
Oligarchy Rent-Collecting From Youth Through Obamacare

Obamacare allowed the oligarchy to start rent collecting from American youth that had been getting away without making monthly transfer payments to global insurance corporations. Those dark areas of non-rent collecting are being phased out everywhere through the totalization of corporatism and networks.

I realized that athletes and thugs are kind of like Mongolian idiots with Universal characteristics that adapt well to any sort of political or economic structure. Some athletes are intellectuals too of course, yet few intellectuals actually work in the broadcast media-they would need to be enslaved minions without actual free speech for that with the present FCC regulatory allocation of airwaves to the rich and government primarily. Movement toward a mass social mutt hierarchy of athletes, thugs and the bureaucratically corrupt is actually satisfactory to many I suppose as the people occupy natural roles. It's not a respect-for-individuals paradigm.

One of the major deficiencies of Marxism was it's failure to recognize intellectual capital. The means of production and manufacturing were regarded something like natural resources that could be redistributed without the contribution of intellectual thought being too problematic as non-intellectuals took over the design and development of operations phases. That seemed evident in the Soviet Union's laggard development of its manufacturing sector regarding technological advance.

Intellectual liberty to invent and profit from inventions are necessary for real progress to happen. Free and intelligent though aren't natural resources that can be traded, owned by others and enslaved without trashing the overall evolution of design through intention and will.

Obamacare seems to be an implentation of enslaving insurers as if they were a natural resource. If it isn't profitable the insurance corporations will evolve out or transition into other corporate forms. Ossifying health insurers is an implicit contradiction of capitalism as a free enterprise.

There are many contradictions in social development today. Political theory has been set aside in favor of broadcast media real power propaganda politik. John Maynard Keyne's economic ideas of stimulating with government short-term defiicit spending was first put into practice by Adolph Hitler-and over-used requiring war to pay for the new shovel ready jobs of building autobahns and so forth. Of course Hitler wanted revenge for the loss of real estate in the first world war and the veterans sought another go anyway.

Ronald Reagan used Keynsean economic policy to help end the cold war and stimulate the U.S. economy with a defense build up constructing a 500 ship navy and so forth, yet the deregulation developing to maximum after the end of the cold war added to vast tax cuts and deficit spending continued till the present when a U.S. public debt of at least 19 trillion dollars should appear before President Obama sails into the sunset. The national political leaders still haven't got a grasp on macro-economic policy or what is needed to preserve the nation and American opportunity.

We are told by the media though that American immigration in recent times still brings new blood and ideas to make economic development happen here. Thanks goodness for that we are supposed to think. Three hundred million Americans must be so stupid that they couldn't possibly help themselves to a balanced budget, full employment, free health care for the poor, a good ecosphere without lots of new people.

If the United States is a nation that converts intelligent immigrants into dullards over time that need new vistas from some other nation, we wonder why, or maybe not-that might be tiresome philosophical activity straining our time allocation set for watching football.

There is a bright spot on the horizon though. China as a nation of increasing wealth may be allowed to sell health insurance to Americans after the regulations not allowing that are eventually lifted. There is so much socialism at work in government today. Airports are federally subsidized socialist infrastructures designed to profit a few corporate airlines as are ports and the Eisenhower instate structure. No where are private transportation companies required to build their own highways to drive on, airports to land upon or docks to tie up at-and pro football stadiums often are built by taxpayer dollars. At least everything is going smoothly to evolve the corporatist utopia needed for the traditional powerful Stalins of the worlds of business and government that merge into the brave new world of control. The union of a Reich and of the commune seem to be the dream of left and right these days in a godless, atheist evil empire of Y'Earth.

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