
A pronoun conundrum concerning what to call a deluxe eunuch

 In a time of increasing social demographic density a government may support population reduction via being agreeable to help pay for converting males into deluxe eunuchs with frills and chemical modification in addition to the surgery. Yet there is apparently a problem about what to title to use in reference to the former males; certainly they were men and did not become women by the conversion to deluxe eunuchs with some sort of artificial female receiving unit.


One might refer to the former makes as Euns perhaps, or neo-fems yet sir is probably wrong as it is a derivative of sire or feudal lord stud. Eunuchs are not studs, and neither are they genetically female.

Genuine mixed gender people are the innocents in the mess created by those that are mentally confused and seek to convert their gender to upgrade their standard of living. People that really don't have xx or xy chromosomes probably have the right to decide for themselves what they want to be, although of course some of the complication of xyy or whatever would tend to be weighted toward the democracy of letters for a determination objectively.

It would be great if people could spell themselves as easily as they misspell term papers and become what they wrote instantly. It just doesn't seem to be the case that reality is willing to coincide with wishes in some cases.

Can Chinese insouciance in regard to US Gov nagging moderate Biden Admin policy?

 One might wonder if the years of U.S. government nagging about China's interminable violation of human rights would ever be of any meaningful effect since Wall Street investments in China tend to trump U.S. federal hand waving. Chinese unconcern rising to insouciance in the island archipelago it is building up in the South China Sea and stocking with ships and implements for battle can't be taken seriously when the Biden administration cannot even defend the southern U.S. border.

No one wants war of course for everyone is a loser with the excellence in weapons of mass destruction existing these days. I can even imagine a time when some oligarch will send drones to an inhabited planet to terminate the existence of potentially adverse biomass with photon torpedoes or some other unkind of particle beam device.

The Chinese victimize Muslim Uyghurs and Tibetans while trying to annex Taiwan into the eastern version of the evil empire; yet China has a two millennial old tradition of racial and territorial expansion that is difficult to counter without Mongols or some other kind of mechanized cavalry surging down from the high plains or serpents of war rising up from the sea. While great fiction dragons make wonderful stuff for movies practical political actions leading to an increase in democracy and individual human and social rights are more challenging to bring to China especially when the U.S.A. itself is finding new ways to censor free speech at social media sites and concentrate wealth in the  name of globalism.

Given the vast public debt the rich so kindly bestow upon the federal government it is no wonder U.S. government policy to chastise China for human rights violations is about as toothless as old people that fell through the cracks of dentistless Obamacare.


Wrapping up national women's month

 American women and homosexuals assuredly are more aggressive than they were in former times, although listening to the leader of the national Center for Disease Control say that she was frightened and had a sense of doom wasn't exactly inspiring to many. Sure results are more important than posing or superficialities yet a good leader should have qualities of good works and confidence-inspiring leadership.

Some day if the nation survives and is more than just a feminine subordinate employee of global plutocrats and socialist governments women may achieve real equality and dueling may return to legality in an over-populated world where everyone becomes unnecessary except for soteriological purposes. Networking and technology have made ad hoc organized petty crimes and collusion routine essential tools of the affirmative action set in their march to become a true dictatorship of the proletariat allegiant to global corporate. The natural feminine characteristic of gossip and networking socially serves the advance well. February was the month to commemorate George Washington and Abe Lincoln's births now forgotten and people realize that if the nation were being remade Martha Washington would be CEO of a cherry pie corporation and no slaves would be compelled to harvest cherries- just foreign guest workers.


Will Antifa build up an American fascist party to have something real to protest against?

There was an actual historical fascist movement in Europe that fructified in the Nazi war on Europe, yet it never had too much traction in the United States or Mexico especially after the end of the Second World war. Never in my experience as an American more than 65 years has there existed a fascist movement in America of any substance. That is why the anti-fascist movement named Antifa is disorienting; one wonders who or what they really are protesting. One recalls the Field of Dreams expression; 'if you build it they will come'.


Antifa seems to attend any popular left-leaning cause in order to build it up to a more volatile level and piggyback the protest upwardly. They are an accelerant of crisis rather than a catalyst, although as a willing and ready go-to organization for conflict in a mercenary kind of way perhaps they may be in the call-list for any number of people looking to create civil disorder in support of a given cause.

So long as the civil disorders are someplace else, I suppose many people aren't too concerned with the interminable unrest and protest. With the election of 2020 over and decided mostly in favor of Democrats the continuing lunatic extreme activity of Antifa because even more of an enigma. Have they just named themselves Antifa to seem for public relations purposes to have a real opponent they need to fight against in order to promote a leftist-socialist-communist agenda? Do they receive international financial support from foreign intelligence organizations or rich individuals seeking to create strife in the United States?

My one concern is that Antifa in creating an imaginary enemy will draft the creation of a real fascist party in the United States. They seem to make the existence plausible and that plausibility supports normality as a worthy opponent to an organization of ill repute that supports communist-socialist causes.

My late father was a four-year veteran of the Second World war on the anti-fascist side, yet there is no way he in the world that he would have sympathized with Antifa.  He attended college in Salem Oregon. I attended a computer programming school in Portland Ore. I would be uncomfortable in that city if were inclined to go there with its inability to support a civil social environment that is peaceful, ordinarily.

Democrats have encouraged Antifa and other uncivil methods outside the usual political structures in normalizing disorder. Hillary Clinton sought to marginalize Trump supporters and the hatred of Trump and Republicans that voted for him continues to this day.

There are at least three kinds of Republican voters. One is the rich and the would be rich that support Wall Street programs and are globalists. Fundamentally they rule the party and, in many respects, share the same ideas as wealthy Democrats. Antifa protests don't affect those Republicans at all- their policy choices continue and wealth is concentrated.

The second kind of Republican voter is a traditional moral conservative. They are adamantly opposed to liberal Democrat policies such as abortion, homosexual marriage and atheist indoctrination. Those people are not fascist for having morally conservative thought.

Some of that second group overlaps with a third group of people sometimes sharing membership with the first two yet with distinctive, differentiating ideas for-themselves. One shared idea may be anti-social spending, one differentiating idea may be that cluster of ideas that are ill-founded scientifically including no regard for global warming problems or environmental decline, over-population and so forth. The third group also share ideas about national security with the prior two including border sovereignty. The third group is not implicitly fascist either.

A fourth element would comprise fewer than 5% of the Republican party I would guess and does have racist beliefs. They would support extremism yet usually are or were fairly quiet historically. Even with racist beliefs they do not necessarily support a fascist political agenda. Fascists were so marginalized in America before the rise of Antifa that they seem to be trying to create that political agenda themselves.

There was racism and segregation in the American south of course that slowly and methodically ended. By the 1970s blacks comprised as much as 30% of American unions and the integration of the United States was well under way. There wasn’t a Hispanic migration problem. With the radical changes in the post-Vietnam war economics and outsourcing of industry even before the end of the Cold war the political and economic policies of the United States were rapidly changing and as some have noted, splintering.

Union membership declined with the end of quality union jobs outside government unions generally. The peaceful social evolution of the United States racially transformed gradually into agitation with so many restive groups of females and minorities-even homosexuals seeking empowerment through affirmative action and unsatisfied with that, with legislation to make resistance to increasing legal and economic advantages futile. The problem was that real wages for American white men had been arrested at the 1970s level with jobs being outsourced and the influx of illegal migrant workers adding to the general average stagnation of the income of the middle class and poor as the rich simply divided new revenue among all the new workers as well as the old at the same level as formerly went to mostly white men- profits were just concentrated to the rich.

That is why the Antifa organization seems like a cargo cult of politics to me ,with its oars in the water perhaps- heading toward Niagara Falls. Increasing racial conflict tends to terminate the challenge of building non-emotional non racism. Racism develops along economic lines for economic reasons rather than rational ones. Ending racism that isn't legally structured or built in that make require civil disobedience to end requires non-hostile normal trade and commerce relations as people move about the nation and work.



Side by side sleeping configs for President's child captives in El Paso reinforces disease transmission

 President Biden is apparently failing to adequately manage the surge of child captives arrested while illegal infiltrating to the U.S.A. from Mexico. The problem is not simply that his policy encouraged development of the crisis, it also exposes the children to risky airborne viral contact from being packed in too close in captivity.

Children are some of the worst virus vectors in the U.S.A. Schools are incubators for the flu and other diseases that spread like wildfire typically so packing kids in side by side for sleeping on a floor while in captivity is an especially egregious way to prepare to infect all those kids with whatever is going around, on release to 'relatives' in the U.S.A. they will take their viral contagions with them.

I had some experience with sleeping side by side on the floor at a homeless shelter in Anchorage one December a decade ago with several people that experienced frostbite. I caught the flu and then pneumonia that stayed with me for the better part of the next ten years providing residual symptomatic reminders that very, very slowly faded away. It was said that everybody catches something at the over-crowded shelter. Who knows what kind of exotic viruses exist in Central America from whence the kids have travelled; they all share it like rem among themselves in their corral before being sent infected to sites across the U.S.A.

Why the United States is so slow at innovating domestic solutions to problems in a timely way is a mystery to me. Although I don't support illegal migration to the U.S.A. nor providing thousands of teenage girls to the tender mercies of San Diego, developing and implementing competent, compassionate conservative processing of migrants should be a fundamental skill of governance.



Which global ad hoc alliance has its oars in the water?

 China and Iran recently signed a 25 agreement for cooperation with technology and economics. Russia and China have in recent years drawn closer together on economics and other works. Russia and Turkey have developed select military sales and cooperation. The relationships together seem to add up to being an informal international economic and military alliance in basic competition with the United States and whatever other nations are part of the western, N.A.T.O. and G-12 economic alliance.


The eastern alliance (I will call it that for lack of a better term easy to find) is a new world order politically speaking. The western new world order boiled down to being one dedicated to making the world homosexual and bisexually normalized and that in part reinforced the development of the counter-alliance.

The post-war new world order to the west was one of concentrated wealth and power gravitationally attracted to plutocrats reinforced by legions of minions from both major American parties, Europeans and others chasing after corporate jobs. The new world order of the west had accelerating micro-transistor gadgets driving networking, technology and economics. Atheism evolutionary doctrines reinforced the movement of traditional immorality toward the political center, yet extremism is difficult to make a new normal for natural reasons, and the effort unbalanced political sensibilities- a political rift energized in the west

The west’s judgment after-the-fact that winning the cold war meant that greed was o.k. dispensed with trying to build economic ties with Russia while it sanctioned Russian leaders for trying to keep lands that had been part of Russia from 250 to 1000 years part of Russia. Greed and the wish to put down Russian government resistance the homosexual agenda drove Russians to find alliance with China though carefully for China has long presented an implicit military threat of attacking and annexing the vast Siberian lands of the east. Russia, Turkey and Iran all tend towards substantial opposition to the western agenda of homosexuality, middle eastern policies including war while China is seeking to expand its sphere of influence in Africa, Central Asia, the Middle East, Pacific and elsewhere.

The unexpected new ad hic eastern alliance of course reminds one of Orwell’s novel 1984 with its interminable war between vast yet vague planetary states. One of the key differences is that the United States built up China’s economy, along with others, by investing there to produce items sent to the U.S.A. with a great markup to enrich Wall Street. China has become such an important part of the U.S. economy that it is too big to fail and can wield its economic power in forming planetary alliances with those countries the United State’s government policy has left to the tender mercies of international economics, sanctioned or ben at loggerheads with.

The Chinese-Iran 25-year partnerships seems to be a direct response to the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Obama era arms control for cash agreement that gave a pathway to nuclear weapons development fructifying in 25 years. Maladroit U.S. policy that dropped the ball on developing good relations with post-Cold war Russia because of the comparative and short-sided lust for land in Ukraine, the Crimea and to exclude Russia from trade relations in Europe that would compete with American business coupled with the inability to return to good relations with Iran as swiftly as possible supported the rise of the present state of affairs that U.S. leadership isn’t likely to be able to quickly recognized, resolve in its favor or efficiently ignore. A policy of greed works against abstract thought and goals that are intelligent and just, necessary and utilitarian.

U.S. leadership isn’t too likely to reform its foreign or domestic policies enough to well keep the U.S.A. leading rather than following in the future. Concentrated wealth and loose border security, social media owned by the rich allowing free speech primarily only if it reinforces corporate power and an attitude that the U.S.A. does not make foreign policy errors prevails to arrest intelligent design of god policy formation. For some reason Ronald Regan got away with his goal of tearing down the wall and reducing nuclear weapons, yet subsequents have ditched the spirit of that part of Reagan policy except as it was the foundation for an expansion of greed.

A more powerful China and Iran in the Middle East does not mean that the incorrect hermeneutical work of eschatology that has Armageddon and Kittim is gathering strength. The post-millenniaist rather than the pre or amillennialist interpretation is correct; yet that does not preclude wars or planetary suicide through stupid international relations policies.

A more powerful China and Iran present more challenges to the Sunni kingdom and Sunni states from the Shi’a-Chinese Atheist axis that is somewhat ponderous. The U.S.A. is also working to alienate the Saudis presently because it hasn’t got female taxi drivers and its leader apparently order a journalist critic to be lured into the Turkish embassy, killed and hacked down into nice, easy-to-pack pieces. The King, sultan or whatever he is called may be sorry though he is recalcitrant about expressing his sorrow publicly.

Basically, the United States should establish a basic minimum income for its citizen of $10,000, secure its borders and allow zero illegal immigration and begin the graduation towards a 99% ecologically sustainable economic infrastructure and make political priorities that reinforce business with high eco-efficiency. As the world leader at sustainable economic the United States would have an alibi for existing at a higher standard of living than much of the rest of the world; it would help other nations to rise to a high standard of sustainable ecospheric compatible living.

The U.S.A. would need to have polices and laws that limit the size of corporations and the concentration of wealth in order to keep free enterprise and democracy vital. Patents would need to be limited to three years with 10% royalties to inventors after exclusivity expires to accelerate the infusion of technological change into economic actualization.

Corporations limited to 5000 workers would be free to make temporary relationships with other corporations to produce items that need more hands. No citizen could own shares of more than three corporations- economics need be about productivity rather than abstract financial skimming.

The United States should aggressively work to normalize relations with Russia and employ Reagan’s policy of constructive engagement that preceded the end of apartheid.

 To continue the adverse relations with Russia very long while continuing to enrich China and transfer technology to it will further weaken American standing in the world though it is flooded with illegal aliens providing cheap labor for Democrats

. Even if more women and minorities get government jobs at good pay with benefits and godless and immoral corporate policies make entertaining video, though there are select risks of war with the United States military becoming increasingly irrelevant with no one to fight with for political reasons. There is no guarantee that bad policy to destroy the environment will stop. There is no certainty that social security will not stop as one vote majorities decide to end the Roosevelt era program in order to afford to defeat the eastern alliance with 100 trillion dollars of public debt holding them back, or even that the dollar will not collapse because most of the money fled to bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

If the United States had fought the Cold War alone against Russia and China while heavily investing in the Chinese economy it might have fared better and wrapped up the conflict quicker- or is that idea the wrong one?

Hate crimes and race strife will help form the news cycle the next few years as may gun bans in order to buy more time for politicians to focus on concentrating wealth and making America a better airport for globalists while providing good jobs and housing for illegal arrivals; nothing like good distractions to help implement the new world order.



Sweetie's instant evolution accelerator for just five easy payments

 The idea occurred to me of the comedy product named Sweetie's instant evolution accelerator. I can imagine the surfeit of political applications and sales pitches that could arise to help politicians 'evolve' their thought platforms from what they were to something else that is more suitable for increasing proplits.

I will let you imagine some of those for-yourself.

Pre-destination and a level four multiverse

 Predestination is a difficult concept for many of the Christian faith. It implies that God has pre-determined the entire Universe and the role of people in it. Some in the secular have speculated that if the Universe is entirely deterministic no one is accountable for their actions- combined with rampant disbelief in God that is accompanied with a belief in the non-existence of objective moral laws made by the Creator. There is a good explanatory video on the concept of predestination by RC Sproul- a good theology instructor that explains the Christian point of view.

So I wanted to say that predestination seems almost necessary to me since God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. The created Universe is comparable to a thought in the mind of God that he has had from start to finish and foreknows from eternity. In a way one might infer that the perfection of God has thought of everything that ever would be thought from eternity with Himself, for-himself. Others learn what glimpses of data God wills them to experience when that was in his design for whatever purpose He has and when the Holy Spirit and CEO Jesus Christ actualize.

There is a physical account of an entirely pre-determined multiverse. While I believe that every possible Universe that could ever exist in time already exists in the mind of God, the physicist Max Tegmark made a cosmological explanation of the way the Universe and multiverse may exist already actualized- every Universe that could possibly exist does exist already, fully from the beginning and end of its history.

It is funny that evolution is a paradigm that well supports the theological paradigm of pre-destination inasmuch as God foreknows who will evolve to accept salvation through Jesus Christ and who should receive the grace of the Holy Spirit to be led that way; and who would not. Those that evolve to be anti-Christian and faithless souls naturally are unsuitable for eternal life in the presence of God. They evolve with free will and select unbelief for-themselves.

I believe that concept may have originated with the late physicist Hugh Everett. Well, at any rate, Max Tegmark fully elucidated the multiverse and went into more complete description. I will post a video where Tegmark explains his concept of the multiverse. 

Tegmark also wrote a book titled 'The Mathematical Universe' that is still quite a good read though a few years old. At the core he speculates the Universe and multiverse be actually be made of math, and that idea again is fine with me since God is a pretty good mathematician Himself I would think and math exists in mind rather than as physical objects.


The entire multiverse may be actualized from alpha to omega and it is just the minds of sentient beings that move through it switch with every thought to the appropriate location and universe. That sounds terribly complex and improbable perhaps, yet is may be that it actually is. The divine mechanics of God are likely to be more difficult to know for humans than quantum mechanics that are themselves challenging for non-scientists, non-physics majors ordinary folks.

Many people have difficulty juggling the idea of Christian determinism and physical determinism especially with the concept of quantum uncertainty thrown in, juxtaposed like a plank of space dimensions into time. The physical universe of energy, based on math or thought as a healthful pre-existing condition. One should enjoy it rather than wait for the ordinary authorities of education to be clued in to the point of making it doctrine.

If Covid 19 did escape from Wuhna lab, that demonstrates the risks in modern virology and DNA-RNA research

 A former head of the Center for Disease control expressed the opinion that the Covid 19 virus escaped from a Wuhan lab that was researching various bat excrements nuggets for viral research. Regardless of the truth or falsehood of that vector of delivery there should not be antipathy toward the Chinese and American researchers that worked at the lab or the people of China nor that Chinese guy in Los Angeles who sells tacos to the hungry masses yearning for salsa and sweet and sour sauce on their hamburger. The virus should be viewed as a test of the planetary emergency response capacity toward lethal pathogens that may arise in the future given that their is a surfeit of research with new technology going on every continent of your basic Earth.

One day there will probably be instructions describing how to  build your own lethal pathogen distributed widely on the dark web under a special damp rock in a dank sub-basement someplace that will allow the second year biology student to assemble his own designer virus. It is just a matter of time until someone yields to the temptation one would think and a perennial ostrich outlook might not be the best response.


Ending Senate filibuster rule might herald the start of reign by coercion era

 Ending the Senate filibuster rule that requires sixty votes to overcome would enable rule by a majority of one to be the new normal in the legislative branch, at least while the Senate is evenly divided and the VP casts the winning vote. It would start and era of increasing partisan division and end any semblance of concurrence is U.S. governance wherein laws are not really supposed to be made without a majority of the people through their elected representation going along with it. That is there should be something of a consensus in a general opinion about promulgating a new law instead of a slight advantage that can force onerous laws upon half of the nation.

Not surprisingly Senator Biden has expressed support for ending the filibuster rule.


That opinion is wrong and lacks an historical perspective without a sense of keeping the nation together rather than ripping it apart like some kind of gourmet pulled-pork.


Writers should be wary of corporate intel gathering social media sites

 Writers should be careful contributing to corporate social media sites like Quora that may pay a little for contributing content. Corporate has very deep pockets and is networked on Wall Street. Appealing to the masses they can vacuum up content and information and use it to learn about American political sentiments. They can also censor writers and delete content, ban writers and/or content for violating corporate policy which can be interpreted of course many ways. If one is not politically to the left questions at Quora for example can be regarded as hostile or not sincere and evoke warnings and temporary bans.  A writer and question asker can work for hundreds of hours and not receive a penny in compensation and his copyright trail security put at risk. One morning one logs in to discover one is locked out and receives a hate e-mail describing all of the offenses one has committed on the corporate web site. How troubling it is to learn that one’s best writing is ‘vandalism’.

The more questions one asks at Quora the more comments One may get. I replied to at least make an evaluation on every comment and that consumes hours. One is paid (in theory) for asking questions rather than for writing essays and answers. My writing was viewed 11,500 times the last month and was increasing a few hundred each day.

Social media sites that decide to ban a writer usually confiscate unpaid earnings and may continue to profit from the questions and answers a writer has contributed, when the writer is gone. They also are like to dump numerous slanderous and false accusations about the writer in order to intimidate and to justify their extreme adverse action.

Corporations are not individuals, yet the law in some senses regards corporations as individuals; irresponsible ones that don’t need to suffer the consequences of their actions in some ways because they do not actually exist as living beings.  Corporations are collectives and exert tremendous corrupting social effects on the U.S.A. Some reform is wanted to reign in their transformative, non-democratic social governing power. Imagine if Olympic individual events like boxing or judo allowed collectives to compete against real individuals. Big collectives should not be free to smear individuals with a plethora of quasi-legal labels when they decide to kill a writer’s work after first inviting them to participate. The collective then acts as a big international info-terrorist agency calling to mind an old marching lyric; ‘a yellow bird with a yellow bill was sitting on my window sill, I lured it in with crumbs of bread and then I smashed its f’ing head’.

The United States was founded on principles of individual rights and freedoms rather than corporate or collective rights masquerading as individuals. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is the justice most heavily invested in Wall Street collectives and casting vote for homosexual marriage- a corporate collectivist policy. Corporations are ending the era of America as a nation of strong individualism and rendering it unto global fascist collectivist entities. Corporations and corporate wealth buy and sell other ‘individuals’ (corporations) as it suits their purposes of acquiring wealth, political and financial power; they own the broadcast media and annihilate the value of U.S. citizenship with a surfeit of trans-national ‘business’. Corporations, unlike individuals, can be everywhere on Earth at the same time with a foot upon every continent and nation.

It would be very easy to write an algorithm that would enable a writer to know which content is not liked by the corporation and to put it on a list for corrections or removal, rather than to keep things hidden until the writer is suspended temporarily two or three times and then nuked. Social media sites soliciting writers to ‘partner’ as in the case at Quora and to share earnings may be taking the first step out the door to being banned- it is a god route to take to remove writers that would not otherwise be banned simply for writing essays from a right-of-center point of view (the social media sites tend to have a leftist-corporatist point of view and view criticism of corporation concentrating wealth very dimly. There can be no excuse for failing to write a proper algorithm that can sort, classify, hold, release and otherwise process individual questions and answers in a way that is fair and that prevents the need or opportunity for the corporate controller to suddenly detonate a writer’s work and ban him form the website. It is just the will of corporate to make demiurge, little gods of power of themselves working to rule the free publishing and politics of the people of the United States and planet.

I graduated from a computer programming and systems analysis course in 1981 so I know that it isn’t too difficult to write computer algorithms and sort materials posted into neat little files that would let a writer know what is troublesome to the corporate publisher and what isn’t. It takes a crude and crass will to power and control to attack and force through bans with justifications in the fine print and applied hermeneutics of the atheist priesthood of corporate policy dogma. They expect writers to be witless idiot minions that are as bland as Adolph Eichmann writing banal questions and bureaucratic, authoritative replies. I read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s book ‘The Cancer Ward’ and it had a prologue transcript of his interview by the local Soviet censorship board. It is worth reading. The United States is evolving to be that kind of society spliced into the pig-dog of corporatism and The Brave New World. The most promotable are those amoral youth that regard use-truth as more truthful that objective facts in the belief that al truth and meaning is subjective.

Deep pockets and vast interconnected wealth mean that corporate media can be nothing more than shills for the rich so they can get any worthwhile thoughts from anyone so far as possible. It can mean that they can have a political check so basic as to know what sort of actions might be useful for manipulating stories and spinning political news to their own ends. In time politics in the United States outside of corporate control may simply perish and the will to power of corporate wealth will be complete.

Corporate power to censor or control and even repress individual writers has no limits these days. In several respects the United States has taken on some of the characteristics of the communist party of the former Soviet Union with the rich in the role of the elite of the C.P.U. They desired a one-party state and in the United States the corporate party is fulfilling that goal of dictatorship over the proletariat.

One of the useful tools of the U.S.A. as a reincarnation of the essence of the F.S.U. is Darwinian evolution ideology that has made it excusable to have purely secular morality and the downgrading and ridicule in some cases of people of faith in God. Science can provide information about the material universe, and humans may misinterpret the paradigmatic axis of the book of Genesis, yet all may fail to be able to comprehend that the Bible is the actual truth and is not in conflict with the natural order of the creation. Humans misunderstand cosmology and hermeneutics while pastors may have wrong creation and eschatological ideas to balance the anti-faith ideas pervasive with some in the community of physicists. Corporations and their minions can actually instill a spirit in exerting repressive evolutionary actions and controls to force humanity to accept their atheist world-view. The great benefit for the rich is that they can concentrate wealth and believe they are improving the social life of humanity by forcing secular worldview morality and social structure everyplace on Earth.

Homosexual ‘marriages’ are one of the most obvious evolution paradigm establishments forced recently upon the people of the United States by the Supreme Court of the United States. It is interesting that German theologians have criticized the Pope for failing to give blessings to homosexual marriages. For implementation of the new world order of homosexual and bi-sexual social hegemony and usurpation of existing family structures it is useful to have sympathizers rise to occupy social positions of authority including those of the church, and to downgrade traditionalists. With sympathetic authorities even the church can have its morality corrupted and secularized, much less the judiciary and other political offices. If the laity or the masses protest, they can be told to eat it for they are not expert and haven’t the graduate degrees and expertise that insiders with authoritative opinions have, in some cases because they couldn’t afford to do so.



Noah (Quora)

Mar 23, 2021, 11:29 AM PDT

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Noah (Quora)

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German Catholic Theologians may be too homo to accept the Popes statement rejecting blessing of homo marriage

 Catholic theologians of Germans are restive and critical about the Pope's decision to reject blessing homosexual marriage. That shows how far the Catholic Church has fallen from its glory days during the middle ages before it chose to fight with Protestant reformers like Martin Luther. Germany has had religious issues for a very long time.

The Bible is plain in condemning homosexuality and homosexual marriages and any theologian worth his salt has no trouble in seeing that. However a secularized Germany that is drowned in Darwinist evolution and technology with a long tradition of a state church- even to this day, may present a tough nut for the Catholic Church to find men willing to serve; hence they may attract more than their share of homosexuals to the priesthood that would like to be able to marry themselves to one another for fun and games while taking a break from the tough chores of theological contemplations.




German Catholic theologians are not alone in wishing to make a farce of the Catholic and Christian Church; Episcopalians have also selected the road to hell and offer support to Germans wishing to go on the broad road leading to destruction.

For traditional Christians with moderate beliefs the ongoing destruction of Christian values to confirm the church to secularized evolutionary values is concerning. In a social environment that has experience a loss of faith due to the rise of Darwinian natural philosophy the transformation or evolution of the Church to a non-spiritual and even anti-Christian reformation is a logical development. The church does have a secular, worldly city to inhabit while the heavenly city is a distant hope that is increasingly dim to the worldly.

With the ongoing loss of faith and development unto doom the Pope may need to look ahead to the future degradation of the Church as it moves toward pure ritualized secularism and ask himself if that is what he really wants. Perhaps it is time for him to consider a deep reformation of the Church so far that it reunites with conservative protestant churches in a priesthood of believers format- a new auxiliary church as it were, that allows full participation of confessing Christian in basic and timeless Christian values with priestly roles shared in small groups along structured liturgical lines that are rotated from week to week.


A Christian church in a modern and skeptical post-Darwinian world with universal literacy, democracy and a measure of egalitarianism should be realistic about supporting a church for people of actual faith that are participating because they believe and want to without concern for establishing a personal ecclesiastical career. That church for a priesthood of believers- every Christian is a priest Martin Luther wrote; should provide spiritual and secular reinforcement for the Christian life of people of faith. It shouldn't be that difficult.

Here is a free book with some commentary concerning the secularized post-Darwinian challenge to the Church and apologetics.


It wasn't every necessary for the great division between those that regard marriage as strictly heterosexual and those that believe it isn't. If the homosexual crowd hadn't desired social hegemony they could have pressed for the establishment of a new institution for homosexual couples or triples etc. and left marriage alone. They instead chose the way of social domination to force the world to conform to their new world order. They set the footing for protracted social conflict, and that didn't do anyone any good.


Ideas for an Honest Voting Technology

 Besides paper votes and hanging chads the United States in its vast number of voting districts in different states has had some inconsistencies in getting honest vote tallies that leave out issues of ambiguity concerning the veracity of the vote. What can be done to realistically restore the vote to reliability.

In the modern era some sort of electronic and analogue vote technology probably will continue to be used. To assure that each voter is the true legally registered voter a face i.d. that can be electronically verified with a voter endorsement would need to go ahead. Once Real ID is everywhere in the 50 states automatic registration of voters of age to vote should go ahead so a voter can vote without any other registration required.

When going in to vote the ID would be inserted in a machine that would issue a voters number that would go print on the eballot. The voter would get a receipt with his or her voter number on it to keep and check out on the internet at a web site listing every voter number that cast a vote. 

It would be hard to cast a fake vote, or to throw out a vote, misunderstand a vote or for any voter not to be able to vote..

Republicans should have to worry about fake votes and Democrats shouldn't have trouble getting registered voters  to to make it to vote.

Banned from Quora- another Democrat centered web site

"Quora Moderation banned you from Quora.

Quora Moderation banned you from Quora for this reason:

Your account has been banned because it has been linked to multiple violations of Quora's policies and guidelines. To learn more about our policies and guidelines, please visit: https://help.quora.com/hc/en/sections/360000092866"

I was banned from another site- Helium.com (that no longer exists) during the Obama administration though I was peer-rated in the top 5% of writers there. This ban is a kind of deja vous.

When I was banned from Quora recently I was allowed to appeal the decision, so I did and wrote... 

 "I am rather unhappy about being banned from Quora since I wrote nothing besides reasonable questions and answers. it seems like every time I begin earning money at one of these Boston-based internet sites I get banned. At the least stopping the partners program would have sufficed for you to keep the money. Since I wrote quite a few quality articles I wonder if they will be deleted or if Quora will continue to use them and exploit me as a writer to profit from the very quality answers. 

 Quora and other Boston-based leftist websites should not spring bans on writers like traps. It would be very simple to have some sort of an accurate scale that shows progress toward being banned in order to allow a writer to know how close he is and to copy his posts before he has no access to them."

I discovered that Quora actually is based in Mountain View California

Noah (Quora)

Mar 23, 2021, 11:29 AM PDT

Hi Gary,

Thank you for writing regarding the ban on your account.

Quora believes that all members of the community should make an effort to contribute helpful content to the community and, ultimately, make the site a better resource for all.

The following are some of the reasons for which we will ban an account:

- They vandalize content on the site that is editable by everyone, including questions (https://www.quora.com/What-is-Quoras-policy-on-vandalizing-questions) and answer summaries.
- They engage in one or more actions that violate the Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (https://www.quora.com/What-are-Quoras-two-key-policy-principles). These actions may relate to questions, answers, or comments.
- They post a significant number of questions (https://www.quora.com/What-kind-of-questions-on-Quora-arent-OK-What-is-Quoras-policy-on-question-deletion), answers (https://www.quora.com/Why-are-answers-and-reviews-on-Quora-collapsed), and/or comments that aren't helpful.
- They repeatedly violate Quora policies (https://www.quora.com/What-are-major-policies-and-guidelines-on-Quora) and/or do not change their behavior after receiving a content warning.
- The account is linked to suspicious and/or malicious activity.

After reviewing your activity on Quora, we can confirm that your account was banned due to being linked to suspicious and/or malicious activity​.

Unfortunately, the ban on your account will not be overturned. This decision is final, and you will no longer be able to use Quora.

If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.


User Support

my reply...

Garrison Clifford Gibson

8:55 AM (3 minutes ago)
to Quora
Suspicious and malicious activity is quite a load of insulting, defamatory schlop. I will leave off with that. You should examine your own hateful and very biased toward the Democrat party activity before throwing stones at others doing their very best, abd contributing their best material.

You did not answer my question about the very good articles I have posted the past several months; do you plan to exploit those for continuing profit and confiscate my earnings from the partner program too?

It would be helpful to have specific instances of what you regard as policy violations with specific material as soon as they occur so one may learn what it is that Quora hates and wants to repress. It would also be helpful to have a measure of how close to being banned one is before one is actually banned for it strikes out of the blue like a hateful bolt of lightening striking dead the account that a writer has worked so diligently on for several months.

Could Bruce Jenner have won the 1980 Olympic decathlon as a trans-woman?

 Mississippi making it illegal for trans-women to compete in female sports events raises an interesting questions about the sportingness of trans-woman taking over female sports. Is there a substantial degradation of physical abilities in cutting down from male to female as in the case of the 1976 Olympic decathlon winner for men Bruce Jenner.

If Bruce Jenner had surgically and chemically transformed himself to a neo-female just after the 1976 Olympics  he have won the 1980 Olympic decathlon as a woman competing in female events?


What about other great athletes; could Wilt Chamberlain have played in the female N.B.A. if trans-womanized, and would he-she have been any good?



Do Republicans have a good female candidate for President in 2024?

 If the Republican party really wanted to win the next Presidential election they need to run a woman candidate. Plainly Joe Biden was elected on the skirt-tails of the female Kamala Harris. Tokenism is everything these days, so Republicans may be looking north to Lisa Murkowski to bail them out of the mess.

Serious debate about Ms. Murkowski being a malaprop or malapropos candidate- or even the French malaprop meaning 'messy' could arise. Nothing worse in America than messiness- one need have diligent scrubbers deploying Mr. Clean around the clock. Maybe there are better Republican females that would let Republican candidates ride the skirt-tails to retake the legislative branch, yet they need to get hot on finding one with a new and improved compassionate conservativism.

U.S. nationalism is the key-word to the middle and lower class Republicans concerned with jobs and morality being outsourced, chewed over and regurgitated back to them via Wal-mart and a plethora of management and CEO Values with godless Chinese communist atheism, abortion and everything besides homosexual marriage that seems to be a British import.

Americans apparently vote for skin, gender, jobs and pro or anti-perversion; a candidate that can check off three of four boxes generally should win. A Republican female concerned about morality, jobs and compassionate health care and basic income- even making environmentally positive noises- should be a shoe in to trounce old Joe in 2024.


What was Antifa and was it bad?

 Who comprises the radical organization Antifa is difficult to know; they often wore hoods to conceal their identity in some of their numerous protests. They reminded me a little of Adolph Hitler’s formerly socialist street thugs (80%) the Sturmabteilung aka S.A. who got things done politically and on the streets. Antifa seems to have some kind of orientation with the Republican elements of the Spanish civil war who opposed Franco and his fascists.


Antifa seems to attract leftists that haven’t recognition of the modern trend toward, or within corporatism- another fascist invention of the Dictator Mussolini used by Hitler to make the German economy work. Hence Antifah opposes nationalism and especially seems to hate traditional moral norms such as held by most of the American military that served in the Second World War to defeat German fascists and Japanese imperialists.

Antifa used violence to obstruct legal marches of right-leaning groups and may have organized the upgrading of black lives matter demonstrations to riots and looting- one cannot know too well. They seem to have inherited some of the S.D.S. ethos yet stop short of being Weathermen who perpetrated bombings in support of the anti-Vietnam war movement.

What is of concern about Antifa is that they were part of a virtual intifada put on by Democrats when a Republican President is in office if at all possible. Some Democrats seem unwilling to accept election results and go on about civil affairs; instead deciding not to play in the game unless they are in office- and that seems to be a move toward traditional communist one-party rule.

What is of concern about Antifa is that they were part of a virtual intifada put on by Democrats when a Republican President is in office if at all possible. Some Democrats seem unwilling to accept election results and go on about civil affairs; instead deciding not to play in the game unless they are in office- and that seems to be a move toward traditional communist one-party rule. Protracted civil disorder especially during a pandemic isn’t helpful to many economic and other social interests of ordinary people.

The freedom to write

 The freedom to write and publish is a necessary element of the genus freedom. Freedom occurs within restricted parameters that support being and continuum. If God had not set parameters for the physics of the Universe to actualize in, with fewer or more dimensions, life would not be possible as Paul Ehrenfest observed. If a nation does not have stability and continuity, research and writing may be precluded by chaos.

Obviously one could be forced to write for the communist party in order to avoid imprisonment and that writer could not be said to be free. Freedom to write that is actually free implicitly requires freedom from coercion to write what is not one’s opinion.


Why China isn't a democracy

 As I understand it, China has a one-party system and is intolerant of political pluralism and diversity of political opinions. China represses free speech, free assembly and so forth that are regarded as essential for democracy.

The Chinese communist party began as a militant, revolutionary party. Perhaps there aren’t ideal conditions for the start of democracy. The United States had a minority of philosophically minded colonists that had a financial incentive to revolt against royalty and the like that had legal class supremacy. China had a troubled start to the 20th century with revolt against royalty, civil war and a battle against Japanese invasion. The military leadership of the C.P.C. emerged victorious on the mainland and continued on to civilian leadership.

Communist theory from Marx and Lenin and on to Mao I suppose is about the dictatorship of the proletariat and one-party rule and that isn’t an ideal environment for political pluralism. The F.S.U. allowed political pluralism to develop in Russia yet it is obviously challenging for a developing political ruling class in a reforming nation to allow strong opposition parties to develop that might purge the former insiders if they were to take power. Evidently the development of Democracy in non-frontier or wilderness environments is a little more, or a lot more difficult to bring into effect.

Wealth of course does tend to trump political balances and China in letting a mixed capitalist-socialist political economy to develop may be able to disregard traditional approaches to creating or allowing one’s own political opposition or replacement class of foreign proletarian migrants that would in dynamic opposition create the tension of multi-party democracy and satisfy the masses with unsustainable, temporary prosperity (the entire world has natural resource and demographic sustainability issues).

Shrinking of time and space- not Earth, socially speaking

Generally that statement referred to the proliferation of technology that has shrunk travel times several orders of magnitude. It is a social reference rather than one of cosmology. Someone wrote an essay on the topic comparing traditional cultures to modern ones in the 1960s if I member correctly. They noted that a Russian villager circa 1800 might never travel farther than 30 miles from their home in their lifetime on foot. That was contrasted with the average modern American who travels hundreds of thousands or millions of miles.

Of course one can purchase an around the world plane ticket for a couple of weeks salary these days, and Europe is just a few hours away by air for any citizen with a passport. Distance has shrank so much that it tends to spoil modern perspectives of things. I have rode a bike every mile between Alaska and South Florida and border to border and seen cars whizzing past crossing the nation in what- a couple of days where it took me quite a bit more time.

Star Trek faster than light across the Universe is the paradigm many moderns are thinking about and looking for as they trample the ecosphere of the Earth as it is just a platform for their machines transporting their persons; they have a certain misunderstanding about where the world is located apparently and don’t value the God-given nature and qualities of the planetary environment well enough to care for it as well as good gardeners conserve that mansion’s appearance in Beverly Hills.

What Jefferson meant by; 'tyranny prevails when good men do nothing'

 He could have been referring to citizens failing to read philosophy or failing to be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. When the tyranny of worldliness and pure materialize dominated over spirit people can become enslaved to principles of evil over spirit. With the degradation of spiritual values and lack of faith a long dark eternity under ungodly imperial authority glimmers like hope of more wealth at the end of the tunnel- and it might be the fires of hell they perceive dimply.

W. Shakespeare of course mentioned much ado about nothing, and what valuable lessons one can learn from that I am not certain of. One should not make nothing of it of course. Sartre published his title ‘Being and Nothingness’ and illustrated a little of what nothingness is- fundamentally an absence I believe it was.

Of course Jefferson might have believed citizens or people should be proactive rather than complacent and satisfied with their position in life, or alternatively he may have felt that anything besides his political preferences are as good as nothing, or doing nothing useful. If he was just finding an oblique way of saying that everyone should revolt or the tyrant King George III prevails every time- maybe he was correct. Globalism is assuredly encroaching upon the U.S.A. with reverse colonization driving Americans toward being corporate lackeys without anything good to say about strong nationalism that defends boundaries, properties of rights and equal protection of the laws.

Maybe Jefferson could foresee that Amazon, Facebook and Apple would have dominant social media influence or that wealth would be too concentrated and Wall Street and the Dow would soar over 34000. I am not certain


Social change vs continuity

 The United States is and has been experiencing continuous change. Socially and demographically the present U.S.A. isn’t much like it was even twenty years ago. The question today might be more a matter of how to keep what is good about the nation intact.

The problems of political wisdom and philosophy of governance that a modern, large nation like the U.S. experiences are compounded with the rapid growth of knowledge as well as population, technology and cultural profusion of globalism within what was formerly a more unified populace. Politicians are just individuals and an individual's personal knowledge is limited. Limited personal knowledge in a complex society limits the potential for innovation and change. Because the social and infrastructure constructs that already are present are easier to understand and operate than the challenge of inventing new infrastructures that are definitely possible with if the knowledge of all the people of the nation were combined into one mind, and because the horizon of understanding everything that exists already in human knowledge is beyond personal understanding of any individual, fundamental technical progress or change outside the existing paradigms is improbable.

Some changes are good, some bad and some ugly; constant and reliable elements that allow social stability and continuity are equally as necessary as change.

Arnold Toynbee noted that one of the reasons civilizations fail is that they cannot change their basic infrastructure; once a civilization (or nation in the case of the U.S.A. is built up and established it, vested interests and culture grow around it that resist newer ways. Toynbee used the ancient Greek city-states as an example; they could not federate in the way Roman did and failed to the new power that conquered them.


Comparing Donald Trump with the fascist paradigm

Donald Trump was an independent-spirited business and media celebrity elected by popular vote who accomplished much of what he set out to do. He ran and was elected as a Republican on a neo-populist platform. President Trump’s policies were implemented through legal means and weren’t at all fascist. His inability to manage the Covid crisis better was consistent with his inability to conserve the ecosphere as each interfered with his concept of political economy and the good of the people. Donald Trump didn’t have the best ideas from my point of view and created a lack of confidence even for some of his 2016 supporters that he could manage the crisis or save Alaska from the worst sort of environmental plundering. He was hated by the left who attacked him throughout his administration in every way they legally could.

Fascism is unpopular in Europe by many because of the war and great loss of life it made, yet it did arise in Germany through the National Socialist party with Adolph Hitler as the leader sent by the Wehrmacht to take it over with his charisma. The Storm Troopers were about 80% former socialists to start with and they may have believed that Hitler would lead Germany to become a socialist Utopia. The business model of corporatism invented by Mussolini that was actualized in part before the war with the Keynesian deficit spending, autobahn construction and military spending was a key part of the fascist phenomenon.

It is easy to conflate political items especially with pejorative motivations for partisan propaganda or advantage objectives in regard to Mr. Trump, fascism and socialism. Fascism can arise with charismatic leaders from the left or right, as can imperialism. Caesar was a populist who established imperialism upon the Roman Republic that had created the eponymous fascism simply in reference to the sticks or faces that were brought out at the head of a parade in times of war when a war leader was made dictator for a year. Hitler was a charismatic populist, nationalist war veteran who believed Germany could have won the first war and were beaten by the armistice and (in Hitler's opinion) 'treacherous' Jews and others that had a revolution to remove the German aristocracy and Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Jewish Zionists of course were active in Europe then trying to find a place to establish a homeland since they had been purged from nations in Eurasia periodically for about 1800 years. Germans had experienced a revolution and Germans had helped put Lenin in power in Russia with Russia and the Soviet Union them becoming a large eastern threat. Bolshevik leadership had a large Jewish component such as Leon Bronstein aka Trotsky.

European history was complex, convoluted, unstable and troubled- there were other issues such as the rise of modern technology that made the masses dissatisfied with the concentration of wealth and royalty generally. The United States isn’t like that at all- it does have internal proletariats yet it arose without much of the baggage that afflicted Europe.


European socialists had theoretical support form Karl Marx of course and the revolutions against royalty in separate nations might have made the international as well as national politics more complex. Socialists were trans-national and people could largely identify as socialists, bourgeois, petty bourgeois or aristocratically oriented. The United States isn’t like that. Antifah and others that acerbically regard Mr. Trump as a fascist are in a European paradigm that does not relate much to American history.

The contemporary cancel culture from my point of view is part of a process of formerly unempowered political elements flexing their political muscles. They tend to hate successful, chauvinistic businessmen and politicians. It is very dangerous for any Democrat male politician that might be a potential presidential candidate these days- they tend to be taken down in some way or other. They hate Donald Trump with a passion.

Donald Trump hasn’t the speaking charisma of Hitler or Barrack Obama and tends to be a little caustic sounding like a bad, condescending raven sometimes. Yet he does at least nominally represent the interests of American citizens first, rather than the international or whatever the we are the worlders are called. The core of the United States from the 1950s and 60’s economy were real people too as was their legacy under such withering attack these days.

Donald Trump is a flawed individual and there are racists that support him though they are not the majority of the Republican party or of people that voted for him in 2020.

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...