
Cosmology and the Realm of Forms

I have developed a synthetic exposition of Platonic thought with a Christian context and published that recently in a book titled 'The Universal Widget - In the Realm of Forms'.

http://www.lulu.com/shop/garrison-clifford-gibson/a-universal-widget-in-the-realm-of-forms/ebook/product-21268508.html]lulu.com/shop/garrison-clifford-gibson/ ... 68508.html

The method is science fiction with a philosopher of Mars named Patrick Voevoda commissioned to locate a missing Universal widget from the Higgs-Masonic lodge of the enigmatic planet Temprova. That investigation leads to a description of the Universal widget, the Universal form and the realm of forms.

As a believer in God it is simpler to consider the logic of the necessity of being and the attributes of God than it would for one with a bias of unbelief. From my point of view being is eternal and nothingness is an aspect of the temporal evolution of being necessary for the field's percepts of sentient life to be experienced.

Contemporary cosmology and philosophy tend to view Platonism with a rear view mirror and as a quaint artifact of the past evolution of philosophical formalism. Even neo-Platonism is described at some on-line sites as an anachronism of Byzantine Empire. Much of that is a consequence of the rise of scientific materialism and its efforts for rigid technical accuracy and dismissal of error. Scientific method is myopic on non-technical topics not uncommonly. Lawyers as politicians may bring excellent argumentation skills even to mathematics or economic theory yet beyond the narrower range of legal disputes they may have no implicit capacity for accuracy or expertise. Scientist may have a similar fallacy of belief that expertise in their field brings them to be less than ignorant far afield. Quine at least helped brake down that mistake with his 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism' yet one might wonder if that is considered in 'The Age of Fracture' where existentialism has become something of a business ethical criterion along with the political (do your own thing).

 I have tried to bring the topic of the core of the ideas of Socrates via Plato on metaphysics into modern terms. It seems that there are Universal forms in quantum mechanics. All of the standard model quanta seem to have standard forms as Higgs field downloads into the steady state. It may be that there are Universal forms of quantum fields, and some cosmologists have tried I think to make standard forms of Universes of a multiverse. 

God logically is eternal. I won't venture far into describing the logic of eternal being here. Temporality and Universes as evolving temporal manifestations of an eternal being may in some way simply be relativistic macro-scale subjective phenomenalities of God being. For-himself there may be an infinite matrix of being of existing things perceptible or known for-himself and for subjective monads of however many dimensions as he wills. Given the complexity of human neurology and thought-there are more potential though connections in a human brain than number of star in the 135 billion galaxies of the observable Universe- it is easy to imagine that the sophistication of thought structures of the eternal God surpass that infinitely. Forms spoken into being are a marvel.

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