
On Ecological Economics

Ecological economic techniques haven't yet made it into common political practice. Politicians still measure national economic progress with concepts from classical economics where resource depletion doesn't matter much or even at all. The unemployment rate is more well known that the actual numbers of Americans working that is quite low by traditional measures. Economic growth is measured primarily quantitatively; consuming resources prolifically and manufacturing product employing a lot of people for consumers is the traditional cycle although lately the financial and government sectors have swollen soaking up workers and people on government checks.s

Moving the economy toward sustainability and continuing standard of living, well-being, health and earnings levels would be a great change requiring much political adjusting and new ways of valuing and measuring economic elements. Quality rather than quantitative increase would be positively accentuated.

Usual business values increasing production while decreasing production cost. Often that means downsizing employees and increasing mass for throughput. New values reinforced with regulation would value more output with less input while not eliminating jobs. Employers don't usually search for ways to use resources most efficiently in regard to entropy or sustainability. National land use is a good example. Home building in the western states sprawls with inefficient dwelling destroying vast stretches of wild habitat thoughtlessly. Canadian logs have been milled and imported to build homes in some cases, believe it or not.

The state of Washington has a population today greater than 7 million. The Interstate from Oregon to Seattle is littered with trucks and cars. Puget Sound's waters are moribund. And there is no ecological economic leadership whatsoever. Token recycling and a grade -C applied economic is a pincers moving outward to meet with the sprawls from elsewhere.

Regarding the 2020 General Election

With the present political environment of Democrats doing their best to help Republicans in Congress get nothing done it is reasonable to look ahead to the next general election to wonder who will run.
  Such constitutional pimps exist that seek to go past natural two term limits to take down an udd-third term via close relatives. While Bushes and Clintons each have sought to exploit udd-third potential to wrack up their fellow traveller fortunes, former President Obama has yet to run a relative even in a junior seat such as senator from Illinois for a springboard to the White House.
 For the nation campaigns to perpetuate family dynasties tend toward trampling out the vintage of the grapes of wrath unintentionally. I cannot say of Kennedy’s at a cousinish remove from John Kennedy qualify for udd-term criteria. Even if they don’t though, it would not be a good thing. In theory there is no lack of Americans qualified to be President of the United States that would require Presidential dynastic in-breeding.



Different Ethics Conundrummers; Media, Flynn, Pelosi Issues

A State Department web page ad for president Trump’s Winter White House and former General Flynn’s receipt of $45,000 from the Russian media equivalent of PBS for a talk in 2015 have fueled Democrat Party attacks on the administration. If N.P.R. paid a member of a foreign government for an interview or talk (only joking), because its a quasi-governmental organization that foreigner might just have a problem. Problems of capitalists in government is a rich topic for the Democratic party leaning American branch of the global media.

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s opposition to the secure border control wall on the Mexican border known as Trump’s wall presents an example of a conflict of interest they’d rather ignore. Speaker Pelosi is in a labor intensive business growing grapes in California that uses cheap Mexican labor extensively. Her position to help herself in public office rather than national interests seems likely.

Democrats enjoy a good feud with Russia and have made Trump administration relationships with Russians subject to investigation. As a way to try to kill two birds with one stone. The idea that the Democrat Party is especially ethical is of course farcical, even so one would prefer good ethical by government officials while they are in office. N.P.R. receives financial support from the U.S. Government while their political affect is not at all to develop secure nationalism.. If they had to be a self-supporting organization that relied solely on public contributions to exist their content and delivery would be different. They could be a co-op rather than owned by global corporations. What they should not be is an informal branch of the U.S. Government that can swingingly promote social economic terrorism on individuals if they prefer.

General Flynn’s payment from the Russian media is a bone of contention. The felony word is thrown about a lot. I am not sure if he would be in such trouble if the payment was from the B.B.C. or C.B.C. The media itself is probably full of ethics issues regarding payola, and obviously commercial advertising itself is intended to influence politics and consumerism. Banks receiving zero interest loans from the Federal Government that lets banks loan out five previously non-exist e-dollars for each e-dollar deposited in their bank by the Fed raises some ethics concerns too when many people need to work for an hourly wage and don’t get a boost from the Federal Reserve. One wonders if any of those bankers have foreign investments or are foreign themselves insofar as they are in part owned by foreigners. The General was supposedly skillful at special forces missions. Maybe he wasn’t so skillful and global financial flummery (an old logging term regarding chutes/flumes with running water used to send logs to various destinations-logs are representative of cash). He said he didn’t conceal anything from the D.I.A. when questioned about the mission to Russia

The Democrat Party since Bill Clinton’s administration has advanced immoral conduct generally as a new normal. The founders revolted against British law, so when Democrats elected a British educated lawyer evil things were sure to become insinuated into the system. The funny thing is that rank and file democrat mob voters lose out most as party leaders cut taxes on the rich and pursue globalism, imperialism and anti-nationalism as if those things were good for the nation. Democrats have made nationalism a dirty word while they try to seriously to keep perennial conflict with Russia fueled and alive.

I might expect comfortably rich Americans to accept things the way they are with wealth concentrating and democracy transitioning into corporatism-socialism with real political power moving abroad to a plutocratic planetary village. If Democrats got any traction with their ethics charges and accomplished more than creating the media appearance of actually trying to get anything done that would substantially improve the national fiscal situation for government and individuals that would, and in some way they retook political power in the House that failed to get a wall built, there same ethically soiled hands would just resume passing out pork and running up debt again. They have a different, less entrepreneurial style that can better avoid conflicts of interest. People that are used to making a profit have to learn to stop doing that when they take office; except to support profit for the people they govern for whom are, after all, supposed to be the vast majority of citizens that are not I the top 10% earnings bracket.

If President Trump can legally not disclose his tax returns then there is no obligation to do so. His tax returns might disclose a lot about his business works and techniques that have enabled him to earn as much as the market average the past 40 years. I suppose a pure look into his business structure is equivalent to looking at proprietary code for Microsoft that they used to try to keep secret-at least for windows. Public domain works and personnel are different that those of private enterprise.

When Americans want to harm people, besides dropping bombs or launching missiles on them, they seek to cause financial harm. Thus getting a look at President Trumps tax information might be a way his opponents could search for ways to start causing financial injury.

On the issue of Ivanka Trump working in the White House and is that ethically o.k.? President Kennedy appointed his brother Bobby the Attorney General. Hillary Clinton was given to lead the efforts to bring Clintoncare to the voters. Presidents obviously enjoy continuing working relationships that existed before they took office or promoting relatives so far as they can get away with that. While Ivanka Trump might one day be a Presidential candidate or maybe run for the senate, one hopes that won’t occur since the basic common trend of politicians to promote relatives to high office simply isn’t good for the nation. Ivanka Trump as a trustworthy adviser to the President doesn’t seem like a problem. If she had been appointed to lead the Federal Reserve or Treasury then the public would need to be concerned.

The Pelosi Fortune Needs Cheap Mexican Labor

When contemporary social groups pursue power for-themselves as an end-in-themselves rather than strong and equal civil rights for individuals, power itself corrupts the social order and wealth in such an environment is concentrated. Democratic individual enterprise requires thought while the blind pursuit of power over others does not require democracy or support for individual civil rights. The Democrat Party today supported tax cuts for the richest and flooding the nation with cheap Mexican labor. They are a party primarily purped to enrich politicians and the 1%. 

http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/nancy-pelosi-border-wall-immoral-expensive-unwise-n749841 California grape-wine producers love illegal alien workers from Mexico



As the United States has so many groups and political leaders that pursue economic power blindly domestically and abroad, wealth becomes concentrated-even corrupt media organizations such as N.P.R. support a globalist agenda, and it has the same relationship to the U.S. Government as Sinn Fein had to the Irish Republican Army receiving partial financial funding from sympathizers.

Feminists should study the cultural, geographical and sociological structures and history to understand why various societies have found particular social structures biological and reproductively successful. They should think about the real economies in comparative cultures and recognize the role individuals have within them, and recognize the difficulty societies have in reconstructing economic structures willfully when most social groups are implicitly conservative regarding their class power, with liberal groups being liberal only so far as they seek to redistribute wealth and power to themselves from-others.


When All Shall Be Equal; A Skeptical View

In the post-feminist new world order all shall be equal. From each according to his/her ability to each according to their needs. Men and women shall be of equal worth. Thus the status of the ante-bellum world order has lessons for the 3rd millennium; in slavery men and women have equal value among themselves. Men receive not a dollar per hour more, and women have no less social liberty, than male slaves.

The concentration of wealth in the southern slave oligarchy cannot be considered an exact model for development of the 21st century U.S. and global economy. While the concentration of wealth brings a collateral decrease in the political power of the masses, the quality of life of the political underclass masses will be regarded as far better than that of ante-bellum confederate slaves. A pampered slavery in a godless social environment dominated by a planetary plutocracy is preferable to many than a free enterprise democracy with progressive taxation wherein average voters must think for-themselves about the state of the nation and act with intelligent votes to make it a better place.

When contemporary social groups pursue power for-themselves as an end-in-themselves rather than strong and equal civil rights for individuals, power itself corrupts the social order and wealth in such an environment is concentrated. Democratic individual enterprise requires thought while the blind pursuit of power over others does not require democracy or support for individual civil rights. The Democrat Party today supported tax cuts for the richest and flooding the nation with cheap Mexican labor. They are a party primarily purped to enrich politicians and the 1%. 

http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/nancy-pelosi-border-wall-immoral-expensive-unwise-n749841 California grape-wine producers love illegal alien workers from Mexico



As the United States has so many groups and political leaders that pursue economic power blindly domestically and abroad, wealth becomes concentrated-even corrupt media organizations such as N.P.R. support a globalist agenda, and it has the same relationship to the U.S. Government as Sinn Fein had to the Irish Republican Army receiving partial financial funding from sympathizers.

Feminists should study the cultural, geographical and sociological structures and history to understand why various societies have found particular social structures biological and reproductively successful. They should think about the real economies in comparative cultures and recognize the role individuals have within them, and recognize the difficulty societies have in reconstructing economic structures willfully when most social groups are implicitly conservative regarding their class power, with liberal groups being liberal only so far as they seek to redistribute wealth and power to themselves from-others.

The exception is that of slaves. Some go unwillingly into slavery, others seem to regard it as a desirable end if it is within a prosperous context. Paradoxically liberating oneself or a group from an oppressive freedom into a prosperous state of practical political powerlessness in a plutocracy seems to be the end of many contemporary political movements in the United States.

In the perfect ante-bellum slave economy Lebron James and Maxine Waters archetypes would have been of equal social worth. To the slave owner market the great athlete would have been more valuable perhaps than two or three breeders (maybe not though as fecundity meant field hands for agri-business). Because the wealth of the economy today is being concentrated through networking and 50% of the people of the U.S.A. already share fewer than 1/3rd of 1% of the national income, the value of archetype roles in entertainment value for the owner class has skyrocketed while breeder values have decreased. Worker drones of equal social worth without concern for objective and concatenated individual rights as voters in a sovereign democracy have withered away.

The difficulty in reforming U.S. economics to ecological economics with progressive taxation, strong boundary security, strong individual rights and requisites for all businesses to conform to pragmatic ecological sustainability criteria is just too much for democratic and liberal voters to work with. A good dopey slavery is an easier end for the masses, yet all would be equal.

Falling through a variety of political systems in the U.S.A. and formerly free world would be as transparent as a clear plastic drone sliding through the colors of a rainbow. Corporatism, socialism, Republic disenfranchised plebeians to a conditional oligarchy over proles; in the new world order a menu of franchised jobs would support a looser, more liberal, enslavement of the masses that would be free to work for some 1% franchise outlet or bureaucracy, be as dopey as they wish and experience virtual reality, virtually.


America First Earth Day

Real ecosphere conservation and restoration requires an America First approach. If American forests aren’t conserved from mindless termitic economic predation it is hard to have a moral voice when speaking about conserving distant tropical rain forests.

American forests are destroyed not only by heartless corporate entities seeking profit throughput, they are supported by local people that just want jobs and have no factual concern about the damage to life on their own planet and nation that logging wreaks. Without competent ecospherically conservative and restorationist political leadership the people tend to just support whatever practice will provide cash earnings. It is the responsibility of good political leadership to provide ecospherically restorative or synergistic jobs even if the industries require invention.

College and Universities are failing to instill an proper land-use value system in students. Students usually drive fossil fuel vehicles to vast parking lots with asphalt to and experience no sort of intense land-use agric-mari-herding culture as an implicit part of campus existence. Practical training in intensive ecospheric restoration and synergy on campus can enhance business, science and vocational training courses as well as change the way students view land. With so many students arising from eco-desertified cities and unproductive suburban environments that mock nature with lawns, squirrels and pink flamingos more basic orchard, goat raising-meat production concepts with high-tech lightweight high speed public transit in suburban areas should be an increasing political trend. Intact forest should be allowed to continue protected from crass clearcut logging.

Eventually vast portions of American forest first need restoration and then linking through corridors cutting through highway barriers. Non-fishing zones should be made along U.S. coasts extending to the territorial limit in equal portion to areas where fishing is allowed. Coastline habitat and desert habitat need to be created wherein only human powered vehicles are allowed and nature can have its own speed to live and adapt.

Humanity is like a senseless beast in a China shop wreaking havoc because of its size to the natural ecosphere incapable of sustaining the rampant economic assault upon it. Globalism is the political power that destroys democratic nationalism and possibilities for America first wresting political control away from global corporatists with democratic elections. In order to restore the ecosphere it would be useful to restore democracy with balanced budgets, progressive taxation and strong border security including those of national forests.

Globalism is a strong divide and conquer labor negotiating tool for the defeat of environmental conservation and ecosphere restoration ethics along sustainable lines. If the U.S.A. is equally yoked to the world’s poor with the same environmental law, the U.S. portion of the ecosphere is doomed to exploitation; the world’s poor are too desperate to care about abstract environmentalism for practical work purposes. Unethical global predators find them too easy to exploit.


Bill O’Reill to; C.N.N. Next?

Fox New’s former star Bill O’Reilly commands quite a large audience, perhaps more than view MSNBC or C. N.N. If either landed the T.V. star and formed their news team around his sensibilities they might increase their market value. One wonders if media investors value morality, ethics, truth or social benefit as high as cash earnings.


Bill O’Reilly is probably not worse in personal conduct than many television journalists in his sex interests and conduct. He was of the right though and for the left that is politically incorrect. While globalist advertisers especially from Europe fled O’Reilly’s show it is easy to envision him being signed by Al Jezera or for C.N.N. management to flip flop their political bias and sign on the big, influential moderate-right viewer draw in order to have more channel viewers and poplits.

Stealth Tenting Through Hard Social Times

For internal economic refugees from the corporate-media networking using the mobility and low profile tent is a practical option for independent living in the U.S.A. It is easy for insiders to subvert professional education career development cutting off graduate school finance. Without a practical trade that can be worked without much social networking individuals are quite vulnerable to the corrupt zeitgeist of the times. Youth may be conditioned to purge those recognized to be unconformed to the governing evil. Illegal aliens that are loyal to the moneyed will share contempt for off-the-grid Americans. So it is useful to know some of the basic minimalist survival facts of life (outside of the morally corrupt swingy-doper niche classes) of tenting. People in impoverished circumstance need no help from Russian propagandists to lack confidence in U.S. politicians or the value of the election system at fixing things.

A bicycle is very helpful for the broke. It is reasonable to trek across the nation looking for a job, perhaps temporary if in a politically shunned class. That is where a practical trade that allows direct service is especially useful for survival. Sadly, the smaller the tent the better. Low tent profile means easy concealment in a semi-urban and suburban environment. Any tent can be weatherproofed with a disposable dollar-plastic tarp placed atop it- leave plenty of room for air circulation of course.

Put the tent on level or slightly sloped ground with good cover. Stay out of direct sunshine unless its winter because the tent will heat up very quickly in warmer seasons.

Never leave trash around a tent. Pick it up and covertly dispose of it in public trash containers. Urinate in a bottle if male and empty that far away from the tent because it attracts flies and renders the tent location too smelly in a couple of days. Females usually coach surf I should say, and don’t suffer the inconveniences of independent tent survival long-term.

It is easy to use a bottle of 70% isopropyl alcohol for washing armpits and groin to stay clean and odor free. A dollar bottle lasts about seven days. Always wear some sort of sleeping clothes in a sleeping bag because that bag will be as uncomfortable as a pair of underwear that is worn unwashed for five days in a month or less. It is easier to wash underwear than a sleeping bag.

It is possible to buy semi-medicated powder to add to underwear to further reduce any itching caused by not bathing for 6 months to 7 years. Really though one should use soap and water at least every two weeks.

Tents that are entirely pattern camouflaged may be ordered from e-Bay for fewer than 25 dollars that work fairly well for people not more than 6 feet in height. Taller souls will find it challenged to stretch out legs.

With notebook computers and TP-Link wireless antenna (that do need a windows operating system to be installed realistically) it is possible to connect to the Internet from twice the usual distance. However if one has charged batteries and doesn’t need the Internet it is practical to spend long winter months rather inactively working in a tent on a computer.

The experience is rather like living in an ancient Irish pennants hut that were small and made of stone piled up to resemble a small tent, though the media and government should be the penitents for being so daft about ecological economics.

If living in a colder winter climate such as Anchorage a larger tent is needed. In 2010-11 I spent five months in a tent well below freezing without heat. Frost crystals from breath exhalations grew n the ceiling to four inches in size and occasional broke and dropped to the tent floor. In too small of a tent that is acceptable in warmer climates there just isn’t enough room to move.

Fire ants make southern tenting unreasonable. It is possible to place ant powder on a plastic tarp under the tent. Yet because ants smell meat and can make a hole in a tent in minutes southern tenting should be a worst case alternative. When a security guard in Texas trying to get a couple of hours of sleep on weekends the ants would make that very difficult. Later, when camping in east Texas the air temperature was 117 degrees and inside the tent, higher. Good intellectual work slows down with that sort of temperature.

In a time when some community colleges are facing budget and enrollment shortfalls they still spend tens of thousands of dollars on greenhouse gassing emitting vast lawn mowing instead of training students to raise and process goats for potted meat delicacies synergizing with business, biology, anatomy, manufacturing and culinary classes. Students could use practical as well as classroom, abstract experience raising and caring for goats, slaughtering and dissecting them, creating business models for processing the meat on campus for end-of-semester barbeque, feeding hungry students and sales or export. 

Students need good examples of land use on campus to change their values and the way they see land use. They have vast greenhouse gassing parking lots full of cars that don’t pay for parking, absorb sunshine that is released after dark and mechanics courses to train students to service them until Mark Zuckerberg finds a way to connect their brains to computers in cars whence Americans can get rid of their biological shells and reproduce cars with more pleasure and eleatic cosmogasmic infinitude.

 The good tenter only uses a self-igniting propane torch for cooking being sure to ventilate adequately and not blow up free gas in the tent with a spark. Wasted gas becomes methane; a vicious greenhouse gas.

Oregon tenting winter 2016-17

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...