President Trump may have lost the election because of collusion between the Biden campaign and invisible Martian agents provocateurs and agents reallocating votes from machines that went to trump initially to the Biden buffer. Evidence is plain and abundant in that Joe Biden won by six million votes. Those votes were rightfully votes for Trump.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Invisible Martian Collusion with Biden to Steal Trump Votes?
An E-4 Opening Against the Pirc Defense Blitz Game
I played a game against the Pirc defense recently. I have considered using it against 1 .d4 yet don't really know too much about it. When I played 1. e-4 the Pirc appeared and this is what happened. Hence I may stay away from that defense.
Why Donald Trump Lost the 2020 Election
The daily death toll of a man a minute in the U.S.A. around election time was predictable several months ago. The President’s clumsy response to Covid 19- I rate him as a C- at best, assured that renewed mass infection would occur after people returned to schools and precautionary spacing measures were reduced in the Mid-west and South leading up to election time.
The Presidential attitude eschewing a mask and making jokes such as suggesting injecting antiseptic cleaner as a remedy to kill the virus stimulated numerous red communities to abandon caution in restoring their economies to operation from lockdown. What was needed was a very serious, sober Presidential response about Covid 19 along with role model of mask wearing and soliciting of suggestions for ways to prevent mass infection and keep the economy operating at the same time. Presidential leadership could have at least prompted manufacture of a complete head covering mask that was comfortable and that would allow dangerous during a pandemic era activities like riding public transit to resume. Even activities like manufacturing computers, cars and slaughtering farm animals for food required some sort of safety head-covering manufacture leadership from the President that never occurred.
If there is a Kweer Klux Clan subverting free speech throughout social media that worked against President Trump to actualize a plan for global political control for sympathetic sponsoring corporate billionaires who would know? One trouble is that President Trump is himself a member of the global corporate Plutocratic billionaire class despite his claims to populism as evidenced by slaughtering the ecosphere, drilling oil and subverting clean air and water standards in the U.S.A. There are concrete ceilings beneath which the enterprising individual may bump his head in futility to the amusement of the powerful.
Artificial Mountain Range Homes for a Planet (and a poem)
If the population of the United States were to live within artificial mountain ranges homes for one million people apiece, just 325 structures presently would be needed for all Americans. Space for work and industry may need an equal amount of space so the total number of structures needed to let Americans and the economy of the United States function would be 650. Most of the United States could be restored to a wilderness condition and farmland between the structures that shelter farm space from wildlife.
Although there are numerous possible optimal designs a simple one for illustrative purpose would be that of a 15-story double-hulled Quonset hut-like structure (inverted u shape) 100 miles in length. Residents would live in condominia between the double hull and the central space would be open. Exteriors would have solar panels and variegated natural surfaces for wildlife to utilize. Everyone would have an excellent view of the outdoors. The interior space might have a stream and fast transport modes. Optimizing geographic location placement of the structures would be valuable for exterior farming. Some areas of interior farming might be set aside in work structure areas for 15 stories of multi-level gardening with efficient hydroponics, trellises and dirt/watering from overhead. The topology of structure exteriors might be optimized with numerous temporal configurations possible with motile surface adaptation mechanisms. Housing is a fundamental human right. Even primitive tribes afforded every citizen a place to live. It would have been unthinkable for a tribesman of the upper Amazon to have existed in a homeless state. Each citizen of the renewed Earth would have equal space of 10,000 sq feet to exist in, and his or her intellect would determine how and what the space was used for. No citizen would own more than 300 times the wealth of the most poor citizen, although his business entity could have private capital of great scale and the total private capital of the state could be equal too yet not greater than public capital.
A century and a half of designed construction evolution probably would be required to complete the fulfilment of a planetary housing plan. Business ideas would be accentuated that supported the construction project, and Wall Street would have a century and a half to adapt to the change. Eventually much new construction would exist off-world on Mars and elsewhere.
Government forms need to adapt to the demographics and environment in which they will be used. Democracy offers numerous possibilities for adaptation that are not utilized and are generally unknown to most people.
Interestingly 8 billion
people on Earth would require just 8,000 artificial mountain ranges of 100
miles in length and 15 stories of height (soundproof and very solid structures)
with another 8,000 units for work and industrial space to let the planetary
ecosphere have a chance to recover with older structures except for a few
historically important sites being removed to let wilderness return. Future
developments on the Moon and Mars could exploit some features of space-Q-hut
technology experimentally developed on Earth.
God > acts of God
God x (act 1) = Universe/Time
Energy = Mass =Time branch Universe unit
(Time Multiverse Unit per Universe)
Act 1 (Universe 1) Union of Time x (Act 2) = Multiverse
Time and Universe units = infinite yet complete number
Discrete yet always existing, beginning and ending in time
Characteristics of inherent expansion, contracted locally
Three Steps for New American Exceptionalism
American can take three steps toward exceptionalism if it has sense. It can be a leader by example to other nations of right national policy. Here are three things that need be done to change the nation for the better.
2) Develop economic class consciousness and eliminate poverty entirely and have some solid safety net against being broke. Most wealth and income in the United States is held by a tiny minority of the people. Originally Americans revolted against European royalty, global powers and aristocratic superiors generally. Today Americans venerate the rich and many welcome globalism. Those global powers will reassert control over the U.S.A. and over time make it disappear along various fault lines convenient for planetary plutocrats. Restoration of solidly progressive taxation, free public education through graduate school, cap on patent exclusivity to 5 years with 10% royalties to patent holder subsequently etc would help defrappe that. Presently the nation has splintered to form eight or ten social classes based on individual characteristics like race, gender, perversion and so forth that are entirely stupid and benefit the rich primarily. Race rights are encouraged to eclipse equal rights, and that is bad.
Re: Philosophical Idealism and Cosmology
Bishop Berkeley developed the theory of idealism perhaps following Plato. Berkeley called it ‘ideaism’. His Three Dialogues are quite good. One can skip to the modern world and the deconstruction of empiricism that Quine accomplished in his ‘Two Dogmas of Empiricism’. He demonstrated that logically one need rely on thought at some point in making arguments about the nature of reality. That doesn’t mean that one cannot make statements about the ‘real’ world of common experience/ It is just that everyone perceives it subjectively. A simple illustration is the interpretation of a human mind of photon wavelengths that create the appearance of color in a human brain and mind. There is not color in the photons themselves; not even the color force.
Will President Trump Barricade himself in the White House?
President Trump still believes he won the November election and is pursuing many remedies, yet like the western land for cattlemen movement it is possible that the President will offer armed resistance to federal eviction and is even now stocking up an arsenal of big guns. He is resolute to go the distance, even if the race seems over to some.
The question thus arises of what chance the F.B.I. Hostage Rescue Team or Federal Marshalls would have against the Trump White House, and if it would be as entertaining as the gunfight at the o.k. corral Kevin Costner version (Wyatt Earp).
President-Elect Biden- Better off With Controversial Obama Cabinet Leadership?
Pundits have suggested that President-elect Biden should fill his cabinet with Obama-appointees who are experienced and can help the new President navigate the shoals and rapids of the new job. It is believed that President-elect Biden has little experience or ideas for himself and would need the Obama administration team to back-seat drive his administration, yet that may not be so. It is possible, though maybe difficult for some to believe, that Joe Biden has some ideas of his own to try out in the new job, since he has more than 30 years of experience in trying to be the President of the United States.
Joe Biden's 1988 Presidential campaign didn't work, and that was a different world than now. President Reagan had made great progress toward ending the Cold War with the Soviet Union though few including the G.W.H. Bush people were really aware of it. Almost none supported the draw down of missiles besides President Reagan. It would be good if the Biden administration could return toward peace and prosperity with Russia instead of inflaming the situation as did the Obama administration.
The nation has experienced much divisiveness and turmoil this millennium. President Biden could make his mark redirecting the course of the economic infrastructure if he is bold and names his own poison of controversy. Likely limited to a four-year term he cannot afford to chase after ever controversial choice and topic that swamps him.
The great surprise of the Trump administration was the last year when he engineered full diplomatic relations between Israel and a few Arab state; something that couldn't be achieved by any other President. The great mystery is how that got done. Sect. of State Pompeo may have the answer yet it is, of course, generally not known outside of special insider circles.
Did President Trump promise to give the Arab royals special status on a global plutocrat council to divy up the world if they signed on with Israel? Maybe the Arabs were just compassionate conservatives after all and are even considering practical future-looking events like building on the Moon or Mars are part of a Goldman Sachs or Warren Buffet, Elon Musk ad hoc investment group. It isn't too likely that a Sect of State Susan Rice would get very far in advancing relations with Muslim nations besides photo ops with liberated Muslim women without hijab or face masks like Americans seeking to avoid Covid 19.
There isn't anything wrong with a somewhat moderate Sect. of Sate although more creative, innovative ecological economists with advanced degrees might be people to look for to fill Sect. of the Interior and HUD positions. SOme kind of new thinking economist able to restore progressive taxation and implement social change policies to assure that all Americans have adequate health care and basic income to play in the modern mobile and fluid economic sea of change would need to be found outside of Obama administration personnel whom were not notable for much besides fomenting wars, riots and providing Bush II tax cuts for the richest Americans.
If the new Biden administration takes up controversial personnel and policies right off to the neglect of fundamental economic reform he may not get a chance during his final two years when he could be facing impeachment from a Republican House majority as turnabout is considered by some to be fair political play.
Note on a Cookie-Cutter Mesh Universe (poem)
Dimensions faster than energy
something unknown everywhere
when energy scatters over two dimensions
a reign of words in the wind
faster than light
with a Higgs field-tool
separated day from night
Sacramental cookie cutting dough
precipitated particle waves
super-clusters, galaxies with heavy metal
drifting through three dimensional mesh
dark matter filaments leftover
gravitational field warps
mass attracted mass
drawn to a dimension-field
weft joining secondary attributes
clever scuppers
Variegated fields, speeds, waves, particles
differential probabilities of being
somewhere on the edge
of being and nothingness
shapes and forms that were
changed to become today.
• This universe may be compared to a mass of cookie dough precipitated within a charged field that slows down massless speed of light particles to sub-light speed where they may act as particle waves comprising the standard model of physics. The filaments connecting or left over from the generation of clusters and super-clusters of galaxies are believed to contain most of the missing mass of the universe, and the filaments may warp space time regionally, while mass may attract other mass because mass is a secondary quality of energy artificially suspended at sub-light speed and it relates to the primary two dimensional energetic form of the precipitating field.
· T
Reds try to Flip Biden Victory to Continue Anti-Ecosphere Economics
President Trump’s convincing five states of critical contention lost loss to President-elect Biden can’t be flipped by court challenges seeking to throw out lawful ballots and votes that gave substantial margins of victory to President-elect Biden in Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Courts are unlikely to want to help overturn Democratic elections to install a slightly more fascist regime rendering the United States like unto Belorussia. With just a little bear grease to toss ballots President Trump could become President for life with a symbolic vote every few years when the occasion is deemed amusing.
President Trump Concentrated Wealth to the 1/1000th% During His Administration
President Trump's policies were designed to gut environmental protections generally and concentrate wealth for billionaires and other members of the 1/1000th percentile of U.S. income earners. The covid 19 era was an especially great windfall for the wealthiest Americans. With so much broadcast media support for policies that primarily benefit the richest it seems there is little prospect for slowing the inexorable roll toward American aristocracy and plutocratic rule by the most unconscionable class of citizens with no regard for egalitarianism and equal opportunity at all stages of life for actualization of good ideas. Leadership by the dumb seems to be the prevailing trend.
What is dumb leadership? It is unthoughtful, non-philosophically primate inertia to just throughput mass and exchange it for cash without regard to the environmental damage and unsustainable, profligate use of the world's natural resources. It is leadership that is oppressive of poor intellectuals and political parties that do not promote qualified candidates able to understand contemporary ecological economics and plan to move the existing economy seemlessly into a nearly sustainable, recovering state of affairs with the environment no longer suffering mass extinction.
While the Democrat Party simply selects lawyers (who are good enough in courtrooms), Republicans are nearly equally as guilty of picking lawyers or crude business people without any interest in economic ecological change nor apparently capacity for abstract thought.
Without a basic right to work and have opportunity to develop creative products including ideas for all citizens because of traps of poverty and political correctness the nation suffers along under the inertia of the blind pursuit of objects of greed leadership. President Trump is an example of a non-creative billionaire class that have expropriated politics in order to exploit resources. Montana has elected a billionaire Governor as well who tired of two years in the House of Representatives and sought more rewarding opportunity. If millions of Americans are assured a basic income and health care including intellectuals instead of promoting just a few sycophants of Wall Street greater creativity and new leadership might results too. The most rich status quo sort of classes have generally enjoyed repressing bright poor people in order to keep their revenue streams mostly exclusive. The United States should be different than that.
A Resume for the Covid & Outsourcing Era
Looking around for work during this pandemic year has made things a little difficult. During the Obama administration corporate censorship took down every place I posted including one site where I earned $200 monthly writing essays. I had work until the end of February 2020 when I was forced to leave (though the state of Montana U.I. people said I voluntarily quit and never paid a dollar in benefits and saud apparently I would need to pay a penalty of about $1000 dollars to be eligible for an unemployment check.
Incidentally I will post a resume below in case anyone has actual work.
I was learning to be a dental lab technician for a year and a half and was getting very good at making models from impressions, cutting out dies and so forth. So I hoped to be able to find work in that area and continue learning how to reline dentures commercially. I had repainted homes and other building exteriors on and off for the better part of a half century yet am hoping to transition to something else. Ladders are tough on older knees-especially without any Medicare part B. I suppose I would still have some accuracy with select military skills however I am too old for military work to qualify.
Riding a bike around the city I am in I checked out eight dental labs listed as working in the spring and discovered that all except two are out of business. The thing is dentists are Fedex-ing packages to labs in China that make products far cheaper than in the U.S.A. There may be just 3000 dental labs remaining in the U.S.A. and they are fading rather fast especially with internet digital sata transfering scans of patients directly to China. Many dentists have invested as partners in their own labs in China cutting out American workers.
Resume’ of Garrison Gibson
Authorized to work in the US for any employer
Bachelor's in
Excelsior College - Albany,
April 1989 to June 1991
Associate of Arts
University of Alaska-Juneau
Two years graduate theology
North American Reformed
Theology Seminary
Western Business College-
Portland Ore. 1980-81
Computer programming and
systems analysis
Work Experience
Dental lab technician
Pioneer Dental Studio -
Helena Montana
April 2018 to February 2020
Making dental models from
impressions, duplicating models, cutting out and rough sanding dies
Decades of roll and brush
exterior painting
Six months security Guard
Building painter
June 1974 to August 2020
Self-employed journeyman
building painter- mostly exteriors. Very good trim work
U.S. Army Guard and Reserve June
1982 to 1990 trained as combat engineer, chemical specialist, indirect fire
infantry, carpentry masonry
President Elect Biden WIll Need to Tackle Covid Pandemic
President elect Biden will need to tackle the Covid 19 pandemic post-hast since President Trump has let it escape to reach record infection rates of 125,000 each day presently. More than a thousand Americans are dying each day too. Instead of wasting a lot of time and effort with losing legal challenges to the vote the President should work with the Democrat President-elect's team to stifle the expansion of the virus and yet work on ecological economic reform as well. During the period of transitions until January 20th President Trump could allow quite a few avoidable deaths if he solely relies on a vaccine to appear that might take a couple of months or more to reach general distribution.
Americans that contract covid 19 and face death during the waning days of the Trump administration probably care about that and would prefer to avoid that if possible. The mass extinction of the ecosystem is also an ongoing problem that was exacerbated by the terrible anti-ecospheric health measures taken in Alaska recently. President-elect Biden will need to consider recuing the old growth forests of S.E. Alaska, the Arctic National WIldlife Refuge and the Bristol Bay salmon fisheries that have been thrown to predators.
Biden Admin- First 100 Days in a Wrong Direction?
If Nearly President-elect Biden actually wins the battle for Presidential power and gets off to the wrong start in his first 100 days in office that will set the tone for a four year protracted war of deplorables against the establishment. It is hard to believe that a pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, anti-border security, pro-China administration is considered moderate and centrist, yet they are at least by the broadcast media that has gone so far to push Wall-Street business extremism to hegemonic advantage over democracy and rational, national self-interest as to bungle the prime. President Biter will still be assaulted by the problems of Ukraine and his son Hunter’s seemingly perfidious relations with insiders fundamentally provoking conflict with Russia to gain valuable land on the border region beyond the Dnepr.
U.S. Leadership Regime Change Cohokia Style
Looking to America’s past to consider the present one may regard the ancient Missouri civilization of Cohokia that flourished for a couple of hundred years circa 1500. The civilization at East St. Louis had pyramids and a great sports field whereat athletes would throw a spear through a donut flung far down the sand-sprinkled clay court. Back in the day before machines made many physical work tasks obsolete the ability to throw spears for war was more than a symbolic pursuit; it also symbolized sexual prowess. The way the Cohokians changed leadership regimes is of interest.
Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function
There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...
Here and there pointillist continua build rowing the skiff clambering over the road staying in shadows until spring insouciant compact snow ...
Alaskan officials have cut down or banned King Salmon fishing in much of Alaska because so few of the large fish are returning. The Ancho...
Why do F-22 pilots lose consciousness and let their planes crash and burn? The air superiority fighters are designed to survive oppositio...