all things that exist provide patterns for all things that exist is an idea that many have forgotten about as it dropped off the radar screen of actual intellectual pursuits to a certain extent with the rise of scientific method. Yet the Higgs field and inferences about the quantum structure of mass and energy that were discovered by physicists remind one of the fundamental forms that matter and perhaps dimensions can take-even sentient brains tend to be spherical to optimize shortest routes of travel for neuron signaling-one might say that nature repeats certain forms existentially over others, and one wonders where the original context for a particular Universe 's laws might cohere.

That is the topic of the science fiction novel 'A Universal Widget; In the Realms of Forms'. Rather light reading in a philosophical vain to explain a few ideas regarding the potentials of being and nothingness.
It is available for a while free to download as an epub file from my book page...

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