
Obama Cuba Initiative to Bring New Era of Sailing?

President Obama's effort to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba is quite a change that could bring a wave of American sailboats seeking cheap moorage in Havana and elsewhere on the vast left-wing island.


Those with an historical antipathy to state communism that are ex-pats won't like the change in U.S. policy. Maybe the Castro legacy includes a homo-friendly society that the President likes-no matter when it could be that the communist-capitalist dialectic has been supplanted in the U.S.A. at least by a two-party imperial populist working for a corporatist plutonomy. Electronic networking has down-sized traditional economic criteria to a certain extent and the President seems determined to create a larger market for the rich to sell their made-in-China goods in.

If this is a post-millennial world moving toward a theonomous direction with the good will of the Lord and His grace transforming a social environment where a leader penalizes Russia for going in a free enterprise direction and rewards a still communist state it does throw a little inconsistency into the mix. Well, the poor need to sail their boats away from the hard facts of unemployment too once in a while I guess.

At least one may think that an emergent, transformative theonomous social environment can coexist will a dualistic ethical reality as it uses pragmatism, utilitarian and whatever to select the material facts that work for the good. Christians believe the good is a direct attribute of God. A fallen and sinful world though that eclipses free enterprise and individual dissent from the vast machine of corporate capitalism when it competes unfavorably with existing established ways of business does have some definite faults in need of correction.

If one has a Christian meta-ethical system the application of ethics has somewhere to go, and that is quite different that just a secular ethics regarding results and even definitions of words that can lead virtually anywhere. Personal egoism may be as valid for a macro-social ethics and utilitarianism, and of course in a secular society there is no meta-ethical criterion for defining what the good means. 

Some might think that implementing the greatest good for the greatest number would mean to get everyone except elites stoned and lobotomized yet let them watch Sodom and Gomer adventures in Cuba. If the stoned were also made sterile it would thus resolve world over-population issues and the greatest-=good survival of the plutonomy would be assured...a superior human race? So a right meta-ethical structure within which secular ethics may function is important.

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